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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Elinore smiled at William and gestured to Enrique, "William, this is Enrique. He was the first person Rolland trained. I believe he'd just started his third year at Beacon when he decided to help students get in. He finished his training a little before me too." she explained. "Enrique, this is my boyfriend William" Elinore said as she reversed the gesture, "He's my partner here at Beacon." she said with a nod. "Oh yeah, William, Markus says there's a mission for us and the TACO team down at the headquarters thingy. It's probably another white fang raid or something." sense she wasn't the team leader, it wasn't her choice to accept a mission or not. That honor belonged to William.
One week and nothing exciting had happened to Angel. She decided to go into town, with nothing to do in Beacon. She began walking through town, looking through the windows that she passed by. "What an uneventful week it has been.." She murmured, as she continued walking on.
Enrique laughs slightly. "We were more then that if I can remember." He said before adjusting the two blades in his right boot. "If I can remember correctly, I helped you as best I could until I had to leave... Speaking of which, it is... Unfortunate to hear about our old master. He helped a lot of people, and he was a good teacher and mentor, and an even better friend." He heard about the white fang. "Bloody criminals... I want in on this."
"I don't have a penny nor do I want one." William replied with a humorless voice. He looks at Enrique's weapons and knew that airdock security would be all over him if he wasn't a Hunter-in-training. "Markus wants us to join a mission? Does he authorization from Professor Ozpin to give out a random mission like this? I won't accept it if it's going to cause us unnecessary trouble." Though a mission did sound nice to do right now. He needed to occupy Gavin's bloodlust with something that might involve punching someone in the face. "Actually... fine. Let's go meet up with him wherever this meeting is suppose to be at." He sends a message to Benjamin and Aires about the meeting with his scroll before getting into a airship heading toward Beacon Academy with the group.
She sees them walking away toward an airship "In on what exactly?" Aires asked the three, two of which she knew the other not so much. After Acid helped her up she could take it from there. She had her wings hidden at the moment which made her look completely human. The only odd thing about Aires would have to be her mix matched eyes. One blue one purple. She slightly glared at the new stranger neat Elinore. "Lulu sorry, your friends kinda ditched me and then I thought I saw Ben and then these guys came and got me and then Will helped and yeah . . ." Her scroll suddenly lot up and she knew that had to be from Will, since he just took out his scroll.
Enrique was walking with the group. There was girl that walked up with different color eyes. "Enrique Shannon Doughty, at your service.." He said as he kissed her hand. "So Elinore... What have you been up to? I haven't heard anything about since our master passed.... It seems that you got a good team, and some good friends."
"Y-yeah...I miss Rolland..." Elinore said quietly. Once upon a time Elinore told William what had happened to Rolland, but hopefully he'd forgotten. It would be best if those things were forgotten...She perked up when William accepted the mission. "Wait...really? Yay~" she cooed as she followed quickly after William "A mission with my team again. That's just what I needed after last week~ boy those guys were handfuls." she sighed. Aires had even come back to join them. Three out of four, a good start~ "Yeah, my team is great. Nothing gets past us, we're too well composed~" Elinore cooed. She was just going to ignore all matters dealing with Rolland. Yep.
Aires blushed slightly at Enrique's hello. She cleared her throat and then smiled. I guess I'll send a message to Ben and maybe even Angel's team would want in on this mission. Aires began her message:

To: Ben; Angel

From: Aires

Message: Mission time meet at Beacon in your teams. ^^

She sent it and walked into the airship since her method of transportation was still damaged.
"Hey, Aires. Sorry for leaving you behind back there in that alleyway. I kind of forgot about you after nearly getting destroyed by that faunus in the suit." William apologized when he noticed his teammate joined them on the trip back to the academy. He also needed to apologize to Benjamin for the noodle house situation when he meets him again. If only Gavin wasn't so violent toward people... though it's really him being the violent one since Gavin is actually just a meaner version of him. Which means he really likes murdering people for fun and causing mayhem for-

"Oh shut up already! We share the same mind you blubbering idiot!" Gavin yelled out loud, which caused the other passengers to look at him. "What are you looking at! You all want to fight me!" They instantly turn away after hearing his threat and he then looks at Elinore. "I'm not sorry for nearly crashing into you, fire demon. But wasn't Rolland that dude you-" That's when his fist connected to his head and cut off his sentence midway. He remained silent for the rest of the trip back to Beacon Academy.
"Anyway... Elinore, Would you be against us getting some dinner and catching up." He said as he put the bag on the ground. He had walked across the great deserts to the west. Hell he had come close to dying from dehydration while in the vast desert. He can still remember the sun beating down on him today, as it did that day many years ago. He was also walking with his parents, so he had someone to be there if he fell. Enrique was walking alone. He over heard his parents going on about a dust company.

One of the other places that Enrique had walked across was the tall Red kings that where located in the forests to the north. He slept on one of the tree branches. It was for his own good, if he didn’t he would most likely be eaten by a creature that was rather Grimm. Nothing was like traveling alone. No one to tell you to wash your hair, when to go to bed, or to watch your back when your going to the bathroom.

Enrique was proud to be attending Beacon. It was a very prestigious seat of knowledge to attend. He was also happy that this place would be able to teach him more then the other school he would be attending could. He would miss his friends though, he could look forward to just hanging out with his friends out in the world. But that was the past, and he was happy. All the blades did weight him down so he did have to move a touch slower, but none more then usual. He knew that he had to train to become faster.
As Angel was taking a walk, her scroll had received a message. She took it out to look and saw that Aires had messaged her. 'Mission eh?' She thought to herself. She then began sending messages to her team.

To: Tavril; Hayden; Kaze

From: Angel

You guys wanna kick butt? Meet at Beacon ASAP.


She then proceeded to take off at full speed, deciding to go on all fours, which was faster since she was a wolf faunus.
Once they arrived Aires heads straight to her room to pack. She kicks the door open just in case there were any traps. "All clear." Inside her drawers was a small silver box. Her necklace was a key that was around her neck at all times so no one really noticed. She inserted it but the box was empty. "I guess I ran out, gotta ask Kaze for more."

"More what?" Kaze asked surprising his sister. Turning around Aires motions to her box then rolls her eyes. He's blind uh duh . . . Smacking her face she leads his hand to the box. "Oh you need more forbidden dust don't you." He said, "I can make you some right away, just do me a favor. Read this message will ya." He said handing her the scroll.

"It's from Angel, it says 'you guys wanna kick butt? Meet at Beacon ASAP.' Looks like you're going to go on the same mission with us."

"What mission?" He asked as she kept packing,

"Don't know, don't care. All I know is that my team will be there and I need to be with them." She finishes packing her stuff into a small backpack. Nothing over the top just the essentials. "Big Brother, I would appreciate the dust sooner rather than later." Aires whined slightly.

"Alright I'll get right on it. See you in a bit." He chuckled leaving her room.
Markus was standing in a dark room, that was lit up by computer monitors. He was standing over a holographic table with the schematics of a White Fang base. “If I send them here then....” He heard a door open up. It was Johnson with the other teams. “Good your all here.” He said pulling out a cigar.

He lit up the cigar and took a nice big puff and let out the smoke. “Alright lets just cut the Bullshit... This mission is live, no joking around. If you get hurt, you get hurt... No putting the operation on hold. No dummy rounds, it’s live ammunition.” He said as serious as he could, holding the cigar in his hand. “Our mission is to find and disable The white fangs new toy, stealthily.” A hologram of Freckles comes up. “This is Freckles mark II ... Don’t let the name fool you it’s a son of a bitch to take down... I know... Intel reports that they upgraded it from the one I destroyed... Heavier plating, two added elector pulse rays, and worst of all.... cup holders... We believe it isn’t operational, but that could change if they finish this project of theirs.” He took another puff and let the smoke out.

“We don’t know if there will be any high value targets there... So suppose that there are none there until it’s changed... Now to your assignments Aren and Drake and Team Adam, I am sending you to the tech labs...” A building is highlighted in Yellow towards the southwest corner.. Markus sticks his finger within it. “Drake I want you to find anything that could be of any use if it comes to fighting that thing...Aren.” He points his finger at Aren. “Cover his ass.” He said taking another smoke.

“Team TACO.” He points to another building near the northwest corner. This building turns Green. “Your target is their vehicle depot... If we... Yes I said we. I am joining you on this mission, a good commander never abandons his men. But back to team TACO...” He took another puff. “If we run into trouble.. I want you to set explosives within there... If anything happens... Blow it.”

Another building lights up this time in the northeast corner, this one is red. “Elinore, William, Aries, and Travil will enter the comms tower... William you and A.D are going to be going through their comms... I want you searching for anything important... Base locations, Tech, Intel on H.V.T (High Value Targets). Everyone else on that team, cover him...” He takes another puff. “I am going to hit their command center.” A building in the southeast corner lights up blue. “I am going to see if I can dig anything up as well... And maybe help run a little interference to keep the white fang from finding you...” His cigar is three quarters gone. “If anything happens... Blow the vehicle depot, and we meet up at the south wall of the heli pad.” The heli pad turns white. “From there we move to the south gate and extract.”

Johnson holds up her hand. “And where am I commander?” She says. Markus moves the holographic map so one particular tree is in view. “I want you here.. in this tree, your our sniper support...” He puts out his cigar. “I am your commander... If you have any questions find me... Your the best teams we got... I know you will all make it back... After that we come back here... Drinks are on me and we part ways... Any questions?” Markus asked.
"Yeah what about Angel, Kaze, Hayden and Ben?" Aires said a little annoyed. "It's a White Fang base, you think they'll give up without a fight if something goes wrong? Nope. And another thing what is he doing here?" She said pointing to Enrique "I mean geez . . ." Aires said as Kaze came up behind her and handed her a small bag. Quickly she stashed it in her pouch she has around her right hip.
"What about me?" Angel repeated, following behind Kaze. It was easy finding the room, Aires sent was easy to track down. "Where're the others?" She asked, looking to Kaze, as she didn't see Tavril inside the room.
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"Well actually William and I have been planning a dinner together. But I guess I wouldn't mind if we had dinner on another day. It'll be like old times....but just as friends! Old times as friends!" she quickly corrected herself before the ship landed and they made their way into the briefing room.

"Teams should stick together. Ben should take my place with his team and I go with mine." Tavril perked up from the shadows. Staying hidden was his specialty, but he wasn't about to be stuck in a group with Elinore again. She had her own friends to protect her. He didn't need to do it anymore...hopefully.
"Well.. 3/4 of ATKH is here.. Where's Hayden?" Angel inquired, looking around the room. It was dark yes, but not dark enough that no one couldn't see anything. Angel tried standing on her toes, hoping to see Hayden in the room. "Anyone seen him?" She asked, craning her neck to look for her team member.
Aires looked around as well. If she found Ben she'd probably find Hayden. Or vice versa. I wonder if I'll be required to fly in this mission. I also wonder if my team knows I can't fly for the moment . . . Aires palms her forehead slightly chuckling. Something was also missing a slight manic with a strange girlfriend and a quiet brooding hud with a snob like person. Oh they were missing Tinko and his team.
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Aren wouldn't admit it, but he was slightly nervous. This would be his first live mission. A few brawls in school was honestly the most danger he had ever been in. The Emerald Forest was close, but the teachers wouldn't have let him die. Right? He was also slightly excited. Time to see what his team could do. He glanced at Drake, "Any idea what we will be looking for?"
Drake looked right back at Aren. "Something tells me I am gonna have to look for schematics or anything that could be used to hurt this Mr.Freckles." He said opening the tablet, and launching a program. "This can get through any locking protocol that they will throw at us... Can I trust you to keep them off of me?" He asked.

Enrique gave her a look like 'girl, seriously!' "Yeah... why wouldn't it be anything other then that?" 'why would she say that? I mean we dated, but we had to break it off because I had to leave, and she was still training with Rolland.' He thought. He followed because they knew this campus and he didn't. 
Markus took that their were no questions. "Last thing... We leave in a couple hours, so get your shit in order... We don't need anything coming up while out there." He looked at everyone. "Good luck, and I will see you at the loading bays, then we leave."
Ben finally got the message to head towards everyone once he checked his scroll. Hayden got the message earlier, but decided grocery shopping was a higher priority at the moment, dropping his food off at beacon before heading to the hq.

(Sorry guys. Got hell week for football. All day long...) 
"Yeah. I'm late. What's the plan and what is my job?" Ben asked. He had entered the room at the end of the discussion. The Faunus was all ready to go, having headed to the room to grab anything he may have left.

"Me too." The last member of team ATKH said as he approached the group. Hayden wasn't fully prepared for a mission, his combat clothes were still in the room since he had worn a plain green shirt and black pants to go into town. "Just tell me what my job is. I'll prep in a minute right after that."
"Well if it isn't Hayden! What's up?!" Kaze said slamming his hand onto Hayden's back. Aires turned to see Ben but she saw his tail only since he started to move towards Will and Lulu. Smiling she grabbed his tail and giggled. It was so good to see him. "Hey there silly boy." She said letting go of his tail.
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"I think he forgot about your team, Angel. Maybe you should just stick with my team for the time being until something comes up. Seven hunters in training protecting my back is better than three." William told the leader of ATKH while looking at the hologram of Freckles MK-II. The mech resembles the new Elysian Paladin that's still in development in Atlas right now. Though he wasn't sure if this mech required a human pilot like the new battlesuit. Everyone leaves the academy's Briefing Room (which is usually used before dangerous missions and located in Beacon Tower) and head to their rooms to get ready. "Who activated the trap above the door? Didn't I tell you all to turn it off with your scroll before entering?" He asked his teammates as he was taking a miniature safe out of his drawer.
Enrique followed them in, and out. "Hows about Eight.... Plus from the look of that suit your wearing, you need a real man to show you how to fight." What is a good friendship then a little bit of competition. He said before realizing he didn't check in and, get his room assignment. He split from them. "I'm gonna check in, then come back." He walked out and made his way to the administration building.

He opened the door of the administration building and walked in. Everything was so shinny, and had this signature gleam to it. “Wow.” He said. “They really have a good cleaning staff.” He said as if stupefied.

He walked up to the desk that was in middle of the room. “Hi My name is Enrique Doughty, and I am here as a transfer student, where do I check in.” The lady typed something out, and said. “Enrique...” She chuckled at his middle name. “Shannon Doughty?” she said trying to hold back her laughter. Enrique nodded. She pointed to a door. “Right in there.” She said. Enrique began to walk away from the desk, but stopped. “I get the feeling I know someone here.” He said, as he opened the door to the office.

After about a minute of mindless banter, the Man behind the desk said. “Alright, your in room [insert room number], on floor[insert floor number], in dorm [insert dorm number]...” He grabs a key card for that room. “Here is your key card... Don’t lose it, I don’t have any copies so you lose that your screwed.” He said. “And welcome to Beacon.” He said before Enrique grabbed the card from the desk and walked out of the office into the shinny room.

He walked up to his new dorm, then to his dorm room. The walls in the hallway were purple, and were kind of tall. He had finally reached his room. He slide the keycard and walked into his new room. It was different having a room of his own. He was usually in a tent or in a tree, well except for the time that he was with master Rolland.

Theres that feeling again. Every time he thinks about master Rolland, Enrique gets a feeling. He knows the feeling, like he has felt it before, but he can’t put his finger on it. “What is this feeling?” He asks before putting his stuff away. Well what is that he can actually use at beacon. A sleeping bag isn’t really useable, or a tent for that matter. He didn’t have that many clothes because you don’t really get to bathe that much when your out on the road most of the time. He half explored his room, there were a few beds, he would only need one, and a bathroom with a working shower. It was rare that he used one.

He said as he put his two scimitars on his back, along with the thirty other blades. He wouldn’t go anywhere with out them. He walked down to the dorm commons and meet some nice people. They played ping-pong, a game that Enrique knew so much about.
Wow. Drake doesn't mess around does he? "Ya I can do that." Aren smirked and headed off with the rest of the students.

Back at the team's room, Aren gathered his things. He didn't need much, just his sword, his revolver, maybe some light armor. The White Fang... Aren had never met the infamous group, and he had never seriously considered joining up. He stretched his left arm, feeling his scales harden at will. The kids at beacon seemed pretty faunus-friendly, but Aren was happier safe than sorry. He would keep the sleeves for now. Would he hesitate fighting the White Fang? He respected their motive but disliked their actions. No. I will do whatever this Academy takes. I didn't come this far just to get kicked out for screwing up my first mission. I will kill whoever needs to be killed. What... That didn't sound like me. Aren pushed the thought away, disturbed. He silently readied the rest of his things and waited for Drake.

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