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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Tavril's been my little sister's best friend ever sense we were kid." Elinore said with a smile as she rested her shin on the handle of the axe that was still planted firmly on the table. "Kaze here is Aires older brother" she continued as she pointed over to Aires. "I met her not too long after coming to Beacon. And I met you yesterday." she said with a nod and a smile.
Aren hoisted her to her feet. "Yep. Just arrived a couple of minutes ago. I'm Aren. Should I... go somewhere?"
Aires smiled brightly, "Welcome!" She said giving him a hug. "Come, met my friends. We'll get you some breakfast as well! Guys!" She waved over to the others.

Kaze turned his head and saw a purple Haze. "Aires, huh, who's with you?"
Aren, surprised by the ecstatic greeting of Aires, walked in a daze over towards the others. "Hello everyone, I'm Aren." This was not at all how he imagined his first day would be like.
"Hello Aren, welcome to Beacon!" Elinore beamed as she pried her axe from the table and slung it over her shoulder, "I'm Elinore, the grumpy stick in the mud over there is Tavril," she said as she pointed to the wolf faunus, "the blind one is Kaze, and that's Marcus!" she said as she pointed to Marcus, "hey, have any of you seen William?" she asked as she looked around the cafeteria from her vantage point on the table.
Aires smiled wickedly and laughed, "This is Aren, he just got here. What luck just in time for initiation. This here is Elinore, Tavril, my brother Kaze, and Marcus."

"We went through intros already sis."

"Shut up Kaze." She punches him. "He could be in his room, probably found the mess I made Haha it was his fault" She said looking at Lulu.
"Another new one? so im not the newest guy anymore." He was surprised by how friendly all of them were being though, many did not like new people coming immediately into their group of friends, or so he saw on tv. "Welcome." He said with a small bow of his head.
Before Maxwell could stop her, Karmella stood from her seat and pointed at Aren "You, I would like to inquire about your shoe size."

Her statement was punctuated by Tinko bursting through another set of doors with a sloppy flourish. Afterwards he stumbled to keep himself from falling as Arata walked past him.

Finally, he got stable and followed after Arata as the two went for their food. Tinko began singing numerically halfway through.
"Its nice to meet you all." They looked normal, but Aren imagined that they were actually hardened warriors. He was honored by their immediate acceptance of him. Momentarily distracted by the entrance of the two others, Aren looked at the girl quizzically. "My shoe size...? Why?"
Hayden was late to breakfast, caught up in his little modifications and fabrications to Trivial. What a great way to start off initiation day, being late to breakfast, he thought as he walked towards the dining area and grabbed his food.

"What's up guys, have I missed much?" Benjamin announced as he entered the dining area shortly after Hayden. The faunus had a bandage wrapped around his left hand with a large bloodstain running down its length. Without waiting for a response he walked towards the line for food and grabbed his usual meal.
"Hey Benjamin." Elinore said with a small wave of her hand as she sat down on the table "You excited for initiation today? I can't wait. It's been so long sense I've last killed an Ursa. I've missed the feeling." she said in a suddenly cold and detached tone. She suddenly went back to smiling happily, "can't wait to see what teams we all end up on!"
"Wait, initiation is today? When was announced? Was I out that long?" Ben replied once he reached the table. It seemed like everyone was present at the table, and a few new faces. Maybe I have been out that long, he thought with a confused expression on his face.

"Yeah. I've been waiting for today since I arrived here." Hayden quickly replied to Elinore's question, even if it wasn't directed at him. Maybe I will actually socialize more...
Aires looked over at Ben and she was next to his side in a heartbeat. "Ben!" She sang hugging him tightly. She immediately tensed. "Are you alright?" She asked softly grabbing his hand looking at him with a concerned look.
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Aren looked around in confusion. "What's initiation?" He said, feeling a little stupid.

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"Today teams will be made from the current existing students, you chose a good day to come Aren." He said finishing his food. "Honestly im a bit curious about who i will get paired with, though i dont have too much of a preference though i do have one."
"Hayden speaks!" Elinore announced with a clap. "Initiation is when we're all launched into the forest and grab a relic. The first person you see if your new partner~" she cooed happily. "And I guess...Kaze will just....no idea." she mumbled with a shrug. You got a preference?" Elinore asked Marcus with a smirk, "who?"
Arata sat at a random table as Tinko slid on top of it.

"Just think, soon it's going to be just us and a forest full of bloodthirsty Grimm." Tinko said as he tried to stay awake

"Romantic..." Arata stated blandly as she began slowly eating her breakfast
"The first person you see? So there not even a real order to this. Hmm i guess thats interesting in its own right." He said thinking about if there was any way to find out who would meet. "Theres not to many ways to game that pick order unless you hide and know each other's foot steps."
"Well of course there's no order. If you want to be a good Hunter or Huntress, you have to learn to work with people you probably don't know, or like. It's just life." Elinore said with a nod, "but if you hear an explosion, there's a pretty good chance it's either William or I."

"Elinore....get off the table." Tavril sighed. Elinore glared back at him "YOU get off the table." she retorted. Tavril took a deep breath and burried his face in his hands.
"Just because I spend my time perfecting my weapon and fabrication rather than have constant encounters with the White Fang. I do have emotions as well." Hayden rambled as he shoved some food into his mouth. His statement didn't go together entirely, but they were on the top of his head.

"I'm fine Aires. It's just another cut that'll probably scar up. Nothing bad." He replied, not mentioning his loss of consciousness and heavy blood loss. "I was in the infirmary for a little bit. I think a Nevermore tried to pick me up as a snack." Ben said, laughing at his own joke.
Aires ran her fingers through his hair, "That must have happened while Will had his freak out. You gotta be more careful."

"Wait we need to see our teammates. . . Aires you didn't say I-Will you stop hanging around your boyfriend for a second and focus?" Kaze yelled at her, she instantly blushed. "Kaze he's not my-"

"Just get it over and done with . . . Become a couple for the love of dust, ow!" Aires punched her brother's shoulder. Instantly sitting down next to Ben she placed her head in her hands.

There was a bell that signified the start of the initiation. "I guess that's our cue. Has anyone seen the others?"

"I'm sure the others will show up eventually." Kaze assured his sister.
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Elinore sat up when she heard the bell ring. She put the axe on her back again and stepped off the table, "Alright, I'll see you guys on the cliff by the Emerald Forest!" she said with a two finger salute to the students at the table before heading out. She had to make sure William knew what was happening...if he was still there...and okay. She didn't really know what had happened the previous night.

Elinore walked to William's room and stood to the right of it. She leaned over to knock on the door but made sure to never really stay in front of it "William? You there?" she called.
Tinko was partially asleep, slowly drifting along the-

A Hot liquid poured into him, and he quickly scrambled away before gracefully falling to the floor. Coughing and whining, Tinko looked up to see Arata standing on the bench of the table with an empty cup.

"Mayu! Why did-" he paused before sniffing himself "Is this coffee!?!"

Arata nodded as the bell rang, Tinko frantically glanced at his thoroughly soaked clothes as she disposed of the cup.

"We have to go." Arata stated

"But my bathrobe!"

"No time," Arata interrupted before pinching his ear and dragging him from the room

Karmella laughed at the spectacle even after they left. Glad that the situation wasn't escalating, Maxwell stood before walking towards the door.


Maxwell froze and glanced back at Karmella, who tapped her cane against the ground expectantly.

"I await my chariot, darling." Karmella said with a deceptively harmless smile

Sighing, Maxwell kneeled and allowed Karmella to get on top of him.

After securing herself on Maxwell's back, Karmella waved her cane in the air.

Maxwell sped out of the Cafeteria with Karmella cheering the whole way.
Once the bell rang, Ben gave Aires a smile before heading back to his room to grab his equipment. "Today should be great." He muttered out loud before being stopped by a nurse.

"You shouldn't be out. You are still in need of rest." The woman said as she towed him towards the infirmary.

"I'm fine. I'm stitched up and doing my initiation." The Faunus said as he pulled away and sprinted off towards his room. "I'll come back for a check up once I get back."

Hayden's face lit up when the initiation bell rang. "Time to go." He said with a smile as he shoved the remainder of his food into his mouth and walked out of the room. He then made his way to the cliff side that overlooked the forest. Taking a deep breath in and falling back, Hayden felt relaxed and at ease.

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