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Fandom Beacon Academy.

After the bell rang, Aren, confused, followed the others out towards the cliff.

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"No, he left to go to the Initiation a few minutes ago." E.L replied as she leaves the room in her mechanical cat body. The A.I was covered in goop and was not pleased with the sticky substance on her body. "Elinore, can you wipe this goop off of my body before you leave? I would appreciate it if you could do this for me."
Aires sighed in a lovey dovey way. She poked Kaze, "Did you see that he smiled at me!"

"Yeah it was a nice smile . . . oh wait that's right, I can't see!"

"Right sorry . . . "

"Come on let's go!" Kaze says pulling her hand and exiting Beacon. The siblings spread out their wings and with one sharp pulse they were in the air. "Race you there!" Aires yelled.

"Ah, nothing like the great outdoors to strengthen the bonds of our students. Goodwitch?"

"Of course, Sir, but I'm concerned about our new recruits. These students are supposed the next Hunters and Huntresses? They're just children . . ."

"Then let them be children for what little time they have left. I have faith, they will all succeed."

"What relics did you use this time?" She asks him as he takes a sip of his coffee. He smirks slightly,


"Dust Crystals?"

"No. Just pure crystals. All types of colors."

"Hmm. Interesting."

"Look sharp, here they come." Oz said seeing some students in the distance.
Elinore picked up the robotic cat and searched William's room for a clean rag. She found one under a bed and began to wipe EL clean as she headed towards the cliff, "It still surprises me that you've decided to stay in Will's room. You know it's always trapped." she said with a nod as she continued out to the forest. She hoped she wouldn't be late. But worst case scenario she'd have to deal with less pointless running around.
"William's room is my only safe haven from all the chaos that goes on in Beacon." E.L replied. "Nobody ever chases me into his room unless they're brave, stupid, or both."
"I am here." Came a voice from the side. Marcus had just recently arrived after finishing his meal.
"Marcus, Whoa you came out of no where." She said smiling at him. "Excited?! I know we are."

"Students!" Ozpin addressed the three of them. "Welcome. Where are your other classmates?"
"They are coming though they may be slow, we can wait but it will take time." he said sitting on the side lines. He looked at Aires. "I do feel some excitement though im a bit worried i will force someone with me who wants someone else."
"Over here!" Hayden yelled from his spot on the ground. "Just relaxing a little bit before the jump." He said as he sat up and removed the grass from his hair.

Benjamin was running towards the clearing at a dead sprint. "Can't be late for this. Don't be late." He was constantly muttering under his breath. He was blazing past students and faculty who were on their way to classes, narrowly dodging them. "Whoops. 'Scuse me. Sorry. In a rush." He yelled to the few people that had been knocked over.
"You should invest in a cardboard box or something to shield you from the blast." Elinore told the cat as they neared the forest. She rubbed the cat down one more time then sat her down "I'm off, see ya!" she called to EL as she ran towards the platforms.

"Took you long enough." Tavril said as he tapped his foot on his platform. "Just remember to stay far away from me." Elinore retorted as she claimed one of the platforms on the far side.
"Aires." She heard her name being called by Professor Ozpin. "Come here." She came close to him. "Yes sir?"

"No flying." Aires looked at him.

"What?! No flying?" Ozpin sipped his cup.

"It's an unfair advantage." Goodwitch sighed as she heard Ozpin day this, she stepped up.

"He's kidding of course. Alright students you all knows the drill." Goodwitch continued, "The first three people you make eye contact with will be your team members for the next four years." Ozpin coughed slightly and cut in, "Once your teams are formed you are to head out and find the relics in the forest. You will encounter Grimm. Good luck to you. We will begin in about ten minutes. Any questions? Oh and course I was joking Ms. Phoenix."
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William arrives at the cliffs and stands on top of a platform. He made sure to be far away from everyone he knew, just in case his other personality might say something stupid to them.

"I hope you crash into a tree, you stupid shisno!" He insulted the student next to him.

Sadly he was right. "Shut up, me!"
Marcus was thinking. 'The nest 3 people huh... If i could chose id chose the brother and sister first, im interested in those two. I honestly rather not get the love birds, those two were just weird. As for the third possibly the one with that essentric girl, he must have a decent amount of patience to deal with her.' He wondered for a bit longer before banishing all thoughts from his mind and getting ready. No matter what team he got he plan to win regardless.
Karmella rode Maxwell to the cliff, holding a camera that she snapped at random things.

"Oh, what a wonderful tour!" Karmella cheered as Maxwell nearly fell to the ground in exhaustion "You really should run faster next time we tour Beacon Maxwell, we could have missed it!"

She walked to a platform after pocketing the camera while Maxwell glared after her.

As Maxwell stood to follow, Arata came dragging a fully unconscious Tinko behind her.

"Apologies," Arata said as she took a platform "he tried to run and wash off. I took care of it."

She tossed Tinko to the platform next to hers, where he unconsciously got into a comfortable position before snoring. Arata sniffed the air a couple times before nodding to herself.

Maxwell shook off the exhaustion from Karmella's pointless and time consuming journey before trudging over to an open platform.
Aires yawned as she saw sm everyone gathering. "Wow this is really happening." She looked at Ben who was just arriving. " Good luck my friends." She waving them off.

"Alright students. Make us proud." Ozpin said as the students were flung from their platforms. One by one they were hurled into the forest. Kaze and Aires were one of the last ones.
While marcus had no been expected to be literately flung from platform his instincts would not fail him and he landed gracefully his feet touching the ground. However there he paused, 'We are supposed to find team mates and if i had to guess while some of the more lazy ones are hanging around the center some of the others will begin moving farther in the jungle. I was dropped on the far right so ill go diagonal to the left.' After deciding his destination he set off immediately, moving like a blur threw the tree's looking for any sound or sight of a possible ally.
Elinore's decision to take the farthest platform out had meant she was one of the earliest to be launched. How fun~ She'd been part of the first run, but part of the group that was not assigned teams. She would be much more prepared for this one. Once in the air she pulled the trigger on her axe and launched an explosive round bellow her, slowing her decent. And, ya know, exploding the ground bellow her. But that was a minor note. She landed down rather harshly and stood up, brushing the dirt off her jacket. Her plan was to not have a plan. She would simply kill some Ursas and hope that someone would find her. Elinore walked forward in search of some bears~

Tavril was one of the later ones to be launched off. He was not aware that they'd be launched off into the air off a cliff. Why? Why would any school do that? He landed in a tree and slowly climbed down. He heard an explosion off in the distance and decided that that was not the direction he wanted to go. He headed off in the opposite direction in search of someone. That was the goal, right? Find someone then go pick a rock out?
Kaze slammed right into Tavril workout any warning. He couldn't get a control on his flight pattern. "Ouch. Wait who is this?" Kaze said feeling Tavril's face.
Ben and Hayden chose platforms towards the middle of the launch area. Both were cracking jokes and laughing at the students who flew by, some obviously underprepared for the launch.

Soon enough it was Ben's turn to launch, the monkey faunus deciding to handstand for his exit. "See ya at the bottom!" He yelled to the other students as the platform hurled him towards the forest.

Hayden was right behind him, the student taking the launch from a lying down position. "Yahoo!" He yelled as he flipped himself through the air and swapped Trivial to its twin swords form. Shortly after takeoff, Hayden embedded the swords into a tree and used his momentum to cut through it in a downwards motion, landing safely at the bottom and removing Trivial with a hard pull.

Benjamin came in much faster, firing Risk into the tree line and hoping for it to anchor to something. His semblance glowed a little as the blade anchored itself into one of the largest trees, letting the Faunus repel to the forest. Once he landed, Ben decided to climb back up the tree and wait for someone to come along, hanging from one of the branches by his tail.
"Wahoo!" Aires yelled as her wings ripped out and she soared through the air. She was on the look out when she spotted something in the trees and duped closet top them still in the air. "Whoever you are better come out!" She looked closer, "Oh wait what if it's a Grimm."
Tavril fell to the ground with an ouf when Kaze landed on him. "Alright, I guess that makes you my partner Kaze." Tavril said as he pushed the faunus off of him and took his hand off his face. "We're going to work on that whole seeing through smell thing if you're going to be my partner though." he said as he stood up. "So then...now we go look for the relic?"
As he went threw the forest at top speed he had yet to find anyone and that worried him. He was wandering if he'd find anyone before he found a grimm, then he remembered something. Kaze and Aires had wings so if they were anywhere, they'd be above the tree's. Excited with this info he jumped straight up. Immediatly he saw aires after a quick look around (it was hard to miss a girl with wings) and looked at her at her with a wide grin even if she didnt see him. The second he landed he shot in that direction, he hadent been to far away. In less then 10 secs he was in the area and he yelled loadly "OY!" and jumped above the clouds again, only about 35 feet from her now.
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Micheal crouched down on the platform. he had never done any unassisted drops before a few para-drops but nothing like this. "Thanatos ever landed with out a parachute before...? shifting his light armor and new kite shield he kept under his cape he started to get nerves. "now is not the time to be playing games"

"afraid of a little jump are we now? relax i have the situation under control. take a nap or something"
Shifting Micheal's stance as his body slumped he drew the long sword and diamond shaped kite shield. cranking his neck he pushed of the platform with aw inspiring force cracking the platform he was screaming through the air catching up to Aries shield out in front of him body crouched behind it cap steering his flight path and sword out behind him as a tail. the first tree he reached he slammed his feet down into and pushed for smashing the branch to splinters and taking flight once more.

After several students, Karmella turned to Maxwell who was several students away.

"Maxwell, Darling!"

Against his better judgment, Maxwell glanced in her direction.

She pointed at him, "I'm coming for you~!" She sang before getting flung into the forest.

Maxwell swallowed nervously, maybe if he could find other students quick enough, he could escape her.

He grew determined as he watched Arata brace herself before she was sent flying.

Several seconds went by before Tinko, still asleep, was flung from his platform as well.

Maxwell stood firm as his turn arrived, he pushed off from the platform as it activated, increasing the energy applied to it.


Karmella gripped the neck of her cane as she sailed, then grabbed the handle and pointed it at one of the trees she was speeding towards.

Firing a round from her cane, it sliced through the tree's center.

Karmella spun in the air and smashed her feet against the tree as two Beowolves came from the forest to investigate the sounds. Walking along the falling tree, Karmella glanced to the side as a Beowolf threw itself at her.

She shot it down as the other leaped into the falling tree and charged her.

It's first strike met her cane, which was held by surprising strength.

It stepped back as Karmella tossed her Cane away, then it lunged forward with both its claws.

Karmella leaped before spinning off the tree as it crashed into the ground, jostling the Beowolf on it. Karmella landed in the nearby grass, then held out her hand to catch the still falling cane.

As the Beowolf threw itself at her again, this time it was met with a bullet that tore a massive hole in its torso and flung it backwards over the fallen tree.

Karmella placed her cane back on the ground before politely walking away from the scene. She hummed a toon as she began her hunt for Maxwell.


Arata spun in the air and aimed at a clearing, where she landed on her feet and immediately took off, using the landing's force to propel her.

She sniffed the air as she ran in a small circumference, eventually finding a small hint of something.


She sped in that direction as she pulled two batons from her pockets.


Tinko sailed through the air, snoring it up.

Eventually he smashed into a large nest, which tore from its tree along with him. He and the nest spun in the air before they both landed in a lake.

Tinko was still fast asleep as he floated on the lake in the nest.


Maxwell took out his staff and twirled it in the air as fell.

When he got to the trees his spinning staff cleared the branches from him.

The moment his feet touched ground, his semblance flared up. The ground quickly grew up around his feet, slowing him down.

When he stopped, he pulled his now armored feet from the ground before sitting down and lying on his back.

Soon the ground covered his body in hardened rock armor, Maxwell sighed in content before standing. He hardly noticed the additional weight, and he stood before immediately reeling from the smell of hard coffee.

He was a faunus, so of course he'd have a heightened sense of smell, but this was ridiculous.

Then again, Karmella had always avoided coffee... she'd always been more of a tea person.

With this knowledge, Maxwell jogged towards the smell.

He soon came across a lake, with a single student floating in it.

Maxwell sighed, he knew who he was. He was the guy who's part of that violent romance with the short white haired girl.

Picking up a rock, Maxwell threw it at him.

The rock hit the nest, tipping it over and sending Tinko spilling into the water.

After several seconds, Tinko crawled out of the lake.

"-Cough- twice today I've been -Cough- soaked!" Tinko flopped on his back and spat out some water before looking at Maxwell.

"Well, if it isn't the big guy!" Tinko said in a half dream like state.

Maxwell moved to help him, when someone sped out of the nearby shrubbery and kicked him in the jaw.

Maxwell spun back with his staff raised as Arata pointed her batons at him.

"How many in your group?" Arata asked as Tinko slowly got up behind her.

Maxwell nodded at Tinko, and Arata stared at him for a second before lowering her batons.

"Nice to meet you," Arata said as she put both batons in one hand and raised a hand while Tinko stood and tried to steady himself.

Maxwell was about to raise his as well when he heard Karmella's voice.

"Found you." He spun around in terror to see her standing there.

He immediately tried looking away, but it was too late.

Falling to his knees, Maxwell raised his arms to the heavens as he begged for an end to this torment.

Maxwell's silent plea went unanswered as Karmella introduced them to Arata, who reciprocated the gesture.

Soon, the four began looking for their relics.

Of course, Arata struggled to keep Tinko awake and Maxwell had to carry Karmella everywhere.

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