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Fandom Beacon Academy.

The clouds began to stir and slowly but surely began to rain down on her and the campus. Thunder and lightning were then in pursuit. Aires stayed in her self loathing state. She didn't move one bit.
Aren glanced at the surrounding crowd. The girl was right, whatever was going on here would have to be resolved peacefully. Elinore was probably their best bet at a peaceful resolution. He put his revolver away and waited for the scenario to play out, listening to the noise of the rain outside.
Benjamin observed the standoff presented before him. "So I'm assuming this is Gavin's doing. Nothing to see. Move along. The more attention you pay to him, the longer this will take." The Faunus began to say as he tried to get the crowd of students to move on. Some of the unfamiliar faces left, but most people stuck around, probably wanting to see the conclusion. This is not good...
Oxis noticed Aires and seperated from the group. She took flight and hovered in front of her. "You alright?" she asked.

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"Grr! Stop struggling or I'm going to pull the trigger!" Gavin warned after nearly losing his grip on Angel. He didn't really feel the blows against his body due to his armor protecting him, but Angel was stronger than the average person. Though this isn't the first time he ever held a girl like her hostage since-

"This isn't the time for flashbacks, Gavin. We're a little bit too busy to remember that right now." William muttered quietly to his other personality. "We're attracting too much attention to ourselves and causing Angel to panic. Now give me back control over my body so I can let Angel go."

"Never, you flashback killer!"

Before William could say anything to calm his other personality down, he feels something go against his helmet. Cha-chick.

"The du-"


William's head hits the ground instantly after getting shot in the head. When he tried getting back up, another loud bang could be heard and the student would be face flat on the floor again. Though nobody was visibly shooting at him and this confused everyone there. So was there a ghost with a shotgun shooting him down or what? That question was answered when the glyphs that made Natalya invisible deactivated and revealed her location. Which was right on top of William's possibly dead body. "Hostage situation has been taken care of with lethal force." The professor said smiling before shooting another shell at William. "Hi everyone! There's nothing to see here so go do whatever you kids do in your free time. Your insane buddy will be taken care of with the help of the staff."
Karmella broke out into an applause as the bullets flew "Bravo! Bravo! We desire and encore!"

As she said this a crashing noise came from her team's room.

"Maxwell, tell Tinko to be more conspicuous with that stuff he's moving around!" Karmella called back before resuming her viewing.
Ben stood in disbelief for a few seconds while his brain processed the flash of events. "Um, Natalya, I don't think Ozpin will be too happy to find you killed a student. Even if his violent persona held another student hostage. And one of us could have taken care of it. In fact, Elinore was doing just that." The student rambled as he looked at his team leader. Surely a few shots can't kill him with all that armor on. I mean AD's hawk body wasn't scratched by my chai blade from up close. Archdeath 2.0 has to be tougher if Will is a half decent designer, he rationalized as he waited for a reply.
Elinore's shoulders slumped and she let out a small whimper almost like a puppy's when William was shot. Three times. By the woman she hated for kidnapping him and erasing his memories in the first place. She wasn't exactly sure what to do at this point, but she was glad that Ben had thinned out the crowed a bit. At least there were less people to try and move through. "Thank you Ben. I had this covered. You didn't need to go and shoot him....three times!" Elinore was doing a good job at calming him down! She refused to believe otherwise! Stupid Natalya... "Can we...at least have him? We need him for a mission that starts in a little while." it looked like they weren't going to have time for lunch now....
"Don't you mean four times?" Natalya smirked before shooting William with her shotgun again.

"I will shove that shotgun up your- AHH! The pain!" Gavin exclaimed after getting shot for the fifth time. He hated that woman so much...

Natalya laughs for a moment before getting off the student. "Fine, you can have him. Make sure to return him after your suicide mission though, since he needs to get disciplined for what he did."
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"Please stop." Elinore sighed at Natalya. Why? Why was this a thing? Why couldn't they just lunch like normal people. Lunch being the verb in that sentence of course. All she wanted to do was lunch. "I really would like William as least damaged as we can get him. He's really important." she sighed with a shake of her head. Perhaps it was time to take the woman's advice. Solve negotiations with brute force. She ran over to pick up the pistol William dropped and aimed it at the woman. Elinore was never known for her ability to handle guns, but she was sure that was about to change. "Stop shooting him and go away. I'll give you til three. One....two...." before she even got to three Elinore threw the gun at Natalya's head. Yep. Didn't even shoot it. She just threw it. I mean, you could either deal with the momentum of a small little pebble flying at your head, or a giant hunk of metal. Option number two sounded more like Elinore.
A white glyph appears right in front of Natalya's head before the pistol bounces off of it. "Oww..." William muttered after feeling something metal hit his head.

"That was the most amazing move I have ever seen in my entire life. Bravo." Natalya said sarcastically before pointing her shotgun at Elinore. "Though you're suppose to point your firearm at your target and pull the trigger like this." Pulling the trigger, a clicking noise comes out of the shotgun's safety switch. "Boom! Though you should always make sure to turn off the safety if you plan on shooting someone. It can get you killed." She opens up her ammo box and stuffs her weapon into it. She waves goodbye before walking away.

"Shotgun shells... hurt... at close... range..." William grunted as he got off the ground unscathed and having no dents on Archdeath. Apparently the MK-II version of the armor is better staying intact compared to the first one. He slowly walks over to the group. "So should we attempt to grab a bite at the dining hall or head to air docks to meet up with Markus? I have emergency rations on me if we're in a hurry..."
Ben's palm nearly entered his forehead as he watched Elinore chuck the pistol at Natalya. It would've gone even further with the teacher's reaction and response. God Elinore was thick headed, the student thought as he moved closer to the couple. "Let's go get food you two. I am not eating rations." The student said, adding a disgusted noise to emphasize his distaste for the food. And he was a street monkey. Surviving off whatever he could get his hands on.
William nods and tells his teammates to go to the dining hall first. He then walks over to Angel and Aren before apologizing to them about the recent hostage situation. "I'm sorry for taking you hostage and pointing my pistol at your head, Angel. I wasn't really myself and caused you a lot of unnecessary trouble. This apology also includes you too, Aren. I made you make Angel panic more when you simply tried to make me stand down. I'm sorry for getting you involved in this." He scratches his helmet before awkwardly picking up his pistol and puts it back in his jacket. Maybe he should start using dummy bullets when he's in school grounds. He never knows when his other personality might start another hostage situation in the future. "So yeah... see you two in the airship later." He quickly walks away and passes by Karmella on his way to the dining hall.

"Shisnooooooo..." Gavin said to Karmella while doing spirit fingers with his hands.
"Sorry darling you simply must learn proper speech if you have any hopes of communicating with your higher ups." Karmella said while leaning on her cane a bit.

Just then Tinko popped his semi bandaged head out of the doorway. He whispered something to Karmella, and she sighed dejectedly before giving a resigned nod.

Tinko gave a giddy expression before zipping back into the room.

He soon reemerged with Maxwell, who was wheeling a large covered object out of the room.

"Come on Max!" Tinko said as he tried to steady himself on his crutches, he was supposed to be able to walk again soon. But he wans't concerned about injuries what with the current situation's resolution at hand "We can get this moved to the room now, then we can have it prepped by tonight. And with enough time to spare for an early sleep!"

Maxwell didn't respond, but glanced at Tinko before he continued wheeling the covered object down the hall. Tinko chuckled a bit before yawning and following on his crutches.

As they left Arata poked her head out as she stared after them "Where are they going?"

"Oh probably nowhere important." Karmella replied as she leaned back in her seat
"Why do you always insult Karmella every time you see her, Gavin?" William asked his other personality while eating lunch with his teammates.

"I just don't like her one bit." Gavin replied as he thought about the large covered object that Maxwell was transporting down the hall earlier. He would have followed it and try to uncover the object's true form if he wasn't busy.

"We're not going after that secret object and that's final."


William sighs before noticing that he was missing a team member at the table. "Where's Aires? I thought I saw her earlier..."
"Um. I dunno. I think she said something about a nap. I couldn't really hear her as I followed you two." Ben said as he scratched the back of his head. "She should be fine right? We're hunters in training. Nothing at this school should harm us too bad." He rationalized, not wanting to be a worrying boyfriend.
Aires didn't look up. "I'm fine. Go away." Her voice wavered a bit. She didn't want to see someone else fly when she couldn't. She was soaked to the bone and her hair was heavier because of how thick and wet it was. I can't fly . . . What am I going to do? She waved off Oxis not wanting to snap at her. It wasn't her fault she couldn't fly. Finally looking up, the rain mixed with her tears so one couldn't tell she was upset. "I like the rain so I just want to be by myself to enjoy it. Please." She smiled brightly, but then she heard it as the pain took over.

Go ahead, jump off this roof Aires. Mommy wants to see you fall. Looking down she tries to block out her mother. No! Leave me alone, you can't and won't control me! Oh my pretty little bird, come on, come back to the White Fang. This is where you belong, by my side. I need your semblance. That power should have been mine but it could be ours. You think I can't control you just watch me. You'll be killing everyone at that school soon enough.

Her semblance activated and she panicked looking for a place to blink at. Finding a van parked near the school's lunch room she blinked and it exploded. Her eyes returned to normal and a girl with snow white hair came running up to the once-use-to-be-van. It was Weiss from team RWBY. "Oops." Aires said under her breath. The Ice Queen went crazy as she busted the door down walking to her teammates table. "Unbelievable! Out of no where one of my father's company vans just explodes! How am I supposed to explain that to him?" She shouted to her other three team members.

Up on the roof Aires lets out a sigh as the rain continued.
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"You seem bothered..." Oxis replied as she landed next to her. "...You can't fly for now can you?" she asked worriedly.

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"What kind of crap is that? Of course I can fly." She looked at her wings, "Hey Oxis . . . What are you?" Aires asked abruptly realizing that it was an embarrassing thing to ask.
"Well...you could say that I am a deformed Faunus..." she replied calmly as her left wing flared. She tapped somewhere on it and a panel slid out, revealing it to be machine.

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"Part Faunus huh, what part? What are your wings made out of then?" Suddenly a panel slid out and Aires was shocked. "Are you a machine?" She whispered.
Oxis actually smiled. "No, only this wing is machine." She replied and closed the panel. "It's a bit heavier than a normal wing but I got used to it."

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Aires chuckled slightly, "Sorry about the questions. My wings are natural, for a bird faunus at least. But when I activate my weapon they turn into metal, so I understand flying with heavy weights." She turned revealing what looked like a tattoo of sorts. There was a small metal ball at the center of her neck near her shoulder blades then on each side were wings. "All I have to do is press this ball and they turn into metal." She half smiled at Oxis.
Oxis nodded and suddenly frowned. "Do not tell anyone of my wing, everyone in the team except Teri is keeping secrets from each other like the fact she's our sis-URK!" she said before stopping quickly. "I've said too much." She started to hocer and fly back to her team.

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"I wonder what she meant and if everyone on that team is insane. . ." Aires said, she sneezed and realized she'd been out there food too long. "Huh, I'm hungry, alright might as well try to get some decent food in beige this mission of theirs." She made her way down the stairs instead of off the roof. Entering the dining she was soaking wet and left a puddle everywhere she went.

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