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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Aires watched Angel cleave unto Tav. She then looked over to her boyfriend. They had hardly said one word to one another. She sighed deeply after that. This Mr. X was no stranger to her.
"O-okay.." She murmured, looking at him while trying to hide from him as well. She then remembered that she didn't know his name yet, but decided to just keep quiet and not ask anything from this man.
"I only got this mental illness since I didn't listen to Tinko's warning about going inside my own mind." William retorted while wondering where the feminine stiletto came from. "If I listened to him a bit more carefully back then, I probably wouldn't have another personality in my head."
"Plus if I didn't crash into him, he'd still be better off . . ." She membles to Will, still feeling a bit guilty about that.
"You know one would think that a mentally susceptible one like yourself would act more cautious when messing with their own mind, of course you wouldn't because you're Willy. My wittle buddy." Mr. X cackled a bit "We need something interesting to keep the viewers occupied until we get to your little play date... so who's got a story?"
Markus cleared his throat. One because he had a lump in his throat, and two to get everyone to listen to him. "Gavin to answer your question... Were going in an access hatch to the south... Thats also our extract hatch.... This is how we leave." He looked at X, he walked over and sat close to him, so close that only he could hear what Markus was about to say. "I know Ozpin sent you... He doesn't trust me... This mission looks bad, but in the end. Everyone will be safe, and Beacon will have more information then they will know what to do with it."

Enrique looked at Aries. "Wait, you actually have wings?" He had never really meet a faunas that could fly. "I never knew that their were flying faunas!"
"I'm not your 'wittle buddy', Mr. X. I thought I told you to stop calling me that." William sighed, wondering why he decided to ask that professor for help last week. He heard that the man(?) might have known a way to get rid of his other personality from other students, but it turns out it was all a huge lie. His attitude only pissed off Gavin and caused him to attack Mr. X out of rage. That battle did not end well for him and he's been trying to avoid meeting Mr. X wherever he goes.

"I know a funny one!" Gavin said with utmost confidence. "Okay, here's how the story goes...

Once upon a time, there was a rich man pulling along a cart full of dust.

His cart had broken down in Forever Fall, but there came a passing Hunter and his son.

The rich man pleaded to the Hunter to keep a close eye on his cart, to which the Hunter agreed.

The rich man went to get a new cart. Meanwhile, the Hunter kept watch.

Night soon fell, and the Hunter grew worried for his lovely wife still at home.

So the Hunter told his son to watch the cart and went home to check on his wife.

When the rich man returned, he saw the son still on guard. So he gave the boy a reward for his father, a container full of dust, to carry in his arms.

The son ran all the way home and brought his father the container. But the Hunter flew into a rage.

'I told you to watch the cart, and what did you do? You stole from it!' So the Hunter killed his son.

The end..."
While several pairs of floating hands applauded Gavin's rant for seemingly no reason other than to clap, Mr. X leaned back in his seat and replied to Markus "Oh don't worry Emson, you'll only be exiled from campus if you let my wittle buddy or his kiddy friends die horribly and pointlessly on another one of your unnecessary quests. Beacon is a School for cleansing the world of our greatest enemy since or initial conceiving, the Grimm, we are not the law. Whether this mission is a success or not, remember that Ozzy frowns upon using our own students for military movements we don't have authority over in the first place. This has to stop MarMar, I mean I know it seems important to you but think about all the rest of us. Our kids are the next line of defense against the Grimm, risking that over measly war games is frowned upon."

"But who am II to judge, I'm just a lowly substitute." Mr. X said as a hand levitated next to him while carrying a 'Go Beacon!' Handheld flag, Mr. X grabbed it and began waving it around "Just remember, a single casualty on our side and both of our jobs are erased from existence."
Markus smirked. "First these are some of our best trained fighters... Second, I would die for anyone of these students... I would jump in front of a bullet for them. I trust them.. I believe in them." He stood up. "And..." Something came over Markus, he started to act different. "I am the commander on this mission, and your a sub, you follow my orders... You go with team atck." He walked over to his chair. 'No.' Markus thought.
"W-with us..?" Angel repeated, clinging onto Tavril more. "G-great..." She said, faking her enthusiasm. "Just my luck.." She whispered, for only her and maybe Tavril to hear. She felt something wrong with this guy, even if he was a 'sub'.
"Yippee, now I have a creepy guy watching my back." Gavin said sarcastically while enjoying the applause from Mr. X's floating hands. "How can this mission get any better?"
"Oh, I don't intend to work on this mission with you guys." Mr. X said while shrugging "I'm just supposed to be keeping an eye on you!" To emphasize this, a floating hand with a detailed eye flew over to Mr. X and grabbed hold of his mask, making it seem lime he had a single eye open.

"I have to watch and intervene only when things seem dire," Mr. X emphasized with air quotes "besides the hands need some time to let their inner sports jockey out."

He gestured towards the cloud of hands, which now had large B's painted on them. They shook in anticipation, but soon turned their attention to one hand, who had the letters WF on instead.

One of the B gloves immediately tackled the WF glove and the others began fist pumping as they cheered the fight on.

Finally, some security hands painted Blue forced their way through the crowd and separated the two before floating off with them, they received many 'Thumbs downs' from the other B hands as they left.

"You see?" Mr. X said with a chuckle "But don't worry, know full well that I'll be able to keep my eyes on all of you throughout this mission. Every single second."

The Eye hand floated away from Mr. X as he clapped to himself "Isn't that comforting!?!"
"That's stupid." He said. He didn't need anyone to watch over him. The pilot came over the intercom. "ETA Five minutes to drop." Markus smirked. "On this is gonna be fun." He got up and walked towards the back and hit a button. It opened the back door. "Line up!" He almost yelled. "We are not going to be landing, to much noise and hassle.... That being said, were gonna have to jump."
"That's even worse then you being with us..." Gavin muttered after watching the strange performance. The student immediately got up and was the first one at the open back door. He was waiting for this moment for the entire trip.
"Jump eh..?" Angel said, perking up. Time to get a move on. "Team ATKH, ready up!" She yelled to her team, covering Tavril's ears since he was right in front of her. She let go and looked to him, smirking. "Time to go, Fluffy." She said, walking over to the opened back door.

As she walked over to it, William was the first one to the door. "A little excited are we..?" She asked, looking over to him.
Enrique jumped out next. He pulled his Katanas and interlocked them. He used them like a pair of wings to glide down. "Damn this is fine." He exclaimed. He caught up to william. "That thing got rockets that are gonna come out of your ass or something."
Aires was scared she didn't feel like jumping. "Someone's gotta push me cuz I'm not jumping." She said her voice trembling.

Kaze jump and unfurled his wings. "Hells yeah."
At the provocation, half a dozen of Mr. X's floating hands flew over and shoved Aires out as Mr. X stood.

After she was gone, Mr. X checked his travel bag one last time before having the hands latch onto him once again before he assumed position and swan dived out.
Markus lept out next. He had a better weapon, and a bigger one at that. He pulled out malijorna. It was a hammer / grenade launcher. It was his new one. He used the giant head as a weight to make him fall faster. He passed everyone, like really passed them. "DOn't hate." Is all that could be heard.
"Drop formation!" Teri shouted. Oxis and Caron leapt out first and used their respective flight abilities. Acid dropped out next and was caught by Caron. Teri jumped out last and was caught by Oxis. They gently made their way to the ground.
Angel jumps out, following team TACO. Taking out her bo staff, she flipped around, her feet facing down.

She then started spinning her bo staff, lessening the speed of her fall. She managed to catch up to Aires, who looked like a scared puppy. "You ok there?!" She cried out, calling out to her.
"Hell yes! I love jumping out of airships during missions!" Gavin replied excitingly. He gives Angel a salute before jumping out of the airship.

"William, your falling down at a speed of 100 mph." A.D reported ten seconds after the student jumped out of the airship. "Are you sure this is going to work?"

"Nope!" Projecting static electricity from his palms, William begins to descend slowly from the sky in a gliding fashion. This was the first time he ever used his semblance like this and wasn't sure how long it would last. Luckily, he finally landed without hitting the ground too hard. "I can't believe that worked..."
Markus landed first. His hammer made a nice big welt in the land. The area was covered with trees so they would have cover if anything happened. When everyone landed, Markus already had the area clear, and the bearing that they would need. He had his side arm out. "Were about a thirty minute hike to our objective.. Get your bearings because we are moving in Ten."
"My apologies for pushing you mein fraulein," Mr. X said with a giggle as he floated down and matched the falling speed of Aires and Angie "but you were the one who asked!"

With that, Mr. X did a jig as they fell. Soon before reaching the ground, he spun mid air and let a group of hands detach themselves from his limbs before flying over to Aires and latching on.

Mr. X slowed his descent before landing gently on his feet while stretching, while the other group of hands placed Aires on the ground next to him.

Once the hands retreated from her, Mr. X chuckled to himself before turning to the floating hands "Come on guys, let's set up somewhere we can see all the action!"

And so the B hands shook up and down before vanishing into the woods along with Mr. X.

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