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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"I am Karmella Valentino of the great Valentino family." Karmella said as she inspected her crystal "This is Maxwell, my ever loyal friend/ Bouncer."

Maxwell silently grumbled as he glanced at his crystal before stuffing it into his coat. Arata and Tinko soon followed. But when Arata grabbed her crystal, Tinko began Narrating.

"You have found... An Orientation Crystal!" he said before coughing and grabbing his.

Arata rolled her eyes as she pocketed her crystal.
"Nice to meet you...now, can you tell me what I'm supposed to be doing? I got here just now and I was flung immediately." She said.
"Collect a crystal, find three others who aren't already in teams, make eye contact to form teams, rendezvous at the end." Arata stated as Karmella tried to get Maxwell to carry her crystal for her.

Maxwell shook his head as he looked over Tinko, the guy seemed to be more wounded than his characteristically tired and playful personality let on.
Kaze aimed his dust pistols at the Death Stalker. "Now how to flip you over!"

Aires heard a shout and looked up in the sky it was a Nevermore. "Geez these Grimm come out of no where. Lulu where's Tavril?"
Elinore just shrugged. "I told him yo stay far away from me. He's done a really good job at that." She replied. She figured he was probably busy with his team somewhere...maybe?

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(Sorry about not posting for a while. Work. Part 1 of 2, part 2 is longer.)

Markus had finally finished with his project. He was going to show it off later. He walked out and made his way to the peir. 

People were putting signs up all over town. “The Achieve Men: Coming in a couple weeks.” Others were handing out flyers with the same thing as the posters. Markus didn’t really care, they were a boy band and had no real interest in them. He would listen to them, if he didn’t have to pay for the tickets. It he did have to pay for them then he wouldn’t go.

A voice popped into his head. “Hehehe, that’s good news!” Markus kind of jumped at the voice, he had heard it before, but it was a long time ago. “W-w-who are you?” He asked. The voice replied back. “I am an old friend. My name is ghost... I was the one who cared for you after your mother. I was the one who helped you become what you are today... Pushing you to become excellence itself.”

Markus still didn’t know who this voice was. “Am I going crazy?” Markus’ asked, he hoped he wasn’t.

“No...” The voice said. “Your not going crazy, you are only seeking guidance. Has something traumatic happened lately?” The voice said.

“A mission went wrong...” Markus tried to think of something else, but couldn’t. “Yeah that’s it, just a mission went wrong.” He said.

The voice replied back. “This mission must of been very important for you needing me to come out... I have been watching from time to time, was it the Scarlet mission?” The voice asked.

“Yes, I had never lost my target twice before... Plus she tried to have me killed three times, so I am kind of on edge.” Markus said. He was getting really concerned, three times, and the last time almost got him. He did lose one member of his team. “I did lose a member of my team.” He said.

He looked out over the water, it was shimmering. “What a beautiful sunset.” He said. “I lost a member of my team. His name was Dan Themana. He was a great guy. Funny, and he had a funny accent.” The sun was reflecting off of the water, and a light breeze began to come off of the water. “I was the one who told his family... I pray that you never have to do that... tell someone that their loved one is dead... I was lucky, I lost my parents when I was young,if you can call that lucky...” He leaned over the railing, he could hear the sound of the water brushing against the pier, along with the smell of the pier. The smell of the fish, it was a little warming to Markus.

The Ghost spoke out. “It was Tecumseh who said. “Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, even a stranger in a lonely place...”...” There was a pause. “Your loved ones are never dead, your friends are never dead... For even when you lay them down, you always have them with you, in everything you do and say. for they are in your mind... In your memories.” The ghost said. It was trying to get him away from the reason why he spoke out in the first place. “I am always with you as well.... I will be in your mind, pushing you for perfection, I know you can do it.” The Ghost retreated back, into the deep recesses of Markus’s brain. “That is my chance to take over this puny excuse of a Faunus’s body.” The Ghost said. “Then we can work on beacon... I will meet with Constellion tonight and get him this information!” If he could laugh right now, it would be maniacally.


Constellion was sitting at his desk. “Had you followed the bike yet?” He asked. “No sir.” Came from his phone. “Then why did you call me?” He asked. “We found something else... Something your gonna wanna see sir!” The white fang member said. “I am on my way.” Constellion said, before hanging up. “I swear I am working with morons!” He said to himself.

He grabbed a couple of his special knives, and his D-eagles (Hand cannons). They were very powerful in his hand. They were the 50 cal of the hand gun. He walked out of his office, still in a suit. He walked, and walked, till he reached the hanger. “Load up my ship, I have something I must go and see!” He commanded, as a ship’s crew scrambled to get ready for his departure.

They didn’t take to long, so he wouldn’t have to punish them. “To the last drop spot.” He said as they flew out. It took them a while but they reached the drop site. “Don’t slow down.” He said as he jumped out of the back. Being a Faunus helped when it came time to land. He landed on his feet after a twenty foot drop.

A couple of white fang members were waiting for him. “Sir this way.” They said, leading him towards an old temple. Constellion walked into a giant court yard. “What is it you wanted to show me?” He said. The two white fang members pointed towards a sword.

It was a beautiful sword, a golden hilt with a ruby at the end if it. He put his hand on it and it began to light up.

He pulled as hard as he could... It came out. It was a fabled sword. The blade was fire red. Constellion had the biggest smile on his face. “Good.” He exclaimed. The blade began to emit fire. “And you know who your master is... This is going to be fun.”
CAW CAW! "GODDAMMIT! Let me go you foul bag of feathers!" William exclaimed when the Nevermore swooped down and grabbed him with it's feet. The avian Grimm then flies back up before spreading it's wings and shooting huge black feathers at the group.
Elinore watched the bird carry William away with a sigh. She pulled her axe from the bears shoulder and planted it in the ground to use ot as a shield from the feathers. She pulled the trigger and launched an explosive round at the bird which hit. Nevermores were tough though and it probably wouldn't go down with just a single hit "Hey you stupid bird! He's mine!" She shouted as she launched a couple more rounds.

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Aires sighed. She was tired already but spread out her wings. "Alright here goes nothing. I swear I feel like some others forget I'm a bird." In seconds she was in the air gaining speed. "Will give me your hand!"

"Tavril get off your butt and help us!" Kaze said sensing his presence on a stump. He fired his dust pistols at the Death Stalker.
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Acid whirled around and fired at the Nevermore's wings, peppering it with globs of acid and melting holes into it. She readied her axe incase it didn't want to go down quietly.
The Nevermore swiped at Aires and sent her crashing into Maxwell. "Gah . . . " She kept her eyes shut right.

Kaze kept firing his dust pistols.
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Maxwell stumbled from the force of the impact but was able to steady himself, not that the added weight of the girl leaning on him helped.

He quickly leaned her off of him and tried to get her as steady as possible.
Acid kept up her barrage of acid as she approached. She heard a click and swapped out another canister, using the time to dodge roll the feathers. She got back up and kept firing before jumping up and cutting of a wing with her axe.
"You're doomed." A.D said as the Nevermore was trying to hold off the students on the ground. It tries to dodge the incoming explosive rounds and acid, but failed when it stopped to deal with a flying faunus in the air. Weakened by the previous attack and the loss of a wing, it lands on the ground with its feet. "Ooof!" William grunted when he felt the tremendous weight of the injured Nevermore on top of him. If he wasn't wearing Archdeath when that happened, his bones would probably be all broken by now. CAW CAW! The Nevermore roars before charging toward the group and smashing it's beak next to several students.
Ace's wing cutting abilities brought the Nevermore down close enough for an attack. Elinore pushed open the bottom half of the axe blade and dropped in a reload of the explosive round before picking the axe back up and snapping it closed. She ran towards the falling Nevermore and jumped up on its back, bringing the axe down on its spine. She hit the reverse trigger a few times so the recoil would dig the blade even further. She'd like it to walk away from that. Ha.
Teri had been long lost in this good forsaken forest. "Lost...again..." She heard the loud cawing of a Nevermore and decided to follow. She showed up and saw several of her friends and strangers fighting off the Nevermore. She leapt into action and smashed Saving Light onto its beak multiple times.

Acid looked at the newcomer. 'That girl...looks familiar.' She thought as she started firing at the Nevermore's eyes.
Drake saw his opportunity and he took it. In one movement he took his Chainsaw and switched it into a Pike. "Bye, bye birdy." He said just before he left took aim at the Nevermore. After just one second, He had his target, with the help of the glasses. He let the spear go, and as soon as it left his hand, it fired off 12 rounds. With each shoot the Spear would increase in speed. It continued to fire, one after another.
CAW! The Nevermore roars in pain and it tries to lift it's beak out of the ground. Sadly, it was stuck and the Nevermore's ability to see was gone. Plus it had a axe in its spine and a pike in its other wing. How could it's life get any worse?

A Bullhead suddenly lands on top of the Grimm's head, which crushed it on impact. A door opens up from the side of the airship and Alex was standing there with Bluntfire. "Any of you kids need a lift?" He asked before he walks out and looks at the dead Nevermore's injuries. Apparently this Grimm picked the wrong students to mess with.
"Ahhhh!" Kaze yelled as the Death Stalker swiped him away with a flick of its tail. He slammed into a couple of trees. Coughing he stays still for a bit.

"Ozpin . . ."

"Yes Goodwitch."

"I fear they are in over their he-"

"Nonesense. These are exceptional students. These are the ones that know what's at stake instead of starting some silly food fight they are out fighting for theirs lives. They can do this. And now Alex is helping them . . . Okay."

Aires walked away from the bullhead, "I'm good." She said.
Elinore watched the bullhead land down on the bird and pulled her axe from its back. She cut open a bit of the bird and tried to prop it open with the axe "Will~ You in there?" she cooed into the dead bird's stomach.

Tavril sprang to life in an instant, stabbing the deathstalker in the throat while it was distracted by flinging Kaze. He and Kaze definitely had different fighting styles. He preferred to stay back until he knew the exact weak point. Or avoid it altogether. He punched his blades up and twisted, killing the deathstalker in the process.
Teri ran to the crystals and grabbed a green one before heading to the Bullhead. Inadvertently making eye contact with Acid. "So what'd I miss?"

Acid headed to the Bullhead when the girl with a lamp post passed her. 'Why does she look so familiar?' She thought as she boarded. Idly her mind went back to the time of the experiments, she idly recalled a boy around her age with the same hair and eye color. 'It couldn't be...could it?'
After Alex had asked, Karmella instantly jumped "Yes Yes!" she said "My feet are killing me! Maxwell, be a dear."

Maxwell resumed his position as a glorified chariot, and as Karmella rode him on board the bullhead she waved back towards Arata and Tinko.

"Oh yes, and I do believe on of our teammates is critically injured or something like that."

"What are you talking about!?!" Tinko exclaimed as he stood and threw his arms to the side "I've never felt bet-!"

In an instant he passed out unconscious, Arata sighed before hauling him on board with Karmella and Maxwell.
William crawls out from underneath the Nevermore's corpse and sees Elinore's legs right in front of him. "Elinore, I'm right below you." He said while lifting his hand to her. "Mind pulling me out?"
Elinore slung the axe back over her back and held her hand out for William. She would have to talk to that Ruby girl about up-skirt proofing herself some time. She helped pull William out of the Nevermore and brushed some gunk off his shoulder "Are you ready to head back to Beacon now?" she asked as she pointed at the bullhead.

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