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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"They're a Underworld organization that does all sorts of jobs for the right price. They're not really well known, but are considered dangerous to mess with." William explains when the noodle house was in view. "The leaders of the group is a female infiltrator and a huge bald guy. I know they put up bounties on your people since the Thieves Guild stole some rare crystals from them a few weeks ago. The reward is 10,000 lien for each member captured alive, though nobody's been able to catch anyone yet."
"Oh yeah. That must've been done by me personally and a few others. I was wondering why that job was so high paying." She said with a shrug. It didn't seem like Will was going to turn her in, especially since she was a friend of Ben. Guess his attendance to Beacon has some perks...
William was about to say something else when he noticed Tavril and Angel already at A Simple Wok. Seems like everyone must have a craving for noodles today. "Hey Angel and Fluffy." He greets them while taking a seat next to the couple. Looking at the menu, he decides to order two of their biggest bowl.

"I hope you have enough space in your stomach finish the bowl, little girl." Gavin taunted as he takes off his mask and grabs a pair of chopsticks. "I don't want to waste my money for no good reason."
"Call me a little girl one more time and I'll dump the bowl on your head." Trinity replied as she grabbed some chopsticks and started eating. Huh, two other students? Is it a day off?
Elinore walked robotically from store to store, asking if anyone had seen Ben. Though her expression was dead, her mind was racing. What if Ben was hurt? Dead? Aires was hurt. Aires got hurt and Ben while she was off being upset because she was a murderer. Loki died too when she wasn't there to protect her team. She couldn't risk being away anymore. She had to be always vigilant. She had to keep tabs on everyone at all points in time. There was to be no more death. None. Without ever noting what she was doing, she found herself standing in front of the Simple Wok with Aires pulling on her arm. She looked at Aires with her expressionless continence then walked into the restaurant.

Echo, Alphonse, Annabell, Rolland, Loki and Markus. Aires, Ben, and William would not be added to that list.

"This place is great, trust me." Tavril said as he sat down at a table for them. When an all too familiar suit of armor walked in he sunk in his seat. Just ignore them, just ignore them....he saw them "Hello William." Tavril muttered under his breath.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to call you that. That was Gavin being a arse." William said as he was about to eat his bowl of noodles. That's when he sensed someone behind him. "May I help..." He asked while turning around, only to be greeted by Elinore's dead expression. "...are you alright, Elinore? Did someone die?"
Following Lulu into the restaurant, she stops when she sees Kaze in the sky. "What in the?" Landing next to her he whispers something into her ear and touches her back.

"Elinore you go on ahead. My sister have something important to talk about." Kaze muttered, not caring or she heard or not. He immediately picks Aires up and flies into the sky.

"Where are we going?" Aires yelled, the wind swallowing her voice. "Can you really fix my wings?" Kaze didn't say anything, he simply nodded. "You won't drop me, will you?" Again, he did not answer the question causing Aires to hang on tighter.
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"Oh.. Uhm.. Hi William.." Angel murmured, as she sat across from Tavril. William interrupting them was something Angel didn't want. "Fluffy..?" She repeated, looking over to Tavril. She couldn't do anything but smile at him.

"U-uhm.." Angel muttered, scratching her head, her tail swaying behind her. She wanted William to go away, and now Elinore pops up behind him. "Hi Elinore... Something the matter...?" She asked, looking up at her.
"...die?" Elinore asked quietly as she looked up at William. She looked like she was about to lapse back into the sadness she'd been engulfed in for the past few weeks. She turned to look at Angel before suddenly pulling out of it with a smile "No, no, everything's okay." she said with a nod before looking back to William, "Aires and I didn't find any signs of Ben anywhere. Also Kaze came and picked her up. I...didn't really have a say in the matter." she said with a nervous laugh. She tilted her head when she spotted Trinity "...who is this?" she asked.

Tavril groaned and shook his head, "It's a long...long story." he sighed. The last thing he needed was more people calling him Fluffy. "It's a nickname I've had sense I was eight." he grumbled. He would rather not go into any further detail.
"I'm Trinity Rosea. I assume you are one of Benjamin's teammates." She said as she stuck out her hand. "I'm one of Ben's friends." She said with a smirk.
"So did you see a walking tin can or not?"

A single officer was scrunching his face in annoyance, he'd been here for about forty-five minutes trying to get an explanation from this masked bastard.

The department had gotten complaints from several citizens saying that a creepy man had been stalking the back alleys and staring at people. Since no claims had been made about any violent or harassing issues, the department decided to scope it out before any exceeding maliciousness was involved.

And so the officer had found the man quite easily, he'd literally been ambling along a sidewalk staring down alleyways.

But getting him to talk about anything other than completely unreliable garbage had been next to impossible.

"For the thirty sixth time," The officer said "no I have not! Now would you please answer the questions sir so we can wrap this up?"

"Ooooh wrapping!" Mr. X said as shivered on the spot "Are we celebrating a holiday? I didn't bring my mittens so you'll have to excuse me for being prickish with such a concerning date. Wait.... nobody told me or invited me to any parties!"

Mr. X began openly sobbing "Why am I so unloved!?!?"

The officer began doing some breath exercises the department therapist had recommended, it did nothing to drown out the grown man's annoying childlike wails.

"But you'll be there for me won't you cooper?" Mr. X said as he slid closer to the officer

"My name isn't cooper, now could you please explain the get up? You've been scaring the residents for dust knows how long!"

Mr. X swooned away as he made a dramatic pose and chuckled "Yes, it was my curse to live with this appearance since the day I was born. Ever since childhood others would tease me because they were jealous of my stunning good looking masks, so they shunned me. And all I wanted was for them to let me live in their attics. But they couldn't be reasoned with man!"

"Is any of that even true?"

"Nope! But you gotta admit, I'm destined to be onstage once my newest assignment is done with. So about that walking tin can-"

The officer held up a hand "Listen buddy, I get up at about 4 A.M every day to exercise and keep myself healthy. You know, I'm old enough to be legible for retirement? Of course you didn't, I've had to bust my hump for the past three years to stay ahead of the game. And you know something, I try to take pride in that. But there are times when I reconsider the whole retirement thing, and one of those happens to be getting stuck in conversations with sociopathic masked men about inanimate objects while they branch off to monologue about lives they never even lived."

"Well my friend," Mr. X said with a bow "let me formally congratulate you for having both a stunning figure and crappy luck!"

"Stop sneaking up on civilians and try to keep the harassment complaint rate at a healthy zero." The officer turned to walk off

"But I simply need to find that hunk of metal!" Mr. X slid directly in the officer's path "He simply must acquire my makeover before it's too late! Only I can properly prepare him for the operation anyway."

"I'm gonna ignore that surgery bit on the fact that you don't look like you could hold a hose without giving it a serenade."

"It was only one time, I dare you to get your facts straight!"

"Yeah, this conversation was pointless from the beginning." the officer said with a depressed sigh before walking off

"Wait! You didn't even confess your love for me! What kind of romantic sitcom are you running you waste of meat!" Mr. X shouted before slapping his knee and laughing, he then spun away and continued his search.
Benjamin sat at his perch and opened up the bag he took. He examined the dust pistol and Grimm mask with an intrigued expression. I'm gonna need more than a pistol. Gotta find a weapon cache. And there is no place like the police station to find an interesting weapon, he thought with a blank face. He peered over the edge again to find Elinore with Trinity and William and silently thanked god that Aires wasn't around. Good, she is still at the academy...
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Kaze finally steered toward the academy. Aires grew puzzled. She didn't want to come here.

"Kaze what are we doing here?"

"Hush." He said placing his hand over her mouth. "We're here to get some dust for you to injest once more." He Daus as she removed his hand.

"But that nearly killed me last time. You know eating dust is dangerous."

"Yes but it healed your wing last time."
"It's nice to meet you Trinity" Elinore said as she shook Trinity's hand, "weren't you the one who Benjamin ran off with?" she asked with a tilt of her head. She looked around the restaurant to see if she couldn't find him somewhere around the place "where is he now?"
"Yes I was." She said with a chuckle and grin. "And I have no idea where he ran off to after we split up. I figured he went back to Beacon considering he seemed to head that direction."

Ben stuffed the mask and gun into the bag before leaping off the building and approaching his friends. "Hey guys, am I late?" The monkey said with a grin as he sat down.
"Really..?" Angel said, looking rather surprised. Fluffy wasn't the nickname she thought of for Tavril, maybe Fang would have been better. "Well.. I like it.. It's a cute nickname.." She said, murmuring looking at him, a small blush on her face. "B-but I understand i-if you don't like it..!" She cried out, waving her hands in front of her in panic, hoping that she didn't upset Tavril.

She then looked to the new person standing near Elinore. She could over hear their conversation, her wolf ears picking it up from the side. 'A friend of Ben's..?' She thought to herself, smiling at her, giving her a small wave of the hand.
"Benjaminyourealive!!" Elinore burst out as she hugged the faunus. Yes! No more death!! She jumped back and recomposed herself then cleared her throat "its good to see you're not harmed. Aires is looking for you. But Kaze dragged her off."

A deep blush suddenly crossed Tavrils face "I-if you like it you don't have to stop calling me it." Get a hold of yourself man! You're loosing it!

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"What? Why? She needs to rest and recover, not go off with her lunatic brother." Ben burst out, frustrated with Aires' choices. If she goes with him all what I have done and will do will be for nothing, Ben thought as a grim expression crept onto his face. He quickly changed his expression though, replying to Elinore's outburst. "Yes I am alive. Why would you guys think I did?"
Kaze was in his room taking out a box. It was metal. Inside it was violet dust. He began to mix it with a chemical. Aires was worried.

"I'm not sure I should really take this route Kaze, what if it kills me."

"You want to fly correct?" He asked in a stern and intimidating voice.

"Well yes . . ." She answered.

Plus with this mother and father will have complete control of you . . . I'm so sorry Aires. I was a fool to think we could be real siblings and go to school together . . . No matter what, I do love you. I'm so sorry Lil sis. He hands her the concoction. "Here drink it." He demanded. Aires grew fearful of his persistence as she took the bowl from him. She hesitated but after five seconds she downed the strange dust.

Sora glared at her husband. "I think it's time we get some more dust." Sora said dimly. "Let's see how well my little girls thief is." Kaze darling send a message to Grey. I need more dust I don't care from where are whom or what. I just need a massive about to create more forbidden dust.

Kaze heard his mother's voice and nodded. Aires seemed to be taking the dust well door far so he took out his scroll and scent a message to Ben. His new glasses giving him a clearer layout of the device.

To: Benjamin Grey

From: Kaze Phoenix

A terrifying woman

awaits hurry for it's dust she wants.
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One of the people that were going through Markus’s personal stuff found something. It was marked “The ghost.” He ran into the control room and sent a message out to Elinore, William, Aries, Ben, Johnson and Trivel. It was marked important and that they should all go to the command room Asap.
Teri was sobbing into a tree at the forest. "My whole life...they didn't look for me." She cried out as her Semblance started to act up and disintegrate the trees round her.
Enrique was sitting upon a rock, sharpening one of his blades. He heard crying in the trees. "Oh dust... What now?!" He said as he got up and began to walk around. He couldn't find who was crying. He searched everywhere that he could think of.

Not a extravagant beginning, but it's still a beginning.

"Sol, we haven't even done anything so far, nor found anything-" The Wolf Faunus pointed out as he leaned on a tree, his tail droopy, "-and now you're telling us to split up? What're we doing here anyway?"

In response, the leader of Team SOLA glared at Lincolm. He repeated himself over 4 times and still counting. Before he could verbally reply, Ophelia spoke quickly for him. "We're here to look for a specific Grimm. You know, THAT Grimm." Apple was sitting down on a boulder, her parasol resting by her knee. "This is getting ridiculous, it'll be easier to split up and find that bloody thing." She grumbled, looking at Solace.

The Scorpion Faunus rolled his amber eyes and rubbed his temples. "We're splitting up whether you like it or not, Abraham. As Apple had stated before, it'll be easier to look for it." Solace said bluntly, gesturing for them to come closer. "Apple and I will go this way, you go the other way." He instructed, shoving a thumb to the direction of his right.

"Wait, so I'm with Ophelia?" Lincolm questioned, slightly surprised.

"What's so bad with being with me?" Ophelia asked, arms folded on her chest and a frown on her lips as she stared at him.

"Well it's just that...it's nothing. Apple would be more fun to, you know, hang out with"

"You can't see a proper lady when she's right in front of you."

Solace rolled his eyes again and made a shooing motion. "Get going, I don't want to keep doing this forever."

Lincolm raised his arms in understanding and followed Ophelia to the direction to where Solace had instructed them to head off to.

Now it was only Apple and him. Apple got up from the boulder she was sitting on and stretched. She knew that Solace would like to get hunting missions done as quickly as possible, since he didn't like hunting down Grimms. But it was odd to her, at first she thought Scorpions loved hunting down prey.

Her thoughts were interrupted when her team leader tapped her on the shoulder and pointed at a couple of trees, gently swaying in the breeze, then suddenly disappear into fine ash. Apple's jaw slightly went slack but Solace cautiously moved to that direction of the strange disappearing trees. She licked her lips and followed him.

Solace's hand slithered to his sword's handle as his eyes narrowed.

"May I ask who's making those trees disappear?"

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