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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Kaze you take Maxwell I'll take Karmella." He nodded and spread out his black smoked wings. Aires spread out her wings and they glittered in the sunlight: silver. She sick her hands out to Karmella. "Ready? I promise I won't fall. We're both really fast flyers so we'll get there in the blink of an eye."
Karmella just shrugged before grabbing hold.

Maxwell glanced at the blind boy cautiously.

"Oh darling." Karmella called to him "I promise you he'll be able to carry you."

Maxwell relented with a low groan and took Kaze's hands.
"Faunus are a bit stronger than others think. Well up we go." Kaze said Maxwell want heavy at all. He had been through worse in the White Fang. In minutes they were in the city. "Where are they?" Aires said gracefully Lansing work Karmella, "Sorry about your hair." She smiled as Kaze landed with Maxwell.
"Maxwell!" Karmella called, "My brush, dear sir?"

Maxwell groaned before trudging over and handing her a brush.

"Thank you," Karmella said before turning back to Aires and stating"I have no idea where to find them.Should we travel the circumference of the first explosion to see if we can find some type of trail?"
"If you and Maxwell want to you can. Kaze and I can fly around just in case wet see them." Aires said looking at them both. "Oh yeah that's a great idea let the blind guy search. I don't have a strong sense of them or their scents, how can I find them?" Aires smacks get face forgetting her brothers condition.
Karmella chuckled before nodding to the siblings and tapping her cane on the ground.

Maxwell kneeled and Karmella climbed on his shoulders.

"We'll be off then." She said before Maxwell took off with her.
"Why do you think he does whatever she asks him to?"

"What business is it of ours, Aires?"

"True, very true. Alright then take my hand." Thru both listed into the air and began to search to the city. "Lulu! Will! Where are you two?" Kaze was intent on listening while his sister yelled into the void he couldn't see anymore. "Do you think they're okay Kaze?"

"I don't know Lil sis."

"It's good to finally have you back ya know. I missed my big brother." Kaze felt his heart ache a bit when he heard Aires say that.
The 'ghost' was brought to Castellion. "Your majesty." He said mockingly. "It's an honor." He bowed.

Castellion waved his hand. "Do not mock a man of my position... Now what do you want?... And who are you?" He said, he didn't even look up at the man in the mask. Why should an important fuanus, such as himself talk with one who wouldn't even show his face.

"I am a ghost. A fuanus that has learned how to hide himself in plain sight... You need my help." He said a little bit cocky. " You wanna talk with me because I can help you... I can give you information on certain..." He was looking for the right word. "Targets... I can help you with that machine your working with... Freckles was it..."

Castellion's head shot up. "How did you know about that?" Only a few people knew about that, they are the only ones that Castellion trusts.

"You think I don't know what goes on here. What's going on at beacon.... That there is a electrical panel on the back of the Mark 1 "freckles" that if hit just right, can send it into self destruct... And that the count down timer is to long."

Castellion is outraged with this, a little at the faunus standing in front of him, and that his team didn't make it clear to hide a weakness. He could execute him, but he could be help, a spy in beacon, and he could be useful as a fighter. Although he is being very suspicious , in not showing his face. Castellion gave into his demands. "And what is this going to coast?"

"No price, just a favor....and the ability to move in the white fang freely." He said.

"Fine." Castellion said.
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"Aires how are we ever going to find them?" Kaze asked landing on top of a building. Aires shrugged when she got a notification on her scroll.

"It's from Ozpin."

"What's it say?" Kaze asked. Aires began to read the message. "'Attention Students! Congrats on your acceptance to Beacon. Tomorrow will be your initiation of sorts. I expect all of you to be at the Emerald Forest by nine in the morning. Good luck and get some good rest.' I guess we're finally picking our teams. Wow . . . teams that's crazy."

"We're picking teams. What do you think it'll be like?"

"A test that's for sure."

"You think we'll end up on the same team? I mean Ruby and Yang did."

"I don't know Kaze. All the rumors about the previous challenges have been mixed up and have been different. But maybe." They continued to search for their friends as the message went out to each of their scrolls. "I just hope we can find Will and show up in time for it all."
The Ghost bowed in respect. "Sir, I must make my leave. If I stay any longer then you won't have any information." Castellion waved him off. "Go... get your information, your lucky I didn't kill you." He just kept his head looking towards some white fang documents. The Ghost backed out. 'Time to go home.' He thought. He walked down the hall, to the left and out into a giant hanger bay. He got on his hover bike, a prototype he stole from beacon. He flew out, the wind going through his mask. It was time for him to go home. Another man walked into the room. "The tracker is set, sir." Castellion smiled. "Good. Wait until the dot stops moving, then follow it.... let's see if we can find him."
"I hope you fall into a pit full of Death Stalkers and get violently ripped apart by them. That would really make my day." A.D insulted through Archdeath's speakers.

"Oh shut up, you stupid A.I." William said as he was planting demolition charges on the Vale P.D's building. "You shouldn't have attacked me when I was driving earlier. Otherwise your bird body wouldn't be scrap metal right now." After finishing up his task, he walks toward his new bike before driving away. Taking out a detonator from his pocket, he presses it. KA-BOOM! The charges explode and destroyed half of the building.

"Umm... why did you do that? I know you're a crazy psychopath who loves explosions, but really? The police out of all people?" A.D said as he watched the building burn from a camera installed in the suit.

"Well they did make me miss the school dance a while back." William replied. "No way am I going to forgive them without a little payback." The bike stops in front of city hall. He opens up his bag to pull out a LMG.

"Really? Now what did the government ever do to you to deserve your wrath?" A.D asked as William enters city hall.

"They screwed me over with that convoy mission a few months ago. I will never forgive them for putting my life in danger." Security guards appear in front of the armored student and orders him to surrender. William simply pulls the trigger and shoots the guards down. He moves deeper into the building, his only goal to shoot everyone in there. Good thing he has a lot of bullets to finish the job.


Natalya leaves the air docks with Tinko. They arrive at the burning store and see someone in front of it.

Alex was in front of his store, which was destroyed and on fire. "I only left the building for 30 minutes to buy some eggs and this happens..."
Alex turns his head to Tinko to give him a death stare. "Tinko... do you want me to kill you? I might get arrested for murdering a minor in public, but I simply don't care anymore." He said before walking toward the student with Bluntfire in his hands.

"Honey, calm down! Don't kill Tinko for telling the truth!" Natalya said as she stood in front of Tinko to protect him.
Tinko scratched his head "Shouldn't we be looking for the destructive metal kid instead of the truth behind my ignorance?"

"That we shall my rich little friend!"

Tinko blinked before turning around.

Running up to the three was Karmella, riding Maxwell.

Maxwell slowed down as they approached before kneeling and letting Karmella off.

"I'm so glad we have more bodies here to aid us!" Karmella said as she bowed
"Destructive metal kid? Wait... are you saying William did this?!" Alex asked angrily while pointing his weapon at the burning store.
"Hold on." Tinko held a finger in the air as he checked the last message he got from Arata "Yep, tore apart your shop, nearly killed Elinore, is currently slaughtering the police for no reason whatsoever."
"WILLIAM! PREPARE TO DIE!" Alex yelled out before running toward the new trail of smoke nearby.

Natalya face palms herself. "So you all were looking for William too? Does this mean there's other people after him too?" She asked the newcomers.

William leaves city hall and was covered in blood. "Well that makes it official. YOU ARE FREAKING INSANE!" A.D screamed out into William's ear. "Oh how sweet of you to notice that now! I thought you might have misunderstood me as a lovable buffoon with a machine gun!" William said as he gets back on the bike before heading to the city's highway.
"Oh yes!" Karmella said as she started counting on her fingers "That darling Aires, her brother, Mr. Masseman's wife, a bunch of renegade bounty hunters, the rest of the city police force, a cocktail of other students, and a virtuous army of others."
"Apparently his destructive killing spree has gotten enough publicity to concern the industries that run product and trade through the city. Apparently he killed a bunch of guys in city hall who were managing it. They've got a slowly lowly growing fortune for his head at the moment." Karmella said "It's actually quite a lot!"
"How much are we talking about? A hundred thousand lien or something around that price range?" Natalya asked as she sends a message to Beta, her subordinate in the Hellsing.
Karmella put a finger to her mouth and thought for a moment "Let's see, it was at about seven hundred thousand twenty minutes ago at a steady increase of four hundred with every casualty..." she did some calculations "I'd say that it's at an average of 1,658,000 and growing."
"Wow... that's a lot of casualties." Natalya said. "Well we should get ourselves a ride if we're ever going to ki- catch him! So anybody here haves a fast vehicle we can use right now?"

"How many of you guys are there?! I've been shooting at all of you for minutes and your numbers haven't even decreased yet!" William exclaimed while driving away from his pursuers. Apparently he was ambushed by bounty hunters when he entered the highway. Killing them had no effect on their numbers at all, since there's always more people coming after him every single minute. "Can't blame them for trying to kill you right now. Seems like you pissed off the wrong people, ya damn idiot." A.D said as bullets ricochet off Archdeath.
Karmella chuckled before walking over to Maxwell.

"I have an idea!" Karmella said as she patted him on the shoulder.

Maxwell immediately shook her off before shaking his head furiously.

Karmella ignored him "We can have Maxwell take us there!"

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