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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Trinity was able to avoid the majority of the bolts, being slightly shocked by the few that hit. "Ow. You're going to pay for that." She said as she staggered to her feet. "Hello there. Mind if I show you my semblance since you so kindly showed me yours?" She asked as she invaded Will's mind and began to scan for information. She taking a risk in doing so, being inexperienced in finding thoughts and ideas.
"What the hell! There's someone else in our mind!" Gavin yells out panicked when he heard Trinity's voice in his head. He stops shooting lightning bolts at her, but takes out the knife that was thrown at him earlier. "If you don't get the hell out of our mind, your friend is going to have his neck slit open!" The blade was now against Drake's neck and ready to spill some blood. "We don't want someone snooping around for information in here!"

Alex and Natalya arrive in front of Ozpin's office after Karmella declined their offer to tag along. The guard knocks on the door. " Ozpin, we need to talk about something important. May I come in?" He asked.
Ozpin glanced from the still displeased looking Maxwell before nodding.

Maxwell gave a sigh of defeat before trudging out of the office and past the two teachers.

"Yes, please come in." Ozpin said after giving a sigh of relief, he closed his eyes in thought as he awaited for his next guest to enter "What brings you by Mr. Regit?"


Suddenly, Mr. X's voice broke through in Will's head without any lead up whatsoever

"Oh! It's roomy in here Wittle buddy
! I should think about redecorating this place during your makeover! Sorry darling, I don't think I have enough back up to handle whatever train wreck the garb your wearing is. But I'll make sure to leave a brochure after making my wittle buddy here the most beautiful boy on campus!"
"Oh dear dust, there's another person in my mind!" Gavin was now at the point where he needs to cause physical pain to someone in order to calm himself down. But despite wanting to slice Drake's neck open with the knife, his hand wouldn't follow his orders.

"Everyone in my damn mind, please get the heck out of there. I'm willing to cooperate if it means neither of you makes it more fucked up." William said after dropping the knife and his human shield. He knelt down before putting his hands on top of his head to indicate he was surrendering to them.

Alex and Natalya enters the room after Maxwell passed by them before standing in front of Ozpin's desk. "Ozpin, is it true that you authorized the project that Teams TAKM, CRDL, and BTLR are working on in a storeroom on the other side of the academy? If so, then what the dust are they trying to build there? I need to know in order to ensure that the students and staff members aren't in danger." That and since he was a bit curious about the metal orb's purpose in the project. He didn't go asking around about it for no reason.
"That's all I was asking for." Trinity said as she sheathed her scimitars. "Now, let's talk. Why did you grab my man?" She asked, ending the connection between the two. It felt like there were three presences there. That was odd, she thought as she approached Drake.

"They've been building an extractor." Ozpin said slowly "It's for something highly important, and believe me when I say that when the time comes, I shall call you and the other staff members of Beacon immediately to assist them. But for now, let the two teams finish the Extractor before interfering. I know how much this Academy means to you, so I pray that my word will be enough for you until the time comes."
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"I was asking him some questions about Trinity, since she kidnapped my teammate an hour ago." William replied. "Though if you're part of the same group he's in, then that must mean your Trinity... right?"
"Depends on who is asking." Trinity replied with a smirk, even mimicking Ben's body language. "And I haven't heard of any kidnappings. Maybe you are mistaken on what it was."
"No, I'm pretty sure you kidnapped Benjamin after nearly murdering my other teammate at Beacon Academy. I even have a eyewitness who saw the entire event an hour ago." William retorted as he noticed something familiar about Trinity's body language. It reminded him of Benjamin, but it could be a coincidence. "Now tell me what you did to him or going to let the bald man know you're here."
"Kidnapping isn't something I do. I am the leader if the Thieves Guild so I call the shots. And I may have nearly murdered your friend an hour ago, but that was resolved at the scene." Trinity said still grinning. She suspected he was one of Ben's teammates and her scan of Will's brain confirmed it. Pressing concerns are the easiest, she thought as he brought up the bald man. "Does your eyewitness happen to be that creepy and delusional guy with floating hands?" She ignored the part about the bald man since if he was serious he would recycle the threat.
"Yup, that's Professor X. He told me what happened at the scene, but probably exaggerated some parts of what really happened." William said as he stood up. "But you still didn't answer my about Benjamin. Is he alright or should I call his family to tell them that he got killed by a thief?"
"Inform his family? We are his friends. I am his family. So if he is dead, one of us is not responsible." Trinity stated, obviously offended at Will's statement. While it wasn't necessary and obviously information Ben withheld for reasons, Trinity was frustrated with him.
"Oh, I think we hit a nerve there." Gavin snickered.

"If your his friend, then are you telling me that Benjamin is part of the Thieves Guild?" William asked, sort of surprised that his teammate was affiliated with the group.
"I don't need to answer to you if I don't know who you are." Trinity said sharply. She knew a little about him, mostly just basic info, name, pressing issues in his current life. Maybe I can strike a nerve with his little girlfriend...
William sighs when Trinity didn't answer his question. Though he knew she was right about not knowing his identity and connection to Benjamin. So he might as well introduce himself to Ben's sort of family member right now. "My name is William Reaper, a Hunter in training at Beacon Academy. I'm the leader of 1st year Team WABE, which Ben is part of. I currently have a another personality in my mind named Gavin, who's a mean bastard that wants to kill everyone he meets." He raises his hand to shake Trinity's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet my teammate's younger sister ."
Aires kept tugging on Elinore's arm. " Oh imma be annoying. You bet your buns imma be annoying until you come to the world of the zone less!" Aires slightly laughed at herself.

Kaze took to the air passing an alleyway. His wings casted a huge shadow over Will and Trinity, but since he passed by the shadow appeared and disappeared. "That seems to be Reaper's scent. Note to self stay away from William. But who's he with?" His glasses zoom in on Trinity's heat signature. "Oh, Rosea . . . Alright Will, keep her busy as long as you can. I gotta go gets me a bird. Assuming that bunny loving freak leaves her side." He pulled his wings in and landed on a building keeping an eye on Aires.
Trinity shook Will's hand as he relayed information she already stole. "I'm Trinity Rosea. Leader of the Thieves. And I am not Ben's little sister by blood. Just grew up together. He actually found me when I ran away from home. Wish I would've known about Ben becoming a hunter, although he never mentioned a desire to become one." She said as she released the armored hand.
"Yeah, it's a long story." William said as he remembered meeting Ben on his first mission. "He's a valuable member of the team. Though where did you two go after you left the academy a while ago? I was almost ready to hunt you and your friends down to save Ben."
"I would ask the teammate I almost killed. She may know. We just met up with someone who he wanted to work out a deal with. It spared her life. We met the people, made a deal, and split up. I have no idea where he may be. I figured he would head back to you guys." Trinity said nonchalantly. Dodger's affairs are none of my concern. Just deal with your fellow thief and leave...
"I see... are you and your friend busy?" William asked while poking the unconscious Drake with his foot to wake him up. "I want to apologize for attacking both of you earlier with a free bowl of noodles."
"I think we will accept the offer. As soon as I get this bastard up." Trinity said with a grin and grabbed her lighter from her pocket. "Wake up Drake." She commanded as she set a piece of paper near Drakes head on fire.

Smelling the burned paper, Drake was immediately awake and alert. "What the, something's burning!" He yelled before realizing it was only paper. "Piss off Trinity." He said before turning to see Will. "Um, why is he alive? And I am as well? Am I in hell?!"

"Shut up Drake. Will here wishes to buy us some noodles. Shall we take him up on the offer?"

Drake gulped and shook his head "no" before running off towards the Complex. "I'm just gonna head back. I probably have something to do there." He was soon sprinting as fast as he could, a small dust cloud appeared at his starting point.

"Just us two then. Well, let's go Mr. Reaper." Trinity said with an uncaring shrug.
"Roger that." William replied as the pair heads to A Simple Wok. He sends Elinore and Aires a message to meet up at the noodle house immediately with his scroll. He even sent the same message to Benjamin, since the faunus might still be in the city. "Does your group know any other gangs or organizations in the Underworld?" He asked when they were about to pass by a pink motorcycle.
"There's always the White Fang, but we don't exactly like each other." Trinity replied to Will's question.

Ben checked his scroll and saw the message, debating whether or not to go. Instead of deciding that instant, the Faunus hid in the shadows to see who would be in attendance. Tavril and Angel were already there, but didn't seem to notice him to his relief. "Please don't be Aires. She should still be asleep. There is nothing to worry about..." He worried aloud.
"What about an organization called the Hellsing? Ever heard of them before?" He asked when they were halfway to the noodle house.
Trinity rubbed a temple trying to focus her mind further for the information. "The name seems familiar, but I cannot recall what they do. Maybe we came across them once?" She finally answered as if asking for who they were.

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