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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Haha I would at least imagine you'd have a lock on your teammate. Tavril's probably where he usually is. Not in class." She shoots Ben's tail with a piece of crumpled paper, "Catch! By the way Angel, my brothers on your team. Heh Good luck."
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"Ugh, you don't have to tell me twice.." Angel groaned, being reminded that Kaze was on her team. It was bad enough to be with him, but adding Tavril just added more gas to the flame. "I feel like skipping class... I wanna see Tav." Angel cried out, pouting. She looked over to Aires and Ben, who were being sweet and lovey-dovey. "You're lucky, Aires... You love someone and they love you back..." She murmured, looking away, her gaze not fixated on anything.
Upon hearing think fast, Ben's eyes immediately targeted the ball. Batting it with his tail before catching it in his palm. "What's this?" The Faunus asked Aires.

Hayden took a seat in the class and was immediately bored. The student usually enjoyed classes to a degree, but after that first period he didn't really feel up to the day anymore.
"And since Aunt Martha knew that Harold was foreclosing the settlement on his own she knew that a covered intervention was necessary as to not miss out on the revenue she was sure to gain for her household." Karmella explained as she stepped inside with Maxwell trailing behind angrily.

"Oh don't be like that Max!" Karmella said with a chuckle as she took her seat "It was one A class report, never mind who ended up using it."

Maxwell sat in his seat dejectedly as Tinko stumbled through the door face forward, only to be caught at the last second by Arata.

"I only have minor control over my arms, but I swear I will find a way to nap comfortably if it's the last thing I do!" he cheered as Arata pulled him up.

"Falling asleep while using crutches is even more hazardous then while walking," Arata stated as she steadied him "if you further damage yourself then there's no telling how long it'll take to heal."

Tinko pouted angrily as she helped him over to their seats.
William gets up and follows everyone into the gym. In the center of the arena was a inactive Spider Droid and several AK-130s. "Why is she... right. That insufferable woman took Alex's job." Gavin muttered to himself when he saw a female professor wearing a tan uniform on top of the huge mech.

"Hello students! Today in Combat 101, you're going to fight this Spider Droid and his friends!" Natalya announced to the students with a smile. She jumps off the mech and lands on a floating glyph she created beneath her feet. "The goal of this lesson is to test out your combat skills against man-made machines, since being a Hunter doesn't mean you fight Grimm everyday. These mechs are set on stun and will avoid giving you critical injuries in the fight. So who here wants to break something expensive right now?"
"It's a heart." She told Ben and then leaned to whisper "that blows up confetti!" She laughed and then heard what Angel said. Love huh Ben and I just started going out. I don't think we're thinking that far. She thought to herself. "Angel I . . . Oh great Spiders. Maybe you should skip class." Aires looked at Nat and smirked, "We all know that Gavin would want to break some expensive crap right now. Then again why not Maxwell. Take your frustration out on something. Bottling up those emotions can't be good for you. Unless you already express them. Or how about Hayden? Get his blood pumping or better yet the blind boy. . ." Aires said softly smirking.
Angel looked at the spider and immediately retreated, jumping up in the air and on top of the basketball ring. "I abhor spiders! Even if they are man made!" She cried out, her ears perked up with her tail swishing around. "I don't even think my bo staff could make a dent in that thing.." She added, clinging more tightly onto the ring.
"Maxwell! What a contender you are!"

The sound of Karmella's voice made Maxwell spin to her, only to feel her heel jam into his foot. He retracted it, but Karmella took advantage at his momentary lack of footing. She quickly reached the hook of her cane behind his stable foot and pulled it out from under him, thus creating the chain reaction leading to him tumbling down to the floor in front of the rest of the students. Getting up, he dusted himself off while glaring back at Karmella.

Great, his turn... well at least he knew these models.
"Huh? So wait Maxwell, are you really gonna do it?" Aires asked amazed. She was certain he could many battles but she still worried. "Angel get down, don't leave me alone here." Aires chucked as a credible wolf faunus came into combat class. "Tavril, it's you."
Once again, Teri and her team just watche-"OHMEMEMEMEMEME!"Acid shouted as she stepped forward, reaching for her axe and blaster. She replaced the canister she emptied last night with a full one. (Might not be able to reply much later, my internet provider is being a dick to 1/3 of the country)
"I'm going to regret this.." She murmured, pinching the bridge of her nose. She quickly jumped down, doing a double front flip while she was at it. Taking out her bo staff, she quickly split them into two. "I'll fight these, if Max doesn't want to." She said, readying herself for the horror she was going to run into.

As Aires called Tavril's name, Angel quickly turned around to face him. She smiled and waved at him, then turned around, swinging around the two halves of her staff.
"What's up Wings?" Tavril said in his indifferent tone. Aires watched him give "I'm - too- cool-to-care" smirk he only ever have Angel. "Nothing much just some Spiders."
"Can't we start any sooner..?" She asked Natalya, getting tired of waiting for class to start. Her train of thought was interrupted by Acid wanting to volunteer instead. "Well, if you really want to, A. Have at 'em." She said, throwing her hands up in the air.
"So what's going on Angel?" Tavril asked her. It was a miracle he was even in class.

"Guys!" Kaze shouted showing towards them. " What exactly are we fighting, I can't get a scent from it." He said to his teammates.

sent from my portable hand communicating intelligent device.
Angel walked back to Tavril's side, smiling along the way. "Oh nothing, just wanted to destroy the spider, but Acid wanted to do it, so I let him." She told him. As Kaze walked in, Angel's wolf ears perked up again, a snarl on her face. "A spider droid, Kaze. Would you like to take it on?" She asked, just as a spider droid crawled over to Angel, causing her to jump back up onto the basketball ring. "Mother of Dust!"
"A spider droid huh, what will they come up with next?" Kaze said as he saw Angel's scent jump from the ground to the air. Aires was watching her brother and the others. She felt tired for some reason. Laying her head on Ben's shoulder she sighed. "I wonder what we'll be doing against the spider. Do we really need to destroy this thing?"

sent from my portable hand communicating intelligent device.
Angel then front flipped down, her bo staff in her hand and quickly stabbed the spider droid, splitting her bo staff in half, she threw the droid up in the air, jumped up, spun around and kicked it, sending it flying for the wall behind Kaze. She then dropped down to the ground, attached the staff back together and looked to Kaze. "Oops, my bad." She said, a smile on her face.
Maxwell sighed to himself as he went through the facts. The Spider Droid would basically act as a massive meat shield for the Ak's which in and of itself was a problem since only certain weapons and/or powers would be able to pierce that intricate armor of its.

The Mechs themselves usually have machine guns and vapor blades implemented into the gauntlets, on this setting that would mean they would have to be restricted to their crowd control features. This means that instead they'd have to deal with anesthetic darts and stun batons.

So outmaneuvering the Spider Droid's impressive defense along with its strength, while also defending against the mechs and their maneuverability and weapon versatility.

Okay, if he used the other students as a distraction and mow them down from other positions, they should be able to shave down the mechs while keeping out of the Spider Droid's grasp. Once that's done, they could use sheer numbers to take down the droid.

Oh who was he kidding, he didn't even have a way to communicate his plan to the others during the fight. Looks like he'll just have to hope for the best of it.

Taking a running start, Maxwell spun his staff before jamming it into the ground in front of him. Using momentum, he vaulted through the air toward the sailing Spider Droid and kicked it off course.

It spun in air as it sailed over the heads of several mechs that sprung to life as the Droid passed.

As they activated, they swung their arms, changing them into large rods that pulsed with electricity.

As the stun mechs charged towards the students, the Spider Droid landed with a slight skid. Several mechs with dart guns instead of batons climbed on top of the Droid and stood firm as it charged with the baton mechs.
Markus was sitting in his house. He was standing in his basement at a chemistry set. He was trying to figure something out. He knew something was going on within him, but he couldn't figure it out. He run from one place to another. He was scrambling to figure out what it was.

Something. Was stopping him. He tried to fight it but couldn't. Markus blacked out. The ghost took over and added one wrong number. "That will teach him. My plan is not over." He said before falling to the ground they both passed out.
"Look, I know we've had our differences in the past but that's long gone now. I apologized. I'm good now. Angel, you're our team leader, you via be able to get sound with all your teammates." Kaze said infuriated. Aires was still watching her friends when she sees Tavril step in front of Angel. "You almost killed her."

"Yeah but I didn't. . ." Kaze replies grinning. Aires yells at them, "It looks the little Spider Droid had babies!" She looks to Maxwell, "Look out! " She shouts: because using her wings were our of the question.
Angel grabbed Tavril's hand, tiptoeing a little so as to whisper into his ear. "Thanks... I'll be ok." She murmured, smiling at him. Walking in front of Tav, she pointed her bo staff at Kaze. "Yes, I am the leader, which means that if you dare to go against me, I will not think twice about attacking you until you are dead." She said to him, venom obvious in her tone. "And don't you dare stab me or anyone else in the back." She added, her glare an evil one.

As Aires called out to Max, Angel turned to see more Spider Droids on the ground, making Angel jump up on Tavril's back. "For the love of Dust!" She cried out, clinging onto Tavril.
William sighs when he saw nobody helping Maxwell with the fight. He was surprised to see Angel get frightened by the AK-130s that were crawling toward her. It's not normal for those types of mech to move like that, but that doesn't mean they're that dangerous to deal with. He gets up from his seat and jumps on top of a crawling mech. Before the mech could retaliate, William stomps on it's head and smashes it into pieces. He then rips off it arm and uses it to smack the other crawling mech away. "Coward." He said coldly before charging toward the incoming baton mechs with his new weapon. Swinging the arm at the first mech he encounters, the impact sends it flying backwards into another mech and makes them both fall on to the ground. "There goes my new arm." He muttered as he tosses the broken metal limp away and punches a mech in the face.


(That's a Spider Droid from the Black Trailer...)
"Starting without me?" Acid said sweetly as she whirled her axe. "UNACCEPTABLE!" She shouted, swinging wildly at the big spider, her acid enhanced weaponry cleaving and melting through armor as she kept on attacking. "DAMN BUG!" She creamed as she jumped away and brought up Acid Blaster and started firing a stream o acid.
The Spider Droid stops charging when Acid attacked it with her weapon. The AK-130s on the huge mech started shooting at Acid with their dart guns. Despite parts of its armor being melted off by acid, the mech began charging up its cannon and aims it at Acid.

Roundhouse kicking an AK-130 into another mech after he dodges it's baton, William sees another incoming mech in the corner of his eye. He block it's attack before grabbing it's head and kneeing it in the face. The mech still attacks him in its last moment online and managed to hit William's arm with the electric baton. "Heh, that tickled." Gavin chuckled as he rips the large rod out of the metal arm. Charging it up with electricity from his own semblance, he parried another baton before smashing the head of his mechanical opponent with his new weapon. "Hey, watch out!" William yelled out to Acid when he noticed the Spider Droid charging up its cannon.

"Opening fire at hostile target." The Spider Droid announced before a white laser flies out of its cannon toward Acid.
"Stupid Girl!" There was no time think as Aires flung her wings out and pushed Acid out of the way. The laser strikes but doesn't catch Acid. Lying on top of Acid, Aires struggles to breathe, her body in pain. "You never think before you do anything. Do you . . ." Aires muttered through her gritted teeth. She remembered to when William struck her. Turning her body over She sees the Spider Droid coming towards them. "Switch." She whispered as her semblance fired up and her eyes changed colors. She looked at the spider and blinked causing a hole to appear in the middle of it. "Someone else finish it. . ." Aires said passing out. Her left side, including her wing looked burned. Why did she have this affinity for saving others, no one knew. But she paid hefty prices every time.

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