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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Teri replied by picking up a rock and throwing it in the voices' general directions. The grass started to disintegrate as her emotions went out of control, leaving behind a slowly growing wasteland of ash and death as she stewed in her self despair and confusion.
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The rock jumped off the ground and hit his leg. He had a direction that the rock came from. "You know it's not nice to throw stuff." He said turning to face the person who throw the rock. He couldn't see her, but he could feel the air around him start getting warmer. "You know they say that you shouldn't keep thing bottled up..."
Solace heard a few voices, low and whispery. From his distance and Apple's the atmosphere was warmer than usual.

"Wasn't it windy back there?" Apple whispered, staying behind Solace as they cautiously moved forward. He heard a rock hitting something and bouncing off onto the ground. Hmm. Not a Grimm.

Solace let himself loosen up a bit and neared the voice(s).

"What're you doing? Is it a Grimm? A Faunus?" Apple asked, prodding his back.

Solace raised his palm to quiet her and she childishly sighed.

"Let's see who we're dealing with, first of all." He said quietly, spectating a man and someone else, who he couldn't clearly see..
"Well what do you know about bottled up emotions!" She said angrily. Her power flared wildly as the ground underneath the boy got disintegrated.
He heard some shuffling in the bushes. He put his hand on one of the blades on his back. "I was angry once... I lost a very dear friend... and I wasn't there to try and save him." He did a combat roll towards her, and took the blade out and threw it at the bush that was rustling.
"So what else is new." She replied sarcastically. She grabbed Saving Light. "Now get out of here!" She said angrily as her power spiked even more and slowly started to disintegrate the boy's clothes.
"No." Was all he said. His clothes were starting to disintegrate. " I won't leave... so if you wanna burn my clothes... go ahead...If you wanna fight me... go ahead, I won't fight back... But I am not going to leave, when I know there is something I can do."
Solace's eyes blinked, unamused. The sword that the male threw at their direction was deflected by Apple's shot of Temptation. Was this some sort of drama scene? If it is, then they should be on their way.

Solace started to turn on his heel but Apple stopped him, a stern look on her face.

"Sol, we have to go that way remember? I'm sure they'll let us through"

"If we're interrupting their play, I rather not. There's different routes to take"

"We can ask them if they've seen the Grimm."

Solace tapped his chin and considered that option. He didn't want to interfere just yet, not until the squabbling duo were on equal ground.
"Your not alone." He said before walking over to the tree. "Come down here... I don't bite, much... And that I don't mind listening to you." He said before putting up his hand.
Ben got the message from both parties, his face turning stern when he saw Kaze was one of the senders. Quickly reading it, he wasn't too ecstatic about leaving so suddenly, but he had to.

Picking up on her friends uncomfortableness, Trinity opened up their link. "You okay?"

"Phoenix fleet. Got to go now."

"Any ideas on an excuse?"

"Yeah. Follow my lead."

"You do know I can directly understand your thoughts? And this is much faster than verbal communication?"
Trinity thought with frustration.

Before she could act, Ben had started his plan. "Sorry to let you guys know, but I only hopped over to see Trinity. I wanna go see what she has made out of our childhood work." He said with a grin.

"Yeah. I guess we could go now. You'll be surprised what I accomplished without you." Trinity said as she finished her bowl. "I guess we could go now if that is cool with your teammates."
Enrique put his arm arounds her. He was taller then her, so his arms were around her head. He ran one of his hands through her hair. "Shhhhhh." He said trying to calm her down. "It's ok....Take all the time you need... I don't have anywhere I need to be anytime soon..." He ran his other hand along her back. He put his chin upon her head.
"They're talking about drama, Apple, there's nothing here we can-"

"Shh, it might be a opportunity to get some gossip!"

"You just want...nonsensical chatter?"

Apple nudged him considerably, nearly making Solace fall on his side. From their small hiding spot, they could hear snippets of their conversation. Solace sighed. This was a waste of time, there was nothing here to make use of. As he thought of this, he stood up and walked into the clearing. They mean't no harm, so they wouldn't attack them, right?

Apple's eyes were focused on the two strange figures until she saw Solace move out of their spot. Grabbing Temptation, she whispered angrily to Solace as she tried to hide herself by using his body as a cover. It wasn't working.

"Y-you ruined our cover!"

"It doesn't matter. I'm sure Lincolm and Ophelia has already got their hands dirty while we were just sitting around, listening to a drama play."
Enrique's grip lightened up a little when this man walked out. He didn't have a weapon so he didn't pull his. But when the girl walked out with a weapon he turned so that way he was covering Teri. "Put that down or away, and get the dust out of here!" He stated before grabbing one of his scimitars, and pointed in at her.
Solace glanced at the male that had unsheathed a weapon and was pointing it at them. Apple followed his stare and frowned at the male.

"Rude of you to point a blade in a direction of a woman." Apple snapped, putting Temptation over her shoulder. They weren't pointing any sharp things at them, so why did he react like that?

The Scorpion Faunus stopped walking and Apple bumped into his back.

"We mean no harm-" Solace started lazily. He lost count on how many times he had to say that sentence, "We're only here for a question. Not to harm your...strange female."

Apple's frown was still on her lips as she waited for the man to respond. So rude.
Enrique slowly lowered his weapon. He didn't put it away. He dug it into the ground a little. Enrique turned to face Teri."I'm sorry Teri. Let me answer these idiots Questions... Then I will get back to you. I promise." He whispered to Teri. He turned back to the two people. "First she isn't strange, she is fascinating... Now what are your questions?"

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Solace felt a smile tug at the corner of his lips. Was this a sign of affection between the two? Who knows, he wasn't one for the romantic antics.

"Have you seen a specific Grimm, a serpent?" Solace asked, his foot tapping unconsciously on the ground.

Apple rolled her eyes at them. The girl was fascinating indeed, but not it a way that she would say so. More like an abomination.
"You mean a king taijitu?" He said putting his hands on the blade. He was being a little pre cautious. There was a light wind coming from the south. He could hear a little bit of some howling.
"Yes, a King Taijitu" Solace repeated bitterly. He saw him subconsciously place his hands on his blade. Does the male sense hostility? Who knows? He surely didn't.

Apple tapped his shoulder, "There's a shift on the wind." She whispered, her eyes turning concerned.

Solace rolled his shoulders, signalling Apple that it wasn't the time.

"So, have you seen one around here?"
The air died down a little. "Yeah... But before I tell you where I saw him.. I have a few question..." He pulled the blade from the ground. "Who do you think you are? And why are you looking for a Taijitu?" He wouldn't say anything until he got what he needed.
'What did he just do?' Apple thought, her grip tightened on Temptation. The wind died down, how convenient.

Solace stared at the man as he pulled the blade from the ground. His questions weren't to his liking.

"We're just passing by to finish a task, nothing more and nothing less." He replied, a gloved hand being placed on his hip.

"And we definitely do not mean any harm." Apple added quickly.

"Calm down." He said as he put his blade into it's sheathe. "I am just putting it away."
"You were the one that's touching and unsheathing things." Solace grumbled, still annoyed that he hasn't answered his question.

Apple was starting to get impatient herself. Her attention was on the other female now.

"Do you know where our Grimm is?" She asked, wanting to see the female speak.
"I-I don't know any others...the only I know is the King Taijitu that Acid killed." Teri managed to say despite being reminded of her team. She was slowly calming down but she was still crying.

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