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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Aires heard someone call it to her she looked back and forgot to slow down her flying. She slams hard into Ben both falling to the ground. Aires lays there her head pulsing. "Ugh what did I hit?" She asked herself trying to move her head in his direction. "Ben?"

"It's this stupid blindfold it limits my ability to sense scents and see them." He reached up for it. "Sorry Tavril," Kaze began to apologize, "I know I'm the last person you wanna get stuck with. Yay for the blind kid . . ."
He saw Aires fall into the tree's and he winced. 'Ow that looks painful.' He thought to himself till he ran over to the two. "er.... hi guys." He had only seen ben briefly but still he felt a bit awkward having both made them crash into the ground.
Benjamin was suddenly knocked out of the tree, crashing into the ground hard. "Ow." He muttered under his breath as he propped himself up with his bad arm. He had taken most of the impact from the fall, Aires landing on him.

When he looked up he chucked and gave the bird faunus a grin. "Yeah, it's me Aires. Watch where you are flying next time." The monkey Faunus said with a smirk. "But, I guess we are now on a team since you found me." He finished before pulling Aires in with his free hand and giving her a quick kiss.
"I guess we are indeed." She melted. Ahh being in a team with Ben is bliss. Aires smiled at him, "I didn't mean to hit you I got distracted." She laughed slightly before kissing Ben once more and then slowly gets off of him. "I thought i heard a voice-ah!" Getting up an URSA comes out of no where and chucks both the of the faunus into a good couple of trees.
The Ursa that chucked the two was quickly introduced to an axe in the back of its head. Elinore pulled the reverse trigger on her axe, sending an explosive canister whizzing past her head, the recoil of the cannon imbedded in the axe forcing the blade even further into it's skull. In a few moments it was down. "And that's three." Elinore said as she pried the blade from its skull and slung it over her shoulder again. She headed off in the opposite direction while whistling a tune, her eyes locked on the ground. She wasn't purposely avoiding eye contact, no, that'd be crazy.
"Hey doesn't that sound like your friend Elinore?" Kaze stayed to head in that direction.

"Lulu! Thank you!!!" Aires shouted hugging her. "Oh goody!"
"Oh, Aires, hi, no problem." Elinore said quickly as she kept her eyes locked firmly on the ground "you wouldn't happen to have found a partner yet, would you?" she asked nervously as she continued to walk in the direction she was sure no one had been yet. Perhaps it was time to start looking for the relics....or kill another Ursa....

"I wouldn't use the word friend. The only reason I'm forced to accompany her is because of a promise to her sister." Tavril muttered crossly, "I should have never agreed to it. But we should be looking for the relics, not other students, right?" he asked as he scanned the surrounding area "Boarbatusk, ten o'clock."
making one last limb shattering bound Thanatos swung the sword foreword and loosed a shot into a tree about halfway up and rand down the falling top half skidding to a stop after blowing through the branches with his shield. "done"

Legs shaking a little Micheal moved on word he had never truly gotten over his fear of heights. closing his eyes and taking a deep breath then listing to the forest around him. he started to move, while not as good at this as Thanatos, Micheal could blind fight just not so well.
Aren took a deep breath as the pad launched him. Watching the others get launched into the air at high speeds was incredibly worrying. He had never done anything like this. Sailing through the air was one of the most calming experience of his life, until he looked down. A massive forest spread out underneath him. Drawing his sword, he aimed for a tree and braced himself. Aren let his sword take most of the impact as it pierced the tree. He dropped his sword and swung to the ground, landing with a roll. Aren kicked the tree and his sword fell, neatly falling into his hand. He surveyed the forest. If I were a relic... where would I be? With no possible idea he began jogging in no particular direction.
William was apologizing to the person he insulted earlier when he gets launched into the air. After launch, he was in the air for several moments before crashing into a few trees and landing on top of an unlucky Grimm. He checks his surroundings before cracking the creature's neck with his foot. "A.D, status report."

"There's a lot of movement on the radar, William. Could be Grimm or students nearby us." A.D replied through Archdeath's speakers.

"Then we should kill them all one by one before they kill us! Maybe even capture a few to torture when this is all over!" William exclaimed as he heads toward a area with a lot of activity on his suit's radar.

"No, we're not here to start another massacre! Learn how to control your blood lust!" He complained to himself.

When the armored student arrives at his destination, he gets surrounded by a pack of Beowolfs. Without warning, one of the Grimm charges at him. William immediately pulls out a shotgun from his jacket before jamming the barrel into the creature's mouth. Pumping the shell into the weapon's chamber, he pulls the trigger and blows its head off. "Which one of you wants to die next?" He asked coldly as he kicks the dead body into another Beowolf and pumps the shotgun again. He feels the strong recoil of the firearm many times when he shoots at the Beowolfs leaping toward him. When he ran out of shells to shoot, he smacks the nearest Beowolf with the shotgun and bludgeoned them to death. "Now who likes grenades!" He pulls out two grenades and releases their pins. Then like a mad man with nothing to lose, he charges into the Grimm pack before letting the grenades explode in his hands. BOOM!
Elinore looked up at the site of a massive explosion off in the distance. She grinned and put her axe back on her back, "So....five Lien says I just found William~" she cooed to Aires before heading off in that direction. Or perhaps she should actively avoid William, make him find HER, as a sort of way of apologizing for freaking ELECTROCUTING HER AGAIN!...or she could just punch him when she saw him. Yeah. That sounded like a better idea.
"So why the dust did I blow myself up for? We could have just use my bare hands to kill them instead!" William complained while walking away from a pile of scorched Beowolf carcasses.

"Don't question my brilliant tactics, fool! We had a 10% chance of dying when those miserable creatures had a 1% of surviving the blast!" He retorted to himself. "Plus beating them all up would take too long to do."

William face palms himself in agitation from his other personality. Maybe he should have listened to Tinko's warning a bit more carefully. Otherwise he wouldn't have to deal with arguing with himself all the time.

"I got movement at your 12 o'clock. It's moving slowly, so it might not be aware of your presence yet." A.D reported to William.

William stops before taking a assault rifle out of his jacket. "What am I doing?" He asked himself as he points the firearm in front of him.

"DIE, ABOMINATION, DIE!" He blindly shoots into the forest, not caring to find out what was nearby him.
Aires grabbed Ben's hand and followed after Elinore. They were right on her tail when suddenly something or someone was opening fire on them. "Ahhhhh!" Aires screams as bullet hits her wings."Stop it please!" She said as she jumped out at Will, not knowing it was him, she cocked her boots made out of Arcdeath and gets ready to shoot.

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When the blind fire was sprayed at Benjamin he instinctively ducked although his right side was completely bulletproofed. "What the dust?" He cried out before readying Risk and Gambit. As he took up a defensive stance he waited as Aires rushed at their unknown attacker.

A mix of gunfire and the sound of metal clashing with bone could be heard from the Boarbatusk seconds after Tavril had pointed it out to Kaze. Trivial was being constantly swapped to keep the Grimm at bay.

The beast charged Hayden in a furious attack as Hayden had just cut off one of its tusks. The student remained calm and took the full force of the attack with the side of his sword before whipping the blade around and embedding it into the Grimm's chest.

After the blade was removed, Boarbatusk retreated, but only for a second. Soon enough it gave another wild charge, determined to best it's opponent for dislodging a tusk.

Switching his blade to its staff form, Hayden leapt high into the air before coming down with incredible force, one of the ends of the staff embedding itself into the beasts head.
Drake was running a little late. It wasn't like him to be late, it was just his scroll timer didn't go off. "Damn thing." He said as he launched. He was a little bit later then the others but he made up for it. He landed with a smash. His pike was embedded into the ground. After a couple minutes of trying to pull it out he finally manages to do so. He was wearing a pair of glasses, but not any normal pair of glasses, these had things like a map, a compass, and an aura reader.

He started to make his way towards the objective, which was going to be easy because of the compass. "I have got to patent these things. They could be useful." He flicked a switch and his pike became a LMG he came to name the chainsaw, because it could buzz through everything.

He didn't care if he meet up with someone. He just kept walking.
Aren jumped as the sounds of explosions and bullets filled the air. What's going on? He started to run off in that direction, readying his magnum in his left hand.
William stops firing when Aires appeared in front of him. "Aires?! Where did you come up from?!" He asked as he lowers his weapon.
Drake heard the shooting. He pulled up the map on his sunglasses. "Looks like it came form over there." He said as he ran towards it. He was a little curious about what was actually making the noise. He saw a big guy in a metal suit. "What's with all the firing?!"

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"Duck . . ." Aires yelled as her wings spread out and thousands of feathers shot out and turned into blades of steal and glass. They radiated ice and heat. "Let's go!" Aires ran grabbing Will and Ben in the process. Find Elinore She thought racing through the forest.

Kaze places some strange concoction of dust around the best. He lights it with fire dust and then tells the other two to duck. The beat explodes within seconds. " Hayden right?" Kaze asked surprised he didn't have top do much. "Thanks alot! Guess you're our third."
"Let go of me, you hooligan! I don't like being dragged around places by a girl!" William ordered as he frees himself from Aires's grasp. He backed up from Aires before pointing his assault rifle at her. "Now tell me, is this young lad here your partner?" He asked while nodding his head toward Benjamin. "Because if he is, then why did you take me away from that guy with the LMG? He looked like a suitable candidate to be my partner in crime."
Drake just shrugged when the guy called him a partner in crime. He didn't care. He did know that guy had a AI that he could at least hold some type of intelligent conversation. He wouldn't push it though. He lifted his LMG. "Yeah. I wouldn't mind raising some hell!" He yelled.
"Will? Seriously?!" Aires glared at him, something was different about him but she couldn't tell what. She slowly stood in front of Ben, protecting him. After what happened to Loki she wasn't taking any chances. "Will I'm your friend, and yes Ben is my partner, I kind of crashed landed into him. We saw Luna as well and now you. Please put the rifle down and be rational." Her wings held an impressive stance. She then looked at him, "Did you just call me a hooligan?"

"I wonder how they're all doing. Don't you think we should have s peek and see if they're alright." Goodwitch said a little worried from all the explosions.

"They're fine. Oh no."

"What is it!?"

"I'm out of coffee. What a horrid twist of fate." Ozpin said and Goodwitch shook her head. Then the ground began to tremble.

Kaze was sealing his dust away when he heard a rustle through the bushes. The scent was an Emerald green color. "That smells like Angel." He was right. She came out of the bushes at the three of them. Their team was formed. Then suddenly the ground began to quake. It came and went in the blink of an eye. "Huh, okay than, on to find those relics! What are we looking for exactly?"
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"Will, what the hell is wrong with you?" Benjamin questioned as Aires stepped in front of him. Taking a step to the right, Ben resumed his argument. "Your girlfriend is walking away at a rapid pace. Now cut the crap and lets move." The faunus said considering dragging his teammate along.

Hayden gave his team a confused shrug. "I wasn't exactly listening when Professor Ozpin was speaking about the relics." Too busy laughing at the students who didn't realize what the launch was, he thought as he slung Trivial onto his back. "Tavril?"
"No, I called you a chicken sandwich." William replied sarcastically. "Though it does sound more suitable to call you that instead, since you got wings attached to your back." He points the rifle to the ground before looking at Drake. "Now that's the sort of attitude I want from my new- why is everything dark?!" The cameras in his helmet faceplate turned off, causing William to lose the ability to see through it.

"Sorry William 2.0. Elinore will probably delete me if you got yourself another partner that's not her." A.D apologized through Archdeath's speakers. "Benjamin, can you lead this blind fool to Elinore without getting hit by him?" The A.I asked as William tried pulling off the magnetically locked faceplate with his hands.
"Yeah sure. He's gonna be heavy in that armor though. I could string him up for insulting our teammate but I guess I will drag him for now." Benjamin said before firing a chain blade and wrapping it around Will's torso. "AD, you know what's wrong with him?" The Faunus asked as he began to pull the dead weight in the direction Elinore was heading.

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