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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Acid narrowly ducked to avoid the laser, fortunately she managed to do so but it knocked her hat off. She stared at the hat as it slowly fell down.

"O-kay time to go!" Qxis said as she ushered Teri out of the room with Caron following behind her.

"...You...you..." Acid whispered as she hefted her axe. "DAMN BUG!" She shouted as she discarded her blaster and charged at the droid, the axe glowed a violent orange before Acid's movements were accented with lighting. She disappeared and reappeared behind the droid, the axe growing in massive proportions. She swung twice, from side to side before lifting it, letting it gather lightning, and bringing it down multiple times, causing the droid, the floor beneath it to be cleaved and scorched.
The Spider Droid tries to smack Acid with one of it's leg when she appeared behind it. This failed when her massive axe sliced through the leg and eventually it's entire body in a few swings. "Congratulations, you all won." Natalya announced to the students in the center of the gym before the bell rang. "Now get out of here so I can get some lunch." She makes sure to get everyone out of the gym before locking the entrance and heading to the dining hall to eat.
Now that Natalya pushed everyone out of the gym, Angel was still in Tavril's arms, unsure of what just happened. "What the hell did we do..?" Angel asked everyone, looking confused. "That robot just killed itself.."
"I'm pretty sure that Acid girl is gonna be a problem for my sister." Kaze said walking out with Aires in his arms. The laser got her good thanks to Acid. Tavril suddenly let go of Angel. He looked over at Kaze. "It seems people are always a pain." He said referring to others in general. Kaze makes his way to the nurses office ignoring his teammates.
After the class ended, William walks back to his room and takes a ration out from one of his bags. He then takes off his mask and eats the dry package food on the floor silently. "Why aren't you eating at the dining hall, William? Doesn't the food there taste better than the tasteless crackers you're eating?" A.D asked William when the student finished eating the last of his meal.

"Why not? It's not like I poured a liter of Grimm blood in today's soup special before going to classes this morning." Gavin said innocently as he puts the mask back on and leaves the room with a active ice trap above the door. A group of staff members run past him as he was walking out of the dorm building, their destination being the dining hall. "Ha, I wonder who had the today's soup special?" He muttered to himself before walking around the school grounds.
"BLARG! Ah... I'm going to strangle whoever poisoned today's soup special with their own han- BLARG!" Alex was puking out his lunch, his breakfast, and possibly last night's dinner into a paper bag he got off from the floor. He knew the soup was poisoned with the tainted blood of the Grimm, since other victims were rather vomiting or passed out on the ground. Then the professor passes out into a coma and falls to the ground. A medical team arrive a few minutes later and transports the professor to the infirmary.

One week later...
Aires wakes up terrified for her life. She realizes she's in her room. "What the?" She remembered the Spider Droid and that was it. Her body was still so sore. "I need to find someone . . ."
An airship landed down in front of Beacon. The doors slid open and a group of students in ash grey uniforms with a white band across one arm stepped out in front of the school. "Are you sure you got it from here?" one of the students carrying a large bag asked. "Yeah Coco, I'm sure, don't you even worry about it." the black haired one said as she took the bag from Coco. "Elinore, I'm sure you can't take all these back by yourself."

"Ember, I'm gunna tell you the same thing. I got this. Don''t worry. You guys have done too much for me as it is." Elinore cooed as she took that bag as well. The largest one out of the group grabbed the bag from the top of the pile and slung it over his shoulder and started walking towards the school. "Malachite! You get back here!" Elinore yelled at him. She looked at the two other girls and smiled, "it was fun team CREM, if you guys ever need anything again, just tell me. Thanks for all the help, and for the rubber gloves too. Keep me updated on Robin's condition, okay?" she cooed before running after Malachite. "Oh no, you're not carrying my bags this time too you big green lug!" she shouted.
Markus was back in his basement. He had finally woken up. "I need to tell someone…" his mind began to race, then he thought of elinore. "It will be her. He went upstairs grabbed his scroll and sent her a message. "Hey meet me at a little cafe in town… I got some news your gonna wanna hear." He sent before leaving for the little cafe.
Up on the roof she sees an airship docking and smiles. "Lulu!" She says to herself. Flinging her wings out She takes a running start and jumps off the building. Her wings sadly can't support her weight. The burns were excessive. " What the?!" She shifts her weight in the air and grabs the edge of the building. "Gah! I didn't know my wings were damaged . . . Damn it. "She says pulling herself up back onto the roof.
Ben woke up to a whirring noise and muffled vibration. Slowly getting up, he removed the comic from his face and tossed it aside. The Faunus sat up and gave a long yawn before searching for his scroll.

Once he found the device under his pillow, he attempted to read the screen. Ben found it to blurry as he rubbed his eyes and trying to form words or numbers on the scroll's screen.

Hayden hadn't slept much. His team was filled with awkward tension. There was Angel and Tavril who obviously liked each other, but hadn't, to his knowledge, seemed to say anything much to one another. And then there was Kaze. Within the last week the blind Faunus hadn't talked much with his team (again that he knew of). There was also the possibility that Hayden had neglected to pay enough attention to his team, but he wasn't sure what the answer was.
Elinore, being too distracted by Malachite didn't notice Aires' attempt to jump off the roof and see her. The two girls standing by the ship, however, did. "Hey there. Do you...need any help?" the red haired one called up to her.

Malachite, you get back here!" Elinore shouted as she chased her companion up the stairs to the dorms. He stopped at a door that looked horribly, horribly abused. Based on the stories Elinore told his team, this would be her room. He opened the door only to be frozen in a block of ice.

After a while, Elinore managed to thaw him out and they put up her bags. "It's weird that there's no students around..." Elinore mumbled, "must be class time."

"Well you're out for the full day, why not treat us to lunch or something." Malachite suggested. "Yeah, sure, why not." Elinore said with a shrug. Perhaps she'd take them to Vale for lunch. "Oh, hey Ben, be back later, okay?" Elinore said with a wave to her team mate. It probably looked really weird. Two students in foreign uniforms, one a complete stranger to the faunus. But Elinore was never one to explain things. Without another word she led Malachite out of the building again and back down to the airship.
"Uh yeah thanks." Aires says accepting their help. "Who are you?" Aires knew that they weren't students from Beacon.
Ben heard the door crash open and then the ice trap activate, leaving the intruder frozen. Well, Will's trap works, the Faunus though to himself with a yawn. Once the student had been thawed by Elinore and she mentioned something to him, the Faunus shrugged it off and went back to deciphering the message displayed on his scroll. "What the dust does this even say?" He groaned out in frustration.
"We're students from Haven." Coco spoke up to answer. By then, Elinore and Malachite had made it back down into the courtyard and quickly joined back up with the team "Yosh! Aires," Elinore called with a wave of her arm, "we're gunna go to lunch at Vale, care to come with us?"

The team of three just looked at Aires with a questionable stare. Elinore smiled back, "she's part of my team."

"Your team has a faunus?" Ember asked. "Two. There was one in her room." Malachite chimed in. "Now come on yall, faunus' aren't that bad" Coco chipped in.
"Lulu!" Aires smiled tucking her wings back in side her. The others seemed a little hostile about her being a Faunus. She glared slightly. "Something wrong with me being a Faunus?" She asked irritated folding her arms in front of her chest.
"No, not at all ma'am." Coco perked up with a bright smile at Aires. "Isn't that right, team?" she said through gritted teeth to the rest of her team. Malachite looked away and Ember just kept glaring at Aires, "yeah. Team leader. Everything's just peachy."

Elinore sighed and just crossed her arms. She looked at Aires and gave her a forced smile, trying to non verbally tell her that she'd explain everything later.
Smirking Aires nodded, "I'd love to have lunch. Nothing like getting to know new humans." She says encasing them all in her wings, "Wahoo! Group hug!" Aires said squeezing a bit too hard. "Alright let's go I'm starving!" She said linking arms with Elinore. "How'd the mission go? Were you successful with whatever you had to do Lulu?"
"It went well. We killed all the Grimm in the facility."

"Elinore is especially brutal with Ursas."

"Can you not?" Elinore asked as she led the uneasy group to a cafe in Vale that students on Beacon often went to. They sat down around the table in an awkward stew of anger. Elinore had come to regret the decision of taking them all to lunch and only wished instead to have been left alone to eat at the cafeteria. Ember was making her feel especially award.

"So! Little miss Aires, tell us about yourself." Coco pipped up again.
Aires smiled, they were trying to be civil and it wasn't Elinore's fault people were judgemental. "Well, I'm a straight B student, have an elite weapon, am pretty powerful, I'm a bird faunus, and have the greatest team on this planet!" She said happily looking over at Elinore winking. She tried to make this less awkward than it already was.
Ben have up on attempting to understand the cryptic writing on his scroll and decided to shower and get dressed. Once the task was completed, the student thought about what to do. They hadn't really had classes in the past week due to Gavin's prank with the soup and rendered several staff members sick. "Elinore said that they were headed into town. Maybe I'll do the same. It's been a while." The Faunus muttered as he walked into the hall. "Yeah. That's what I'm gonna do." Ben said, his mind made up.
Markus was sitting in a small cafe near the ocean. It was beautiful. He saw elinore, who was on her way to meet with him. "Hey… over here." He said waving his hand in the air. After she sat down he asked. "So how was your day?… what were your classes?… anything interesting happen?"he was making small talk. He took a sip from his coffee. "That's some strong stuff…" He said as he put the cup down.

"So you probably want to know why I asked you here…" He sighed. " I asked you here because I need to tell someone… so that way I'm not crazy... "He took another sip, but this time burned his tongue. "Hot hot hot." He said. After a minute of blowing on his tongue he spoke. "I've been…" there is a slight twice. Markus isn't really a twitcher so it's out of place. "I've been trying to say that I am assembling a team for a raid… I want your team in on it." It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't what he wanted to tell her. "Go to the command center with your team... And bring wren and drake… along with the ladies of team taco."
Ember scoffed at the faunus' remarks, only to be met with a glare from her team leader. Coco looked back at Aires and smiled, "Don't you mind her. She's just upset because the White Fang tried to kill a bunch of folks workin' on a dust train. Luckily they weren't able to do such a thing and all them passengers were safe. So she has no reason to be acting all crazy." Coco explain. "She's like that Weiss girl...but red." Elinore added on, "hey...is that Marcus?" she continued under her breath. "I'll be right back..." she said before getting up and walking over to the table with Markus.

"Another faunus? That's it, I've had enough." Ember said as she stood up. "Please Ember, calm down." Malachite tried to reason. "No. You know very well it was a faunus who got your partner in trouble and broke her legs. Robin is in the hospital because of them. And I for one am not going to be associated with any of their kind!" she said before storming off. "Ember, wait up! Please, just calm down." Malachite said as he chased after her. "Well, I do believe we've overstayed our welcome. We thank you kindly ma'am, but it looks like we have to go. Tell Elinore thanks for the help." Coco said with a tip of her hat before chasing off after her team.

"I'll be sure to tell them." Elinore said with a nod, "are you okay? You're not looking well."
"Well if you're gonna be like that little miss Ember I'm surprised the White Fang didn't get rid of you." Aires said out loud looking down at her pastry. She suddenly didn't feel too hungry anymore. " Where did Lulu go . . . That stupid girl shouldn't have judged me. Man if only I could've . . . But firing up my semblance and using it on others would be a no no." Aires drank her ice cold water. sitting alone she watched the trio leave her in their judgemental dust. "Why would Elinore hang with them in the first place . . . I wish Ben and Will were here." She missed Ben. She hadn't seen him in a while and all she wanted to was give him a hug and a kiss, ya know the couple stuff. But she feared he wasn't too big on public display of affection. She sighed and pushed her treat away from her.
Shortly after his mind was made up, the Faunus had stolen a vehicle and was making his way towards Vale. He figured that Elinore would be at the cafe nearest to the school and decided to drive by. He hadn't really gotten to talk earlier, but at the last second realized she would talk about her trip later.

Getting out of the car, Ben decide to walk towards a noodle house to go eat at. The place was just past the cafe and a place that enjoyed its Faunus customers. "That's always a good quality." The monkey muttered absentmindedly as he walked. "Maybe I could take Aires here. Still owe her a date..."

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