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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Thanks, I'll try my best to be a reliable leader for Team WABE." William said as he takes the necklace from Aires. He stuffs it into his jacket's inner pocket for safekeeping.

"Gavin... yeah, I like this name. It sounds bloody fantastic and much better than stupid face McGee." William's second personality says out of nowhere. The armored student jumps on top of his bed and raises his fist to the ceiling. "I am now Gavin, your fearless leader! Fear me or meet my wrath!"
"Gavin...." Elinore mused to herself once she finished rebooting. "Yeah, I like it" she said with a nod before getting up to take the feather from Aires. Scarlet took her last one, along with her scroll. She sat back down, but this time on William's bed in hopes of spiting Gavin.

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She smiled, "They're programed to work only for you." She said shifting her weight. Aires remembered the marks that Ben's chain left on her abdomen. She went to the mirror and took her shirt off. She'd be spending four years with them, they'd have to get over it. She saw the marks and the blood that had started to scab. "Ugh . . . Gross."
"What do you think your doing on my bed, woman?! You're suppose to fear me!" Gavin said before hugging Elinore's back. "What's going on?! Why am I not choking you right now?!" He tries to stop hugging Elinore, but doesn't have any control over his body.

"You're not going to kill my girlfriend, Gavin. That's my job." William stated as he let goes of Elinore and sits right next to her.
"Hey Aires, you wanna go...get that checked out or something?" Elinore asked as she saw the faunus' gashed around her waist. She was sure Aires could handle herself though, and if not, she had three others there willing to take care of her for her. She scooched a little closer to William and grinned. "I wouldn't worry too much Will, I'll break Gavin soon enough~" Elinore cooed mischievously as she put her arm around William's shoulder. As long as Gavin was around trying to think he was in control, she'd be wearing the metaphorical pants in this relationship. But not the literal pants. No. Not those. A curious grin grew on Elinore's face as a devious plot had formed. "William, now that you have your memories back, do you remember why you asked me to the roof the day before you disappeared?"
Aires looked at the couple then at Ben. "Hey Ben wanna help me to the nurses office." She winked as a sign of letting Will and Luna have some privscy. "We'll be back." She said lovingly.
"Um, yeah. Sure." Ben said tossing his bag down. "Guess I am supposed to head down there anyways." He concluded, looking at his forearm.
Once in the hallway Aires takes Ben's hand in hers and leads him into a corner away from the world. "I have a question for you." She said her voice trembling a little and her mix matched eyes looking up at him.
"Okay. Ask away." Ben replied calmly. The Faunus could sense her nervousness in her voice. He looked again to his arm, the bandaging needed replacement, but he figured it could wait.
Aires smiled hesitantly she asked, "Would you like to be my boyfriend?" Aires's face became completely red as she stared at the ground. Crap, what is he gonna say? Her heart was pounding and her body shaking.
"Do I need to answer?" Ben asked. He thought it was pretty clear that they like each other. I should answer anyways. She looks really nervous. It's not gonna kill you, he told himself before saying a quick "yes" and flashing a grin.
Aren exited the room. He was very happy with his new team, but hadn't really gotten the chance to meet them all yet. Walking down the hallway, he noticed Ben and Aires, who looked serious. He quickly turned around and walked the other way, giving them some privacy.
"Great." Ben groaned as he began to walk in the direction of the nurses office. "How is your side? Maybe you could get it checked out as well..."
Elinore flopped back on William's bed and crossed her arms behind her head, "besides, if I die, there better be at least one explosion. I mean, a lame death would just...kill me. 'Ya know what I'm saying?" Elinore was clearly a master of the language. People would look up to her and her literary genious for generations. "Besides, I still don't know what you wanted to do with me on the roof before you disappeared. I can't die yet."
"Umm... I forgot..." William replied as he ponders on what he wanted to do with Elinore on the roof that day.

"I think you wanted to kill her, William." Gavin blurted out loud. "You know with horrible music, poisonous food, terrible dancing, and a small push off the roof. Maybe even a explosion or two since the lady wants that before she dies."

"Gavin, shut up! I'm trying to- oh right! I remember now!" William jumps up in excitement when he remembered what he wanted to do that day. Seems like Gavin isn't such a bad guy after all. "Elinore, would like to have a romantic dinner on the roof tomorrow night?" He asked while looking through his bags underneath the bed.
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"A romantic dinner?" Elinore asked as she propped her head up "yeah," she said with a smile, "I'd like to have a romantic dinner on the roof." It had been a long time sense the last time they had anything that even resembled a date....wait ...had they ever been on anything that resembled a date? Maybe. She rolled over and bent over the edge of the bed to look under it and see whatever William was doing "whacha lookin for?"

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"Some C.Ds I had ready for that day." William replied when he finally found the soft jazz C.Ds in one of his bags. "I thought we could listen to some music and maybe even dance a little after dinner..." He usually listened to those C.Ds once in a while whenever he was bored with nothing better to do. Sometimes he would practice dancing with his armor while listening to the music. Wow... he must have really bored just to even do that by himself.

"What?! You danced with Archdeath when you're bored!" Gavin remarked with a bit of shock in his voice.

"The dust?! How do you know that!"

"Well A. I'm you, ya shisno. Of course I'm going to remember that. B. I share the same brain with you. So any thoughts or memories you think of in your brain, I'm going to know too."

William rolls away from the bed and sits in a empty corner of the room. He was too embarrassed to even look at Elinore now. "I hate you, Gavin."

"I love you too, William." Gavin replied back.
As they finished Acid and Teri decided that they wanted to rest before dinner. Acid flopped to her bed while Teri crawled into the sheets, stretching a bit before relaxing. Oxis and Caron watched them.

"Hey Oxis..."


"Do you think...she'll remember us?"

"..." Oxis didn't reply. She opened the window and leapt out, let her wings out and started flying until she reached the clouds. She brought up Air Cannon and aimed at the clouds. She pulled the trigger and started making holes in them until it was obliterated completely.
"You're learning to dance?" Elinore asked as she watched William get up and go sit in the corner. She smiled at Williams little....loving conversation with himself before getting up to join him in the corner. She hugged him from behind and put her chin on his shoulder "you know, every time Gavin acts up we can always just make him reaaalllyyyy uncomfortable" she cooed as she worked at popping Williams mask off.
"Nooo, lets not do that to Gavin. He really great guy and doesn't deserve to get tortured by a horrible girl like you, Elinore." Gavin said while imitating William's voice. He didn't like Elinore at all and she didn't like him too, which makes it even easier to get motivated to kill her later that night.

"Gavin, we use the same voice and I'm going to sleep in a tree tonight." William told himself as he kept looking at the corner in front of him. He still wouldn't look at Elinore since he was still embarrassed about her discovering his little dancing sessions.
Elinore chuckled wickedly at Gavin's attempt "Oh Gavin darling, didn't you just say that you shared a mind with William?" she cooed softly as his masked popped off, "doesn't that mean that somewhere, deep deep down, you're also attracted to me? Or at least, your mind is cluttered with the attraction William has?" she cooed wickedly as she tilted his chin up with two fingers. A flick of her thumb brought a knife blade she kept in her jacket sleeve ever sense the kidnapping up in the same hand. She pressed the knife up against the bottom of his chin and grinned "but I still haven't forgotten how you hit me with a rocket launcher~" she cooed as a drop of blood slowly trickled down the knife blade.

Was Elinore a psychopath serial killer? She was pretty morbid from time to time. And she kept the blood splatters from her dead family members on the walls of her house. Heck, it'd even explain her obsession with fire and why she enjoyed killing Ursas so much. It would also explain why she was so okay with William's accidental abusiveness! Usually a girl would leave someone after the first electrocution! HOLY CRAP! ELINORE WAS AN INSANE PSYCHOPATH! YOU CAN'T SPELL SLAUGHTER WITHOUT LAUGHTER! ANYONE ELSE NOTICE THAT?! RUN FOR YOUR LIIVVESSSSS!!!!

Elinore stood up and laughed, running her finger across the blade to clean off the drop of blood "Hey, when do you think dinner is? I'm starving!" she said as she dropped the knife back in her sleeve and clapped her hands. "I haven't eaten sense breakfast....no wait...I didn't eat breakfast. Hey Will, you wanna go check if they're serving dinner yet? And see how Aires and Ben are doing?" she asked with her usual bright and cheery demeanor.

You know, it was quite possible that Elinore was perfectly sane too. Just devious. That was also a possibility. But the first was a possibility too. Maybe.
Oxis finished blasting several clouds and sighed as she relaxed. Today had been exhausting. The Initiation followed by Acid slapping someone, aiming her cannon at someone and most of all, finding out that he..err...she's still alive. She landed on the roof and sat on the edge, looking up at the now cloudless sky in a melancholic fashion.

Caron was now the only awake person in the room. She decided that she didn't like that and started for the door. Just as she left she looked at Teri for a moment. "Well, I hope you do remember...sis." She said quietly before heading out. She got far enough from the room for her to start shouting "IF ANYONE WANTS TO SPAR I'M UP FOR IT!" in hopes of relieving boredom.
Aren's team was a quiet bunch, he was starting to learn. He was spending a lot of time exploring the academy. He was sitting on a bench when he heard the girl shouting. He approached Caron. "I'd be interested in a spar." He tapped his sword, anxious.
"Okay, where do you want to do this?" She asked as she hefted both her weapons. "Preferably somewhere fireproof." She continued.

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