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Fandom Beacon Academy.

A small green aura surrounded Ben as the student grinned. He didn't intend for his semblance to activate, but it happened and apparently the Grimm seemed to be the primary victim.

The aura darkened the closer it was to the Ursa, but only subtly. Ben's smirk disappeared, replaced by a serious look as he thought out a plan of attack. I could- he thought, cutting himself off as he acted on an impulse, flipping off the Ursa's back and over its head. As he landed, the student pulled with all his strength, hoping for something other than nothing to happen. This is stupid and risky. I had position on it...
The lower jaw of the Ursa was ripped off of it's mouth after the hook attached to it was pulled by Benjamin. It causes the Grimm to fall face flat on to the floor with no movement at all.

"That last move might have gotten you killed if it was a Ursa Major, but good performance, kid. You're getting a A+ for participation." Alex congratulated cheerfully when the glyphs dissappeared and the AK-130s cleaned up the bloody mess on the floor. He motions Benjamin to take a seat before turning his attention back to the class. "Now then, who here can tell me the most effective way to fight a Ursa?"
"Thanks Alex." Benjamin said as he rubbed the back of his head. He knew that he was lucky to not be eaten by his last move, but his semblance took care of the luck. "Elinore would know." He joked as he took his seat near the back. "Wait, where is she?" The thought probably should've occurred to him earlier when Alex was asking for volunteers, but oh well.
Now was his chance, Maxwell moved to get up so he could hand in his-

"Ursas are incredibly strong and hunt in packs, thus making them most lethal when up close. Their strength, however, falters in that it makes them slower then the average Grimm. Therefore making long range and speed key to fighting them."

Maxwell spun to see Karmella standing with her hand raised and some paper in front of her which she read from with lack of worry.

She continued "Their massive strength becomes encumbering when facing fast opponents and even with their noticeably impressive armor usual advantage of hunting in pairs, certain long range attacks would work just as well as the much more powerful melee attacks that are only reserved for reckless and/or inexperienced hunters."

Maxwell blinked several times before searching his desk for his notes.

"Ben's problem was that he was ill equipped for a battle such as this, therefore causing greater risk to himself than a properly equipped hunter would be. As we could all see he rushed in head first, therefore placing himself within easy reach of the Grimm's immense strength. Though he had the speed, his blades can only do so much. Had he not gotten lucky enough to incapacitate the Grimm's arm, I can assure you that this battle would've gone entirely differently."
I was plenty fast to dodge the Ursa's strikes. I preferred to end the fight rather than prolong it, he thought silently. "I'm still here aren't I?" Ben quietly joked. But he failed to stifle his laugh, replaced by short bursts of laughter.

Hayden laughed at the joke before punching Ben to shut him up. "You may be right, but you are an idiot."
"Correct, correct, and definitely true. The Ursa are dangerous creatures to deal with in battle, but are not invincible against our weapons and aura." Alex stated as he gives a thumbs up to Karmella. "Benjamin made a good decision to incapacitate the Grimm's arm with his blade and managed to stop it from moving around anymore. Though luck was on his side when he jumped off the Ursa's back and pulled it's jaw out with a hook. If the Grimm didn't have a huge cut in its mouth and bleed to death, it would have lunged toward him and ripped him apart." After saying that, the bell rings. Alex dismisses everyone and erases everything off the chalkboard. He sits down at his new desk and takes out his scroll to request a janitor to fix the new hole in the wall.
Everyone from TACO just watched the fight, except for Acid, who was munching on an apple Caron had gotten for her. Rather loudly. "Heh...buttmunch." She mumbled for a bit before finishing off the apple. They head for the next class.
Karmella gave herself a round of applause as Maxwell glared at her. Once class was over, she tossed the paper into the air and strolled out of the classroom "Thank you for the high speed tutoring Maxwell!"

The paper floated onto Maxwell's head, and he pulled it off. Yep, his notes.

He stormed out after her, Arata sighed at the brewing tension before helping Tinko out of his chair and to the door.

"I learned today, when I have gathered all the knowledge I can I shall no longer have to go to class. Then, I can sleep to the ends of Time." Tinko said as he stumbled out of class on his crutches.

Aires looked up from her massive headache just in time for the bell to ring. "Finally. You three!" She said grabbing Ben, Will and Kaze, "Come with me please." It wasn't a request more like an order.
"Um. Okay. You alright?" Ben asked tentatively. He wasn't sure what had Aires so upset, but it couldn't be too good.
Aires looked at Kaze, "Well Big Brother . . . Tell Them. Because if I do I'll Oh I don't know blow up!" She growled. Kaze cleared his throat as if he were about to say something but he simply shrugged instead. "I don't know what she's talking about."
"Um. Is everything really okay?" Ben repeated, now even more confused. She can't be going psycho already. We've barely been dating and haven't had a real date yet, he worried silently. He had seen plenty of crazy in his lifetime, and did not need more.
"Look . . ." Kaze began, "Just keep this knuckle head of a girlfriend of yours in sight." He then walked over to Will, "oh and Will's other half, if you kill anyone, kill her first." He walked away after that.

Aires sighed and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Guess that was pointless. Huh." She looked at Ben and smiled, "Great job today honey!" Honey? Oh geez how pathetic can I get? Smirking at herself she strokes Ben's face, "You did great. Had me worried a bit but you were awesome!"
"What's up with him?" Ben wondered as Aires approached. Instantly he temporarily forgot about the discussion. "Don't worry about me. I've got luck on my side. My opponent, not so much." He said as he confidently scratched under his nose like an anime character.
"Too bad Lulu isn't here. She's the one to go to If it's an Ursa." Aires said laughing slightly. It seemed a bit more quiet without Elinore here. "I hope she's doing alright."
"I thought it was funny how that guy didn't bring up the fact that I was plenty fast to beat the Ursa. I just took a risk and it paid off." Benjamin chuckled with a small smirk. "But you are right. Elinore seems to be rather efficient at slaying Ursine in particular."
"Ben? Were you glowing green?" She asked hugging him from out of the blue. "Or was it my imagination?" She smiled nuzzling his nose.
"Was I? I wouldn't know." He replied honestly. He figured his semblance was in effect by the way he won the fight, but he didn't really notice anything different about himself. He returned his girlfriend's smile as he shrugged in addition to his prior statement.
"Maybe it wad my imagination, haha! I'm kinda hungry." She made a motion with her hands. "Hey Ben," She looked into his eyes, "Wanna go on a date?" She smiled.
"Sure. But don't we have a class to get to?" He answered. A date would be nice. And something new. That could be bad, he thought to himself. He was hungry as well, but he always was. Probably a bad feeling he picked up from his past.
"Not right this second genius." She says tapping his forehead. " Of course we have class to go to, first Alex then Natalya. . .wahoo. I guess we go to class, huh."
"Yeah. Hopefully we don't do too much combat today. I feel a little tired from that last fight." The student joked. With a little chuckle he wrapped his arm around Aires' shoulder and led her to the class.
When the bell rang, Angel quickly got out of the room faster than anyone could blink. She had nothing important to do, no one to hang out with or anyone to chat with in particular. 'So this is what it's like being a lone wolf.. Huh..' She thought to herself, looking out one of the windows. It was a clear sky, yet it couldn't help with the fogginess of her brain. "Well.. I guess it's class time again.." She murmured, walking to her next class.
"Angel! Sit with us!" Aires shouted smiling at her friend. "How are you liking your team? Did you get enough room space? How's it feel to be the leader. Sorry I don't mean to pry." Aires laughed a little.
Angel smiled as Aires called her, deciding to take up her offer. She sat beside Aires and gave her a hug. "My team's ok so far, haven't met the others, though. Room space? Yeah, the room's fine, pretty... Roomy." Angel said with a laugh. "It kinda feels weird to be a leader, to be honest. And no worrries, I don't mind." She added, smiling at Aires. Her thoughts then began to wander to a certain wolf faunus. "Aires? Where's Tavril?"

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