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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Out from the shadows stepped a figure. "Not my fault. I don't have wings. Even if she can't fly far, they provided a brief escape. Besides, she is in critical condition." The girl said. But at the mention of Ben, a flash or red appeared in her eyes. "Hold your order. Let me know where she is, and I'll get her." No one harms my friend. Especially when it have unfinished business, Trinity thought as she gripped one of her scimitars.

Ben had a frustrated look on his face. He was ready to kill Kaze, but the Faunus seemed genuine at the moment. "Well, you have screwed up if that was your goal. When something like that is a problem, you guys have a team to help now. Not just yourselves. And now, if you ever appear as a threat Kaze, I will end you in a heartbeat." Ben said the last part to Kaze in a hushed tone, so no others could hear and object.
Smirking Sora grabs Trinity's throat, "Kill that insolent girl, you hear me? I don't need her alive anymore. And if you fail, " Her gloves began to glow which was a sign of her poison about to burst, "I'll kill you."

Aires awoke. She was weak but she was alive. She saw Ben first and lightly grabbed his hand. She kissed his palm and then noticed her brother, Angel and Tavril. "What-?"
"Don't threaten me. I am here to protect a friend." Trinity said as she held her scimitar. "Give me her location and we can go back to being enemies." She loathed having to work with a member of the White Fang, but protected her own no matter the cost. Grabbing a knife from her boot, Trinity threw it into the wall. The blade was several inches into the wall and on its hilt was Trinity's symbol. "I will be back for that."

Ben was surprised to see that Aires was awake. "Hey, just relax. You need to be healed." the faunus said as he took a seat near the window. Then he heard a knocking, seeing Oxis and opening the window. "Great, the more the merrier..." he murmured quietly.
"We'll see you pest." Sora cursed letting her go. "Head to Beacon Academy and be warned that wench is very manipulative. Like you, although how sad that your efforts did not work on me. Now go."

Aires smiled weakly. She reached out for his hand when he let go. "Ben" She refused to fall back asleep until she had his hand.

Kaze looked at Oxis with a cold look. "What do you want . . . "
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Trinity left without another word and left the area on her motorcycle. "Don't worry Miss Phoenix, you are my next target." She mumbled as she pulled the throttle and drove towards Beacon.

Back at Beacon, Ben realized what Aires wanted and moved the chair closer. "Now sleep unless there is anything you need to tell me now." He commanded as he glared at Kaze.
"Trinity knows you. I don't know who she is. She seems really confused but looks really sweet when she's not trying to kill me." Aires said softly falling asleep.
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"Yeah. Great. Trinity wants to kill you. This is just a blast." Ben said sarcastically. "Well, how do I prevent this? Kaze, advice?" Ben asked. He did not need to see a friend die or need to kill his friend.
"Kill you? That was never part of the plan . . . Aires they want you alive. Huh? Dammit of course she's sleeping." Kaze looked at Ben, "Advice . . . Let them take Aires." He said.
"Trinity would have her already if she was wanted alive. We'll just wait and see then." Ben said as a nurse offered him a shirt to wear. With a simple no, Ben sat and pondered, somewhat out of character for him. Just relax, nothing could possibly be as bad as what you are thinking, the Faunus thought as he tried to calm himself.
"Wait why aren't you wearing a shirt?" Kaze asked baffled by his choice. "Also where's your teammates? If we want to even think about defeating my patents. . . We need a plan. They at lest have to know what's been going on."
"I'm not even going to ask.." Angel muttered, her hand still in Tavril's. She then smacked Kaze upside his head. "Why are you so hell bent on letting them take Aires? Isn't she your sister?!" She yelled at him, almost ready to hit him with anything she could grab hold of.
"I might have something that could help." Oxis sudddenly spoke up before holding up a large silver ring. "I couldn't help but hear that you're going against someone who has a pesky semblance. So here."
"We're not going against anyone . . ." For some reason Kaze wad in a horrid mood. "And Angel I swear, hit me one more time and I'll use my semblance on you. If they get Aires She can probably destroy them. Plus we'd live." He sighed, "I was kidding about hurting you by the way . . ." He then senses Oxis's gift, "What does it do?"
"I used to use this when I had problems with my semblance and accidentally killed other test subjects on a daily basis." She said nonchalantly. "It helps controlling one's semblance and, as a coincidental side effect, negates nonphysical semblances. Kindly do not break it, which will be difficult but nonetheless, or you will die a horrific death."
"Gruesome.." Angel muttered, after hearing Oxis describe the ring. "So we let Aires wear the ring?" She asked, taking it from Oxis hand, examining it more closely. It was a silver ring.
"Yes, like this." She gently puts it on top of her head. After a few moments it started to hum gently and float. "Kinda like a halo, don't you think?:
"What are you crazy? Why would you want to control her power? She's called The Bomb for a reason in White Fang." He grew more angry by the second. "Besides . . . None of you know the power the Phoenix have. We all have wings and powerful semblances. What makes you so sure it can control it. They don't need control they need to be destroyed."
"Of course this is entirely up to her." Oxis added, taking the halo off. "There's no inherent need for the control, just the side effect."
"Angel what should we do? I can't lose my sister . . . If I could take everything back I would. I hate myself." He said shaking to his knees at his leaders feet. Suddenly Aires's heart rate picked up and it kept getting faster.
"Well.." Angel couldn't answer. What should they do? She didn't know, herself. As Angel tried thinking of an answer, Aires' heart rate quickened. "Whoa.. What the..?" She said, looking to Aires and back to the monitor.
When the line went flat again the room felt suffocating. Suddenly Aires just stopped moving. The medics were worried. She needed to be shocked with a defibrillator. Once that was done she wasn't responding. Did mom poison you Aires? Please just open your eyes. Breathe Aires! Damn it, where is Will when you need a good electrocution!?
"ACID GET OVER HERE NOW!" Oxis shouted. Acid drunkenly wobbled over with Teri following. She took one look and poked her chest with a lightning finger.
Aires opened her eyes say up blinking at Acid her semblance activated. "Look out!" Kaze yelled slamming Acid to the ground covering her body with his. "You okay? That was too close."

Aires felt her body ache but all her vitals were back to normal though she was very very weak.

Kaze got up looking at the whole in the wall. "Sheesh, oh right, here" He days extending his hand, "let me help you up."
"..." Acid drunkenly stared at him. "You're cute..." She said before leaping up and kissing him on the lips. She was immediately yanked away and held back by Teri.

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