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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Caron managed to catch the girl who was thrown. "That's not nice..." She mumbled as she gently laid her on the ground. "Apologize to her now." She demanded.
Karmella couldn't contain her chuckles, she twirled her cane as she began pacing side to side "I'm sorry dear sir in the rustic armor, I am unable to comprehend the words of the unrefined."

Maxwell's face palm deepened as Arata sighed at the proceedings.
Elinore was suddenly tossed from the cushyness of William's arms and then caught by someone else who demanded an apology from William. Elinore only stood up with a smile "William, I challenge you to a duel...tomorrow. Loser has to make out with the winner. Hardcore. Yep. Sounds like good terms." either way, Gavin lost. What more could you want in life? "Now if you succuse me, I'm sleep." she said before almost hitting the doorway on her way into the room.
"I'll never apologize to her!" Gavin exclaimed. "But what did you call me, shisno? I'm unrefined? I'm un-freaking-refined?! I'll show you what it means to be unrefined in one minute!" The armored student pounce on Karmella and forced her to the ground. He punches the ground next to her face, missing by only a few inches. "Oh not again!" He tries to punch Karmella's face multiple times for a minute, but misses every time. "Oh this is so aggravating! Let me punch her at least once!"

"And earn myself more enemies? Nope, not happening." William said as he regained control of his body again. Turning his head around to the open door behind him, he watched Elinore enter the room like a drunk person. "Wait... WHAT DID SHE SAY?!"
"I believe she said that she challenges you to a duel and the loser makes out with the winner, hardcore." Caron interjected as she put away Fireblade after twirling it a bit to put out the fire.

"C'mon Caron." Teri said as she continued walking to their room. "Coming!" Caron replied as she went after her.
Aires finally focused. Luna had passed out, then Will took her away. She was still at the table. Clearly dinner was over but she couldn't move her body. Is this what the nurse was talking about? Come to think of it, what did she put on me? Aires could feel what felt like acid earlier creep into her system. She hadn't noticed the beads of sweat on her forehead until they ran down the sides of her face. With the strength she had she looked at Ben, "I don't feel well." She managed to say. Talking proved to be a challenge. Then she heard it again. Aires. Oh, how's my pretty bird? Mommy needs you to do something for her. Your friends are dreadfully boring and are getting in the way of my plans so be a dear and DESTROY THEM! Out of no where she suddenly screamed and held her head.
"Alrighty then. Let's head back to the room. You need to rest." Ben said as he picked Aires up and began to walk towards the room. Um, now where is the room? Was it a left at that hallway? Or a left here and then a right? I really need to start paying attention, he thought as he wandered aimlessly until stumbling upon Will punching the ground. "Found it..."
Aires was in tears. She buried herself in Ben's chest holding her head in agony. Then she felt her semblance activate without her wanting it to. She shut her eyes tight as pain radiated throughout her mind. She bit her lip until it bled to refrain from screaming. She was a tense ball of suffering in Ben's arms.
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Feeling Aires tense up, Ben headed into the room and sat her on one of the beds. "Hope this isn't Will's." He muttered. "You alright?" The Faunus asked, although he knew something was wrong. The question was would she tell him or not.
You can't tell any of your friends what's going on with you. I'll kill you from the inside out if you do. Now do as Mommy told you and open your those pretty little destructive eyes of yours. Mommy is so proud of her little bird. Yes she is. Now open. Open. Aires. . . Don't make me hurt you. Aires shut her eyes tighter as she focused on what to say, "Ben it feels like someone's insi-" She suddenly began to cough up blood. I warned you. But alas if you prove useless to me you will end yourself... Aires felt the pain leave her slowly as her eyes returned to normal. She looked at Ben and felt the need to run away. "I'm sorry. . ." She whispered getting up and trying to flea only to collapse, her world darkening around her as she fell to the floor.
"What the dust?" Ben exclaimed as Aires blacked out. "Two in less than an hour?" He picked her up again, setting her on her bed and wiping the blood from her mouth. "What the hell is going on tonight?" The Faunus muttered under his breath.
Elinore awoke the next morning with the effect from the drugs completely worn off. The only problem was that she didn't have morning skills. She was practically as bad as she was the night before, just less responsive. She sat up and rubbed her eyes and looked over at her bed...wait...what? Oh. She wasn't in her bed. The night previous she attempted to get to her bed, but the voyage was too long and she ended up crash landing in someone else's bed. She was sure it would sort itself out eventually. She got up and started walking towards the dinning hall.
Aires woke up in a cold sweat yelling. Once her eyes opened she realized she was in her dorm room. The taste of blood filled her mouth and she was a little dizzy. "What's going on . . ." She asked herself rubbing her head and quickly grabbing a brush. It was the same thing every time she didn't braid her hair before going to bed: tangles. Finally she brushed her hair but didn't put it up in her usually pony tail. It draped down her shoulders past her waist and reached underneath her bottom. Her side bangs gave her the effect she adored. Ayer going to the bathroom and getting ready for the day she returned to her dorm to get dressed. "Alright well, breakfast I guess." She looked around the room to see who else was here.
Benjamin was asleep on the floor since Elinore decided to crash on his instead. Good thing he was used to it, although he had grown to like the comfortable beds of Beacon's dorms.

Suddenly the student burst upright, clenching his stomach as he had awoken from a growling noise. "Food..." The Faunus murmured as he slowly stood.
A barley conscious Elinore sat at a long table in the dining hall. Well, she more laid down at the table. Tavril passed by and put a cup of coffee down in front of her and continued to an empty table where his team would sit.

Elinore grabbed the coffee and took a sip, staring off at some unseen object in the distance.
Markus was walking by when he noticed Elinore sprawled over the table. He had to go and talk to her. "Wakey wakey, Eggs and bakey." He said as he moved the cup off coffee, and placing his cup of hot chocolate. He couldn't drink coffee, it was to weird tasting. Markus's scroll lit up. "Well, well you might find this interesting... The Achieve men are coming to town."
"The who what?" Elinore mumbled after a long bit of silence. "And what about eggs? What? When?" she asked with a tilt of her head. She was completely lost, and there was no guarantee she'd ever be able to get unlost. Not til she was awake that was.
"Alright... someone has had a little bit of a rough night." He grabbed the cup of coffee that trival brought. "Drink up... This will wake you up." He grabbed his cup of hot chocolate and drank a little bit.
Elinore took a drink from the coffee and yawned, "So what are the Archive men you were talking about?" she asked as she kept staring off into the distance.
"I thought you would have known... I think they are some kind of boy band... People are plastering up flyers, passing out papers saying that they are coming." He took another sip of his hot chocolate. "Well anyway, they are coming to town."
Elinore nodded absently, "Oh yea? Cool." she mumbled. She never really had an interest in boy bands. She preferred to do other things with her time, like kill Ursas. At least that meant a large population of people would be concentrated in one area. All she had to do was avoid that area.
"Yeah, like I said, it's just something interesting... Anyway, what have you guys been up to... I saw that you guys got teams, I am guessing that you were put on a team with william and the other people." He said looking out the big window. "Who knows, maybe we could have been on a team, if I decided to go back into classes."
"Why'd ya quit classes?" Elinore asked as she took another sip of her coffee. To be honest, she was quite fond of her team. But having Markus on her team might have been cool as well. Or Angel and Tavril too. Tinko or that married couple could have also made cool teammates. Perhaps she was too fond of too many people. She did like her team though. "Was being a hunter not cool enough for you?" she cooed.
"It's not that being a hunter isn't cool, it's just I would rather be a part of a team that wouldn't have to abide by certain code, that a hunter would go through... I only answer to one person, and then I can make calls in the field, where as a hunter would have to get permission... Plus no homework... But my ass is on hold because of that mission."
"Food..." Aires heard Ben say, she whirled around placing her top on, "What are you doing on the floor love?" She asked kissing his head.

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