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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Aren took a seat close to the middle of the ship. The incident with Aires had confused him, as he thought she could fly. Something was clearly wrong, he thought, watching her. Though he doubted his ability to understand or fix whatever the problem was, Aren's sympathy overpowered him. He walked over to Aires. "You ok?"
Angel stood near Kaze, smacking him on the back of his head. "What did I say about trying to kill my friends?!" She said, obviously mad at what he did. Fuming, she took a seat near her team. "Seriously.. The idiocy of some people.." She murmured, hugging her knees.
"They're leaving as we speak Headmaster, and I have to say the new coffee cup looks wonderful with you."

Ozpin sighed, "I didn't authorize any of this. I thought Markus would be able to back down and listen to reason once I stripped him off his title, but he's just putting more students in danger."

"And his clothing is simply awful, I feel bad for the designers of his clothing, he makes them look so bad!"

"Could you offer us anything other than unnecessary fashion tips X?" Ms. Goodwitch asked as she looked over her scroll "Something pertaining as to how we can stop them from getting in over their heads?"

"Oh don't worry, I fully plan on shadowing them to make sure this runs smoothly. I'm sure things will be fine!"

Ozpin's frown deepened as Mr. X began chuckling to himself.

"Then let me make it clear that you shall be held responsible as well if you let Markus get those kids killed."

"They shall be back, safely in school in no time Mr. Ozpin." Mr. X said as several hands floating in the air around him began applauding "I mean Come on! It's not like they haven't done something completely stupid and thoughtless before, right?"

Ozpin relented with a casual sigh, "Just make sure this 'operation' doesn't get too hairy."

"I shall do that... after I find some new gloves!" Mr. X said before holding his arms out to the sides.

A small group of floating hands dispersed and grabbed hold of his arms before lifting him up off the ground.

"Now after this we have to talk about that Natalya ladies' metal box or whatever it is. We simply must get some more color on that thing, it'll be so pretty!" Mr. X said with a squeal that went surprisingly high pitched before he floated back towards the door. A hand separated and opened the door as Mr. X's hands carried him out, it then closed behind him.
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She looked up at Aren and smiled. "I'm okay." She then looked at her hands and whispered, "I just can't fly."

"Right. Thanks Hayden. But I wonder why she can't fly. If her wings are damaged then someone has to look at them-Ow!" He said startled by Angel's smack upside the head. He growled but let it go. "Whatever, you're right Hayden focus on the mission."

Aires looked around and felt out of place. "It's funny," She began, "To think that normal humans can't fly. How do you live with that. . ." She was finally dry. Fixing her hair she tied it up into a pony tail and it streamed along her back side. Feeling a little chill she takes her jacket out from her pack and puts it on. "There we go."
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"Mr. X creeps me out." Natalya said after taking a sip of coffee in Professor Port's classroom.

"You mean the masked professor with the floating hands?" Alex asked as he was grading test papers on his temporary desk.

Natalya nods as she put her cup on top of a pile of papers. "I can never understand how he can be so annoying and have such a cheery mood. It's like he's never serious about anything he does!"

"Well he always been like that ever since I met him for the first time. You'll get used to it soon." Alex said before finishing Natalya's cup of coffee.

"Yeah, sure I will." Natalya replied sarcastically. She takes out her scroll and noticed it was already past ten o'clock. "Can't you finish those papers tomorrow morning? It's already time to meet up with Ozpin and Goodwitch."

"I will after this paper." Alex said before putting a huge zero on William's paper. That unfair grade was revenge for last week's contaminated soup incident. "Now we can go." The professors leave the classroom and head to Beacon Tower.

"Humans are simple creatures, Aires. We were never born with wings ever since the beginning of our existence." William said as he took a seat next to his teammate. "I don't know how it feels like to lose the ability to fly, but I suggest you start adapting to your current situation. Thinking about it won't make your life any better."
Aren chuckled. "You know, I've never flown before, but I think I lived just fine." He gaze softened. "But seriously, don't feel like just because you can't fly you are useless. I imagine there are other winged faunus, but they didn't get into Beacon. You did. That shows something." Aren noticed William approach. He was still unsure about the kid, and also didn't know who the hell "Gavin" was. He nodded to him and went back to his seat.
"Will, my wings are burned . . . Without flying I have no life. I have no purpose." You could have a purpose with your mother. I can fix your wings my darling little bird. Can you really? Of course. Would you rather stay grounded or have the power you once had before. Aires looked at Will, she was contemplating her mother's offer but that meant leaving her friends. Is this what she wanted? "Will. . ." She then smiled, "You're right. I'll learn to live with it." Or not. Kaze looked at his sister behind his shades and could make out her figure. He could feel his mother's presence but he kept quiet.
"Everyone on?… good great. Pilot get us on out way." Markus commanded. With a big wwwwuuuussssshhh, the small air jet took off. And started to head west. Markus was standing above them all. "Alright. Visual scans say that their is very little life forms there... I.E looks like an assembly factory. Again everyone hit your targets correctly and we'll be back in the air in a half an hour."
Angel listened as she sat on the floor, hugging her knees. She was usually so bouncy and upbeat, that being all down and sad was new to her. She just nodded as Markus instructed them once more. Nothing to do on the flight, she played with a pebble she found on the ship, flipping it around and tossing it in the air, she was obviously bored.

'I wonder what's gotten me so down, suddenly..' She thought to herself, her tail swaying about, behind her,
William nods. "When we get back from our mission... we'll try to find a way to heal your wings. No matter the cost, I promise that you'll be able to fly again soon." He then looks up at Markus and listened to his announcement.

"I have a question, Markus." Gavin asked suddenly. "How are we going to enter the factory? By the front entrance, back door, the roof, the sewers, or somewhere along those lines?"
Aires smiled at her teammate. Will had his moments and when he did he made them count. She then heard Gavin's remarked and snickered, "I mean it's not like I can fly anyone in there." She rolled her eyes and then got down on Angel's level. "What cha up to?"
Angel looked to Aires, a weak smile on her face. "Oh you know.. Sitting around.." She said, looking to her. She patted at the space beside her, offering Aires to sit. "Just thinking..." She added, looking to her team.
"Just thinking huh?" She looked over to where Angel looked joining her. "I know you a little bit better than that. What's up? If it's my brother you don't have to worry about him. He's new to this being good thing. I also should have said something, so I'm at fault too." She looked at Angel with concern. "Or does this have something to do with Tavril?"
"Well... You know me.." She said, looking down on her knees. "Why don't you tell me..?" She asked her, burrying her face in her knees. 'Is it Tavril..? What's gotten into me..' She thought, looking to Tavril this time. He was there in front of her, standing, judt staying there and looking at everyone else. 'Huh... Maybe it is him..'
"I know, guys can be sooo confusing in the younger days. Aren't I right?" Mr. X said from beside Angel.

Somehow, he had not only gotten onboard without being noticed, but had also claimed the seat next to Angel and had been sitting there for some time.

"Sometimes it just makes so much more sense to just fly solo and wait for a mature lad to come sweep you off your feet." He said before giggling and digging around in a small travel bag full of clothes.

"Oh, do either of you have any hand sanitizer?" He asked as he dug deeper into his bag "I left mine back at Beacon and let me tell you, secret unauthorized missions are particularly dirty."
Angel jumped from where she stood. "W-what the.." She said, taking out a bottle of hand sanitizer from her bag that she brought. "H-here.." She murmured, giving him the bottle. "Who are you...?" She asked, looking to him.
"Ah, I'm the Handyman of course!" Mr. X said with a chuckle as a disembodied hand plucked the sanitizer from her hands and floated back into his bag "I'm here to help in a completely non-involving way!"

He then drew a handheld camcorder from his coat and squeezed next to Angel before pointing it at himself "Travel Selfie!"

He took a picture and leaned away to examine it while giggling to himself in a plethora of different voice pitches
"W-well.. Nice to meet you..." She said, after the picture was taken. She rubbed her eyes as the flash from the camera was bright. Looking to the strange man, Angel tried to slowly back away from him, accidentally tripping on something behind her. She looked to what it was: it was her own damn tail. "Stupid tail.." She murmured, rubbing at her behind.
"Oh dear dust, it's him." Gavin muttered when he saw Mr. X sitting next to Angel.

"How the hell did he..." Natalya muttered when she saw Mr. X on a holographic T.V screen in Professor Ozpin's office.

"Don't ask." The other three staff members replied at the same time.

"So how are we watching them live again? Did you install a hidden camera in the airship before they left, Glynda?" Natalya asked while sitting on Ozpin's desk.

"No, I had A.D connect us to Archdeath's systems. So whatever William sees through his mask, we see it too." Alex said as he watched Goodwitch smack Natalya's back with her whip.

"Don't sit on the desk." Goodwitch stated coldly.
Ravaging the travel bag, Mr. X began to monologue "Oh it's been so long since I've last seen the outside world. It's almost like yesterday all over again. How beautiful... traveling with a tin can, flying people, someone who looks there from the same self-help group as me and whoever that last girl was..."

One of the floating hands creeped out of Mr.X's travel bag and stroked the bottom of his mask as he thought, he then leaned in Angel's direction once more "What was your name again?"
"M-me?" She repeated, pointing to herself. "I-I'm Angelica... Angelica Diaval.." She murmured, looking to the mysterious man in front if her. Watching the hands fly all around him, Angel was somewhat nervous of the man. 'He looks.. Untrustworthy..' She thought, standing up, brushing the dust from her pants.
Mr. X Stroked the front of his mask in thought before raising his pointer finger "That name was too long to keep me interested. From now on, I shall label you as Angie Diva Girl, lordess of ummmm..... Cupcakes!" He then broke down into giggling before waving off Gavin's threat "And William seems to have contracted another mental illness with little to know explanation once more.... Ah, how I love unexplained plot points... Now who wants trade left shoes?"

A hand floated by with a shoe, except that instead of a dress shoe like what Mr. X was wearing, it was a feminine stiletto that obviously wasn't his.
"J-just call me Angel.. That name is longer than my own.." She murmured, walking up to Tavril and hiding behind him. This mystery man really was a wacko, and a somewhat scary one at that. She'd hate to get on this guy's bad side... If he had one.
"Nah, I like Angie better... I think I'll stick with that one Angie." Mr. X said as he took the stiletto from the hand and began twirling it around one finger.

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