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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Aires quickly placed the Halo on Acid instead. "You're out of control. Cut it out Acid. Don't fight battles that don't concern you. Get sober and start being a better example of a Huntress." Aires said strictly, a tone in her voice she barely ever used. I don't need others getting hurt and I don't want Acid hurting Trinity or the other way around . . .
Once the halo was on Acid, Trinity elbowed her in the face. "Get off of me. This doesn't concern you." She then pulled out another knife aimed for Aires, but was stopped mid-throw by Ben's hand.

"I don't think so." He said as Trinity aimed a punch to his jaw.

Connecting, the Faunus briefly released her hand and Trinity took the opportunity to draw a scimitar. "Why couldn't we do this the easy way?"
Aires stood in front of Ben, "Don't you dare touch my boyfriend again." Her eyes were dark. She lifted her leg and kicked it cocking her shotgun boots towards Trinity's face. "I don't want to shoot you. What does Sora want?"
"It's rather simple. She wants you dead. I want to keep Dodger alive. So, I've been contracted as the killer in this case. You should feel honored, I don't usually kill." Trinity said with a smirk. "Now be a good girl and let me complete my contract." She communicated to Aires.

"Well, I won't let either of you kill each other. Put the weapons down." Ben stated firmly, attempting to make peace. Sadly, he had no weapons or dust to enforce it, and his fighting style wasn't based on brute strength.
"You do know that if you'd have put the halo on her it would block mental interference, just in case." Acid said, wiping blood of her face. Her ears twitched in annoyance as she stood up and positioned her hand in a way that would quickly draw her weapons in case of hostile intent.
"Ah, it seems you have found my husband's new toy." Arata stated as she walked down the hall towards the two students and teacher, she then pointed blankly at the metal ball "I am grateful for the reclamation to proceed as soon as possible for the least amount of damage to be done for my schedule."


Mr. X tossed another handful of popcorn at his mask as he watched from a chair set up next to the once occupied hospital bed. How he or the chair got there shall remain a mystery.

He chuckled "Benny buddy, you must have a horrible bit of luck with the women in your life. Oh man." Another handful of popcorn bounced off his mask and spread across the floor "The head nurse is gonna give me a hard time I know."

He paused before laughing, "But how can I care when something as entertaining as this is occurring!" He said as he gestured to the assassin, Acid, Aires and Ben "But really, you guys are doing great."
"Both of you can't take it!" Gavin exclaimed. "I already called dibs on it first!"

"Yeah, you can have your Cradle back. It doesn't have much value by itself." Natalya said as she walked to Arata's side, the metal ball floating after her.

"Wait! She doesn't have any solid proof that it actually belongs to her! Also it's name is Andy, not Cradle!" Gavin jumps on top of the floating ball in a attempt to take it back.

"Wrong choice." Natalya snaps her fingers, which made the white glyph levitating the ball turn red. Fire blasts out of the glyph and sends the ball flying up. It smashes it's armored passenger into the ceiling, making him stuck in it. "I have a list that proves that the Cradle was sent by the Masseman family to Tinko a while back. Which means our dibs privileges are canceled, as stated in Article III of the International Dibs Protocol."

"That's no- how do you have that information?" William the Human Ceiling... Thing asked as the metal ball floats back down to Natalya. "Security are the only ones who can know what's been shipped to and sent out of the academy."

Back at Alex's office, the security officer is looking for his missing scroll, which had information on what was going on in the academy behind the scenes. "Where the dust did my scroll g-" He muttered to himself before realizing someone was missing. "NAT! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

"I got the information from a friend." Natalya said with an innocent face. She turns to the white hair student next to her. "So where should I transport this heavy metal ball to, Arata? To your room or somewhere else?"
Arata shook her head before turning around, "If you would please follow me, Ma'am."

She then walked off down the hall before making several turns and taking a flight of stairs down to the main floor "I am grateful of your interference ma'am, and would be pleased to enjoy some tea together when the situation allows it."
"Wait, no fair, I called dibs on stealing it from Gavin first..." Elinore whimpered as the giant metal ball floated away with Natalya and Arata. She looked up at William and sighed, "so...that was an adventure." she said with a nod, "You wanna...get down from the ceiling and get some food?"
"I would be honored to have tea with you." Natalya said with a smile. "Though what are you planning on doing with this ball? It doesn't seem to have much value by itself."

"I wish I could, but my body seems to be permanently stu-" The ceiling suddenly freed William from its grasp (that's if it was alive) and he belly flopped to the floor. "Oww... I think I broke a rib... maybe two..."
"By itself," Arata repeated as she took a look down one particular hall "but it won't be by itself for much longer."


Arata leaned away from the hall and turned, there was a male student approaching the two.

"Listen, I've been looking for T and M for the past thirty minutes and.... is that-?"

"Yes, this is the cradle those two have been searching for so desperately." Arata said before turning to Natalya "Would you kindly hand the ball over to this gentleman Ma'am?"

The male student looked between the two a couple of times before shrugging and holding out a single hand.
Enrique was in his bed, In his room alone. He loved that he didn't have to share his room. He could move all the beds together and sprawl out over them. "Best bed ever" he said

Tag me if I have to see it
"I don't know. This all looks very... fishy." Natalya said as she looks at the male student. "Hey kid, what year and team do you belong in?"
The student raised an eyebrow before shrugging, "Year 2, Team BTLR. We've been helping team TAKM set up their stuff."

Arata continued, "We've gotten help from team BTLR and team CRDL, since working alone would take more time. Don't worry Ma'am, I assure you that we have the Academy's best interests in mind what with what we're working on."
"Really? Then you won't mind if I see what you all are working on, right?" Natalya asked before she declined the offer made by the male student. The professor was a bit curious as to what the three teams were doing in their spare time. "If not, then I'm going to bring this to the new security chief and mark it as a dangerous threat to the academy. For all I know, your project might be a bomb of some sort." She begins walking away from the two students, the metal ball floating right behind her.

William manages to get off the ground without any help and figured that he didn't have any broken bones. "Never mind, I think I'm alright." He said while dusting himself off. "So where do you want to eat, Elinore? In the academy or somewhere else?"
Arata tilts her head to the side a bit before nodding "Very well then... Keep it."

The other student glanced at her "Mistress, your husband will be quite saddened without the Cradle."

"First of all, you do not call me Mistress at school. Secondly, it was just a stupid toy to him. With a little encouragement I'm sure he'll get over it."

"Are you sure, having that thing floating around without proper containment could endanger anyone near it." the Student replied as he kept glancing toward it.

"That won't be a problem." Arata stated blandly "Ms. Natalya has so graciously offered to take it off our hands like a responsible teacher. I'm sure the Academy's staff will have better luck at disposing hazardous containers than its students. Get back to work."

And with that, Arata began walking back to the stairs.

The student looked around for a moment before shouting after her "What about the Taph Unit, that was the whole point of bringing the Cradle here anyway!"

Arata paused before turning back to him and stating blandly "The Unit was retrieved well before the Cradle was taken, so don't go badgering on about it."

She then continued on her way up the stairs as the student sighed. Putting one hand in his pocket he too walked off in a seemingly random direction.
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Angel blushed when Tavril offered they go out to eat. "S-sure.. I'd like that." She replied, returning Tavril's smile with one of her own. They then began walking to the doors of Beacon hand in hand, Angel's tail swaying from side to side. Her tummy then started grumbling, making Angel blush even more. "U-uhm.. Looks like my tummy's hungry.." She murmured, looking at the ground.
Natalya enters Alex's office with the metal ball still behind her. "Alex, I brought you a gift."

"Is it my scroll?" Alex asked while sitting down on his chair.

"Nope." The metal ball floats above his desk before the glyph around it disappears. It crashes into the desk, which made a hole in the center of it.


"...not my fault."

"Why did you..."

"It might be an important part for a bomb."

"By who?"


"Huh... we need to talk about your bad habit of stealing and lying, Nat. It's getting worse every single day."

"But I'm telling the tru-"

"Shhhhhhhhhhh... no excuses."

Aires then began to laugh. But it wasn't her. It was as if he were possessed. "Hahahaha. Trinity it seems as though you're failing." Aires said mixed with Sora's voice. "Ben, be a dear and step aside."
"Butt out. I can deal with this. Now do you want me to kill your daughter or not?" Trinity told Aires/Sora. Confidently, she sheathed her scimitar and cracked her knuckles. "Yes, please step aside so I can finish this."

"How about no. Let's deal with this another way." Ben said, stepping between the two again and planting his palms in the middle of their chests.

"And what could you possibly have as a solution?" Trinity communicated to her friend.

"How the hell are you in my head?" Ben thought quickly before feeling a fist connect with his jaw again.

"See why you should pay your old friends visits every once in a while? They pick up new tricks." Trinity thought with a smirk on her face as Ben spat out blood. "Now tell me your solution or I can kill her. Your choice."

"Well, you are currently employed by her mother. Take me to her and we'll work out a deal. My services in exchange for leaving Aires alone." Ben informed her as he spit out some more blood upon standing.
Mr. X chuckled a bit more and leaned back in his chair, "You're doing great kids, keep it up with the melodramatic stuff... I feed off this kind of business."

A floating hand carried another bag of popcorn to him as he watched the three from his chair.

"Hey Aires, how about speaking in a foreign tongue to really drive it home?"

"Assassin girl or whoever you are, whatever, you have to speak really fast."

He could barely contain his chuckling as he threw more popcorn against his mask.

"And Ben, try to bleed somewhere besides the floor. Medical staff have a hard time cleaning up the wounds and leaking fluids you kids drag in here on a daily basis, that goes for both of you girls as well."
"Silence." Sora said speaking through Aires, she activated her daughter's semblance looked at Mr. X. Blinking in his direction she deactivates the power and looks at Ben. An evil gruesome smile spread across her face. I'm intrigued Grey. What kind of idea do you have in mind? Aires' eyes were completely ice blue. She finally reached all three of the conversion states.
"I would prefer this proposition be made face to face." The student thought. He wasn't sure who was invading his thoughts , but it didn't matter at this point. "And that Aires has no idea about it."

"I can escort him. Besides, he is unarmed as you can see. Shall I make this quick?"
Trinity proposed. She had ignored Mr. X. She was going to tell him to fuck off, but Sora took care of that for her it seemed.

"What is going on now?" He quietly muttered as he no longer heard any voices in his head, but it was obvious Sora and Trinity were talking. Or thinking. However you want to say it.
Mr. X chuckled a bit before the explosion hit him, upon contact he burst into a cloud of floating hands that began fluttering around wildly.

Mr. X stepped out of the nearby medical closet and calmly closed it once more before clapping to calm the swarm of hands down.

Several dragged the smoldering chair off to the side while one wheeled another over.

"Oh good show indeed, although you'll be the one to purchase a new chair once this is all over Mrs. Air."

Mr. X paused for a second before snapping his fingers, "I like that one." He pointed to one of the floating hands "Go write that one down."

The hand flew off to complete its task while Mr. X resumed watching.
"I will kill you, mark my words."Sora said. She then looked at Trinity and nodded. Very well then you know what needs to be Trinity. Oh and Ben . . . What a brilliant suggestion, this hurt Aires more. Losing another boyfriend. Perfect. Before he could say anything Sora released control of Aires and Aires stare at Ben. "Ben-" her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she swayed backwards getting ready to collapse.

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