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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Markus was at the loading bay. It was about time for them to take off. No one was there. He looked at his watch, it was about 8:45 they could leave no later then 9:00 if they wanted to hit their window of midnight.

"Where is everyone?" He said


After William was shot by a lady whom seem to enjoy doing it. He looked at his watch. "Hey guys…" He said. "We should make our way to the loading bay."
Angel managed to evade the messier part of her little 'hostage scene' and escaped to the loading bay. It was almost time to leave, if memory served her right. She looked around to find Markus, alone and waiting for everyone else. "I'm here.." She called out, walking over to him.

"No one else come yet?" She asked him, looking around the loading bay.
Elinore scarfed down the rest of her meal and stood up "Alright guys, we should go wake Aires up, we're running late." she said as she turned to walk out of the cafeteria to see the soaked Aires standing in the door "Aires!" she gasped as she ran over to the faunus "you're soaked wet! This is not how we take naps, there's too much water. Were you out in the rain?"
Angel decided to message her team, since they weren't at the bay yet.

To: Tavril; Kaze; Hayden

From: Angelica

Where the hell are you guys? No one else is here and it's almost time to leave!

Get to the loading bay ASAP.

If you find anyone else that's on the mission with us, drag them along.


Now to wait... Again.
"Something like that. Alright I'm right behind you guys." She said grabbing some food to go. She stuffed her face and then stuffed her pack with some food as well. She looked around and realized that it was time to go.
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"Are you sure you don't want a towel or something?" Elinore asked as she led her group towards the docking bay. Perhaps if they hurried they wouldn't be late to the mission.

Tavril checked his scroll and stood up "Hey Kaze, time to go." he said as he walked out of the room "we've got a mission to go on." on his way to the docking bay he made sure to make extra noise while walking to guide Kaze. The student was blind which made him really question how well he could fight.
After the incident with William, Aren stuck around for a bit to figure out what happened. After learning the series of events from another student, Aren checked his watch. Oh crap! I can't be late to my first mission! He ran to the docking bay, arriving right after Angel. "Sorry for the delay. I..." Aren hesitated, noticing the lack of students. I guess I am on time. He leaned on his sword and waited for the others.
After Tavril told him it was time to go Kaze followed him getting a little annoyed. "You know I can smell you, right? You don't have to make that much noise." They appeared behind Angel. "Were you the one that said something through the scroll?" He asked Angel. "Sorry . . . Heh blind. Can't read. Thank goodness for Tavril. . ." He told her standing with his pistols on his sides, a pack slung over his shoulders, his blindfold nice and tight and his scroll in one hand.

"I'm okay, it'll dry, I'll dry." She said sneezing. "Whoops excuse me." She looked at her teammates as they passed by the van on their way to the bay. Wow, I did a number on that thing. Sorry Ice Queen.
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Angel looked to her side to find Tavril with Kaze. "As long as you made it here, there's no problem." She said, looking to the both of them. Still no sign of Hayden and the rest.. "Where are the others...?" She asked the two, looking around to find Aren in the bay as well. 'Huh.. So he's here..' She thought, looking to him.
"Hey Arata." Karmella said as she pulled the dainty looking monocular from her eye before crouching back down in the bushes "Do you have any clue where everyone's going?"

"Yes, but I'd rather stay here and wait for the boys to complete the chamber. I might even start finishing up AxWire." Arata said from her crouched position in the nearby shrubbery.

"I say we follow and watch," Karmella said with a giggle "I haven't seen a good show in quite a while!"


"Why not?"

"Because it's dangerous and unnecessary." Arata replied

"Well we aren't people to shake a leg at dear Mayumi, We are members of great families and have trained well for such occasions like this!"

"We've been trained to stalk our classmates?"

"Stalking is such a boring word, how about 'following'?"

"That would imply that there's an ulterior motive besides just trailing behind."

"Such negativity is unbecoming of you darling. Now what do you say, shall we go 'follow' the casuals in a bid for entertainment?"

Arata sighed before looking away for a second, Karmella was dead set on this, but AxWire was coming along so well... oh whatever, not much harm could come from just watching.

She got up and nodded to Karmella, "Fine, let's go."

Karmella only smiled in reply.
(No notifications again?)

Hayden made his way from the cafeteria to the loading bay once he got the message, quickly appearing behind his team.

Ben followed his team, trying to quietly eat the remains of his food before they reached the docks. He was currently trying to hold a apple, a sandwich, some steak, and a few pieces of chicken in his hand and tail all while eating a sushirito.
Aires took the apple from Ben. After all she barely got to eat anything. She took a bite before he could clear his mouth to say anything. "Yum, thanks for the apple." She giggled sneezing into the arm again. Better not be getting sick. They were almost there she could see Angel's pretty hair and Kaze's form. She took out her pony tail and let her wet hair fall everywhere. She then took another bite of her apple.

"Well, if it isn't Hayden!" Kaze said without turning around. "Good to have you here." He chuckled. "Alright let's get this mission thing on!" He was so excited, his first ever mission as being one of the good guys.
"You sure you don't want a jacket?" Benjamin asked Aires as he swallowed. "I have a shirt on under this." The Faunus then proceeded to eat some more food, diminishing the steak to nothing in a few seconds. I need to eat more often. Big meals make me look even more like an animal, he silently thought, shoving the last piece of steak into his mouth.

"Yeah. Here. Let's go, even if I think we are excessive." Hayden said the last part more quietly, although being in a team of all Faunus they most likely heard him.
Angel stood beside Tavril, watching as the people started rolling in. At one point Kaze almost seemed to be happy about a mission. What he had to be so happy about, she didn't know. "Is that everyone..?" She asked, her voice low so as no one else could here it.
William followed his team to the docks and stood a few meters away from the other teams. He was still embarrassed about what happened earlier and wanted to avoid the subject if asked about it. "Where's Team TACO?" He muttered to himself.
"Yup, both our team and ATKH." William replied before he flinch away from Aires hand.

"Don't touch my head, chicken faunus." Gavin said coldly.
"A chicken I am, indeed Gavin. Don't make me throw wet bread at you." She hissed at him.

Kaze then spread hours black charcoal wings and stretched. "Angel, we good?" He asked her sincerely.
"Gavin, if you call my girlfriend a chicken Faunus one more time I will string you up, possibly with Elinore's help." Ben threatened. He had heard enough of the chicken Faunus thing. Or anything Gavin said for that matter. While Aires might have just passed it off, Gavin's recent antics added to Ben's frustration.
"Oh I'm so scared of you two!" Gavin said while laughing. "But Benjamin, you do know that I'm your team leader, right? So if attack your own captain just because of a fitting nickname, then prepare to get taken out of this team." Turning to Aires, he smiles behind his mask. "Chic...ken...fau...nussss..."
"Captains can be replaced. And you may not be scared of me, but I know you fear her." Ben said with a smirk as he let out some chain and gripped the collapsing hook. He proceeded to slowly and casually swing the weapon around as he took a look at his surroundings. "You are just lucky we 'need' you alive for this mission."

Calm down Ben. No place to kill him now. Just wait. What comes around goes around, he faunus thought with a cool smirk on his face.

"Oh, and another word for my fearless captain, you cower behind another student to hide from your girlfriend's wrath. So don't bother denying your fear." Ben was certain William wouldn't deny his fear, but Gavin's arrogance probably would.
"Will you both just calm down?" Elinore sighed "we have a mission to go on. And if you don't shut up I'll string you both up once this is over. Then you can bicker all you want." She hissed under her breath like a mother scolding children. "And stop calling people names. Honestly Gavin, I expect more of you. A big strong personality reduced to name calling."
Aires sighed slightly hugging herself. She couldn't fly and she wouldn't even try for fear of falling. She covered her face with her hands and slowly calmed herself down. "Right . . ." she mumbled revealing her face, "We need Will alive. I'm ready for this mission. Let's just hope Gavin won't double cross us. . . "
"Yes mom, but Gavin has to stop bugging me." Ben said mockingly with a smile on his face. He had obviously moved on for the time being, grabbing the last item of food out of the bag held by his tail. Taking it out Ben began to eat the sandwich of sashimi while tossing the bag into a trash can.

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