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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Why are we fighting with our own body?!" William exclaimed before he punched his stomach. "Can't I just verbally apologize to you about the name calling?"

"Nope! Actions speak louder than words!" He yelled out as he charges headfirst into the dead Grimm's body. Crashing on the ground after his head hit the carcass, he grabs his helmet and shakes it in pain. "That was a bad idea! Oh the pain I'm experiencing right now!"

The King Taijitu's body suddenly slithered away from the group after feeling something hit its skin. Apparently the students defeated only one of the Grimm's heads since the other one was still alive. The Grimm sticks it's tongue out and senses a small figure nearby its dead white head. It opens its fanged mouth before rushing toward William.

William was still in pain when A.D sends him a report about a huge projectile coming toward him at high speed. He looks in the direction of the incoming Grimm before his body was flung into the air by its mouth. "Hey, I can see Beacon Academy from up here..." He said before falling back to the surface, where the King Taijitu was waiting to swallow up its metal prey. GULP! Satisfied with its strange tasting meal, the Grimm quickly slithers away into the trees, dragging its defeated head from behind.
Acid wiped away her tears and saw movement from the corner of her eye. She turned and simultaneously grabbed her weapons. She hopped onto a tree and kept track of the King Taijitu. She managed to get on it and used her axe to stay on it. She then fired at the trees in front of it in an attempt to halt it.
"Hayden! Wait up! OW! Dust, stupid boulder. . ." Kaze says rubbing his face.

Aires looked up to see Will bring swallowed by Ephemeral. "He's still alive . . . Oh right, Will!" Aires yells running after her pet. "Eph stop! Will is not for eating." Aires then saw Acid running up trees and landing on Eph. "Who is this kid, geez!"
The King Taijitu stops when trees fell right in front of its path. It was confused for a moment before sensing something on its back with its tongue. The Grimm's head slithers around Acid in a attempt to constrict and strangle her to death with its body.
Acid jumped, stepping on its head and using it as a platform to propel herself higher. "Aciiiiiiid...." She shouted as she raised her axe once more, this time it glowed brightly as acid started to gather. "Axe!" She finished as she struck it, the axe sunk into its melted flesh. She started firing at the spot with melted flesh. All the carnage and blood combined with her terrifying beauty made her look like a goddess of battle.
The King Taijitu was shaking it's body violently in a attempt to fling Acid off of its head. This utterly fails as the acid from the axe was melting into it's brain and caused the Grimm to stop moving. It sticks out its tongue again, but this time it doesn't go back in its mouth.
Aires stands still and focuses on her breathing. " Now." She said barely audible. Her eyes beamed open and we're a neon violet. "I'm so sorry Ephemeral. Will you'll be okay. Just don't move." She looked over the other half of Eph's body and blinked. The Grimm became two instead of one. Her eyes return to normal as she does over to Ben. Offering her hahs to him she says, "Let's go find those relics." She looks at Elinore after that and then nods not having to day a word to her.
Acid stepped down from the corpse slightly bloodied. She went to the stomach area and hefted her axe. "Should be right around..." She made three swift strikes and cut a hole in its stomach. "Here." She finished. "Okay dude, you can get out now."
"Why... does everything... always eat me?" William muttered as he crawls out of the Grimm's dissected body. His armored suit and jacket was covered in clear goo, which probably came from the Grimm's stomach to melt him into a human slushie.
"Probably because you're perfect bait." She replied cheerily. She holds out her hand in an attempt to pull him up. "You're very durable too." She continued with a smile. With all the blood on her, she looked like a goddess of battle.
"Thanks. That's very... nice of you to say." William replied as he grabs Acid's hand and pulls himself off the ground.
"You're very lucky I didn't put you down as an 'Acceptable Loss'." She said as he stood up. "My name is Acid Ace by the way." She turned to the Grimm's corpse. "I wonder why she even bothered growing this...thing. It's a contradiction to our duty." She said as she aimed Acid Blaster at it. "What do you think? Should I melt this down or let her give a monster a burial it doesn't deserve."
Aires's ears peek as she screams, "You idiot!" She slaps Acid's face. "I have more than half a mind of killing you. But you know what, you're not even worth it." Aires muttered as she flapped her wings once at Will drying the clear goo off him. She slowly walked by him. "I'm getting the relic." She said trying to control her semblance.
"Okay, have fun finding one." William replied as he watched Aires walk away. He turns his attention to Acid when he couldn't see Aires anymore. "You should- melt it with everything you got!" William said before he kicks the corpse with his foot. "This abomination should perish for eating me like a piece of popcorn thrown into the air!"
Acid put a hand against her cheek, it was stinging but more of a nuisance. "I am confused, why does she care so much about a monster that just a few moments ago, would've killed one of you?" She asked, genuinly confused. All her life, she's been conditioned to destroy threats against civilization. "But I like the way you think!" She exclaimed as she fired a pressurized stream of acid at the corpse, melting it down in just a few moments later.
William smirks behind his suit's faceplate when Acid was melting the corpse with her weapon. Though it quickly goes away when he remembered his first meeting with the King Taijitu when it was still small. It used to belong to Loki, but he died a few months ago by some assassin. "Rest in peace... scumbag ." He said before giving a small salute.

William walks toward Elinore and motions Acid to follow him. "That Grimm was actually a pet to some guy Aires met a few months ago." He said with a sad tone in his voice. "Aires had a deep attachment to it ever since it's owner died. So forgive her for slapping you in face. She only did it out of anger, so maybe talk to her about it when the Initiation is over..."

"But make sure to slap her in the face twice!" William said cheerfully after slapping Acid's back a few times. "You did what you had to do and finished that thing off with no hesitation! I should give you a damn reward for getting me out of there alive!"

"You know we could have electrocuted Eph from inside the stomach and freed ourselves without any help, right?" William told himself.

"Shut up! I'm actually complimenting someone for the first time, so no more talking from you!" He yelled back at himself.
"Yo Will. Let's get a move on. I don't want to get left behind by our partners." Benjamin said, breaking his confused silence. "Maybe AD can help us out and scan for the relics." He joked as he hung from his tail, arms crossed over his chest. So that was the Grimm Loki and Aires raised. I wonder why they decided it was a good idea to do not kill it in the first place...
Acid actually blushed when he gave her a rather violent compliment. "T-thank you." She stammered as she reeled in her emotions. "What's you name by the way?" She asked as she regained composure.
"I'm sorry Loki. I'm sorry Eph." She said lightly fighting the tears in her eyes. "At least . . . You two . . . Are together now." The tears flowed but Aires kept walking. "Loki did I tell you, I like someone. It's been a long time but I know you want me to be happy. It's Ben I'm falling for him." She sniffs smiling a bit. She comes upon a clearing in the forest. In the center were beautiful crystals. She picked up the purple one and it lit up in her palm. "Whoa. . ."
"Names William Reaper." William replied without saying anything else. He leads the group to where Aires went and picked up a different purple crystal. "Mission accomplished. Who knew it would be this easy to get, if you don't count the Grimm we had to fight earlier." He said while inspecting the glowing artifact.
Acid picked up a rather green crystal. "Hmm, remind me of one of my sisters..." She said as she inspected it, turning it idly around her hands.
Aires looked at Will. "Purple too huh." She looked at Ben and he was also holding a purple crystal. There was one purple crystal left that had a blue hue. "It's the same blue as Luna's semblance."
Tinko stumbled out of the tree line before falling flat on his face, Maxwell walked out past him with Karmella riding him and Arata knelt to hoist him up. Tinko muttered some words of thanks as the couple followed the other half of their team.

Karmella signaled for Maxwell to stop, and then put a hand over her eyes before squinting. There, up ahead was a clearing which had an assortment of crystals at the center. There were several other students already there.

"Wonderful!" Karmella cheered as she motioned for Maxwell to get moving again "Soon we'll have our crystals, then all we need to do is get to the meeting point with them and we're done!"

"Seems sim-" Arata was cut off by Tinko, who placed a finger to her lips before frantically shaking his head.

"Don't jinx us Mayu-Chan, we don't need it!"

Arata rolled her eyes before picking up the pace as the four approached the center of the clearing.

"The ignorant one made it." Arata commented quietly before giving a blank faced glare towards Tinko.

Meanwhile, Karmella and Maxwell had ignored the other students and were already taking their respective crystals.
(Sorry about the lack of activity. Summercamp.)

Elinore followed her group silently. She didn't want to help fight the King Taiju sense it was Aires' pet and she knew William could help herself out of a grimm any time he wanted. He was a favorite snack of grim apparently. She watched the exchange between William and Acid and followed suit behind when they left to get the relic. So then....was William's new personality attracted to the excessively violent female? That was....interesting. She smiled once her group picked out the relic, "Yes! Now time to get back to Beacon....that was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Last time there was a deathstalker and a nevermore." she mumbled with a questioning look. An Ursa slowly stalked uo behind Elinore and reared up on it's back feet, ready to swipe. Though it was quickly met with an axe in the shoulder and then a cannon the from her axe. "Yeah, guess the Grimm are all busy...or dead." She said with a shrug
"Oh hi." Acid greeted two new strangers. "My name is Acid Ace, what's yours?" She asked while approaching the two newcomers who took their crystals.

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