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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Oh my! Assaulting a teacher like a wild animal!" Mr. X said as a hand shot towards the grenade, grabbed it and spun it off to the side before detonating harmlessly.

He approached slowly and another high pitched pout could be heard echoing from his mask as he watched Markus go limp.

"He was a horrible teacher and a sucky human being... but we could've at least taken him to a prison where he could've rotted to death in a Single-window concrete room. It would've been fun!" Mr. X said with a sigh before shrugging and regaining a man's pitch "Well, waste not want not am I right? Don't worry, I'll be taking care of the body. This man sullied the name of Beacon, and therefore shall be sentenced to a plane ride... where all the other passengers are disrespectful infants!"

With that Mr. X slapped his knee and doubled over in laughter. As the horde of hands began applauding.
"That was it? Not a scream? Not a beg for your life? You're not that fun you know." Elinore pouted. She stood motionless for a moment. The flames around her died down. "Markus?" She said in a weak, quiet voice. "Markus?" No response. No. She fell to knees beside him and grabbed his hand "Markus? C-come on, that's not funny..." she said quietly. What had she done? Not another one. Not another person she killed in a fit of rage. "Wake up" she begged. Tears falling down her cheeks "its not funny." She was sitting in a pool of another friend's blood. Again. Why? "Come on. Don't do this to me." He'd lured out the side of Elinore she hated the most and payed the price. "C'mon. This wasn't supposed to happen. We were home free."

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"Oh well, you win some you lose some." Mr. X said as he stretched back and had a pair of hands grab Markus' body before he turned and began walking off with it trailing behind him.

Eventually he got to the wall of one of the buildings and had the pair of hands hold up the body against it as the long blade of his machete slid from the cuff of his suit.

He balanced it on his shoulder as he began pointing at seemingly random points on the body, which a hand with a black marker began drawing a dotted line along.

Two other pairs of hands darted into the building and soon dragged the bodies of two dead WF members out with them before dropping them behind Mr. X.

Mr. X tossed a pack of matches behind him to one of the corpse dragger hands while another dragged over a can of fuel.
"Lulu, it wasn't your fault!" Aires kneeling down beside her and hugging her tightly. Aires felt worried about her friend. She didn't know what to do. She was afraid of Elinore ever snapping like that again and she was also angry with Markus for being horrible with her. "Lulu it's okay. Shh, it's okay, it's okay." Aires said rubbing her back.
Elinore watched as Mr.X took the body away from her, leaving her in the bloody mess she made. It was when Aires hugged her that she realized her friend was there. She paused for a moment and hugged Aires back "He can't be dead..." she said as she burried her face in Aires' shoulder, coating Aires in the bloody mess as well "He's dead and I killed him. I killed him just like I killed everyone else..." she said softly "you're not safe..."
Aires held Elinore tighter. "You're not getting rid of me. We're sisters. I refuse to let you grieve like this." Aires was holding back hey treats. Watching Elinore cry hit her hard. As far as she remembered She never ever saw her cry. Aires could feel the blood seep into her clothing. " He is dead and there's nothing you can do about it." Aires was remembered back to Loki's death and how William treated her.
Aren returned to the extraction point. Team ADMM's mission had yielded no results, and Aren was prepared to report so to Markus. He froze mid step. A horribly bloody Elinore was clutching Aires, tears mixing with gore on the rough ground. "What... What happened?" Markus was nowhere to be seen.
"Perfect little guy." Mr. X said to the hand with the marker, he took the marker from it and gave it his Cavinite machete instead.

Immediately, the hand got to work chopping up the body in a mincing formation as the corpse dragging hands began leading a trail of fuel from the bodies back into the building.

Mr. X began to monologue as a pair of hands pulled out a match from the book and set the bodies aflame, the fire then darted along the trail of fuel before disappearing into the building.

"Hey L, just remember that I'm a Semi-licensed therapist." he said while chuckling to himself "If you ever need someone to talk to about your anger management problems then you can always stop by the second wing janitor's closet, or as I like to call it... My office."

Mr. X stopped for a second before taking a few steps away from the wall and sniffing the air. His head swiveled side to side for a bit, before a floating hand sped in from the side and slammed into a cane.

Instantly the glyph on the ground several yards from Mr. X came undone, revealing Karmella and Arata. Karmella held her cane, which despite the obvious effort she was putting in was already giving way.

"Mr. X how lovely to see you here." Karmella said with a giggle

"I know, but the better question is, why are you two here?" He replied with equal enthusiasm

"Oh you know, nothing like an evening invisible walk correct?"

"We snuck onto the transport as they left and basically stalked them for the entirety of their mission." Arata deadpanned

Mr. X tilted his head "You guys too?"

"It's not stalking, its just a detailed observation." Karmella waved Arata and Mr. X down

"Whatever, doesn't matter. Now usually I'd give you both janitor duty for sneaking along with a detachment. But seeing as this isn't an authorized mission and whatnot I guess just stay here with the others while I take care of the body."

Karmella nodded and Mr. X jumped in place with excitement before hurrying back to the minced meat that was once Markus.

"His appearance unnerves me." Arata stated as Karmella looked to the side

"At least he's easy to distract, darling."

Mr. X contemplated the pile of meat for a second before shrugging and activating a rune that froze the pile of flesh.

He went back to slashing, causing the pieces to gain a slushier consistency as the hands herded the slush into a large plastic bag,

After getting most of it in the bag, Mr. X slang the bag over his shoulder and pointed to one of the two burning bodies "We'll take this one back and use it as a replacement for Marcus' if we keep details about his death blurry then we should be able to save the school some serious face!"

"Here's our story, everything went smoothly until a suicide bomber attacked Markus by surprise and set him ablaze instead of blowing him up for some reason. You guys barely escaped as the place burned to the ground. Hook, line, sinker!"

With that Mr. X pulled out a long bendy straw which he then slipped into the bag. He slipped the straw into the mouth of his mask and slurped away as the hands cleaned up the remains of their work. With the complex slowly catching fire from the inside.

Mr. X pulled the straw from his mask as he turned to glance at Aren "Nothing bad kiddo, just some problems pertaining to Markus. But everything should be fine now."

When he finished he returned to his horrific slurpie.
Returning to the school two weeks passed since the death of Markus.

Elinore was still in shock and had not come out of her room.

Will was usually in and out fighting with Gavin, trying to be as considerate and gentle with Elinore as he could be, with the insane Gavin. With everything that went down Will had forgotten his promise to Aires about fixing her wings.

Ben had been training to become stronger and more equipped, so in cases of emergency he could respond faster.

Aren was finally getting to know his teammates better.

Angel, she was trying to figure out how to deal with her feelings for Tavril and her distaste for Kaze.

Hayden was off doing his own thing and at times he would train with Ben or Kaze.

Tavril was slightly worried about Elinore, only slightly though.

Drake and Mercy were getting used to Aren being team leader, so far so good.

Tinko, Arata, Karmella and Maxwell were causing mayhem without realizing it around the school grounds.

Team TACO were busy calming down Acid. Teri seemed to have her hands full.

Ozpin believed Mr.X when the story of Markus's death was told. Though Ozpin knew that it wasn't true. Not wanting to get into too many quarrels, he proposed the students have a couple of days to themselves.

As for Aires, she hardly had been at Beacon. The only one that seemed to noticed her disappearance was of course Kaze. Though he knew exactly where she was and was not about to tell anyone that.
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Acid shyly walked to the door to Aires' team's room. She tried knocking on the door but hesitated and blushed. She took a deep breath and knocked twice. "Hello? I'd like to talk with Gavin please?"
Angel stayed in her room, laying in her bed. She was still feeling funny. Why? Was it Tavril again? Was it Kaze this time? Hayden didn't pose a problem, so what the hell was wrong. She'd toss and turn for a few minutes, then stop then toss and turn again. "Agh... Why is everything so confusing.." She murmured, looking up at her ceiling.
The door to WABE's room opens and William was standing there with a shotgun. "For the last time, she doesn't want to leave the... Acid?" When he realized it wasn't Alex trying to get Elinore out of the room again, he lowers the shotgun. "Why do you want to talk with Gavin?"
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Acid blushed. "U-uh...that's not your business!" She shouted, turning her head so no one could see her blushing face. "I want to talk with him please?"
William sighs before turning to Elinore, who was still sleeping on her bed. "...fine, you got one-"

"Hour!" Gavin said before going out of the room and closing the door behind him. "So what do you want to talk about girl? If it's not important, I'm shooting your foot off for wasting my time."
"I...I would like to ask you out on a date..." She said shyly as she looked down on the floor. She was half expecting him to say no so she braced herself for rejection.
"Yeah, it's not like I'm busy." Gavin said as he points the shotgun's barrel at his foot. His finger pulls the trigger and he kneels down instantly after feeling a sharp pain in his foot. "What the hell is wrong with you?! You nearly shot off our own foot!"

"Stop complaining, you wimp. We're wearing Archdeath, so the chances of our foot being shot off is low." William grunted as he slowly got up and leans against the shotgun for support. "I'm sorry, but Gavin can't go out with you right now. We need to watch over Elinore until she gets over Markus's death. Come back another time." He said coldly before going back into his room. Closing the door, he leans his back against it before sliding down onto the floor. He inserts a shell into the shotgun's chamber before pumping it. "Aires is gone and Ben is busy training. I can't leave her alone for one second..."
"You know, you don't have to watch me all the time." Elinore said quietly from her bed. The shot fired outside the door had woken her up and she sat nestled in the pile of stuffed rabbits that grew larger every night while the team was asleep. She held one rabbit in particular in her arms. The rabbit she used to throw at people who tried to get her to stop sulking. She stopped throwing it once it got damaged. A seam had split and the stuffing was coming out. Like it too was bleeding. But it wouldn't die. No. If she ever found Aires again she would ask her to help fix it. But Aires had been missing for some time. She assumed she had been called away like Elinore was but didn't get the chance to tell anyone. "You've helped me a lot William, but you don't need to put your life on hold to watch me"
Angel shot up from her bed from the sound of a gun shot. "What the.." She muttered, looking at the door, thinking someone would come in and start shooting randomly. But it never came. She got off her bed, getting her shoes on. "Staying in here won't help me much.. I should walk around the school.." She murmured, getting to her feet and getting out of her room. 'But where should I go..' She thought, starting her walk around the school.
Ben was heading back from his training, something he had been doing a lot of in the past two weeks. The activity seemed to distract him from his slightly broken team who was refusing to accept help or move on. That act probably frustrated him the most as he didn't feel that Markus' death was too tragic as Markus was the one who caged him like an animal only to be set free by his team.

And then Aires was missing, nowhere to be found. Ben wasn't the worrying type, but he did wonder where his girlfriend went within the last two weeks. Maybe it is to see someone about her wings, he thought as he approached the holo projector room he and Hayden had set up.

He hadn't bothered to replace the blade on Risk, deciding that using a hook would be beneficial to him. But if he was to continue to utilize it, he wanted the maximum ability from his weapon.

Once he entered the room and removed Risk, Ben entered the specs he knew of for his weapons and let the machine create a projection of it with a list of the necessary modifications. Within a few moments, Ben was reworking the mechanism to compensate for the new weapon type to how the computer said it should be optimized. He then tightened the mechanism even further to fire faster. Hopefully I can shoot faster than others can throw, he thought as he replaced the gauntlet and made his way toward his team's room.
When Elinore finished speaking, the closet unexpectedly opened as Mr. X leaned out.

"She's right wittle buddy, can't have a recovery without some deep and cheesy alone time don't ya know!" Mr. X chuckled to himself "But on to more important matters, that shotgun there... it would be soooo terrible if an unsuspecting student were injured horribly by it. Not for the student, but for someone who thought they could get away with wiping another stain on Beacon's name."

"But what do I know? I'm just your new situational Professor... I'd hate to lose my promotion so early on in it's comeuppance. But hey, I'm just an old coot."

Giggling, Mr. X retreated back into the closet and slamming the door closed behind him... which slowly slid open revealing that he wasn't inside anymore.
"Welcome back Ben." Elinore said quietly when he entered the room. Greeting him with the traditional throwing of a stuffed squeaky rabbit toy to the face. Elinore slowly turned her head when Mr. X came out of the closet. She never expected him. Ever. She didn't understand how he did anything he did. Were there secret doors everywhere in Beacon? Or was he just a really good magician? She didn't want to know. She had a feeling the question was one better left unanswered. She prepped a bunny for throwing and chucked it at him, but before it could hit him he slammed the door closed and the bunny bounced off the closet door. When it slid open, she threw another one. Just to be safe.

Tavril noticed Angel walking down one of the school corrodes. He looked around to make sure no one else was around, out of habit mostly, before approaching her. He tried his best to put of a friendly smile as he called out for her. "Angel," he said as he walked up next to her, "would you like to...perhaps take a walk with me?" he was rubbish at social interactions, especially ones of this manor "As teammates, it's our duty to get to know one another better in order to ensure the most effective teamwork." Yeah, that sounded like a totally legitimate excuse. It totally wasn't a guise just so he could spend some time with her.
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Acid gave a sad smile. "Okay..." She whispered as she slowly walked away. She returned to their room and sat down on her bed. After making sure no one was around she started to cry.
Angel turned as her named was called, it was Tavril. "T-Tav!.. Hey there." She said, suddenly nervous by his sudden appearance. He then suggested that they take a walk together. "H-huh.. Uhm.. Sure." She replied, trying hard to hide her blush on her face. "Y-yeah.. Team work.." She muttered, beginning to walk beside Tavril. 'Girl, don't you mess up!' Her conscience said to her, giving her a mental slap to the head. 'I won't!.. Geez..' She replied, looking to Tavril then smiling.

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