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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"There's a pretty open space in a nearby courtyard," He replied, having just been there. He started walking off in that direction.
Caron followed and stood at one end of the courtyard. "You ready for this?" She asked as her Fireblade and Gashburn were set into a ready position.
Aren had never fought fire. He could take heat pretty well, but he doubted he would enjoy being burnt to a crisp. Confident, he drew his sword and revolver, which seemed pretty old-fashioned compared to the flamethrower. "Ya I'm ready. Try not to burn me too bad."
"Alright!" She jumped away, her jetpack giving her an extra boost as she fired orange glowing arrows at him. She then landed and dashed forward, lighting Fireblade aflame and letting loose several slashes.
Aren took a deep breath and readied himself for the fight. Rolling out of the way of the arrows. He parried each of the slashes and attempted a counter with a blow from his sword.
Caron ducked at just the right moment and used Gashburn to send a wave of fire at close range before jumping away. She then hovered in the air and aimed Gashburn at him again.
William slides his gauntlet against his chin and sees blood on it. He was both shocked and confused. Never in his life did he ever imagine Elinore pointing a knife at his face! At his bare, maskless face! Actually... he kind of expected that and not expected that at the same time, since he usually gets her nearly killed a lot. Though in the end, he's still not sure what just happened. "Well that escalated quickly..." A.D whispered to William through his helmet. "I think she's still mad at you for shooting a rocket at her yesterday."

"No really, A.D? I didn't know that." William whispered back sarcastically before getting up. "Uh... sure Elinore. Lets go check the dining hall and see if dinner is being served yet." He walks toward the door but then remembers something important that he needed to do in the room. By himself. Alone. "Actually, I have to check something important on Archdeath and would prefer if you wait outside the room. So please, go on ahead and leave through the door by yourself. I'll be right with you in a minute." He gestures Elinore to leave before going back to his bed to do something unspecific.
Aren ducked to the side, feeling the heat of the flames sear the top of his head. He jumped up and aimed his revolver at her, grinning.
Caron smiled back as she used Fireblade to knock his gun out of his hand and used Gashburn to set him on fire. She landed stabbed Fireblade into the ground. She then took out a cord from her jetpack and connected it to Gashburn.
It wasn't nice being on fire. In fact, it was quite painful. Aren remembered some instructions, learned along time ago. Roll. He dropped to the ground and rolled over once, twice, and the flames dissipated. The pain lingered though. He readied his sword and started to lunge from a crouching position.
'She's going to use that!' Oxis thought in a panic as she quickly hefted Air Cannon and fired twice, causing both fighters in the courtyard to get knocked back. "Enough Caron, were going." She said as she walked into Beacon.

Caron frowned and disconnected the cord before picking up Fireblade and storing it. She smiled at her opponent. "That was fun, let's do it again sometime." She said as she followed her sister.
Confused, Aren picked up and holstered his revolver. "Wait! I didn't get your name!" He called out after her. "I'm Aren."
"My name is Caron Monos!" She shouted back as she walked away. They returned to their room and sat on their beds.

"I was having fun y'know." Caron complained.

"Having fun is not a valid excuse to turn the entire battleground and everything around it into a smoldering wasteland."
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Elinore tilted her head but left out of the room without any further question. That was probably....the appropriate response so her semi-death threat and she didn't expect him to be coming out to join her any time soon. Poor William was getting all caught up in her feud between her and Gavin. Hopefully it wouldn't ruin their dinner tomorrow....oh who was she kidding, she totally ruined dinner. Elinore sighed and headed down to the dining hall. There went that chance.
"OUCH! WHY IS THAT BURNING!" Aires shouted as the nurse placed what seemed to be some sort of acid on her mid section. The acid kept eating at her wounds until they slowly scarred up. "A scar . . ." She'd never had a scar before abs this one relatively big and long. "Look at that Ben, you scarred be Haha." Strangely enough she wasn't mad, but impressed.

"Okay Ms. Phoenix now be careful this ointment had a strong effect. So while eating dinner keep an eye on your vitals; if you get sleepy you may pass out. Make sure you let someone you trust know this that way they can help you to bef if need be. Understood?" Aires was playing with Ben's tail when she realized that the nurse was talking to her,

"Oh I'm sorry," She let go of his tail, "what we're you saying?" The nurse palms her forehead and walks away meeting,

"Honestly why do I bother sometimes?" Aires shrugs and looks at Ben,

"Are you gonna be okay?"

Kaze was excited. Entering his room he chose whatever bunk he felt first and plopped down in it. "Alright, fell free to decorate teammates, since I can't see I don't need to." He reached around for his blindfold and untied it, just to tie it tighter around his eyes. "Ah, that's better." He said then he heard a crackling and got up, "Excuse me I gotta um . . . Well nature calls." Slipping out of the room he plucks a feather and places it in behind his ear. "Yes?"

"How is she?"

"Pretty strong and resistant. I don't think you'll be able to control her mother."

"How dare you lose faith in my abilities. Do not forget I can contact whomever I please in the White Fang. But that's why I have you there. Bring me your sister at all costs. The sooner the better. I have big plans for my little bird." The line disconnected and Kaze sighed. He didn't like this one bit but was not in the position to defy his mother.
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"I'll be fine. I've got way worse injuries." Ben replied as he began to rapidly open and close his fist to increase the blood flow.

"It won't heal if you do that." The nurse warned the Faunus when she walked back. "If you keep that up I will put a cast on it."

"I'll be fine. I haven't passed out yet and the bleeding it non existent. Besides, it's already starting to heal." Ben countered as he gently flicked Aires with his tail. "And I'll look after her."

"Very well." The nurse replied, a little relieved that one of her messages got through to one of them. "And remember to not use your left arm for anything."

"Yeah, yeah. Sure doc. I got it. No using my left arm." Ben said half mockingly before standing and beginning to walk out of the room.
Where am I? Why is it so cold? Why am I in a cage?

"I'm sorry Trey, they're terminating the project..."

What project! Let me out of here!

"The successes are being released into society while the rejects are being terminated..."

Terminated?! What's going on!?

"I''m sorry it had to come to this...if only we had more time then you would be released along with the others."

Please...let me out...

"I'm sorry..."

"Okay, I think it's almost time for dinner, Caron, can you wake up Teri?" Oxis asked. Caron nodded and approached Teri's bed. She gently shook her awake while Oxis did the same to Acid. Teri woke up with a gasp, surprising Caron. "What's wrong?" Caron asked worriedly. "It's nothing!" Teri responded a little too quickly and ran out the room. The followed her to the dining hall.
Aires yawned as they made their way to the dining hall. "I'm so hungry! Come on, Ben." She said sweetly, kissing him on the cheek. "I wonder what they'll have. Oh yum food!! So dusting hungry!" Aires yawned once more.
William peek out from under the bed and was curious as to why he heard no explosions in the room. He goes to the door and cautiously open it. Nothing unusual happened. "Dammit! You forgot to activate the trap!" Gavin yelled out after kicking the door close.

"Not my fault." William responded with a calm look on his face. "How am I supposed to activate the trap at the last minute while going under a bed for protection?" He puts his mask back on and stuffs several self-defense weapons into his jacket. No pistol for him tonight.

"Then you should have made your stupid A.I activate it remotely!" Gavin retorted as he leaves the room and activates the trap with his scroll. Any intruders better get ready for a Weiss cool entrance soon.

"I'm not your personal servant, you bum. Learn how to do it yourself." A.D said through Archdeath's speakers. "But what are you talking about, William? I thought you didn't want to purposely hurt Elinore before?"

"He doesn't want to hurt her, but that doesn't mean I can't influence him to do it." Gavin said while laughing. He takes a different path to the dining hall to avoid contact with Elinore on the way there. There's no need to rush her untimely death yet...
"Yeah. I could eat a ton." Ben replied as he followed Aires. "I just hope they don't serve vegetables. I hate those." He continued with a slight shudder.

Hayden had been packing away his previous room. He hadn't even seen the team room, but he doubted it would have enough room to set up his holoprojection equipment. "I really wish this could just scale down instead of having to do everything manually." Hayden said with a groan as he moved the folded pad into its bag. He glanced down at his scroll and noticed it was dinner time, a grin forming on his face.
Aires laughed taking his hand in hers. "Don't worry I'll eat all your vegetables. I love them! Yum!" She giggled. She saw Kaze out of the corner of her eye. It looked like he was talking to someone. He looked disappointed. "I wonder what's going on?" Aires yawned, "I'll ask him later I'm so hungry as of right now."
Teri ran into the dining hall, trying to forget her nightmare. She accidentally bumped into Aires. "Sorry." She said quickly, hoping that she didn't notice her distress. @RushWing

The rest of her team followed in their own paces. Caron was the fastest while the other were idly chatting on what to get. She was worried for her team leader.
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Teri managed to bring her food to a table, which was difficult because her hands were shaking. She took a deep breath and tried to calm down. She managed to do so ever so slightly and reduced the amount of shaking by a mere fraction. She continued trying until she was finally relaxed before starting to eat

Acid sat down next to her and started to eat as well. Oxis decided to sit at a separate table that was nearby and Caron sat across from Teri, eyeing her in case that she started to panic again.
Elinore waited for William to come down to the room. Perhaps she'd been too rough on William. She didn't want to hurt him, but she didn't like Gavin. Maybe she should try to be friends with Gavin. A rival would be fun had it not been for the fact that he loved in her boyfriend's mind. When William came in she rushed to wrap her arms around his neck in a loving embrace "William!" She cooed "I'm so sorry for hurting you darling, are you alright?"

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