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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Why the hell are we jumping from a perfectly good airship?!" Hayden yelled in a confused fashion as he watched Markus' divot appear. "And that isn't noticeable?!" The student yelled before performing a leap of faith from the exit.

Benjamin awoke from his trance, noticing the students leaping out of the ship. "This doesn't seem too well thought out." The Faunus muttered as he made his way to the door.
William runs over to Aires after Mr. X vanished into the forest. "Are you okay, Aires?" He asked before looking around his surroundings to see if his teammates were there. "Where's Ben and Elinore when you them..."
Almost as if on cue, Ben back flipped out of the airship, plummeting onwards the forest below at incredible speeds. "C'mon, tall tree, tall tree, tall tree..." He murmured as he scanned the forest. "Ah there!" The student the launched the hook towards the tree as a green aura surrounded him. Using his momentum to swing into the air and land softer than a direct impact that would likely kill him.

Hayden landed in the forest, embedding Trivial into a tree and slamming onto the ground. "Where is everyone?" The student asked as he yanked his weapon from the tree.
Aires felt like she was going to puke. " I don't know where the others are hup-" She placed her hand over her mouth. Looking up at Will she slowly tries to get up hanging on to him.
"Slow down, this isn't a race. Don't push yourself if you don't feel too good." William said while helping Aires get up.
"Heh. Piece of cake." Kaze said landing on the ground and retracting his black wings inside him. He whispered loudly, "Angel! Tavril! Hayden! Where are you guys?" His heat sensory glasses began to look around.

Aires finally got up with the help of Will. Stumbling a little sure focused and looked for her other two teammates. " We better find them fast." She says feeling a cool run down her spine, "I don't like this place. This mission . . . Somethings off Will. You feel that?" The air was thick and difficult to breathe in.
Angel landed on the ground gracefully and slowly, back flipping for the last part of the fall. "Ha!" She cries out, stabilizing herself. She places or bo staff back on her back and started walking towards the group. "I'm here.." She announced, raising her hand. "Team ATKH? Everyone present?" She cried out, looking around her.
"Hmm... I'll try to contact them through our scrolls." William said before sending his teammates coordinates of their current location. He leads Aires to a tree stump and makes her sit down on top of it. "Do you feel better now? Or should I give you some of my aura to give you a energy boost?"
Sitting down Aires shook her head. "Will listen to me." She said in a serious tone, "if I ever try to kill you . . . Kill me first." She was starting to feel a bit better but she was worried that her mother would win over her mind.
"Why would you try to kill-" William said before getting cut off by his other personality.

"I'll make sure to shoot you in the face a few times if that ever happens." Gavin said as he took out his pistol and flipped off the safety lock. "Then I'll bury you thirty feet under the ground so you can't rise up from the dead."
Benjamin glanced at the message on his scroll, finding Will's coordinates to be useless. He could barely use the thing to send messages, let alone the mapping function. Instead, Ben walked towards where he heard voices, not fully able to distinguish who they belonged to.

Hayden heard Angel's yelling and immediately headed in the direction of its origin. "Man, why are we here?" He wondered aloud as he reached his teammate.
"At least I can count on you Gavin. But please not the face." She said softly. Looking at Will's mask she smiled, "Just trust me okay Will?"

"Angel, hey I'm here." Kaze said yawning a bit.
Aren jumped last, giving him more time to plan his landing. He had practiced controlled descents with his sword ever since initiation. The landing was still a little rough on his ankles, and he made a mental note to continue his practice. As soon as he landed he surveyed the area, seeing some members of the other teams. "Team ADMM, report!" He looked around for Drake.
Drake had jumped out about the same time as Aren, maybe a couple of seconds after. He pulled out his pike and switched it into a battle axe. He was close to a tree. He dug the side of the axe into the tree. It slowed him to a stop. He just dug out the axe and walked over to Aren. "Present." He said.

Markus was done with his scouting. "the path is clear... Is everyone here?"
"Half of ATKH is here.. Yippee.." Angel said, the fake enthusiasm and sarcasm notable in her voice. 'Where are Hayden and Tavril...' She thought, looking around the group for the two missing members. "Kaze, do you see them?" She asked, poking at Kaze's side.
(Two days worth of no notices...yay..)

Jump? Without making noise? Alright, they might was well do the insane, just in case anyone forgot, Elinore was probably the loudest thing to have ever existed. Grenade launcher? Ha. Yeah. Let's keep that quiet. She stayed silent on the tip, trying to contribute the least amount of stress possible because seemingly everything was getting better between the groups. Not to mention she didn't trust that Mr X one bit. He freaking scared her to be honest. Might as well stay under his radar. She jumped out of the plane with absolutely no idea how she was going to land. Luckily there were trees. Not so luckily, trees hurt. She tried to cushion the fall with her axe but only managed to shave off the branches from the side of the tree. She suppressed a yelp when she hit the ground. Alright...ouch....but at least she didn't break her legs. Right?

Maybe? They definitely hurt.

Tavril didn't trust the X man either, or more he just really disliked him for making Angel so uncomfortable. When he jumped out of the plane he landed softly on a branch and quickly made his way down. A couple trees over something smashed through the branches like a rouge meteor. He sighed in aggravation and hit his palm against his face before moving all the way down. He joined up with his team and looked around "Did everyone make it safe?" he asked.
Markus saw that everyone was there. "Alright Johnson are you at the tree?" A soft voice cam on over the comms system. "Yes... and you guys are cleared to move on." JOhnson said."Alright, heads up. Were moving out now." Markus said, as he started to make his way to the grate.
"Tavril, Hayden, hey guys! Alright, Angel we follow your lead."

Aires saw Elinore land and it looked bad. " Yikes. Lulu you alright?" Aires asked her running towards her. Then Markus gave the all clear. "Oh dust, here we go."
Ben had just made it to his teammates, running up beside Will. "Hey guys. Miss me?" He asked with a grin.

Hayden nodded in agreement with Kaze as he split his weapon into two.
Elinore gritted her teeth and walked over to her team with a slight limp "Yeah, I'm fine." she said with a smile. It was just something she had to walk off. Maybe even her aura could start working at helping her get well enough to move as well. "Alright guys, let's go." she said as she followed the group towards the grate.
"Yes, let's." Mr. X's voice spoke out from behind the group of students.

A single floating hand with Mr. X's mask painted on the back of it floated along after them while his low humming drifted from it.
Ben followed his teammate to their objective. Whatever it was, Ben wasn't sure why they needed so many people. They had better be crackin skulls with eight members in a squad, but it wasn't his plan.

"Where are we heading?" The Faunus asked his teammates. "I may have forgotten that part, and most of the plan. But we are kicking ass right?"
"That's not creepy..." William muttered sarcastically after seeing the floating hand following the group. Thirty minutes of hiking later, everyone goes through the open grate and opens up a access hatch at the end of the sewer. After everyone climbed up the ladder into a empty room, William opens the door slightly. "...all clear." He whispered when he saw nobody in the narrow hallway. A holographic map of the facility appears on his mask, which was provided by A.D's hacking programs. "WABE & ATKH, we're going right at the end of the hallway to get to the comms tower. TACO & ADMM, take the left to get to your assigned buildings. Markus, your following my team until we separate at a different hallway." Opening the door with their weapons out, the teams move up the hallway quietly. They separate at the end and head to their assigned buildings. Minutes later, WABE & ATKH enter a room with computer screens everywhere.

"Cover the door and sweep the room, fools. I'm going to see if there's any useful information in these damn computers." Gavin ordered as he sat down in front of computer.

"Yeah, like you have to do any real work." A.D corrected the armored student, hacking into the W.F's systems without setting off any security programs.
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