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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Elinore stared at William as he got in the goo as well. She took a deep breath. A really deep breath. She needed to punch something, but she had to put that off. For now. She waddled in no too deep and tried to pull Benjamin out as well. Luckily another student had showed up to offer help. "Yeah, help would be nice, can you get those to out?" she asked as she jerked her head towards Aires and Will, "do NOT get stuck in the mud." she warned him.
"Alright." He said as he grabbed a vine that was hanging from a branch. He threw it over a big branch. He tied one end to a log, and the other to himself. "Who wants help first?" He said jokingly. He climbed to the top of a smaller tree and jumped into the Goop. He made his way towards the lady first. Seeing that he was a gentleman and she was a lady he would help her first.

Acid was excited, finally, all her training has lead her to this very moment. The airship docked and she slowly stepped out. "I'm...here..." She said. "I'm..here...I'm here!" She said excitedly as she picked up her stuff and ran to Beacon Academy.
William managed to get Aires out of the goop and was holding her in his arms. "Get her out of here first. Then help those two next." He told Drake before giving Aires to him.

"You know you're going to be engulfed by this strange substance, right?" A.D asked William since his body was still sinking deeper into the goop.

"Don't worry about it. The suit has a emergency oxygen tank installed in the back." William said when his head submerged into the goop. "There's enough oxygen to last me 30 minutes without a external air source."

"Then what happens if you're still in the goop in 30 minutes?"

"Then I'm going to suffocate and die, due to my other self's foolish obedience to Elinore."

"It's not foolish to follow someone else's orders during a rescue mission..."

"Which you caused by yourself! Dammit William, I hate dealing with you and your new personality!"

"Me too..." 
Alex was walking nearby the academy's air docks when he saw a girl with a suitcase running out of a airship. Thinking that she might be a new student to Beacon, he stands in her way. "Hey kid! Are you a new student to the academy?"
Acid smiled. "Yessir! My name is Acid Ace!" She gave a small bow. "Excuse me sir, but where is everyone? It's very quite in here, I don't like it." She said.
"There's no classes since the Initiation is today." Alex replied as he checks Acid's identity on his scroll. "It says here that you're a first year student, which means you should head to the Emerald Forest right now. I'll take you there with a airship." He motions Acid to follow him into a Bullhead before starting the engines of the airship. The vehicle flies away from the academy before landing at the Beacon Cliffs. "Hey Ozpin, we got a new student who needs to participate in the Initiation. She just arrived a few minutes ago, so she has no idea what's going on." He told Ozpin as he got out of the grounded Bullhead.
"...*sniff*WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Acid cried. Yep, she's crying. "*sob*I-I just wanted to*sob* join Beacon and I *sob* missed it?*sob*" She knelt on the floor and cried some more.
"Goodness Child just stand up. You're classmates have seem to have gotten into a pickle. Oh and you might want to prepare yourself." Ozpin said knowing that her launch pad would send her flying soon. "Alex Thank you for bringing her, even though you are no longer a professor, ahem, none the less thank you."

Aires was free and could breathe. But how was she going to help her friends now.
"Eh?" She asked and stopped crying. She was suddenly flung into the sky and practically dropped like a rock. "AAAAAAHHHH!" She screamed as she fell...and was caught by a tree. A tree that happened to be nearby some people who were stuck in something. "Uhh...hi?"
"Uhh . . . Hi?" She heared a girl say. "Oh Hello," Aires said being an idea, "could you possibly help my teammates? They're kinds stuck."
"Will, you didn't fix much!" Ben yelled as he yanked his chain free of Aires. "You may be able to survive in your suit, but you are gonna take me under with you!" The faunus still had his chain wrapped around Archdeath as his shoes were accelerating towards the pit, leaving dirt trails in their wake. And you sink faster because of the weight. Way to go hero, Ben thought as his aura began to glow, resulting in his foot catching on a rock. Well, at least I won't die for a few more minutes...

Meanwhile, Hayden was following his team as they searched for the relics. Then they became a little unlucky, Hayden glowing a dark green as he took a wrong step, being thrown into the air by the claw of a Death Stalker hidden amongst the rocks and trees. "Oh dust..." he mumbled as gravity sent him flying down back towards solid ground.
"Uh...okay?" She said as she aimed Acid Blaster at the goo and fired a steady stream of acid. The acid started to melt the goo and disappear
Aires was worried until the new girl did something. "Is that acid?! No! What if it hurts them?" Aires's stomach was in knots.

Kaze locked in on Hayden's scent. He rushed towards him and grabbed him before he hit the ground. "You okay Hayden?"
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"Don't worry, I have exceptional aim!" She said cheerily as she continued to fire. The container ran out and in a few swift moves, she replaced it with another container and continued firing. During that, her hat was knocked off, revealing her white cat-like ears.
"Bunch of city foalk. You know u can year this ruckus for like 200 something meters if this were a real sort of situation you would be sitting ducks, the kind you shoot with a shotgun..." Micheal walked out of the forest and right past the new girls and almost past the group before retracing his steps, eyes closed and all. "So what is happening here, I smell some sort of gas? Is one of you doing chemistry"
"Is it me or are we floating back to the surface?" William asked when his head wasn't in the goop anymore.

"It seems like the acid that girl is shooting out is melting the goop and freeing you from your muddy grave." A.D replied after more of the goop was going off Archdeath.

"Is it going to affect the suit in any way? If it does, I'm going to take that weapon away and melt her face off with it!" William threatened as he watched the acid melting the goop nearby him.
Silence and peace consumed that particular section of the forest as several Beowolves sniffed the area to catch a whiff of several humans that had recently been wandering their pack's hunting grounds.

Just when one of them reared it's head in recognition, a pale figure dashed out of the nearest bushes and sped by.

Several of the Beowolves were taken by surprise, but recovered as they stared after the figure.

It was a filthy human girl, the pack began growling as they prepared to give chase, but they were stalled by a growing sound. It was like something was.... dragging.

Then the sound of humans cheering, the pack spun around and grew defensive positions as the sounds grew from where the pale human had been. And then, the White head of a King Taijitu shoot out from the bushes before landing in the middle of the pack. The impact sent out a wave of kinetic force that launched the majority of them into the air as the King Taijitu launched itself towards the girl.


If Maxwell could scream, well he could.... and this definitely could warrant a shout or two. He was currently in the jaws of a King Taijitu, the only thing keeping him from being digested was his Staff, which forced its jaws open as it sped after Arata. Sure he had his armor, but what good would that do after the infamous toxins of a Grimm digestive system got to him?

It wasn't helping that the thing was slithering like mad, easily matching a speeding car. Maxwell felt like he was getting sea sick what with all the swishing around.


On top of the King Taijitu rode Tinko and Karmella, Tinko cheering in delight at the ride and Karmella laughing as she heard Maxwell struggle in the King Taijitu's jaws. Karmella glanced back as they sped after Arata, then pouted before tapping Tinko on the head with her cane.

"Ow!" Tinko yelped before glaring back at her

Karmella gave a smirk/chuckle combination before pointing her cane behind them. Tinko looked past her and swallowed nervously, several of the Beowolves they had just sped through had caught hold of the King Taijitu, and were currently climbing along its back towards them. Karmella gave a sigh before standing, her confident smirk never once faltering as she stood surprisingly balanced on the King Taijitu's back. Then, without hesitation, she pointed her cane at Tinko.

"Hop to it pal!"

Tinko gawked as she stood there and gestured towards the approaching Beowolves.

"You're not gonna help!?!" Tinko whined

"As a 'Lady' of my stature," she said while placing a hand on her chest proudly "It would be unbecoming of me if I were to fight when others are perfectly able to!"


"Hurry along now! You don't want to let us perish so early in our teamwork now do you?"

Tinko sighed as he grudgingly pulled his Revo-blades from his bathrobe. He darted towards the Beowolves and began brawling with them.

Karmella fixed her cuff as Tinko tried to fight off the Beowolves and their superior numbers.

Then suddenly, the King Taijitu lurched upward. Karmella turned around to see that it was slowly winding itself around an insanely tall tree. The momentum changed greatly and Karmella gave a defeated smile before she leaped off the King Taijitu.

Tinko had imbedded one of his Revo-blades into the King Taijitu's back and was holding on as he shot down at the Beowolves that were scaling the larger Grimm with their claws. He began charging an Overcharge when suddenly, Karmella sped down, grabbed hold of the cuff of his bathrobe, and yanked him down with her. They both fell past the many Beowolves, Tinko screaming as they neared the ground and Karmella chuckling at the spectacle. With her free hand she reached over and tore the Overcharged Revo-blade from Tinko's hand.

"I'll give this right back darling." she said as they neared the black head of the King Taijitu. It reared up and bared its jaws at them as they fell near it.

As it lunged, Karmella spun to face it before firing the Overcharge. The large mass of energy sailed into the Grimm's gaping maw before exploding, the black head went limp and banged against the tree as the white head continued its pursuit of Arata. The blast had made the whole body jerk, loosing several of the Beowolves from the King Taijitu's back. Karmella and Tinko reached the ground first, Tinko landed in a wobble. Despite his best efforts, he could not keep himself upright, and promptly fell to the grass beneath him.

Karmella landed with nary a fraction of the effort he used, and stood tall even as he got back onto wobbly feet.

"I suppose I could let that breach of defense go," Karmella said as she tossed him his Revo-blade "since I know you gave it your best."

Tinko pouted before righting himself, even as the rain of dislodged Beowolves reached the ground. To Tinko's dismay, a lot of the Beowolves hadn't died from the impact, and many began to get up. But then he saw that Karmella's gaze was fixed on the dense tress ahead of them. There was a loud stomping sound coming from them, and a large pair of claws soon reached out before prying the trees apart.

The Ursa Major considered them both for a second, then snarled before approaching. Tinko turned back to Karmella, only to find her already at a safe distance away.

"Good luck my friend!" she said with a wave as the Ursa Major and the Beowolves closed in on him

Tinko whimpered.


Arata leaped from branch to branch as the white head slithered around the tree to get to her. The top of the tree drew near as the branches started getting denser. Glancing back, Arata saw Maxwell still in the King Taijitu's jaws, there were also several Beowolves climbing atop it to get to them. Before the white head could get too close, Arata leaped through the dense leaves and came out the top of the tree. The White head launched out o the leaves in pursuit, and Arata had to spin out of the way to avoid its jaws.

One of the Beowolves riding the King Taijitu swiped at her as it passed, Arata grabbed hold of its claw and pulled herself on board with them.

The closest two leaped at her, and Arata jumped off the Beowolf to evade as the ones farther down started approaching.

One crawled on top of its companion before lunging at her, Arata leaned back before bringing her knees to her chest and pressing them against the Beowolf's stomach.

Using its own momentum against it, Arata sent the Beowolf flying into the ones behind her as the remaining two ahead recovered. She slid the handle out of one of her batons and turned it around so the barrel faced the Grimm. As Arata began gunning down the Grimm, the White head's momentum from its launch had run dry and it was now tipping down over the side of the tree.

Seeing an opening, Maxwell grabbed hold of the upper jaw and his staff before swinging himself out of the King Taijitu's mouth before it snapped shut. Hauling himself on top of the White head, Maxwell had to dodge to the side as the corpse of a Beowolf went sailing past him to the ground below. After adjusting his grip, he climbed up as the White head began changing momentum.

Arata was still firing at any Beowolf who got close, but they were pressing forward. Maxwell turned back to see that the White head was beginning to tip downwards. Mentally cursing, he gripped tighter as the White head, and everything riding it, began to plummet from the sky.

Arata wasn't as lucky, and she immediately fell off the head as it sailed to the ground. She fell just pass it, and the head opened its maw and began snapping at her. Letting her other baton form into a pistol, Arata opened fire on the head.

On top of the head, Maxwell twirled his staff between both his arms, letting shotgun fire burst from the tips each time they were in position.

Glancing back, Maxwell noticed that they were nearing the ground, and leaped off before using his weight to speed his descent.

Arata compacted one baton as Maxwell fell towards her, and she primed the compacted baton before he caught her. She tossed it into the King Taijitu's open mouth before Maxwell angled them toward the tree and dug his armored hand into it to slow their decent as the King Taijitu fell past them. The Baton exploded, sending out an electrical burst inside the White head's maw.

Arata hung onto Maxwell as they slowly slid down, watching as the Taijitu descended downward leaving a trail of Beowolves falling behind it.


Tinko smashed into the base of the tree once more as he tried to stand properly, the Grimm had him out numbered, and outmaneuvered. If it was just the Beowolves then he'd be fine, but the Ursa Major was like a tank. It was even soaking up his Overcharges like they were nothing. The Ursa Major was no doubt an experienced Grimm, bearing the marks of dozens of brutal battles upon the bone-like protrusions on its body.

A Beowolf perched on its shoulder, waiting for an opportunity to pounce as the Ursa Major lumbered over to Tinko's battered form. The other Beowolves closing in from the sides.

Tinko raised his Overcharged Revo-blade, so many of these charges so close together would start to damage the weapon.

He hoped that if he aimed it well enough, he could hit the Ursa Major's head and cause greater damage.

He fired, but the Ursa Major immediately responded by grabbing hold of the Beowolf on its shoulder and throwing the smaller Grimm into the Overcharge's path.

It exploded too far away from the Ursa Major to cause any trouble for it, and the Grimm moved with renewed confidence now that it had a clear opening. As it prepared to charge, it was suddenly sprayed in a frosty shower that blurred it from vision. When it cleared, the Ursa Major's arms were encased in an ice coating that covered the majority of its torso as well. The Ursa Major roared as it began struggling in its restraint.

"How dare you Mr. Masseman!"

Tinko turned to see Karmella outside the group of Grimm, holding out her cane, which had a glyph floating in front of it.

"I trusted you with the pleasure of defending me!" she pouted as she twirled her cane "Your failure will be spoken of to many administrators and CEOs at the next fancy party."

Several of the Beowolves turned their attention to her, and charged towards her as a group.

Karmella sighed before tapping her cane on the ground, causing a large glyph to flare up on the ground.

Soon, a form of ice grew rapidly out of the glyph, from right up underneath the Grimm. The Beowolves were launched high into the air, and Karmella twirled her cane once more before gunning them down one by one.

More Beowolves began attacking her to avenge their fallen comrades, Tinko now had enough space to begin making his way away from the battle.

After several more Beowolves were ruthlessly beaten to death by an assortment of ice and a cane, the last two were able to get within range of melee attacks. Karmella than begin backing away as the two swiped at her ferociously. Finally, one got on top of its comrade and lunged at her. Karmella dived under it and pressed the tip of her cane to its torso before blowing a hole through the middle of it. She got up as the other began advancing on her, and then she threw her cane at it.

It impacted with its stomach, causing it to back up. Karmella took this opportunity to fling herself at the Grimm in a flying tackle that impacted with the Beowolf like a steel wall.

It fell on its back and tried to get up, but Karmella got up first.

The last thing it saw was the tip of Karmella's heel, right before it punctured its eye and dug into its brain. Once the Grimm stopped struggling, Karmella wrenched her heel out and frowned.

"I'll have to clean this, don't know many places that sell Crovareus shoes like these." she said before sighing and turning to the Ursa Major, which was preparing to charge.

It dashed towards her, and she set up a glyph in front of her to take the brunt of the impact. The Ursa Major stumbled back before recovering and charging again. Without the time needed to set up another glyph, Karmella darted to the side as the Ursa Major demolished a nearby rock formation. Backing up as the Ursa Major shook its head, Karmella bumped into Tinko.

"Ah, there you are." she said as she glanced back to the Ursa Major "Make yourself useful and help me with this."

"Wait, wha- AGHHHHHHHH!!!"

Tinko was cut off as Karmella hoisted him in one hand, then spun before launching him in the Ursa Major's direction. Whipping up her cane as Tinko came down towards the ground, Karmella formed a Glyph under him that sped him towards the beast in a flourish of ice and snow. Tinko tried to orientate himself in air, but smashed into the Ursa Major's head too quickly.

The Ursa Major swung wildly as Tinko crawled on its head to find a good disembarking position.

What the two of them didn't count for was the glyph that the Ursa Major stumbled on in its frenzy.

Almost immediately they were both launched into the air, Karmella pouted a bit before stepping on to her own glyph and launching herself towards the two.

In a swift motion, she grabbed Tinko before raising her cane and firing at the Ursa Major, the force from the shot sending the Grimm speeding downward while also pushing them away.

The Ursa Major flopped on its belly before slowly getting up.

Karmella landed and, after dropping Tinko to the ground quite roughly, turned to face the rising Grimm. It turned to them and gave a mighty roar.... right before being subsequently buried under the body of the King Taijitu they'd ridden on earlier. As the last of the King Taijitu's corpse fell in a heap atop the crushed Ursa Major, the bodies of several Beowolves quickly followed.

Maxwell and Arata slid down the tree, Maxwell let the much shorter girl get off before hopping off himself.

"Maxwell!" Karmella shouted as she approached "Don't you dare run off and leave me defenseless like that ever again. What do you think I'm paying you for?"

Before Maxwell could point out that she wasn't exactly 'paying' him anything, Tinko spoke.

"Defenseless?!? I nearly died back there!" he said as he stumbled a bit from exhaustion.

"It was just about the same as being Defenseless, seeing as how you-"

"People." Arata interrupted "We have to keep moving, the sound may attract more Grimm. We need to hurry and find the relics."

Karmella shrugged before waving her cane at Maxwell, who reluctantly kneeled so she could ride him.

And so, the team journeyed onward.
She finished melting down the goop and grabbed her axe. She then held it over them. "Grab on!" She shouted as it reached her targets.
"Will!" Aires shouted as she extended her arms to him and flapped her wings pulling him out. Her teammates were in trouble because of her. Everything was her fault. Then suddenly she heard something. A slithering. Turning she saw a King Taijitu, but she had raised this one. "Eph?" Aires called out setting Will on the ground. She flew up to the Grimm to pet his head but something was off. "Eph it's me, Aires. Remember it's me mommy. " The Grimm had finally grown into what it was meant to be, an enemy. Turning her back to her friends she looked at her friends and knew they could be in trouble, then Ephemeral lunges it's fangs at the bird faunus in the sky.
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William lands on the ground after Aires carried him out of the empty pit. He takes off the chains around his torso and looks at the group. "Thanks for the assist." He said before picking up Acid's hat and putting it back on her head. "Nice ears you have on your head. It would be a shame if someone were to cut them off in the most painful way possible." He walks away and picked up Benjamin's chains. Spinning the chains around in the air for a few seconds, he let goes of it and watch it fly back to its owner.
Drawing his sword Micheal points and snaps a shot of in the direction of the large hissing thing he could only assume was a king taijitu. The ball of lighting dust flew and Micheal jumped back and readied him self. "What a pain, is that will..."
"Kaze, do you know what is below us?" Hayden nervously asked after he had been caught. He was trying to analyze the beast and find any weak points, but all the armor seemed to have no gaps besides at the stinger. I'm not sure how that can help, he reminded himself. "Because it isn't too pretty."

Benjamin retracted the chain before he had to duck as he removed his foot from the rock. "You need to check yourself Reaper." The Faunus stated while dusting himself off. "Because someone, maybe even me, will kill you if you keep up your angsty attitude." Chill Ben, he has two personalities and he can't help it. Just let it be until he decides to follow through with his hollow threats...

He then heard Aires talking to a King Taijitu. "Um, Aires, why are you trying to reason with a Grimm?" Ben asked with a slightly nervous look in his eye.
Acid felt her hat return to her head. 'They saw my ears?' She though in horror. She didn't have enough time to dwell on it due to a Grimm showing up. "Grimm!" She shouted as she raised her axe. It started to glow dimly and she struck the Grimm, causing the axe to get embedded into it.
"Loki and I raised him. But I didn't think he'd turn on me . . ." She mumbled. Then she saw Acid throw something at Ephemeral, "NO! DON'T HURT HIM!" To late, she heard him hiss and as she turned she saw fangs coming right at her. "Dust we'll never get the relics at this rate." She yelled holding him off with her aura. WILL I be able to kill you Eph?

Kaze looked down, "I can't see anything. I can only see the color brown down below."
"Well, you are going to want to stay up high if you can't sense it, because we are hovering above a Deathstalker." Hayden said simply, still searching for a weak point.

"Well I guess he turned. Need to put him down?" Ben asked as he leapt into a tree and began to climb up higher. "Because killing these things aren't easy."

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