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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Yeah. Let's go Ben." Trinity thought and broke the link between the two. "My bike is out front." She said opening the window. "You first."

Ben ignored Sora's last statement. I have no plans of disappearing from her life. Just quick absences, the student thought as he caught Aires and laid her on the bed.

"See ya soon." He said with an emotionless face before jumping out the window, followed closely behind by Trinity.
As Ben and the Assassin left, Mr. X finished chuckling and stood from his chair.

Waltzing over to the unconscious form of Aires, he leaned over and stared at her, barely holding back feminine giggles.

"Mrs. Aires" he said to her "Y'all right? Hellooooo? Can you hear me?"

Seemed that subtlety was failing.

He shrugged before turning away as a floating hand carried a scroll over to him.

After tapping some buttons on it, he sent a message to Alex.

Hey Alphonse, guess who just saw Ben sneak out of Beacon with an armed assassin immediately after she tried to murder one of the students... That's right, me! I mean one minute I'm hanging out in the air vents and then OMG there's guns drawn and the usual change in personality and I think someone got punched LOL anyway, TTYL I've got to keep Mrs. Air from going into a coma. XOXHugs and kissesXOX #Savetheminotaurs

~Mr. X

After sending that to Alex, Mr. X turned to Aires as several hands floated by holding various loud objects.

"It's time to get Loud!" He said as he readied an air horn and let the horrible sound loose upon the entire room.
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Natalya was drinking a can of People Like Grapes Soda as Alex continued to lecture her on what's lawful and other stuff like that. Ever since they first met each other, she's been getting these lectures every single month. Sometimes William would have to listen to the lectures with her, but that was rare. The student wasn't really around when she came to visit Alex from her other job as a infiltrator back then. Probably he was doing a job or avoiding her.

"Blah blah blah blah blah blah... NAT! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!" Alex asked after taking her of can of soda away from her hand.

Natalya didn't know what he just said since she had earplugs in her ears. She pulls them out and was going to say something when her scroll vibrated. Taking it out of her pocket, she reads the message.

"That's mine." Alex snatches the scroll away from her before reading the message himself. "Nat, head to the infirmary. See if X needs any assistance with waking Aires up." He said as he heads to the door.

"Wait! Why me?!" Natalya asked while following the chief security officer out of the room. "You know he's going to pull another stunt on me!"

"Then do you want me to tell Ozpin that you stole something from a bunch of students? No, I don't think so." Alex replied without looking back at her. He runs off to the front of the academy after receiving a report of a suspicious motorcycle parked there.

"I hate you so much..." Natalya muttered as she heads to the infirmary. When she arrived there, the professor was greeted with the horrible sound of an air horn. "X! Stop that annoying noise right now!" She screamed at the other professor, hoping her voice would get through the horrible sound in the room.
"Sorry! I can't hear you over the massive amounts of noise I'm making!!!" Mr. X replied as the air horn reached a horrifying peak of loudness before fizzing out.

"Huh? Looks like the poor thing's empty. Bummer." He tossed it away before running over and embracing Natalya in a warm hug.

"Natalie! I feel like we haven't seen each other in ages!" He said before a pair of hands wheeled a stereo system into the room.

He released her and followed after the hands "So tell me sistah, how you doin'?"

He plugged the stereo in before pausing and holding up a finger "Are you and Alphonse a thing yet?"
"We're already a thing, X. Didn't you noticed that my last name is Regit?" Natalya replied, feeling like her body was sexually violated by her fellow professor. She never did enjoy getting hugs from creepy masked people with hands floating behind them. "Natalya Regit? Alexander Regit? See a connection between the two full names?" She then noticed the unconscious Aires and the stereo system in the room. "X... are you going to wake her up with that? Isn't that going to destroy her hearing into a million little pieces?"
Once the duo reached the parking lot, Trinity began drill Ben on a multitude of questions. "Why did you leave? Why are you becoming a Hunter? You could've come back. We would literally rule Vale's underground if you were back. Etc."

Ben did his best to answer the questions he heard before the reached the pink and white motorcycle. "Um, when did you become a girl? You hated pink."

"Shut up and get on the back. It's a quick drive." She said with a scoff. Straddling the bike and pulling her scarf up, she revved the engine. Then, glancing back to make sure she still had a passenger, she gunned the throttle and whipped the tail of the bike around. Leaving a brief trail of tire smoke and skid marks, the two were off to the hideout.

"Why are you working with her anyway? We both hate the White Fang and she can't be thrilled about working with a human." Ben pressed. I should've taken that shirt when it was offered to me, he thought as the wind began to chill his bare chest.

"Quit complaining." Trinity's invasive voice filled his head. "I told you, it was to protect you. Now what is your great idea? It better be worth me not killing your little girlfriend."

"You do know she is older than you right? You are barely fifteen."

"Twice as skilled, and I run a major organization. You and her are just hunters in training."
Trinity argued back.

"I'm still a way better thief than you. Who taught you everything you know?"
Ben responded with a smirk. Just like old times, even if it won't last long...
"I was actually planning on playing smooth jazz while yelling through this megaphone." Mr. X said as he raised the aforementioned megaphone, he then tossed it away "But I like your idea a lot better!"

He tapped a button on the back of the stereo and a chip popped out. He stowed it away in his coat before pulling out another.

"I crafted this masterpiece of lovable audio destruction myself, it's a mixture of death metal and a foreign music I heard about called dubstep." Mr. X explained as he slipped the chip in.

A floating hand levitate near him with some industrial ear muffs, which he slid over his mask and head to the spot he should have ears at.

"You might need these." Mr. X said before grabbing another pair and tossing it towards Natalya. Whether on purpose or not, the ear Kurds missed Natalya and landed several yards away from her.

Mr. X didn't even stop to see if she got the pair, and turned the volume to full blast and smashed the play button.

Instantly, a hellfire of ungodly sound blew into existence and destroyed any illusion of safety from its burning auditory onslaught.
"AHH!!! MY EARS!!!" Natalya yelled out when the unholy music flowed into her ear canal and probably destroyed her ear drums. She smacked her hands over her ears to stop hearing the music, but it barely had any real effect. The music was probably going to melt her brain into pudding if she didn't doesn't take action soon. "SHUT THAT DAMN MUSIC OFF!!!" Pointing her right hand at the stereo, a red glyph appears on it. After spinning a few times, the glyph explodes into a fiery inferno and melts the stereo into liquid. "X! That was the worst music I have ever heard in my entire life! What kind of twisted mind do you... why can't I hear myself speak?"
Aires woke up with a scare, but after that she couldn't hear too well. She looked around for Ben. Something awful settled itself into the pit of her stomach. Tears began to run down the sides of her cheeks.

"Where is Ben? What happened!? Where is he?" She couldn't hear herself though. It all came out as mumbles. She tried getting up off of the bed and wiped the tears away only to make way for more. She looked out the window and tried to dash towards it, though her body felt torn apart. Ben . . . Did you go with her? Please come back. Aires thought as she looked up at the sky.

"My Lady Phoenix, they are on their way."

"Good." She stood up, swiftly, "Ar, make the preparations for our guests."

"With pleasure, Air." He said kissing his wife. She smiled wickedly, knowing that Ben would not be leaving alive.
"Wherever we eat, we should grab something for Aires. Her wings have her in the affirmery right? I can't imagine that food is any good." Elinore said as she held her hand out as an offer to help William up. "Maybe we could even grab something and take it back to my place for some rabbit catching." she said with a smile.

"Well it's a good thing we're going to eat then." Tavril said with a chuckle to Angel's stomach growls. "No better time than when you're hungry to eat. I know a good place for noodles, if you like noodles." he said as he led Angel out of the building.
William nods before leading Elinore to the dining hall to get some food. After buying some drinks and sandwiches, they head to the infirmary. "What was that awful noise?" He asked when they entered the room.

"What?! I can't hear you!" Natalya yelled out when she saw William and Elinore enter the room with a bag of food. She still couldn't hear properly and was pointing a shotgun at a masked person.

"Why do you have a... oh yeah. You can't hear me." William then noticed Mr. X next to a melted stereo. "Mr. X... what the heck happened here?"
Angel's smile grew from ear to ear at the mention of noodles. "I love noodles!" She exclaimed whole heartedly. Remembering who she was with, Angel turned red and turned the other way. "I-I mean.. Apart from sweets.. And stuff.." She murmured, clearly embarrased by her own little outburst, as she was being led out by Tavril.

After a few minutes of walking, Angel began to feel the awkward silence between them. Noticing this, she decided to start up a conversation. "U-uhm.. Tavril..?" She spoke up, looking at him as they walked. "W-what kind of animals do you like..? S-since you know mine.. I.. I wanna know yours too.." She said, her voice starting as a murmur and ending into a whisper.
"Dear me." Mr. X said before putting a hand to his mask and sighing "It seems I may have caused dear Natalya to lose her hearing."

He giggled to himself before dancing over to Aires "No problem, as long as this dame over here isn't frozen in eternal sleep then I count this as a success!"

At his beckoning a floating hand hovered near Aires and began snapping its fingers loudly in an attempt to draw her attention, this would also help determine whether she was as deaf as Natalya at the moment.

He took off his industrial ear muffs and tossed them away as a pair of hands floated in front of Natalya with a small white board and a marker.

In the pursuit and benefit of Beacon, your hearing has temporarily been lost. No worries, Doctor Malt should be able to fix you within a month.

As the hands did that Mr. X laughed to himself "Oh wittle buddy! Have you seen Team TAKM anywhere on your way here, they've been looking for me and it's become quite bothersome."
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"Kind of. I broke down their room door and talked with Karmella a while ago." William replied as he watched Natalya angrily shoot the white board with her shotgun. "I think Elinore talked with Tinko and Maxwell, but we both saw Arata when she wanted her metal ball back. Nat was actually there too."

"Pursuit and benefit of Beacon my arse! Give me a good reason why I shouldn't blow that damn mask off with my gun?!" Natalya asked 'nicely' after pointing her shotgun at Mr. X again.
"Oh! Oh! I know this one, because it would leave a bad taste in his mouth!" Elinore perked up. If no one else was going to take the world seriously, why would she. "And why are there so many people in this room? Hasn't anyone heard of rest? Injured people like Aires need it....and it's been two weeks, why haven't they fixed her up better than this? It looks like she was injured worse than she was at the end of our last mission. Who can i punch for this?" she was so confused. But that wasn't going to be the reason she let whoever was neglecting Aires off the hook.

"My favorite animal?" Tavril asked as he put his hands in his pockets and looked up "for some reason I just can't seem to put my finger on, I think I've always liked wolves." he said as he twitched his ears a bit. "so I'd have to say....chickens." he said with a joking smile.
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Mr. X tapped a finger to his mask before raising it in the air and laughing.

He then placed both hand on the sides of his mask while the pair of hands flew off to find another surface to write on.

He gripped the edges of his mask before pulling it forward a bit. A sickening squishy sound filled the air as flesh detached itself from the mask, and then he began to raise it....

The writing pair of hands returned with a clipboard which had been flipped to a bank page as Mr. X tore the mask off and let it dangle at his sides.

Once the mask was gone, it became easy to see an exact replica of the mask on his face.

The hands finished and showed off the clipboard.

Simple! Because I always carry spares!

He then broke into a fit of laughter as he tossed the first mask to one of the hands and began rolling on the floor with delight.

In the middle he paused "So their still ticked off for me stealing their container, oh of course. How could they properly contain the unit without it! Oh but I'm sure they have a back up on the way as they set up the Pod!"

He then continued rolling around childishly while laughing to his heart's desire.
"Ben is gone . . . " Aires whispered. She still couldn't properly hear and then she say hands snapping. Turning around from the window, Aires saw Elinore and Will. "Where is Ben?" She asked her teammates. It's true she looked horrid but she felt fine. All she wanted was to hold Ben's hand again, but where could he have gone.
Natalya momentarily stares at clipboard before putting her shotgun into her ammo box. She walks out of the room in disbelief as she decided it was time to deal with her hearing problem with a professional.

"You can punch Mr. X if you feel like it." William suggested before noticing Aires for the first time. Which was embarrassing, since the whole point of coming to the infirmary was to check up on his injured/used to be missing teammate. "Ben? When was he here?"
"Just a few moments ago . . ." Aires looked around, her hearing returning. "I remember Trinity, knives at my head, and then nothing . . . " She wiped her eyes. "I gotta find him . . . What if she took him." Aires then jumped out of the window and landing on the ground she spread her wings out. They were horrid. Her beautiful silver wings were bloodstained and they had a deep bruise going across each of them. Trying to fly she didn't get much higher than five feet until she fell on her bottom.
Trinity whipped the motorcycle's rear around again as they made a 90+ degree turn into an alleyway. "Duck." Trinity instructed to Ben as the small road dipped under some mason work and into a small tunnel.

Dismounting the vehicle, Trinity walked along the wall, searching for the marker. Once found, she pressed on it, exposing a passageway to the hideout. "Follow me closely, do not get lost in here." She commanded in a hushed tone.

Talking out a lighter, she flicked the wheel and sparked a flame to illuminate the tunnel. Holding the small piece of metal up, she began to walk through the darkness.

"This place is eerie." Ben muttered and he waved away a cobweb from his head.

"It's not meant to be welcoming. Is the fearsome hunter getting scared?" Trinity teased her former partner.

"Shut up Rose." Ben replied as the two reached a doorway. "I'm assuming it is here."

"No, we walked all this way and the door is a wall meant to discourage us. Of course it is." She replied as she opened the door.
Acid frowned as Aires hurt herself by trying to fly. "You really want to get to him? Find Caron and borrow one of her spare jetpacks.' She said drunkenly before wobbling away. "I'm going back to my room."
As Trinity opened the door, two guards placed them into head locks as Ar came out from the shadows.

"Well, well, well if it isn't my little girl's lover and . . . What's this? Are you cursing on my baby?" Ar said licking his teeth. He saw Trinity roll her eyes and he punched her, hard, in the gut. Placing a finger on Ben's mouth Ar takes a knife and runs it along Ben's face causing him to bleed.

"Perfect, just look at that blood." Ar chuckles breathlessly licking the knife.

"Ar, enough." Sora says as she lands next to him, tucking her white blood splattered wings inside herself. She comes up to Ben and looks at his face.

"You are quite tasteful. My daughter has good taste." She faces him looking eyesight into his eyes,

"Tell me, why are you here? Would you rather I kill you instead of Aires? Oh and Trinity . . ." She slithered,

"Well done." She slapped Hey face after that. Her weapons were taken away and they were both bound and shackled.

Aires heard Acid's convent and sighed. She still couldn't fly. "Ben where did you go? What can I do?" She reached out towards the sky falling into her back. Landing on the ground she felt a lump in her throat. " Gah . . ."
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What the hell is up with these two? Ben thought as he was already cut, bound and shackled. "I assume you are Sora Phoenix. This seems a little excessive. Now, here is my proposition. You spare your daughter'a life and in exchange I offer my services. I am a Faunus, a thief, and a fighter. I would become your personal task force." The monkey calmly offered Sora.

Trinity, however was not so calm. "What the hell do you think you are doing?! We had a deal!" She yelled to the WF leader. She pulled against the shackles with force, making them ring.

"Freaking out gets us no where. If you keep it up we are both dead." Ben told Trinity, hoping only she heard.

The link between the two was still connected from their ride over, and Ben's thought calmed her slightly. "Exit strategy here? We are shackled. We'll need a lot of luck."

"I got plenty of luck, but we aren't going to escape. We are going to convince her to take my proposition."
Ben replied, still calm and collected.
"Your hair is a mess and you smell like rotten cheese." Alex insulted Natalya in his office. The professor didn't know what the guard said, giving him a confused look. "So you really are deaf..." He takes out his scroll to send a message to someone who might be able to help him out.

As Alex was doing this, Natalya summons a glyph to make the metal ball levitate and spin around midair. She was bored with nothing else to do. "I hate being deaf..."

"Who's Trinit- did she just jump out of the window?!" William runs over to the window to see if Aires was alright, stepping on the professor rolling around on the ground in the process. "My bad." He apologized before sticking his head out of the window. Spotting Aires laying on the ground with her hand reaching out to the sky, he turns to Elinore. "Elinore, can you check if Aires is alright outside? I need to ask Mr. X about what this Trinity person did before we came here."
Elinore followed Wills instructions and hopped out the window, using a grenade to slow down her fall. She landed beside Aires and knelt down beside her "Are you okay? You just jumped out of a window."

"Here we are." Tavril said as he arrived at A Simple Wok. It was one of his favorite resturaunts in Vale to grab a quick bite at. "I hope this is okay."

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