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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"I don't care if you don't kidnap people for money. I just want to know where her damn hideout is so I can... did you say 'we'?" William asked as he grabs a empty beer bottle off the ground. "'We' usually means more than one person, which implies you might be in a group related to Trinity. I could be wrong, but that's a possibility I can't push aside right now." He smashes the bottle against the ground, which broke into hundreds of pieces.

"If you don't take me to her hideout in the next five seconds, those little suckers are going to be in your mouth soon. Now add a little bit of electricity to it and ta-da! A bloody mouth with fried brain on the side!" Scooping up handful of broken glass, Gavin gets ready to jam them into the thief's mouth while forcing it open with his other hand. "5! 4! 3! 2! 1! 0! Time to eat, buddy!"
"Whoa! Chill dude! I don't know where she is! And I doubt she took your friend to our hideout. Kinda not the place you show anyone. Cops everywhere." He said in a full panic. Why can't the good guys in masks all be like Xray and Vav, making stupid comments while they beat you up instead of interrogations. Please don't see the marker, please don't notice it, Drake thought, mentally repeating the phase out of fear.

"How long is Drake supposed to be gone?" She asked one of the other thieves.

The unanimous reply was "by now," leading the leader of the Guild to exit the building to go find her comrade.

"Anyone know where he headed?" Trinity asked as she walked through the main corridor.

"Around the air docks. Always tourists who can't keep track of their stuff."

"I know that, I wanted to know where, not why." Trinity shot back as she exited the Complex and revved her bike's engine before taking off towards the air docks.
"Not the answer I was waiting for!" Gavin yelled out as he was about to make the thief eat glass. He stops halfway through after noticing a strange mark on their coat.

"Your part of the Thieves Guild..." William muttered as the glass shards fall out of his hand.
Fuck, Drake thought to himself before responding. "Gee what was your first clue? The pickpocketing or the 'we?'" He asked annoyed at himself. You just had to think of the stupid mark. Way to go Drake, you stupid mong. You really messed this one up. Psycho in a full suit of armor that can summon electricity is after your leader. And you just gave up at the threats...

Trinity was still driving, weaving through traffic at top speed to get to the air docks as soon as possible. Where could that idiot have gone? He should know to stay in your area of operation unless someone notices. Then you run to the sewers or hide in plain sight. He would be back if he had been discovered, she rationalized as she made a sharp right turn and pinned the throttle, causing more smoke before speeding off. "Almost there..."
"Probably the pickpocketing." William replied as he remembered Natalya showing him that mark a while back. If memory serves him right, she was willing to privately reward him at least 10,000 lien for each Thieves Guild member captured alive. The bounty only popped up since the group stole a shipment of dust from Natalya's people and she's not willing to forgive them easily without punishment. "Is Trinity the leader of the Thieves Guild? Did your group steal some dust from another organization a few months ago? What's your name and rank? Do you prefer to get shocked to death or tortured by a huge bald guy who hates your guts?" He asked question after question, not letting go of the thief's face at all.
Drake actually could not answer the asked questions. Mostly due to not hearing most and the ones he heard he did not know of. "Excuse me? I actually couldn't hear after you nearly crushed my ears. I heard something about Trinity and then do I like death or torture. I am not sure what came in the middle." Drake replied as he rubbed the two. It felt as if one had actually been crushed and he was too focused on the pain than listening. If you are going to have me killed, please let it be swift, he prayed silently.
"Oh... sorry about that." William frees the thief's face from his grasp before repeating the same questions again. "Answer me honestly or I'm going let the bald man torture you instead. Your choice."
Drake gulped nervously before answering. "Yes, Trinity is the leader of the guild. I don't know what you are talking about. Do we have ranks? And I prefer neither." Drake said, trying to avoid the part about his name. Then he heard the familiar sound of a certain motorcycle.

Trinity was still pinned, the bike whined at the stress Trinity had put it through today. The pink and white, Tron-esque motorcycle began to slow down once it reached the docks. Trinity then began to scan the sidewalks for her comrade, still keeping the bike moving forward.
"Is there anything else I need to ask you before I knock you out with my fist? Hmm... nope." William said before punching Drake in the face. Not checking if the guy was still conscious, he puts him on top of his shoulder before leaving the alleyway. It was time to earn himself some lien.
Just as Drake was punched in the face and rendered dazed, Trinity spotted him being harassed. He can take care of himself right? Wait is that armor? And that's gonna hurt... She thought as she followed the pair into the alleyway after parking the motorcycle. Grabbing one of the various knives, she aimed for Will's head. Upon throwing the projectile, she quickly unsheathed her scimitars.
"Did something hit my head?" William asked himself after feeling the knife ricochet off his helmet. He turns around and noticed a female armed with scimitars. "Hi, did you throw something at me? All you had to do was call me out, mam."
"This way was more fun. Now put down my friend." Trinity said calmly. She hoped one of the latest modifications to her weapons wold work. C'mon Lyric. Don't fail me now, the thief thought as she stared at Will.
"He's your friend?" William asked, pointing at Drake's face. "Wait a minute. If you're his friend, then that must mean your part of the Thieves Guild too." He stepped on the knife and decides to pick it up. "Nice knife for a thief. It would be a shame if it was used against your own allies."
"Why don't you fight like a man. You versus me. Take off that armor and let's see who is a better." Trinity said sarcastically. She ignored the comment about using the knife against Drake. She could throw another knife into that one, but fighting would be better in the long run. "Drake, are you awake?" Trinity thought, receiving a dazed groan in response. I should've brought backup...
"Why does everyone always want to fight me without my armor? It's like asking me to disarm myself before fighting a Ursa Major with mini guns attached to it." William said with a irritated voice. He accepted Trinity's sudden challenge to fight by charging at her head on. Though for extra protection, he holds Drake in front of him like a human shield.

"Try to hit me now, you foolish thief!" Gavin taunted as he attempts to shield bash Trinity with her own friend.
"It's been thirty minutes. How many more shops are there? None have seen them. They probably didn't even come through here." Aires said a little annoyed to Elinore. "Maybe we should split up?" It wasn't as though she could simply fly into the sky and spot her boyfriend from up above. But they could at least check more stores separately than together. "We need to meet up with Will in a half hour, so what do you want to do Lulu?" Aires looked at her. "Are you listening? Hello?" Aires yanked on her coat. "Earth to Lulu."

Kaze had a new mission as he trotted through the streets. A mission he couldn't fail. Suddenly he spotted his sister and quickly hid himself.
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"I was gonna fight fair with swords or fists only, but now you just seem pathetic, trying to use him as a shield. Now please just put my friend down." Trinity said as Will charged. The thief expertly dodged, leaping off the wall and flipping before landing. Before Will turned she loaded ice dust into her blades and pressed button on the hilt, coating the sharpened edge in dust. Turning she awaited Will's move. Can't hit him while Drake is with him, wake up you mong!
William turns around to face Trinity after missing her with his attack. Noticing her blades now coated with dust, he decides to approach her slowly with his human shield. "It might seem pathetic, but it's a effective way to fight. I'll use anything as my weapon to gain an advantage over the enemy." He retorted, his free hand now flowing with electricity and pointed at Trinity. Several electric bolts burst out of his hand toward her to paralyze her.
Karmella looked at the ball for several seconds before tilting her head to the side, "Just looks like a weight to me. Anyway the others decided I wasn't good enough to join in on their little project with the metalheads and thickskulled allies." Karmella said as she kept her feet busy by slowly reorganizing them in different formations on the icy ground as she talked.
"Well do you at least know where they are?" Alex asked before he finally noticed the icy ground. "How did you... never mind. Just answer my question."
"Oh we used to spend all day long chatting in a storeroom on the other side of the Academy, but those days are long gone now. Ever since Arata got little tin tin to get a detachment of mechs shipped here they've just been receiving shipments from dust knows where . And I'm talking big construction items that rarely look important to one as busy as me."

As she spoke Karmella skated backwards into her room and swished around carelessly.
"How did I not notice those shipments before..." Alex muttered as he checked the records on what's been going in and out of the academy on his scroll. He puts it away before updating Natalya with a notebook. "Karmella, I want you to take us to that storeroom now."
"I would, but despite the audacity of my teammates I was ordered by Headmaster Ozpin to allow them to work in peace." Karmella said while performing a pirouette "Which I find insulting, who could be more peaceful than a graceful Valentino descendant such as I?"
"Ozpin is allowing them to work on this project? Hmm... we're heading to his office, Karmella. Do you want to tag along or continue ice-skating in your own room?" Alex asked as he starts to head to Beacon Tower to talk with Ozpin.
"Hm," Karmella said while turning her nose up towards the air "Now why would I ever waste my time on their petty games? I do have more important business you know."

With that she closed the door once more.


"You're friend is going to be fine." Ozpin said as he leaned forward in his chair.

From the look on Maxwell's face, Ozpin could easily tell that the large student didn't believe a word of that.

"Listen, I wouldn't have allowed Mr. X to work here in the first place if he had any actual risk of harming my students without proper cause. And we both know that Tinko would be the last person he would target because of his 'connection' with X's employer."

Maxwell scowled and began pacing.

"Please Mr. Hearse, I assure you that your comrade is fine. Let X have a moment to simmer down and everything should go pleasantly." Ozpin said as he took a sip of his coffee.

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