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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Yeah, teamwork." Tavril repeated with a smile. What is wrong with you Tavril? You sound like a stupid record. Don't start making a fool of yourself in front of her. He thought angrily to himself. Angle was a person he could stand- that he actually enjoyed the company of. He better not mess it up. "So uh...why did you decide to come to Beacon?" he asked her as his tail started to sway back and forth. He quickly put a stop to that.
"Why come to Beacon..?" She repeated, looking out to the hallway, and then back to Tavril. "Well.. My parents just sent me here.. Before they.. Well.. Before they were murdered.." She murmured, looking down to the ground as they walked. The memories of her and her parents quickly flooded her mind. 'God.. I miss them..' She thought to herself, a stray tear falling from her eyes. She then immediately rubbed it away, not wanting to cry in front of Tavril. "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to cry." She said to him, a smile up on her face.
"Dammit. Now I have to place a trap in the closet..." William sighed before getting up. He picks up the stuffed rabbits on the ground and puts them in the pile on top of Elinore's bed. "That might be true, but Alex or another professor will come back to force you out of the room if I leave. It's been two weeks already, so you don't have an excuse to stay in your bed in their minds. So until you get over the fact that Markus was murdered by your own hands and leave this damn room by yourself, I'm staying by your side twenty-four seven." He said while getting a dust infused mine out of his drawer.
"No wait, please don't apologize for crying- I mean, well... uh... loss is really tragic-" Tavril was stammering over his own words, his hands awkwardly positioned in the air. He didn't know if he was supposed to comfort her or if he was allowed to touch her or not. He was making a pretty big fool of himself. Mentally he was beating himself up for screwing up this badly. He took a deep breath and put his hand on her shoulder while giving her a soft smile, "I'm sorry for bringing it up. Losing people close to you can be very hard. Let's talk about something else, okay? Like...what's your favorite animal?"

Elinore scooped the bunnies William placed back on her bed towards her. She smiled softly at William, "I really appreciate all that you've done for me..." she said as she hugged the bunny that was ripped closer to her. He did have a point though, even if he didn't intend to make it. Two weeks was a long time to sulk. Especially when Markus was helping the white fang. William had probably killed hundreds of people by now without a second thought. "Will...do you maybe wanna have that dinner we were talking about a couple weeks ago? Or go find out what that thing was Maxwell had under that sheet?"
William was setting up the mine in the closet when he heard Elinore ask about the dinner. "Dinner? What are you... dust! I nearly forgot about that!" He began panicking in his mind and thought of what he should do about it. Maybe he should set up reservations at some classy restaurant with five star reviews. But wouldn't that seem a bit too much for their dinner date? Maybe he should go with his original plan to eat on the rooftop, then possibly put on some music they can dance to under the moonlight. Though that can turn out bad if a staff member saw and reports them to Ozpin. The moon might also be covered by clouds when they're dancing, ruining his plan to-

"Stop thinking so much! My brain hurts from all your mindless banter!" Gavin yelled out angrily after slapping his mask. He completed his current task immediately before turning to Elinore. "Let's find out what that covered object was first. I need to uncover its true form for my own curiosity!"
Acid cried until she couldn't. She wiped her tears off and started looking for something. She smiled as she pulled out a box from under her bed and yanked out a bottle. She opened it and drank the contents before sighing.

Teri entered the room and sighed, today had been a long day and she really needed to rest. She saw Acid reach for another bottle. "Acid! Are you drinking!" She shouted in a panic as she tried to snatch the bottle away. Acid frowned and swatted her hands away. "Yes? So whaat?" She said with a slur as she downed another bottle.
Elinore stood up from her bed and smiled "Alright Gavin, that sounds like fun." she said with a slow nod. Maybe a lighthearted adventure was what she needed to stop herself from constantly thinking about how she killed her friend. She slowly made her way towards the door and smiled at the two-in-one student "and William, the area in front of my house is a pretty great place for a picnic. I could use some more bunnies..." the small stack of rabbits on her bed was obvious not enough to appease her.
Angel wiped at the tears that were stopping from flowing. "Favorite animal..?" She repeated, perking up. She eventually had a smile on her face. "I... I like rabbits.. Cute and fluffy.." She murmured, embarrased by her answer. A blush managed to creep onto her face, which she tried hiding from Tavril.
"We need to find it." Tinko said with a elongated sigh "If it isn't welded in before the Riphloes dry then we'll need to wait another week before my family can send another."

He and Maxwell were walking together in the hall, Tinko had finally gotten out of his casts, and was now walking while shooting looks all over.

"How do you even lose a solid metal ball that big?" Tinko asked

Maxwell just took out a single sheet of paper with the letter X written on it.

Tinko pouted "Curse him and his various ways to get into seemingly impossible places. Well maybe we can convince him it's for a new fitness regimen were putting into place. He might be able to steal from the sight but I know for a fact that you, me and Arata are the only ones with knowledge of what's actually happening."

They turned a corner and came across Angel and Tavril, "Ah!" Tinko flagged them down "Have either of you guys seen Mr. X lately?"
"M-Mr. X..?" Angel repeated, suddenly shaking. "N-no.." She replied to Tink, holding onto Tavril's arm. "I-I haven't seen him all day.. Right Tavril..?" She said, talking to Tavril this time. Uh oh.. Mr. X, was near here? More importantly, he was IN Beacon?
"Of course it sounds fun. I'm the one who suggested it." Gavin said after leaving the room with Elinore. He arms the trap above the door with his scroll before arriving in front of team TAKM's door. "Now we're going to break into their room and look for clues of its whereabouts. Though if someone is in there, I'm going to threaten to shoot them before asking for its true form." That was his brilliant plan. Which means someone is going to get shot soon. Before Elinore could say something about the reckless plan, Gavin shoots the door with his shotgun a few times and kicks it open. "Peekaboo! Here's Gavin!" He announced as he entered TAKM'S room, pumping another shell into the shotgun's chamber.
Teri dragged Acid out of their room. Acid took another swig from her bottle and cheered. "Dammit Acid stop drinking!" Teri said as she tried and failed to snatch the bottle. "No! This bottle is like a stuffed animal trying to comfort me." Acid replied. "SOMEONE HELP ME HERE!" Teri shouted as she kept trying to get the bottle.
Karmella raised the sunglasses off her face and looked up from the lawn chair set up in thee room. The entire floor was covered in a large sand colored rug and the sheets of all the beds were island themed. A radio playing cruise music was set up on one of the beds.

"Oh it's just you, I expected one of my teammates to break down the door with a weapon in hand." Karmella said with a giggle before sliding the sunglasses back over her head and leaning back in her chair and raising a coconut drink to her lips and sipping.


"Oh man." Tinko said while his fingers in defeat "I thought that since he got promoted to a full time professor and everything that more students would notice him showing up all over the place. I guess that was just hopeful thinking though."

Tinko looked down at the ground for a moment before sighing and turning to Maxwell, who was still scanning the halls for any sign of Mr. X.

"Oh well," Tinko said before noticing a team of faunus students walking down a hall chatting about something, he turned to Maxwell who nodded and soon the pair ran over to them to ask about Mr. X as well.
"Really? Bunnies?" Tavril asked with a smile, "that's cool. They're supposed to represent compasion right?" he asked. Elinore had the whole deal with bunnies sense the rabbit in her emblem came from her mother. She talked a lot about its symbolism or whatever and now he wished he listened to her. Maybe it would help this conversation. Tinko approached them soon afterwards and asked about the X character. "You mean that shady teacher? No. Haven't seen him."

Elinore stared at the door as William burst in under Gavin's plan. Well at least it was a plan? She stood in the doorway with her stuffed rabbit and watched. There was no way this was ending well. And...what was up with this room? Karmella was quite the interior designer.
"Tell me what was under the covers or prepare to be shot down, shisno!" Gavin warned after pointing his shotgun at Karmella. Whenever William's other personality sees Karmella, it seems to always get pissed off for some unknown reason. It's like her appearance reminds him of someone in his past, but he can't remember who it was. Even the word 'shisno' sounds familiar to him, despite not knowing what it meant. "Why the dust were you giggling for? Do you think this is a joke?! Huh?! Answer me!" He pulls the trigger and a clicking sound comes out of the shotgun. "What? Did it jam?"
"Still can't understand a word you're saying darling." Karmella waved him off before taking a sip, only to realize that it was empty "Be a good toy soldier and get some of the Double Blaster Extreme energy Mix from the mini-fridge in the corner Would you? I'll tell you anything afterwards."


As that occurred inside the room Tinko passed by and noticed Elinore in the doorway "Hey El," he said with a yawn "Have you seen Mr. X anywhere? I've been looking for him."
Angel was still visibly shaking after Tinko left. She continued to cling onto Tavril. "O-oh.. Sorry.." She said to him, once she noticed how much she clung onto him. "I just.. Can't handle Mr. X.." She added, a shiver going down her spine.
"That's because you already emptied it. You shot something in the hallway." Elinore sighed as Gavin tired to shoot Karmella unsuccessfully. At least no one got shot. She was about to get the drink for their....hostige (?) when Tinko approached her. She turned to face him and nodded "He was in my closet. I threw a rabbit at him." she said with a nod "Two actually. But he disappeared." she told Tinko before walking to the mini-fridge to fulfill Karmella's request.

"I don't trust him either." Tavril said as his ears laid flat and he scanned the hallways to make sure the figure wasn't lurking around. "I won't let him harm you though." he told her with a reassuring nod. By that point he had countless years of body guarding experience. Surely Angel put herself in less danger than his old 'friend' "you know, the place I used to live has a lot of rabbits." he said with a smile to try and get her mind off of Mr. X
Angel immediately perked up when she heard about the rabbits. "Really?" She asked, a smile on her face and a gleam in her eyes. "Were they small and fluffy?" She added, almost bouncing up and down by now. "And what colour were they? Did thay have any baby rabbits? Were they always around you?" She continued on, a huge grin on her face.
"How dare you try order me around like a slave! Feel your skull being bashed open after I smack you, shisno!" Gavin flips the shotgun around and swings the firearm at Karmella's head. Which missed by over a feet. "Impossible! You didn't even move a inch!" He keeps swinging at the other student without even making contact with her head once. After a minute of unsuccessful hits, he immediately stops.

"I'm sorry for my brutish behavior, my lady. I suddenly lost control over my body and started acting like a violent buffoon on acid." William apologized after regaining control of his body. He walks toward the mini refrigerator and meets up with Elinore. "A picnic and bunny catching sounds nice. Let's do it after finding out what that object was for Gavin's stupid curiosity." He whispered to her after taking two cans of Double Blaster Extreme Energy Mix out. He gives one to Elinore before giving Karmella the other can. "Can you tell me what Maxwell and Tinko were transporting two weeks ago under the covers? Elinore and I would love to know what it was if you know."
"Angel? Tavril?" Aires said as she saw the two. She looked beaten, battered, bruised and very weak. "Take me to my team-" She fell on the ground after that. She needed get team not the nurse. But her world darkened.
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Tinko sighed before putting his hand to his chin and staring in the general direction of team WABE's room. If Mr. X was heading away from that spot then he would probably-

Tinko spun on his heel and stumbled back the way he came, he passed and intersection of halls where Maxwell was "I think I know where he's headed! Come on!"


A patch of the ceiling dipped down a bit as a bit too much weight was added to it. And so the roofing caved in as a large round metal object covered in wrapping paper crashed through it and embedded itself into the floor. It was soon followed by Mr. X who landed on the object head first which made a loud metallic clang echo throughout the hall.

Laughing, Mr. X rolled onto his feet as his floating hands began rapidly repairing the ceiling as quickly as they could.

Rubbing a hand along his mask to make sure it wasn't damaged (Which was surprising considering the damage it just went through) Mr. X glanced up to see that he had landed directly in front of Tavril, Aires and Angel.

"Ah!" he said as he stretched and stood "Just the girl I was looking for!"

As he spoke the hands finished the ceiling and floated down to pull the gift wrapped object out of the floor.

"I just wanted to give you a present to celebrate our wonderful friendship!" He began cackling

The floating hands were successful in tearing the object out of the ground, but the wrapping paper itself was torn as it was retrieved.

The hands were holding a bowling ball sized sphere of shiny metal that seemed to weigh immensely as the hands were having trouble keeping it up.

Mr. X sighed as he turned to his floating hands as his fluctuating voice turned feminine and enraged "It was supposed to be a surprise you ungrateful-"

He paused and looked up as something registered senses.

He spun back to Tavril Angel and the unconscious Aires "Have fun with that!"

He then took off down the hall with his hands trailing behind him, he was about to round a corner when Tinko shouted "There he is!"

Mr. X did a 180 while chuckling and took off down another hall as the two armed students gave chase.


Karmella poured the drink into her coconut and took a long drink before sighing in content "I lied, I have no idea what those three are up to because they refused to let the ever great Valentino family get a cut of the revenue" after another sip "But take pride in the fact that you will now be able to tell all your friends you were able to fetch a drink for the Valentino family's flesh and blood."

And then she giggled to herself before indulging in the coconut drink "Oh and be careful, " she said as she stretched " Double Blaster Extreme Energy Mix was outlawed in three countries for its incredibly vivid illusionary effects. The untrained may experience certain unpleasantries."
Ben was seated on his bed after the other two members of his team left. At least she is out of the room now, he thought to himself as he peeled off his shirt. The faunus was now alone in the room and found the time to be rather nice. Elinore had moved, Will was with her, and Gavin hadn't killed anyone so all seemed well. "Where is Aires?" He finally said aloud, even if no one was around to hear it. I miss her...
Kaze saw Aires on the ground. Instead of helping his sister he immediately went in search of Ben knowing he'd want to see her. He knew she'd be in good hands if she was with his teammates. Flying in through the window, his shadow carry a huge darkness upon the room. "BEN!" He shouted entering the room tucking his wings in. "It's Aires. . ." Kaze said looking at the faunus.
"What?!" Ben said, immediately alert. "Where?" The student was immediately up and ready to follow Kaze. This doesn't sound too good, the Faunus thought as he put his scroll back into his pocket.

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