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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Let's go." Kaze said grabbing Ben by the arm and tugging him out the window. He flew into a different window through someone else's dorm and then landed in front of his teammates and a destroyed Aires. Letting go of Ben's arm Kaze trembled a bit. Geez what did my mother do to you sis?
Kneeling next to Aires, Ben could sense that the situation was bad. "We gotta get her to the medical wing." He stated as he picked her up. What the hell did this to you? And why? Was all he could think as he looked down at his girlfriend. He then began walking in the direction of the nurse's office.
Aires opened her eyes. She was barely squinting. She couldn't make out too much. The word that she did make out were, "Lulu ?. . . Missed you . . . White Fang . . . Sora-" Aires stopped talking after that.

Kaze couldn't help but feel guilty. Thinking that he put his sister in the position that she was in. He decided to follow Ben to the medical bay.
"Of course it's the goddamn White Fang." The Faunus muttered as he continued to walk. Ben's day wasn't going to well at this point. His girlfriend was nearly dead again, and again the White Fang was involved. "I'm going to make those bastards pay." He muttered again as his strides lengthened.
"Ben, " Aires struggled to speak once more, "Tri - Trinity Ro- Ack - Rosea . . ." She tried to make out. She had blade marks on her shoulders and arms, clearly not something her mother would have done to her.
Hearing Trinity's name made Ben stop dead in his tracks. "What? Trinity?" Ben asked with a confused face. His brain was failing to process information after being greeted by a ghost of his past. How could she know Trinity? the Faunus thought as he slowly started to move again.
"No way . . . Mother has control of the leader of the Thieves Guild. I can't believe Trinity Rosea is actually with mom. I wonder how bad she hurt her." Kaze said not realizing that it was aloud. "Oh dust." He says slowly turning around to leave the lovers alone.
Again stopping, Ben turned to face Kaze with a deadly look on his face. "Excuse me? What did you just say?" Ben asked menacingly. If Ben had destructive semblance, Kaze would no longer be standing, but for now the Bird was safe. "Spit it out." There was murder in Ben's eyes and every passing second, it became more intense. Who the dust could control Trinity? She can't be caught, he thought while keeping a deadly expression.
Way to go you moron . . . "You know my sister doesn't look so good . . ." He said backing away from Ben. Aires's heart rate dropped, she tug on Ben's arm weakly, "I'll explain later . . ." She murmured as her hand slid from him to her side going limp.
"You are explaining on the way over." Ben barked at Kaze as he began to walk in the direction of the medical wing. The venom could be heard in his voice. He better talk if he wants to live past the doors of the nurses office, Ben thought as picked up the pace. And Trinity better not be involved...
"...can I please strangle her?" Gavin asked quietly to himself as his hands were shaking in anger.

"Not today, buddy." William whispered back as he motions Elinore to leave the room with him. "It was a pleasure talking with you, Karmella. Farewell." He said before exiting the room. "Now we have to find the other members of TAKM for information..."
"A sea of bunnies as far as the eye can see." Tavril said as he spread out his arms to help exaggerate his point. "Thousands of them. White ones, brown ones, spotted, too. "and they're all as fully as can be. There's special ones too. They have little blue bows around their necks. If you're quiet enough, you can sneak up and pet Aires?!" Tavril stopped in the middle of his tale when the winged faunus came in and passed out on the floor. Asking for her team, not a medic. "Angel, you've gotta help me get her to the nurse." he said in a serious tone as he started to try and help Aires. Before much progress was made, the Benjamin fellow came along with her brother and swept Aires away.

Elinore smiled and started to drink the canned-liquified-energy or so it was called. Bunny catching sounded like great fun. "Maybe Tinko would know. Maxwell would probably know, but I don't think he'd tell us." she started to reason as she left the tropical paradise of a room. "No where did Tinko go..." she said as she looked around the hallway. He was just here. Asking about Mr. X... "maybe he's in our closet."
Hearing stories of Tavril's home, made Angel smile. She smiled all the more when he talked about the rabbits. She just adored them. "I wanna pet a— Aires?!" Angel cried out. Seeing her best friend fall to the floor in front of her.

"Angel, you've got to help me." Tavril said, beginning to pick up Aires. But then Ben and Kaze come and take her away. Angel just stood there baffled. What the hell just happened? Her best friend appears out of nowhere and then her crazy brother and boyfriend come to her aid. "We have to follow them Tavril.." Angel told him, grabbing his hand as they followed the trio.
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A member of the beacon staff was going through markus's stuff. They were trying to find a reason. When they opened the door, everything was covered with bed sheets. Except for one table with a USB drive on it, that had a piece of tape. It said "watch me".
"Do you know a woman by the name of Sora Phoenix?" Kaze asked worried about Aires's current condition. He noticed that his teammates were following as well. "Everyone might as well know, I mean she's gone too far this time." He finished.
"No. Should I?" Ben spat out. His frustration was apparent. He was still picking up the pace in an attempt to make it to the medical bay faster.

Hayden had been in the nurses office, getting a wound stitched up and bandaged. Once they had finished he stepped out and began to walk back towards his room, needing rest after another all night training session. "I gotta stop doing this, but I don't think Tavril realizes how much he snores." He muttered as he walked.
Kaze sighs, "Well she's the Leader of the Phoenix Fleet, a section of the White Fang." He grew terrified by his sister sudden convulsion. "Aires, steady." She returned to being still. Kaze continued wiping the sweat off his face. " Sora and Ar Phoenix are proud to present Kaze Phoenix and their newest addition to the family Aires Phoenix . . ." He said coldly remembering how much power his family had and still has. "They are our parents. One of the most powerful sects of the White Fang and we belong to them. You can imagine why they want Aires. . ." He choked on her name. "She's so powerful. And for the longest time I tried to kill her too. But Ben you should know . . . Something" Kaze rubbed his head not sure how to say it.
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"And what is that?" Ben asked, still keeping up the anger in his voice. So I am dating one of the White Fang's most powerful members(?). And Kaze tried to kill her? I'll deal with him later. Now focus on Aires and Trinity.
"My mother has control of Aires's mind and she's planning to kill us. All of us. Since our father's semblance is the ability to control minds for about a minute or so I'm sure Aires is trying hard to fight it." He took a deep breath as they finally reached the medic wing, "As for Trinity, let's just say my mother has ways of having people do what she desires."

Aires was hooked up to all these machines. Needless and an oxygen masked were placed on and in her. The machine that kept tabs on her heart rate beated rapidly and then suddenly stopped. Kaze froze, "Sis . . .? No! Do something!"
"Like what Kaze? The nurses are stimming her aura. Now continue to talk because the Trinity I know hated the White Fang just as much as I do." Ben said as he attempted to keep a stern face with his arms crossed on his chest.
"Sora possess a semblance that can kill anyone in seconds. Ar possess the semblance they can render others mindless and subjective to his will. Put this duo together and what do you get: chaos and a lot of death. My his is my mother used someone important to Trinity and threatened their life or her life. But Ar could have used his mind control on her too." Kaze trembled, "I'm sure to die soon because of all I'm telling you."
"I find that highly doubtful. As far as I know, I am the only person that Trinity bonded with. And I am sure you will die, most likely by my hand unless you figure out a way to fix this mess." Benjamin stated. It has been a few years, but still, she wasn't the type to open up to others and the only reason she did with me was we were kids, the faunus thought rubbing his temples.
"You idiot." Kaze growled, "You are dating my sister. Sora knows this, she knows most anything and my guess is that she's using Aires against you to pin Trinity against Aires. Look at those blade marks, those aren't the work of Sora. She has Trinity believing done sorry of lie, that our Ar convinced her mind of it." Kaze turned his back on them. "All I wanted was to get away and find friends, but it's whatever now."

The sound of a slap echoed through the halls of the Phoenix Fleet. "You fool. How dare you let her escape." Sora belittled Trinity. "What do you have to say for yourself? Now that filthy girl shall kill your precious Benjamin . . ." Sora threatened. "Oh my sweet bird it time to kill Ben." She smiled a gruesome smile.
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From above, Oxis watched through a window. Those Semblances sounded pesky. She silently thought and went to her room to quickly get something. She flew to where Aires was and knocked on the window.
"Maybe if I have the AK-130s enter the room first as cannon fodder, I can get inside without being noticed and grab William from behind. Then after beating that bastard into scrap metal with Bluntfire, I'll have those new Elysian Knights drag Elinore out of the room-" Alex muttered to himself in his new office. Apparently after Professor Port returned from his trip to Atlas and took back his class from the substitute professor, Ozpin offered Alex a new job. One that was used to belong to a deceased staff member who couldn't understand the chain of command.

"Hello Chief Regit of Beacon Academy's security staff. How are you today?" Natalya asked after entering the office without knocking first. She sits on top of Alex's desk and looks at the paper he was drawing on. "Are you still trying to get into WABE's room?"

"Don't call me that, Nat. Calling me 'Chief' is weird." Alex replied without looking up from his battle plan. For the past week, he could never get Elinore out of her room without William attacking him with guns, explosives, electricity, knives, Rapier Wasps, stuffed bunnies, etc. The student would always force Alex to retreat to fight another day. This eventually started pissing him off to the point where he's obsessed with making plans to defeat Will-

"Elinore left her room a few minutes ago." Natalya mentioned while poking the Elysian Paladin figure on the desk, a gift from General Ironwood.

"Wait... what?" Alex slumped his shoulders in defeat when his new plan couldn't be used anymore. Though he knew it would still turn out bad with another bullet going into his face. "So did you come here just to tell me that? Or is there something else you need to say?" He asked as the paper was ripped apart and thrown out.

"Yup." Natalya opens up Pandora and pulls out three items.

"I recognize the glowing red sword and decoy box, but that USB drive is new." Alex said as he picks up the electronic device and connects it to his computer. The two other items were found among the wreckage of the fallen W.F airship from two weeks ago. Despite not finding any important bodies nearby it, Nat did manage to find the sword and box under a burned chair.

"I found the USB drive in Markus's room one hour ago. It seems he left a message for us to watch after his betrayal." Natayla said, getting off the desk to stand next to Alex to watch the message.

"I se- why were you in his room? Nobody is suppose to go in there yet."


"Nat, what else did you take from his room?"

"Uhh... oh look! The video is starting!"


"Then he's probably going to get frozen in ice by the mine in there." William said as the pair heads toward their room. "Why would they head to the closet? There isn't anything important- that's a really shiny bowling ball." There was a sphere of shiny metal in the middle of the hallway they were in. It looked like something you'll find in a pinball machine, only one made for giants.

"Dibs!" Gavin declared before picking up the metal sphere. "What the devil is this made out of?!" His fingers were at the point of breaking in half after lifting the sphere a feet off the ground. He couldn't lift it any higher without feeling his muscles ripping apart in his arms. "I... will not... lose... to a... dusting... bowling ball!" Lifting the sphere up to his waist, Gavin felt like he could now lift a Ursa Major off the ground with ease. Though he could only move a fast as a snail without risking the chance of dropping it on his foot. "A little help would be greatly appreciated here..."
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