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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Ignoring the chaos in the room, Ben sat and tried to meditate to calm himself and make sense of what had happened. But soon enough the chaos got to the Faunus. "Will you all please shut up for five minutes?! I am trying to think." He yelled. Even if it wasn't too bad.

Trinity had now made her way to Beacon and stopped her bike in the lot. "Well, well, well. Here goes nothing." She said with a blank expression. Pulling her scarf below her chin, she entered the school and began to search for her target.
Aires hugged Ben at that moment. "I'm sorry Ben."

"Did you just kiss me? That's not good . . ." He said remembering the fever and sickness he bestowed upon Angel because his lips were poisonous.
"He really shouldn't have said that..." Oxis and Teri whispered to themselves.

"Hmm..." Acid mumbled as she licked her lips. "Tastes like nightshade with a hint of belladonna...poison?" She broke away from Teri and kissed him again. "I like it."
"Aires a little help-hmgyu g g." He was then kissed again. Is she stupid? Whatever enough doses and I can kill anyone. . .

Aires was too focused on Ben. Her vitals were finally stable. Placing her head on his cool chest she felt something. Was it Ben's aura? Looking up at him she asked him, "Are you alright?"
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"Think we should tell him that she's very immune because of her constant 'problems'?" Oxis asked.

"Leave her at it, at least she's not drinking." Teri replied as they proceeded to leave.

Acid was kissing him with enough force to knock them both down. She straddled him and gently removed her hat, letting her ears free before kissing him again.
Angel just stood there in the middle of all the madness. "This is insane.." she murmured, forgetting that she was still holding Tavril's hand. She watched Acid kissing Kaze, Aires cuddling with Ben and everyone else just making a lot of noise.

"I think I need a sit down.." Angel muttered, suddenly physically and mentally drained.

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Kaze used his force against hers and pushed her off. He then began to run. Getting far enough away he bumps into a girl he didn't recognize at the time. "Sorry." He said helping her up.
"Yes, I think leaving is the best idea..." Tavril muttered from the far edge of the group, allowing Angel to lead him every which way by his hand. "They seem to have things...covered." the was really the opposite of what he would call fun. Injured people, crazy love-stricken attack females, and a poor guy in the middle trying to think with actual logic. Poor Ben.

"Or I could just watch you." Elinore said with a smirk as she watched William try and lift the sphere. She put her drink can down and walked over to the other side of the giant metal ball and helped push it upwards "This is heavy. This is a heavy thing. Why are we even picking this up? What is it?" she grunted. The response better be good or she was going to drop this thing.
"Well.. We'll be leaving now.." Angel said, after Tavril spoke up. She bid farewell to everyone inside the room, hugging Aires carefull then left with Tavril in hand. As they got out of the room, Angel let out a sigh. "That was madness.." She muttered, looking to Tavril. "You ok? Want to go anywhere else..?" She asked, hoping he'd stay a little longer.
Accepting Kaze's offer to help her up she stood quickly. "Hello there. Do you happen to know where I can find Aires Phoenix around the campus? I need to give her something." Trinity said politely, showing Kaze a small knife. "I don't know who sent it, but I gotta deliver it to get paid." Just buy it, c'mon, make my life easier, she thought with a inquiring expression.

Ben had tried to ignore Acid and her chaos, tuning out the outside world and trying to meditate. Which that was difficult with an injured Aires cuddling up to him. Can't I have one month of a peaceful life? You hear me up there? One month. No problems. Please make it happen. And please give me an answer to this problem, the student silently prayed as his fingers dug into his temples.
Aires noticed Ben's frustration. She sighed. "Hey Acid. Go find Kaze, I think he might like you. He runs from girls he likes." It was her way of telling her to leave. Looking at Ben she huffed. "Ben, you should go too. Go train, sleep, eat something, just don't be here. It's putting stress on you. I'll be fine. I'm better already. Okay?" She tried to help him.

Kaze looked at the girl. "She's healing currently. Sorry, I'm trying to get away from a crazy kissing freak. But nice I'm guessing Aires will like that." He said not really paying attention. "Well gotta run." The blind student with sunglasses said running away from Acid.
Ben shook his head. "No. I've trained enough. Just need to think this through and I don't think anyplace in the entire school is great for silent thought. Besides, you may be fine now, but if Trinity is after you, I don't think leaving you alone is the best idea. I'm surprised you got away if she wanted to kill you." He said in a slightly joking manner to calm himself. Deal with the present now. Relax, you aren't yourself when you are angry, the Faunus thought as he flicked his tail in frustration.

Trinity gave Kaze a quick thanks before running off in the direction of the medical bay. She knew very well where it was, sometimes raiding the school of medical supplies when they couldn't get them from a hospital. They really need to upgrade the security here. The windows are way to easy to open and close if you have a basic idea of what you are doing, she exhaled as she walked. She put the knife back into her jeans and began to flip a knife as she walked.
Aires growled a bit, "I'm dangerous. You shouldn't be around me. Ben I- my mind isn't my own anymore. Remember the mission where we went to save Elinore and I was stabbed and then shot in the side of my body. Well it turns out that the doctor from Beacon working on implanted something into my body under my mother's orders. I'm guessing Kaze told you everything. I don't know why Trinity attached me or what kind of deal she has with my mother if she even has one, but I'm not me. I don't want to hurt anyone, that's just not me."

The nurses left seting Aires up in a comfortable state. Leaving the wing they see a girl that looked like a student so they didn't think anything of it.
Mr. X weaved through the students and staff quickly as the males of Team TAKM gave chase, "Just give us the Cradle Sir!" Tinko called as his tired form tried to keep up with the teacher, Maxwell had more stamina but his size meant he had to be more careful in relation to the surrounding students.

Mr. X ducked down into a classroom and leaped toward the window before leaning down and dropping to the steel grate on the wall below him. Several floating hands latched onto the grate and tore it off as he slithered in the small space with the likeness of a snake, the hands closed it up behind him.

Tinko glanced at the class and the window inside before turning to Maxwell "Stairwell, next floor down!" he said with an unenthusiastic sigh as Maxwell groaned in annoyance. The two took off for the Stairway.

The two raced down and immediately began scanning the halls for the thieving teacher. They were near the medical bay, which sort of explained the medical staff wandering about.

"Be careful Maxie boy, we don't know where that slippery weasel meanie could have gotten to." Tinko said as he spun around on lazy feet a couple of times while they walked.
"It's a shiny bowling ball that I called dibs on." Gavin replied after feeling the sphere get lighter. "The 'International Dibs Protocol' states that once you called dibs on something first, it's yours. Now help me carry this back to the room or I'm going to use the 'No Takebacks Accord' on you."

"Why did you steal his bed? You already have one in your room!" Alex said while looking at the bed in the center of the office. The faunus officer had Natalya take out all of the things she 'borrowed' from Markus's room when the video message didn't play at all. Sadly, she pretty much took everything in the now empty room.

"I took it to make it my back up bed if mine gets stolen in the future." Natalya pouted as she pulls a lamp out from her ammo box. "Don't you know the students tend to steal their professors stuff for fun? I mean, the security here went downhill after Markus had his position taken from him before his death. No one was in charge for a while and the crime rate in the academy went sky high."

Alex was silent since Natalya was telling the truth. After becoming the chief security officer last week, he's been getting complaints from a lot of staff members and students in the academy. There were reports of unauthorized duels, missing medical supplies, drunk students, food fights, destruction of school property, etc. The list keeps on going on with no end to it. "Did you find any information on those relics?" He asked to change the subject.

"The red sword used to belong to some general in the Faunus War and is a collector's weapon in the black market." Natalya said as she put everything back into Pandora. "The decoy box used to belong to some famous infiltrator who dissappeared a while ago. I'm going to keep this for myself." She clicks a button on the small box and it transform into a life size version of Scarlett. It seems like the faunus leader wasn't really there at the night of the infiltration mission two weeks ago. Probably she didn't want to deal with Constellion or something like that.

"That's creepy..." Alex muttered after looking at the fake Scarlett. He looks back at his computer to see if the message would play this time.
"Where are you even gunna put this thing when we get it to the room? Will it even fit through the doorway?" Elinore asked as she helped move the ball over. "And it's not fair to call the 'No Takebacks Accord'! No taksies backsies is brutal man. You don't know how many good men have fallen to that law. Anything but the no takebacks!" she said with a dramatic swoon, giving more weight to William. Like hell she was gunna support most of this things weight. Even if strength was the only other stat she dumped all her points into.

"How about we go to a place a bit more...calm." Tavril said as he looked around the busy school. It seemed everyone was up doing something. It was only a matter of time before they were interrupted again. "You wanna go grab a bite to eat in Vale?" he asked with a meek smile.
Gavin felt his arms stretch a bit too much after feeling the sphere get heavier. "We're going to place my new bowling ball underneath my bed. If that doesn't work, maybe in the closet." He grunted as they finally made it to their room. "Hey A.D! Mind deactivating the traps for m- dammit. I forgot that he's not in the armor right now." After carefully placing the sphere on the floor without breaking any fingers, the student deactivates the traps with his scroll. "Okay, Elinore. Let's get this bad boy in the... where the dust did it go?"

"Nice metal ball you two have here. Does it belong to some giant pinball machine?" Natalya asked with a smirk, the sphere floating in the air due to a glyph holding it up. "It's not good if you take things off the ground with no knowledge of who originally owns it. Also... dibs."
"She may have your body, but you are still Aires." Ben said to her. "Besides. I think I can handle myself well." He joked as he flicked his tail and wrapped it around a pen behind him. The student then proceeded to fidget with the writing utensil and think more.

Trinity was approaching the desk, inquiring about Aires and what room she was in. But she was stopped and had to sign about her delivery. Quickly trying to implant a thought in the desk worker's mind she thought "I don't need to see your license. I'll take your word for it. Besides, she is just a delivery girl."

Sadly the plan didn't work in full, as she had to sign in. Thinking of a false name, she wrote down Caterina Brooks and walked towards the room before she could be stopped again.
"I am still Aires. Huh. I guess you're right." She smiled. "What would I do without you?" Aires cooed pulling Ben in and embracing him tightly. She whispered in his ear though they were alone, "I'm one lucky faunus . . ." She giggled, "Correction, I'm one lucky girl." Aires notices his tail and smiles gently. Releasing the embrace she stares at his eyes. "Really. Thank you. I mean it." She said nuzzling his nose. She knew PDA wasn't his thing but no one was around.
Benjamin smirked back at Aires. "I thought you only liked me for my looks." He joked, moving his tail towards the back of her head to caress it. It's been a while. Just let yourself relax, he thought as he gave Aires a quick kiss.

Trinity was entering the room as this action took place. At first she didn't see what was occurring, but once the thought registered she threw a blade aimed to barely miss Aires' head. Just to let her know what is about to happen to her. "Hello my dear Aires." Trinity thought to her prey. "Enjoying the last seconds of life?"
Every and any kiss she received from Ben was bliss. "I'm sorry things have crazy. I really didn't want you involved in any of this. I rather you live a wonderful life free of drama, but it looks like I can't protect you from that . . ." She smiled sweetly, "and I mean your looks are killer." She began to laugh when a blade whizzed past her head. "What the!?" She gasped looking at the girl in the doorway. "How did you? Why are you here?" Confused as she was, Aires stands next to Ben grabbing his hand. Can't things be calm for at least ten minutes? Just ten that's all.
Ben stood up once he saw the knife embed itself in the wall. "What the-?!" He exclaimed as he turned, seeing Trinity.

Once the two made eye contact, Trinity's job became a lot harder for her. "What the dust are you doing here?! With her?! She could kill you! And you are kissing her?!" She yelled at Ben.

"Dammit. Why can't this happen when I have my weapons." He muttered, ignoring Trinity's question for the moment. He scanned the room for anything; escape routes, weapons, distractions and only found one option that wasn't going to work. We can't go through the window, Aires can't fly in this condition, he thought frantically.

Then another knife flew through the air at Aires' head, Ben quickly pulling her to the side.

"You are protecting her?! Are you deaf Dodger?! She will kill you!" Trinity yelled, using their childhood aliases.

"Yeah. I know. But I am used to it by now." The Faunus stated before grabbing a knife out of the wall and sending it back at Trinity. The thief easily caught it, not even blinking in the process.
Acid, still very drunk, caught sight of the situation and understood what she had to do...sort off. "Wrestle!" She cheered and leapt to the girl and started to wrestle her. "Thiis issh faahn!" She slurred as she tried to pin her down.
"I would never harm my boyfriend. Over my dead body." Aires said clinging to Ben's chest after another know flew at her. Her wings then released themselves. They turned into steel and glass. "I don't want to hurt you either Trinity. What did I ever do to you?" She knew they had a connection bit what kind She couldn't tell. Were they friends? Damn . . . How can I get us out of here? Then Acid began to wrestle her. . .

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