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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Or AD could do it for us." Ben said as he strolled into the room. "Nice setup. Just tell me what I can do to keep myself from boredom." The student said as he started flicking a coin.

"Just sit down and wait. Something is bound to happen when we are needed." Hayden said as he entered the room. "Besides, this place still beats some of the things I've been dragged along to do with my family." And with that said, he threw a metal shard that impaled the coin and embedded itself into the wall, inches from one of the computers.
"Okay, let's see what we got here." Gavin said as he put his feet on top of the desk. "Blah blah blah, locations of secret bases in areas located outside the four kingdom's borders. Blah blah blah, containers full of stolen Elysian Knights and one modified Paladin located inside the facility. Blah blah blah, high-ranking members Scarlett V Luminous, Sora Phoenix, Ar Phoenix, and Castellion Ramsted's current locations are unknown. Each one are busy with their own operations and are not to be disturbed by low-ranking members."

"I transferred the information into your scroll, William. I'm now deleting the database." A.D reported before the computer screen turns dark. The other screens shut off at the same time too, making the comms room dark.

"Our secondary objective here is complete. Let's move out." William told the teams as he leaves the room first. The two teams travel through many quiet hallways without seeing a single soul. It was strange how no guards were present anywhere in the facility. "A.D, why isn't anyone here? Isn't there suppose to be guards patrolling the halls right about now?"

"There's nothing on my radar, William. The only signs of movement in this part of the facility is your team."

"Hmm... strange. If you suddenly get movement that's not ours, update me immediately."

"Roger that, Captain Arse."

Mentally calming himself down to prevent Gavin from saying something bad to the A.I, William stops in front of a strange metal door. Having A.D open the door remotely to prevent a alarm from going off, the student enters the room with his pistol. "I think we found our main objective..." The room they were in was huge and had empty metal containers everywhere. Each had the symbols of the Kingdom of Atlas and Schnee Dust Company imprinted next to each other on the side. In the center of this mess was the Elysian Paladin, aka Freckles. Apparently the massive mechanized battlesuit now has the symbol of the W.F emblazoned on it's left gun and seemed to be offline at the moment. "I wonder if this thing even works..." The student gets into the Paladin's open cockpit and sits down on its pilot seat. Suddenly the cockpit closes on its own, almost as if it's head ate the student's seated body. "A.D, what's going on?!"

Holographic screens appear in front of the trapped student with complex codes moving up and down on each one. The screens suddenly start scanning his entire body into their systems before authenticating his use of the battlesuit. The screens turns green with the words 'ACCEPTED' in the center of it. "Welcome aboard the M.B Paladin-I, pilot. You have been given the honor to pilot one of the most advanced mechanized battlesuits ever developed by the Kingdom of Atlas' greatest minds in cooperation with the Schnee Dust Company. I am Freckles-II, your personal A.I-I-I-I-I-I-..." The new voice in the cockpit begins repeating the letter 'I' over and over, almost as if a glitch occurred in its system. It stopped speaking for a few moments until a new voice could be heard.

Mr. X's floating hand passed William and the battlesuit as it looked around for something.

"No blowing anything up just yet ad-blocker, let's see where are the other-" the hand paused in midair as it noticed something "Oooooh, now this is entertaining."

On a bench lay a small mechanized box with viewports on it, inside was a basic wooden replica of the head of Freckles II. The replica also had several dead test rodents strapped in.

"This would look lovely on top of Ozzy's door!" Mr. X squealed in excitement as the hand dragged itself along the outside of the replica "Oh and AD, if you spot something akin to a self terminating neurotoxin vat welded somewhere in there I recommend not messing with it just yet as it seems they were not able to properly set up the area clearing gas without it prematurely going off and spilling into the cockpit."
The team started to head to the vehicle depot. Teri prepped her favorite kind of explosives, effective ones. Caron was busy trying to stuff as much Carbon Monoxide in a canister while Oxis was doing the same with Oxygen. Acid was singing to herself.

"We're no strangers to love

You know the rules and so do I

A full commitment's what I'm thinking of

You wouldn't get this from any other guy

I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling

Gotta make you understand

Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you

Never gonna make you cry

Never gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you~" She sang.

"Is she always like this?' Teri asked as she placed another explosive underneath a gas tank.

"What can you expect, she's high." Caron said as she placed a couple on some tires.

"WHA-mmph!" Teri almost shouted but was fortunately muffled by Oxis.

"Trust us, she's better off high." Oxis said slowly letting go and returning to installing a concussive explosive on the doors.
Markus had made his way to the Command center. He put on his mask. After he had done that, the ghost had taken over. He marched into the center with pride, they wouldn’t attack the ghost. Especially sense Constellion was looking over the holographic map.


“Ah good, the ghost has finally arrived... And I take it you have brought a few test subjects.” He said with a devilish smile. Constellion had something plan and he needed good test subjects. “People who knew how to fight.”

The Ghost:

He smirked, but no one could ever tell because the mask cover his mouth. “That, then some.” He walked over to the map. “They will make their way to it... Then you can try it out.” He pointed to the Helipad. “They will meet up here in twenty five minutes... so we won’t have long.” He looked over the map.


He smirked. “Send in the guards... Draw them into the open... Then we crush them...” He began to laugh.

The Ghost:

“No, let them think they found something important... Then we draw them out...” He walked to the over hang. He turned off his voice module. He went back to his comms to the teams. He spoke clearly in Markus’s voice. “Two things... First we have a couple of H.V.T’s. Look’s like... Some older looking faunas with white gloves... and.” He took a breathe. “Son of a bitch...Scarlet.... Second. I need a status update?” It was about 20 minutes into this thirty minute mission.
Mr. X's voice replied on the comms "Heyyyy, MarMar! My friend! Thanks for calling." His voice said with an undertone of chuckling as the sound of roaring waves pulsed in the background "So what's up? I feel like we haven't talked in forever."
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"Xs this isn't a game... now either do something that can help... or don't talk at all." He hated when people talked for no reason. "ANd I am not your friend."
"I know the weather this week was murder both figuratively and literally, but casual talk aside buddy. Will's AD cleaner has control over the mechanized thing, which might also be a mobile gas chamber. Didn't read enough to know completely. And the other teams are doing fine so far."
"What ever." Makrus was starting to get pissed. 
He walked into the Command center. “I think it is time to send in a monkey wrench into this glass paine.” the ghost said. He opened back comms. “Shit.... Guys were gonna have company.” The alarms were going off.
Acid was singing when she saw a couple of mean looking Faunuses(or Fauni) saw her and tried to apprehend her. "You guys wanna sing too?" She asked as she went crazy

"Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei,

Nu ma, nu ma iei, nu ma, nu ma, nu ma iei.

Chipul tau si dragostea din tei,

Mi-amintesc de ochii tai.~"

They heard the alarms blare and they looked at each other. They heard screaming and rushed out the room only to find Acid. Acid playing with various body parts, various bloody vivisected body parts. "Look guys! I got a new hat!" She said as she showed some bunny ears that was still bleeding on her head. Teri took one look before running back inside and vomiting at a corner. She looked around for a vehicle that the could use and saw a...why the hell is there a tank! "Better than nothing!" She said as she ran inside it, started it and drove for the exit. The rest of her team jumped on as she passed them.
"So then when we get back, We simply have to do something with that hair of yours. I mean you obviously tolerate it but I as a true friend suggest curls... a plethora of curls!"

Mr. X prepared to continue his tangent when the waves in the background were drowned out by smooth jazz.

"Aw MarMar this is my groove right here." Mr. X giggled "Listen, call me back in like five minutes, this has to happen."

The line cut off.
"Is Mr. X telling the truth, A.D?" William asked while trying to figure out how to pilot the battlesuit. He was never good at driving any sort of vehicle and would usually crash into things a lot. Or accidentally blow something up if it had guns... which the Paladin had a lot of attached to it.

"Yup, he's telling the truth." A.D reported after checking Freckles-II's weapon systems. "The neurotoxin was installed for biological warfare purposes when dealing with ground troops or Hunters. It's very effective if it enters and spreads across the body, killing the victim in a matter of minutes. It's okay to use it since you have a emergency oxygen tank installed in Archdeath, but this spreads everywhere once released into the air. Be careful if there's teammates nearby Freckles-II if you use it."

"I'll keep that in mind, A.D." The battlesuit begins moving on its own and turns around to look at the wall. William aims at the wall before pressing a trigger, which released several missles out of the rocket launchers attached to its back. It created a huge hole when the smoke cleared up and that's when everyone heard the alarms go off. Oops... "Everyone, we're heading to the extraction point now!" He announced through Freckles-II's speakers before running through the new hole. Apparently the massive hunk of metal was actually mobile enough to run in, despite its weight. Nice.

The Ghost and the others are making their way for the airship. Ghost is taking up the rear, to protect Scarlet, Constellion, and the burly man. “We are close to my ship... From there we can fly to a safe house, and plot.” Ghost said while holding his war hammer. He lead them through a giant door.


Pulls out the fire sword that he had picked up from ancient temple. It was glowing a brightish red. “We will go to White Fang Headquarters. When there I can plan our next invention... Freckles will have more coming.” He was talking about the robot. Constellion lead them through another door.

There was the ship that the Ghost was talking about. It was big enough to fit a crew of 30 and a good sized cargo. Constellion was the first one on the ship, as it should have been. He was the White Fang leader, and had a higher birth right then the rest.


The Ghost moved to check and see if the ship had enough fuel to let them take off. They had more then enough. He made his way towards the opening that the others had gone to, but was stopped by the door being blown off. “Go... Get out of here.” He commanded when everyone was aboard.

The pilot did as commanded, no one was allowed to leave when he commanded. He just took off. The ghost had turned around to face his enemy... It was Elinore, and the team she was apart of. “Oh how sweet, My little dove has come to save the day..” He looked at her with his blackened eyes. “Oh and hows your sister doing?... I am gonna miss her... The last time I saw her she was a bit... Pale... she was a nice girl, it’s a shame that she had to leave us. But she was nosey, and I couldn’t have someone tell my plan... Shall we dance?” The Ghost jabbed in his deeper voice. He undid the clips to his vest, after it was unclipped, he threw the vest on the ground.

His scars could be seen. One that went from his left shoulder to his belly button, and vise-versa for his other side. The two tattoos that he had on his body could be seen, The White Fang emblem, and the ghost’s markings. The markings covered one arm.

He took off his voice module. Markus’s voice could now be heard. “There... thats better... Now... Where were we?” He said as he jumped into the air lifting his hammer above his head. The hammer was a bit bigger then Markus’s normal hammer. The head of the hammer was twice as big, and the handle was just about half a foot longer. It was also made out of tempered steel, so it was heavier, but stronger. He had made it himself.

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Elinore walked around the empty corridors, confused. Weren't guards supposed to be, ya' know, guarding the place? At least there would be no casualties on either side which was all she could ever want.After a bit of exploration they found a giant robot. That Will got in. Great. "William, I don't think that's a good idea." she said quietly while looking around to make sure that is was indeed no guarded. Then the intruder alert went off. "Again?" she sighed. What about stealth? No? Did William shoot a hole in the wall with rockets? Yeah. Yeah he did. Okay, screw stealth! The group started to make its way towards the exit which was blocked by Marcus who went on to claim that he was the one who killed Annabelle. "Don't even joke about that." she said with an almost sadistic smile, "my sister's really dead you know. And I know you didn't kill her~" she cooed as she lifted the axe off her back "So cut the crap already." she growled as small red flames started to rise around her "or I'll cut it for you."
"And cut!" Mr. X shouted into a megaphone from the roof of the nearby building, he wore a Hawaiian shirt over his suit and held a martini in his free hand "The cheesy plot holes continue to get deeper people. Let's do it from the top and try to add some more calories. Now MarMar, claim that you're Elinore's long lost Brother who also worked for a government agency. But then you went rogue because you wanted to play by your own rules. And now you patrol the streets as a midnight detective with a shady past. Oh, and we're going to change your name to Chase McClean to match popular stereotype even better."

Several hands floated out of the building and Mr. X handed the martini to one as the others applauded his perfect display of original creativity.
"Or can't I just stomp on him and say a cool one-liner before you roll the credits, Handy Creep? I kind of want to kill that bastard with my own hands." Gavin asked through the Paladin's speakers.

"No, let Elinore deal with Markus. We'll deal with airship in the sky." William told himself before aiming the battlesuit's main and secondary weapons at the White Fang airship. "Opening fire at the enemy airship in three... two... one... fire." Anti-tank bullets, plasma blasts, and missles hit the escaping airship's wings all at once. The wings were destroyed and caused the airship to rapidly descend to the ground. It crashes into the forest below it and blows up a few seconds later. "I dusting love this battlesuit..."
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Markus laughed. "Oh foolish girl... You think you know who killed your sister... But the best part is.... who do you think made that man kill your sister..." He began to laugh. He attacked first, bringing the giant hammer over his head, and bringing it down.
Aires rolled her eyes and kicked her leg up, cocking her shotgun, "Take this moron . . ." Aires shot Markus in the shoulder. It wasn't enough to do any real damage but was enough to throw him off course with that stupid hammer of his. "Lulu, he's all yours, kick him to the curb." She smirked.
A combination of Aire's shot to his shoulder and an upswing with Elinore's axeblade backed by an arch made when she shot a grenade behind her that caught Markus's hammer and pushed it back up knocked Markus back. She glared at him with fierce eyes "I know who killed my family. But I'll slaughter you like the worthless piece of crap that did." she said as she slowly walked towards him. If she had an axe she would look like a crazy axe murder-...oh wait... well. There went the neighborhood Elinore. She lost herself to that crazy murderous maniac made of all her suppressed anger. She began to laugh as well, because you can't spell slaughter without laughter. "Any last words~ you cockbiting fucktard?" she cooed with a grin.

(My obligation is complete. Tex approved.)
Markus was sent fly back. He landed on his back. "Yeah.... two thing.... Bow chicka Bow wow." He said. He pulled off his mask. "And I'm sorry." Markus said.
"Ooh! Ooh!" Mr. X popped up several yards away with nearly all of his hands raising up with his "Hey! L... L!..I got one! L! Hey, my turn! Hey!"

Satisfied with his momentary interruption, a hand balled into a fist and flew up to X's mouth where he then coughed in it to clear his throat.

"First of all!" He said as the floating hand he coughed into floated a foot away with a raised pointer finger "We can't kill him."

"Second of all!" he said as the hand raised a second finger before letting out a high pitched pout "I know you aren't about to make more work for me. I mean girl, do you see his hair? It's goin' to take me at least twelve minutes to comb through that atrocity. Don't even get me started on the styling afterwards. Making it worse would be a crime at this point, and he needs to look glamorous for his resignation ceremony."
"I don't think anyone can stop Lulu at this point in time." Aires said walking away. She found Will and looked at him. Something wasn't right. Do it! Her mother threatened inside her mind. She took the vile of acid she had hidden in her boot but then took control and decided against it. She leaned against something and fell the ground looking up. Good luck Lulu!
Markus's little surprise didn't affect Elinore one little bit. She was too caught up in the blood lust to care about who she was going to kill. She just wanted to kill something. The flames around Elinore slowly began to grow with her anger. When Mr. X spoke up, her attention turned to the masked gentleman. "Unless you want to die too, I suggest you leave us alone." she said angrily as she lifted her axe up. She pulled the trigger and released a grenade that shot towards Mr. X, the recoil boosted the axe in the arc that landed her axe next to Markus, the blade ever so slightly digging into Markus' side. Mr. X probably hand a trick up his sleeve that could probably stop him from getting hit, but Markus was hers now. And she would settle for nothing less than slow torture. "Those were stupid last words." she cooed as she leaned down over Markus. She smiled and pulled the trigger again, the recoil shoved the blade deeper into Markus' side.
Aires and Kaze both felt the presence of life force leave the earth. Aires got up to her feet bolted back to where she had left Elinore. She didn't think that Elinore would actually kill him. Has Elinore ever killed someone before? "Lulu . . . " Aires tried to get out. "Lulu are you okay?" She asked, slowly going towards her. She touched her shoulder and tried to pull her away from Markus. There was no sign of life force within him. Markus was no longer alive. "Lulu look at me. Please"

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