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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"The man who runs this academy must be going crazy." Aires muttered underneath her breath. She looked around but couldn't find Elinore. "Hey. . . Where's Lulu?"
"Elinore left the academy to deal with some problem in another kingdom. She'll be back in a week." William replied after pulling his head out of the wall again. He tossed Bluntfire back to Alex and looks at Aires. "Something wrong, Aires? You seem... angry."

Noticing that no one else had a question for him, Alex turns back to the chalkboard and draws a sketching of a strange looking bear. "Now can anyone tell me what kind of Grimm this is and how it fights in combat? Whoever answers correctly gets a special reward."
"Well...I guess it's time for class." Oxis said as she head into the classroom. Caron picked up their plates and sneakily grabbed an apple for Acid, who was still taking a bath. Teri followed them to Grimm studies.

"I'm sorry were late professor." Teri said as she entered.

At team TACO's room, Acid was busy taking a bath.
As the three took their seat, Acid had finished taking a bath and had already dressed herself. With her weapons stored safely at her back, she started to make her way to the classroom. Via melting a hole through the wall. "Hi!" She greeted before taking a seat, ignoring the teacher completely.

"...Acid, the door was right there." Teri said while pointing at the door next to the hole she made. The rest of the team just had resigned looks on their faces.
Alex stares at the new hole in the wall for a minute before looking back at the class. He smiles, but only to keep his anger from bursting out. "Okay, lets go back to the lesson. Aires is correct, this is a Ursa. It's a large bear-like Grimm with black fur and bony spikes on their backs and arms, as well as white, bonelike masks with red detailing, but are much larger and stockier." He draws another sketching of a Ursa on the chalkboard, but much larger with more armor. "This is a Ursa Major and are more dangerous to deal with in battle. These Grimm will likely be veterans with a lot of experience and must be taken down with extreme caution." A covered cage with several AK -130s pushing it enter the classroom through the new hole. The professor walks toward the cage and grabs the tarp. "Now then, who wants to fight a Ursa in class?" He asked as he pulls it away and reveals a Ursa behind the metal bars.

"What is it, chicken faunus? It better be important." Gavin said while looking at the caged Grimm.
Angel looked to the clock in her room. "Time for class.." She murmured, getting off her bed and walking out the door. She reached the classroom and opened the door, revealing the students and a large cage with an Ursa in it. "What the hell did I walk into..?" She asked herself, her voice low so as no one else would hear it. Looking to the professor, she was surised to see Alex teaching the class. "You're the professor? Sorry I'm late by the by." She said, taking a seat near the door.
"Why is everyone coming in late? You all really need to get here on time." Alex told the class. The Ursa looks at all the students in the room and hits the bars with its claws. It didn't damage it at all, but the Grimm continues to hit it in hopes of breaking it apart soon.
"Hell, I'll fight it." Benjamin piped up from the back of the class. Standing tall, the Faunus waited for any other volunteers before heading down towards the professor and caged Grimm.

What the dust are you doing? Hayden thought to himself. He is going to get himself killed. As far as Hayden knew, Ben was more of a guerrilla fighter than head on, especially with the weapons he possessed.
Aires looked at Will at smacked him upside the head. " I don't want to talk to you Gavin. . . This is important." Her eyes followed Ben after that. "After class okay?" She saw Angel enter and smiled at her waving cheerily!
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Angel looked to Aires and smiled, waving back at her. God, she missed that woman. She then watched as Benjamin got up, volunteering to fight the Ursa. 'Good luck' she thought to herself, edging closer on the edge of her seat, wanting to see the fight to start soon.
"Ben be careful!" She yelled crossing her arms in front of her chest, "I can't lose another boyfriend . . ." She muttered softly.
Seeing that only Benjamin volunteered to fight the Ursa, Alex gives a disappointed look to everyone in the class before telling the faunus student to stand at the other side of the room. "Prepare to fight for your life!" He announced before opening the cage and getting out of the combat zone. Luckily Professor Port had the front of the room enchanted with glyphs, which prevented anyone or anything from getting in or out once activated. Glyphs appear out of the floor and walls, which surrounded Benjamin and the Ursa. The Grimm rushes out of the cage and charges toward Benjamin in a attempt to smash into him.
"No . . ." Aires whispered breathless. There was no way she'd be able to help him. " Damn." She said horrified.

"Why don't you try having a little faith in him sis?" Kaze said placing a hand on her shoulder.

"You are the last person I want near me right now." She hissed. Kaze then proceeded to spot an Emerald scent. "Well look, if it isn't my fearless teammate and leader. I know we got off to a rough start by hey no one can deny what a great team we'll be." He sits next to her and then whispers in her ear, "I'm sorry for kidnapping you."
Angel glared at Kaze, the memories of their last encounter still burned into her mind. "I don't know how the hell you got in here, but I swear I'd kill you if it was the last thing I do." She said in a low growl, baring her fangs at him. "I will never forgive you for what happened to everyone here... Especially to Tavril." She added, her glare becoming more menacing by the second. If looks could kill, Kaze would have died more than he'd like to.
Benjamin gave a sly smirk as the Ursa charged him. The monkey Faunus rolled away and fired a blade into the Ursa's side.

Grinning he knew this wouldn't be too difficult. He was too quick for the larger Grimm. But he also knew he didn't have the pure strength to kill it in a few hits.

Planning his next move in an instant, Ben impulsively launched himself at the beast, using the chain to increase his velocity.
The Ursa charges right past Benjamin's original spot and crashes into a glyph. It roars in pain when it felt a blade pierced into its side stomach and makes a 180 degree turn before running in the opposite direction.
Benjamin's feet were in a position to land a blow to the Grimm's side. He wasn't sure how much damage he would do the large creature, but he figured it would at least hurt it.
The Ursa feels the impact from the Benjamin's attack on its side. It lost its balance while running and trips onto the ground. It immediately gets back up on its legs and swipes it's right paw at Benjamin.
Karmella pouted as she watched the other student fight the Grimm, "Maxwell," she whispered to the giant ,man sitting next to her "why didn't you volunteer?"

Maxwell just shook his head, his journey through the Emerald Forest was still fresh in his mind. He'd had enough life endangering for one week, and wasn't about to go out of his way to fight. Besides, he was good at note taking, and would be fully prepared for the inevitable Q&A on Ursa fighting tactics that was sure to follow after this fight.

"If somebody hadn't gotten one of our teammates injured in a Taijitu ride through a pack of Beowolves, I would've volunteered." Arata stated from her seat in front and below Karmella.

"Oh come on," Karmella groaned before smirking and leaning her chin on her palm "we had so much fun!"

Arata raised an eyebrow before gesturing to the side "Does this look like fun to you?"

Sitting next to her was Tinko, both his legs and one of his arms in casts. His torso was fully wrapped in bandaging and his messy hair fell from the bandages on his head.

"Oh please, Ms. Mayumi," Karmella said as she waved off Tinko's injuries "he's a little soldier, he'll be fine."

"Fighting through the pain!" Tinko cheered

Arata shook her head with a sigh before bringing her attention back to the fight.
The swipe caught Ben by surprise, the Faunus being knocked into the air. Not quite able to right himself, the Faunus landed on his shoulder in an awkward roll backwards.

The blade had become dislodged from the Ursa's side in the process, the chain recoiling into its housing. "Alright, that didn't go as planned." He said with a smirk, launching both blades at the Ursa, one aimed for the neck and the other it's left shoulder.
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One of the blades made it to the Ursa's left shoulder, causing it immense pain and the inability to move it's arm anymore. It managed to grab the other blade out of the air with its teeth and crushes it apart with its fangs. Unable to move properly with all four legs, it stands on its hind legs and growls at the student.
Ben's face was a look of shock as he retracted the chain. He hadn't seen anything bite through the chain, but he knew it was possible. He quickly swapped the blade out on his gauntlet, now attaching a collapsible hook. Ben repeated the same strategy he had in his previous attempt. Instead of directly impacting the Ursa, he flew past the Grimm's shoulder and impaled its lower jaw with his hook. "Gotcha." He said from his position on the Ursa's back.

(If we don't finish soon, I give Will permission to rp as Ben to finish the fight. Football...)
The Ursa couldn't roar in pain when the hook went into its mouth, since it also impaled its tongue and was causing it to choke on its own blood. Unable to pull the hook out with its paw, it trembles on its knees as it continues choking on its own blood.
Aires could relax a little. "Great job Ben!" She smiled ear to ear. Class was almost over and it was a little entertaining that it went by so fast. She looked over at Kaze. Rolling her eyes she felt her head explode once more. She curled her hands into fists as she placed her head on the table. "Ack . . ."

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