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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Caron and Oxis were arguing in a deep part of the forest.

"Seriously. Let's just fly there!" Oxis said idignantly.

"No! I don't want to miss my chance on getting more kills under my belt." Caron replied.

"Trust me, you have enough kills, let's go!" Oxis replied tiredly.

In the end she managed to get Caron to fly there. They landed just next to the crystals and they grabbed green crystals.

"Oh hey it's Acid. Hello sis!" Caron greeted as she approached Acid.

"Hello sister." Oxis, following suite and unfurling her wings.

Acid wasn't able to reply because she was still keeping her eyes on Teri.
William nods his head before getting inside the Bullhead with Elinore.

Alex goes back inside the cockpit when everyone got inside the airship. The Bullhead lifts off and picks up a group of students nearby a dead Death Stalker. Others arrive to the area with crystals on them, which made his pickup job easier. Flying the Bullhead back to Beacon Academy, he lands on the academy's air docks. " Everyone is to head to the main hall for team placements." He announced before leaving the airship by himself.
Kaze smiled and held his crystal. "It's red isn't? Awesome! Man Hayden the way you took down that Death Stalker! And Tav the way you delivered a final blow! Awesome!" He beamed excited for placements then he noticed Aires's scent wasn't there. " Wait where's my sister?"
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"Let's do this!" Karmella said before making a fist and shaking it toward the sky "Maxwell away!"

Maxwell took off like a prize racing horse, Karmella laughing the whole way.

Tinko and Arata followed at a much more leisurely pace. Most likely due to Tinko's even harder stumble due to his injuries, Arata walked behind him. She betrayed no emotion, but Tinko knew she cared deep down.
Elinore looked at William and chuckled. They were going to be put into teams soon and he was covered in bird guts. To be fair, she probably had a fair amount of blood on her. "You got a bit of stuff right..." she trailed off before licking her thumb and smudging it on his mask. "There. Got it." she said with a smug grin. Sure she'd just gotten a bit off of the mess coating him, but she got that bit.
Hayden sprinted towards the Deathstalker with his twin swords in hand. Well, I've had worse ideas, he thought as he closed in on his target.

The Grimm noticed the human approaching him and raised its claws, readying itself to strike.

But the attack didn't come in the way the monster had predicted. "Take this." Hayden said cooly before hurling Trivial's two blades towards the Deathstalker's claws. The blades missed the claws by mere inches as the band that held them together pinned the Grimm back; it's two most effective weapons temporarily pinned to a rock wall.

"Fire now Kaze! Kaze? Oh sh-" the human yelled as he noticed his teammate had been flicked away. "This isn't too good..." He said with a nervous smile as he backed away while the Grimm struggled to free itself.
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"And that's when Tavril delivered the final blow!" Kaze said as his little flash back to the fight Hayden had with the Death Stalker ended. " Awesome effing fight!" He cheered.
Teri eyed the three others who grabbed a crystal with the same color as her. Who were they? And why did they feel so...familiar? She shrugged and started to head for the main hall.

"I'm telling you, she looks like him." Acid whispered to Caron and Oxis as they huddled in the far away from Teri.

"Probably a coincidence, there is absolutely no way she's him. The report said the transport was attacked." Oxis whispered.

"They only found mangled corpses." Caron added as they walked to the hall.
"Umm, thanks. I didn't know there was something on my mask." William muttered quietly, since he was a bit tense about who was going to be on his team. He knew Elinore was going to be with him since they were partners, but he wasn't sure if he'll know his other teammates. Meeting new people was a bit hard for him to do, mostly when he has two personalities in his mind.

"Show our stupid teams already, you slow pokes! I don't have all day!" He yelled out to the stage, which proves his previous point.

Professor Ozpin appears on the stage and begins announcing the teams to everyone in the room.

"Alright TEAMS are as follow: <br /><br />WABE (William Reaper Regit, Aires Phoenix, Benjamin Grey, and Elinore Laluna); <br /><br />ATKH: [Attack] (Angelica Diaval, Tavril Luminos, Kaze Phoenix, and Hayden Pyke-Verdant); <br /><br />TAKM [Take Em] (Tinko Masseman, Arata Mayumi, Karmella Valentino, and Maxwell Hearse); <br /><br />ADMM: [Adam] (Arenero Riendres, Drake Scagallati, Marcus Sensin, and Michael Ford);<br /><br />MSJF [Mischief] (Magnolia Grey, Spectra Kuma, Jack Dead Rose, and Fred); <br /><br />TACO [Taff] (Trey/Teri Arkstar, Acid Ace, Caron Monos, and Otis Geni); <br /><br />AASK [Ask] (Arabella Nightshade, Alexi Cammeron, Sakuya, and Kimori Glass) <br /><br />ACDM [Acid Men] (Arabella Treeden, Caroline Calder, Derrick Ronan, and Misty) <br /><br />DISS [Diss] (Dahlia, Irigistu, Sandra Smith, and Sasha Grimm)

After announcing all the teams, Ozpin tells everyone to move into their new rooms by tonight. "Each team will have their own room and must live together for the next four years. Any changes to the room is allowed as long as it doesn't cause a disturbance to other students in the dorm." He announced before dismissing everyone for the day.
Aires landed and ran into Beacon. She got there in time for Ozpin to announce teams. "I'm with Will and Luna and Ben . . ." She smirked slightly. "No way haha!"
As one, the three sisters froze when they heard Teri's full name. It took a while for them to recover from their shock. Acid was the first to recover, she approached Teri with her hand out. "Hi, my name is Acid Ace, it's nice to meet you Teri." She said cheerfully.

Teri shook her hand. "Nice to meet you too, I look forward to working with you." She replied with a smile. 'Maybe this won't be so bad after all.' She thought. Acid led her to the other two girls.

"These are my sisters Caron Monos and Oxis Genis." She introduced the two. Teri smiled as she looked at them. Oxis was fighting the urge to huge her while Caron smiled back. "It's going to be fun working with you. let's head to our room shall we." Leading the way, Caron started to walk to their room.
Elinore smiled at the announcement, "We're on a team with Aires and Ben. What luck, ha." she said with a smirk. She folded her arms and smiled at William, "it'll be just like old times...unless you plan on going disappearing on me again." she teased him, "I'm really glad we didn't get stuck with anyone we didn't know. And that you're my partner. Man, I'd suck if you weren't." she said as she put her arms behind her head.
"Ben, Lulu, Will!" Aires smiled encasing them all in her wings. "We're a team!" Releasing them she kissed Ben. Letting him go immediately, "ahem whoops my bad I was just really happy." She said blushing a bit.
William managed to breath again when he found out who was in his team. "I feel the same way as you do, Elinore. It would suck if we were placed on different teams." He replied back before getting encased by Aires wings. "Let go off me, chicken faunus! I don't like being hugged by other people!"
Acid suddenly remembered she had to do something. "Ah, hang on, I'll be right back." She turned and started for the winged slapping girl who was hugging people. She raised her hand and with a swift motion, slapped the ever-living crap out of her. "That was for earlier."
Aires smiles gently at Will, "Maybe I'll crash into you again." She kissed her hand and put it on his mask. Then she hugged Elinore. "Thank goodness!" Then Aires was slapped by Acid. She yelled, "What was that for!?"
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"That was for slapping me earlier." She said as she slapped her again. "And that was for calling me an idiot. Have a nice day." She said as she started to return to TACO.
"THAT'S IT!" Aires yelled as she tackled Acid to the ground.

Kaze felt Aires's aura tackle someone to the ground. "Sis?"
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Oxis and Caron were immediately upon Acid's agressor. They aimed their respective ranged weaponry at her head. "Let go of out sister or else we'll shoot." Oxis said. Teri worriedly approached them. "Please don't fight!" She pleaded.
"Whoa, everyone cool it!" Benjamin yelled. Why can't this just go smoothly for five minutes? He wondered aiming his chain blades towards Oxid and Charon's midsections.
"I'll blow you both up sky high . . ." Aires said her eyes changing to her dreaded neon violet. "Everything is born. It has no real notion of good or evil. My ex and I raised that Grimm. He was good until someone took him and turned him evil." Aires was about to blink, "Everything that lives deserve respect for its life." She said encasing Acid and herself in her steel wings.
"Not monsters." The three replied simultaneously. "We were raised with duty. 'Perdere monstris'" Oxis said as she grabbed her blade. "Our mission comes before everything else." Caron continued as she reached for Fireblade. Acid managed to crawl away and grab her weapons, ready for a standoff.
William laughs when he saw Aires get slapped by Acid. " Bravo, that was awesome to watch." He immediately covers Aires eyes with his hand to prevent her from using her semblance on TACO. "Ladies, lets not go killing each other after getting our teams formed, alright?" He said while motioning Benjamin to put away his weapons. "We can talk this out at dinner tonight, but without any violence involved. Okay?"
"Fight Fight Fight Fight!!!!" Karmella chanted from atop Maxwell, who looked as miserable as the situation unfolding before him.

"You don't seem to be helping much." Arata commented as she glanced at Karmella

"Who cares, this is beautiful!" Karmella shook with enthusiasm before turning on Tinko, who still looked like he'd just been hit by a train "You there! Cheer with me!"

Arata rolled her eyes "You don't honestly think he'll-"

"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!" Tinko yelled as he tried to remember where he was "Yay! I'm helping! FIGHT KILL FIGHT DESTROY!!!"

"Wonderful!" Karmella said as she rejoined him.

Maxwell and Arata glanced at each other as their respective charges cried for bloodshed.
Aires shrugged Will off. She looked at the three then at Acid. "Watch your back." Aires shifted her gaze to the wall and blinked. The wall exploded and her eyes returned to normal. She turned and walked away. "WABE let's go, we have work to be done work on our rooms."

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