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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Aires got up putting the pastry in her mouth She the away her drink and pushed her chair in. She began to tie her hair up into a long pony tail, her usual look. Then she spotted what she thought looked like her boyfriend. "H Eff m f hiy!" She had her mouth full and her hands were busy with her hair. Where could he be going?
Markus was about to say something when The ghost took over. "No." The body of Markus got up and walked away. He made to his house and started to record something.
"How is that robot going to drink coffee without a mouth?" A barista asked his co-worker while looking at a armored student from the counter.

"Don't ask me. I just make drinks for the customers, not question how they drink it." The other barista replied while staring at the student too.

"Hey electronic imbecile. Do you have any idea what they're saying?" Gavin murmured quietly as he observed Elinore's group at a table on the other side of the café.

"Yeah, they're talking about how their coffee taste delightful with whip cream on top of it." A.D replied sarcastically as they watched the newcomers leave the table. The A.I couldn't really hear the conversation at all, but didn't really care much about its contents. He was more curious as to why Willvin(?) decided to stalk the group instead of meeting up with them.

"Really? That's all they talked about?" William asked while watching Malachite follow his teammates outside. It seems like that guy and him need to have a private conversation about his current relationship with Elinore in the future. Preferably by himself in a dark alley with no one around.

"Yup, though why are we stalking them?"

"Shh... now is not the time for stupid questions, A.D. We have a bigger problem to deal with right now."

The student drinks his coffee while watching Elinore talk with Markus at a different table. He didn't notice the coffee pouring down his mask and onto the floor, since he was too busy wondering what they were talking about. Both personalities were both mad and somewhat jealous that Markus was talking to Elinore right after she returned to Beacon an hour ago. That privilege should belong to him only, her own boyfriend! "Wait, why are we sharing the same exact thoughts as each other, Gavin? I thought you hate Elinore."

"I do, but you never know if that scumbag might take my target away from me before I even did anything to her." Gavin murmured angrily as he crushed the coffee cup in his hand. The hot liquid splash onto Archdeath and his jacket, but he didn't care about that right now. His chances of killing Elinore was beginning to sink since he knew Markus might get in his way.



"What? You two have a problem with me?"

"Nope... let's just go back to observing them." William sighed as he continued watching Elinore and Markus talk to each other.


"Shut up, A.D."
Aires throws her pasrty away and wipes her hands on a napkin. Throwing that away she misses the trash can. "Whoops." Bending down she throws it away properly and looks up to find two men in black suits. "Oh, um excuse me. Haha silly me." Aires bows her head and then tries to pass the two men. Weird Passing them she feels one grab her wrist. "Ow! What the? Hey let go of me-" One of the men flash a gun in her direction from underneath the jacket. She then becomes quiet. "What do you want."

"Ms. Phoenix?" Aires stayed silent. She looked around but had lost sight of Ben and Elinore wasn't within ear shot either. "We need you to come with us." He said squeezing her wrist. Wincing she tried coming up with a plan. "I suggest you let me go before you find some bullets in some very uncomfortable places!" She growled thrusting her knee in his area. Letting go she ran for it but didn't get very far since her wings didn't work. She was tackled by the other man as the one she kneed came up to her struggling. No one was making any eye contact, they simply ignored it. "Let's go." He said after punching Aires in the gut. She coughed alot after that. "The mistress won't be happy to know you hurt her."

"Whatever." They started to leave walking down an alley.
"O...kay then..." Elinore said as Markus ran off. She stood up and walked back to her original table to find it empty. Ditched? What? Elinore stared at the table for a while before sighing. Well, it looked like the Haven students went back. "Well at least I don't have to pay for their food." she said as she took a drink of the coffee she had gotten, "I wonder if that means I can go see William now....and...change into the right uniform. Though this one does look kinda cool..." she mumbled to herself as she started walking back to the school. It'd been a whole week sense she talked to William. Boy did she miss him. Even Gavin too a bit. Wait. What was she saying? Fuck Gavin.

Okay. She missed him a bit.
Tap-tap. One of the suited men turns around after feeling someone tap their shoulder. He sees William standing behind him and puts his hand on top of his hidden pistol. "Why is there a AK following us?" He asked his partner, who gives him a confused look with no answer. Pulling out his pistol, he points it at the student. "State your business or we'll have to turn you into scrap metal, mech."

"I am here to obliterate your bodies and souls, you disgusting meatbag." A.D spoke out through Archdeath's speakers. "Unless you let go of the lady, prepare to be beaten into a pulp and dissected for the sake of the robot revolution!"

"A.D, stop talking. I didn't let you speak for me just to say that to them." William sighed as he raised his fists and got into a fighting stance. "But do what the A.I said and no one needs to lose an arm today, gentlemen. I prefer my teammate alive and unharmed."

The man glances at his partner and after seeing them nod to him, he pulls the trigger. "Hah, that tickled." Gavin chuckled when the bullet ricochet off his mask. He then jumps up before kicking the pistol out of their hand with his leg. After landing, he moves forward and punches the man in the side of his stomach while blocking a attempted punch with his other arm. Grabbing the arm, he twists his body around and flips him out of the alleyway. "Ready to die, scumbag?" He asked the other man holding Aires, slowly cracking his hands while walking toward them with electricity skidding on his armor.
Teri sighed, it's been a week since the event with the spider. Apparently, knocking off Acid's hat without her removing it herself is a big no-no. Acid had been busy looking for a gift to give to William...or at least his violent personality Gavin. She had decided to give him something he could use, a vial of her most potent acid. Caron had been busy, she was the only one taking her studying seriously and had been borrowing books from the library. Oxis was bust enjoying her favorite hobby she had aptly named Cloud Blasting and was busy blasting clouds into different shapes. Teri decided to head out into the city. "I'm going out..." She said as she went out into town. She didn't really have much to do but she might as well wander around.
"Ahh!" William screamed while flying out of the alleyway. His body smacks into a car and the impact breaks all of it's windows. Apparently the enemy wasn't some normal human gangster wearing a suit. He was actually a bear faunus wearing a suit and they did not like him at all.

"Come over here and say that again, tin man. I'll make sure to throw you even farther this time." The faunus threatened as he approaches the student with claws coming out of their fingertips.

"You're going to die, you scumb- oh no! Not again!" Gavin exclaimed as the faunus lifts him off the ground and throws him into a noodle house. Crashing through the front entrance, the student immediately gets up and sees the man enter the restaurant. Acting on instinct, he grabs a bowl of noodles and splashes hot soup onto their face. "It burns!" Taking the opportunity to strike, the student grabs a pair of chopsticks and jabs them into the faunus's eyeballs. He then kicks the man's face and sends them flying out of the restaurant. The injured faunus was dragged into a car by his partner before driving away.

"Yes, run away in fear, cowards! Always remember me in your dreams and- what the dust! Stop hitting me with a broom, sir! What did I ever do to you to deserve this unfair treatment?!" Gavin complained while being attacked by the owner of the noodle house.
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Ben had made his way to the noodle house and was in the process of ordering his favorite dish. "A little early to be ordering that isn't it sir?" The cashier asked politely.

"Never too early for this." The Faunus replied with a smile as he took out his wallet. "How much is the extra char sui?" He asked the cashier.

"That would be- Oh sh- Lookout!" The poor cashier as the Will crashed through the front and finished his fight.

"Um, I'll pick it up later..." Benjamin said as his palm nearly went through his forehead. "Here you go." The Faunus said as he paid, including a little extra so they would still get him his food.

He then made his way towards Will and the manager, stepping between the two momentarily before being pushed aside by the manager. "Can we talk this out?" The student said in a frustrated tone as Will continued to run.

Hayden had made his way to town, walking towards the market. The student had recently had a major carving for raw fish and needed it to be satisfied by lunchtime. "Why now? I don't even love sushi. I barely eat it..." He mumbled aloud as he walked, ignoring the situation with the noodle house.
"You'll never catch me alive, old man!" Gavin yelled out after Benjamin gave him a brief opportunity to escape and he ran out of the noodle house at full speed. He slightly bumps into Hayden and doesn't apologize, since escaping was more important to him then apologizing for his rude deed. Making it as far to the city's air docks, he sits down on a bench to rest there for a few minutes.
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When Will escaped, he left Ben to deal with the unhappy manager. "Look I am sorry for his actions. I was trying to help. Hitting someone with a broom doesn't help anyone." The Faunus was arguing his case, but his words fell on deaf ears as the manager only wanted to make Will pay.

"He broke my tables. My chair. My bowls. And stabbed a man with chopsticks. Who does that? He needs to pay." The manager replied with a scowl as he tightened his grip on the broom.

"Look I understand. Just please calm down. I can find him and hopefully talk to him about this incident. I'm certain he meant no harm to the shop."

"He meant harm to my door and utensils. He needs to pay."

"Look, we can argue about this all day, but if I can't go get him, there is nothing I can do for you." Ben said as he dodged a few strikes from the broom.

"No. You know him, you pay now."

"What? Excuse me? I had nothing to do with this. I am trying to help you out, but nevermind." The student said as he looked for his order to take and leave.

Hayden was nearly knocked over by the armored student that ran into him. "Hey! Watch it!" He yelled briefly as he caught himself. Realizing it was Will, Hayden figured that something went wrong with the outcome of the fight.

"Get back here. You can't come back if you do not pay for the damage." The manager yelled to the Faunus.

"I don't have to pay sir. I am not at fault. You have no grounds not to serve me on." Ben lied. He knew that the manager didn't need a reason, no matter how wrong it was. "But I will leave after I receive my meal I bought." Looks like it is cafe food and sushi for a while...
Aires was lying in the alleyway. Her vision was adjusting and the pain from the punch she got earlier went away slowly. She was too tired to move anything. She stayed there in the puddle between two dumpsters. First her wings and now this. "I wonder who they were, thank goodness for Will-that's right. . . WILL!!!!!! WILL!!!!" She yelled for him. "Maybe he can't hear me. I should probably get up . . ." Aires despite what she said stayed put in her puddle.

(Sorry went to work xD )
Teri managed to go around town, which was uneventful. She heard Aires' voice shouting for Will. She followed her voice and saw her in a puddle. "Welp, I'm not Will but I hope you'll let me help you." She said as she carefully lifted Aires up. "Where to?"
After Markus was done recording what he needed to record. He walked up into his living room. "It's time." Markus pulled out his scroll and sent a message to Team Crem, Team Admm, and Team Taco.

To:Team Crem, Team Taco, Team Admm

Subject: Mission time.


Hello all,

You all are needed in the command center. I will give you more details when you are all there."

He pressed send and made his way to the command center and began planning.
Elinore stopped walking when she heard several large crashed coming form the buildings behind her "Oh dust...what now?" she sighed as she turned around and walked back in the direction she had come from. It looked like...a deathnado had come through. Death himself had turned into a tornado. That was the only explanation. She heard an old man yelling from a destroyed building and followed it in. Yep. Deathnado. The old man looked at her and instantly apologized for the way the restaurant looked, using a broom to swept up some of the mess "Apologize, a crazy robot man came and destroyed my restaurant and ran off without paying."

"...Robot man?" Elinore asked with a nervous smile. "You know him?" the old man asked suspiciously. "...yeah..." Elinore sighed in reply. She was instantly a victim of the broom. "Hey, hey, HEY! Stop that!" she said as she grabbed the broom out of him hands and chucked it. She pulled her wallet out of her bag and began placing bills of Lien on the table. All hundreds. "Here? Will that cover it?" she asked angrily. He just assaulted her with a broom. WHO DOES THAT? "More, more, he broke everything. That man is dead!" the old man demanded. Elinore grumbled and put the money back in her wallet. She reached up and unclipped her earrings "This is like...two thousand lien. Good enough?" she asked. The man took the earrings and nodded before running off behind a broken wall. "Hey! Where's the armored man go?" Elinore called. The man pointed to the docs and Elinore started making her way in that direction. At least she had more of her mother's jewelry in the puzzle box back home. Plus, her mother would have done the same.
William was still resting on the bench when he saw Elinore down the street. He was about to wave to her when his body moved on its own and stole someone's car on the street. "Gavin, what are we doing?" He asked while stomping on the pedal and turning the wheel in the direction of his partner.

"What else? We're going to cause an accident!" Gavin laughed maniacally as the car sped toward Elinore at high speed.

"Dammit Gavin!" William exclaimed as he managed to turn the wheel on time and avoid hitting Elinore by a few feet. Though before he could celebrate his small victory over his other personality, he crashes into a light post. "Always wear your seatbelt, kids. You never know what you might crash into with your car..." Popping the airbag from the steering wheel with his fist, he kicks open the door and gets out of the vehicle unharmed.
He kicked open the door and almost get out of the vehicle unharmed. Elinore locked up the moment she saw the car speeding towards her. Luckily it turned just in time to miss her. Elinore's aim did indeed manage to hit its target. A grenade canister from her axe hit William the moment he got out of the car. "I come back after a week and this is how I'm greeted? I lose two thousand lien and you try and hit me with a car? You didn't even say hi first. That's so rude!" Elinore snapped as she ran both hands through her hair in frustration "You don't even know how much I missed you!..." Elinore paused for a moment then began to chuckle. Her chuckle slowly evolved to a full out laugh. She laughed for a little while before looking at William with a soft smile, "oh dust I've missed you."
A man with a hood drawn down was walking past when he heard a very familiar voice. One that he had not heard for ages. He turned to see her. "Elinore" He whispered to himself. He dropped the bag that was upon his back. It didn't have anything breakable so it was fine. He could see that a car had just crashed and that a man had gotten out. He looked tough. "I'd train with him." He whispered to himself.

With his hood drawn he walked over to Elinore. He was easily taller then her, so he casted a shadow. He pulled out one of the scimitars from its sheathe. It was an old blade, and yet a sharp and clean one. He would take care of them, even if they didn't need it. Those blades were his children. He lifted it over his head. "Miss Elinore... Master Rolland sends his Regards!" Just before he was going to bring it down. He threw it into the ground, and Drew back his hood. It was Enrique.
The grenade sent William back into the car and out of the other side. "Oww... I missed you too, Elino- BEHIND YOU!" He yelled out when he saw someone about to decapitate Elinore's head. Knowing it might be too late if he tried running toward them, he immediately pulls out his pistol and shoots the blade out of their hands. "Get the dust away from her or get a bullet in your head, fool. She's my kill!" Gavin warned as he pointed the firearm at the hooded man.
Elinore stopped laughing when she saw a shadow cast over her. She stopped smiling all together when he mentioned Rolland. In fact, her mood got pretty dark at the drop of the name. William shot the knife out of the man's hand, which was bad news for whoever was talking. She probably would have recognized the voice had she not been so...angry at the moment. "Rolland....IS DEAD!" Elinore snapped as she turned around and punched him square in the face. A cyan glow coated Elinore. Her semblance had began to kick up, as it often did when she was mad. Only the flames were blue. Meaning she was really mad. That was just about as hot as flames got, or at least it was getting up there.
Enrique saw the punch coming a mile away. It wasn't that hard to, Elinore was predictable. He put his hand up to grab the punch, and he did. The gauntlet took most of the heat, but not all of it. With his free hand he put down his hood. "It's good to see you!" He said before he let go of her hand. "You have gotten stronger... But are predictable." He said.
"I don't care just let me punch you!" Elinore snapped as she tried to pull her hand back. Her semblance slowly began to fade away and a smile returned to her face "Where the dust did you even come from? I haven't seen you in years!" she said as she relaxed herself again. "where have you been all this time? Gosh I have so many questions. Listen to me, I'm like a stupid little bird just chirping away- Hey! There's someone I want you to meet." she said as she interrupted herself "William! Come over here and say hi to my old training buddy!"
He smiled. She hadn't changed that much. "I just came from Vacuo. It was a nice walk." He said as he walked over and grabbed his bag. It was heavy. "The air out there is horrible dry... as for where I have been, all over. From Vacuo to Atlas and back." He walked back over to Elinore. He put his hand out for the guy in the Mechanical suit. "Nice to meet you, Enrique Shannon Doughty at your service."
"A.D... is it a good time to shoot her in the head?" Gavin whispered to the A.I when he saw Elinore turn around to deal with the hooded man. Her back was defenseless against a surprise attack and he pointed the pistol at her head. He needed revenge for the grenade she shot at him a few moments ago.

"The blue flames that's coming out of her has a temperature of more than 1400 °C, which is enough heat to melt steel. Your bullets are made out of lead copper and is a weaker alloy compared to steel." A.D reported as he measured the temperature with a electronic thermometer. "If you shoot her, there's a 1% chance of penetration and 100% chance of having a cheese face. Don't forget, she knows how to manually take off the mask."

Gavin hesitates when he heard the A.I's report and instantly puts the pistol back into his jacket after hearing Elinore's voice. Her death can be scheduled for another day.

William cautiously walks toward the pair and picks up the scimitar on the ground. He points the blade at Enrique before flipping it 180° and places the blade's handle into their hand. "You dropped this." He said coldly, letting go of the weapon and standing behind Elinore with his arms crossed.
Enrique took the blade. "Thank you." He said as he put it back into it's sheathe. He put the bag on his back on a table that was conveniently near him. He took off the hooded robes. He was wearing a black combat suit. It could be said that he had more knives, and blades on him then bones in his body, but Enrique didn't care. Enrique could see that William had something on his mind. "Penny for your thoughts he said as he put the bag back on his back.

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