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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Why were kidnapping me, kid?" Natalya asked as she stood over Tinko with her foot on his head. "You know I'm allowed to punish you for... wait. Aren't you that guy I saved in the library? "

William managed to open the garage door and made his way into the back of the store. "Anybody home?" He asked as he searches for any sign of Alex in the building. Finding nobody inside, he sighs before entering the armory. Time to cause some chaos!
"Oh man," Tinko said "I was just trying to take you to the clinic. I wasn't gonna do any kind of kidnapping. I'm actually glad you're up, it means I can go after Will."
Elinore landed the airship as well as she could in the bussing station then ran to grab her bike "Sorry for jacking the ship! You can arrest me later!" she shouted before hopping on the bike and riding off. There was one person who could help her with this. And even though he probably wasn't there, hopefully something there could help her.

She pulled up to the store Alex owned and burst in "Alex? Are you home? No? Okay, I'm going to steal some of you stuff now!" she called as she ran into the house.
"LMG, check. Rocket Launcher, check. Explosives, check. Knives, check. Okay, that should be enough to cause havoc for the city." William put said items into a bag and puts it on his back. He leaves the armory. "Now where to go first- THE HELL!" He exclaimed when someone ran into him.

"You're going after Will? Did he electrocute you too?" Natalya asked as she takes her foot off him and helps him up.
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"William!" Elinore exclaimed as she hugged him, only to remember what she was doing there, "but you're not William." she said with an evil grin, "so that means I have to hurt you until William comes back~" she cooed as she kept him held in a hug.
"Nope, he tried to blind me!" Tinko stated as he struggled to stand.


A small, speeding, sky-rover class aircraft darted across the city almost recklessly.

Inside an android in a monkey suit drove while Arata extended and contracted her baton.

"Why do you want to head into the city when you just got into school?!?" The driver asked.

"My husband and I may have inadvertently caused trouble." Arata stated "I need to see if I can help fix it, Martin"

Martin gave a synthetic sigh "Fine, where are we going specifically?"

"Look for either explosions, or a metal kid running around."

Another synthetic sigh followed.
Markus disguised as the ghost walked into the white fang check point. One of the members walked up to him and asked if he had permission to be there. In the lowest tone possible he said. "I am a ghost. A member of the elite fighting force run by the white fang... Move or it will end badly."

Tag me if I have to see it
"What are you talking about, honey? I am William!" William exclaimed as he tried to escape from Elinore's hug. "But let's not use violence to solve our problems. Can't we just talk this out like a normal couple?"

"Well we should get him as soon as possible." Natalya said. "Otherwise he might be on the news tomorrow morning."
"I dunno. Weren't you already chasing him with your friends? Why not call them to tell us where he is?" Natalya asked as she walks toward the air docks.
"Right!" Tinko said before whipping out his pad. After sending a message to Arata and waiting several seconds for a reply, he read the screen before turning back to Natalya with a smile.

"He hijacked one of the school's Bullheads, crashed it into the city's air docks and is now running loose in the city with nothing but violent thoughts and low inhibitions!"
"Yeah... that sounds about right." Natalya replied as they entered a airship that was heading to the city. Though they needed to show their IDs to enter due to a recent hijacking by a female student.
"Oh William, you sure are funny." Elinore said with a chuckle, "I know you're not my William, there's no use trying to trick me. The William I know would never just try to talk things through like a normal couple" she laughed, "now how about you tell me how to get William back?"
"Well I could tell you, but then that would be too easy." William said as he stopped struggling against Elinore's hug. "So I have no choice but to do this." Electricity surges out of the armored student and shocks Elinore continuously. "Let go of me or prepare to be electrocuted to death. I don't want to kill off my own girlfriend, mostly when she's giving me a hug."
Elinore jumped back at the first shock from electricity. "It'd be a shame if I had to hurt you too darling, especially by melting the flesh off your bones. I hear that hurts." she said as she burst into flames. Elinore had gotten a lot better at controlling her semblance "Do you think he can hear me in there?" she asked as she grabbed the axe off her back.
"Hmm, probably not. I made sure to make his time in his own mind... more enjoyable then the outside world." William replied as he gets off the ground. He opens up his bag and takes out a rocket launcher. "But you should be more worried about your own body, you damn girl. At least Archdeath is resistant to explosions and death!" He points the weapon at Elinore before pulling the trigger. BOOM! The front of the building explodes as fire spews out of the broken windows. William jumps out of the fire and lands on the street. "I wonder if that killed her... oh well! I can always find a new girlfriend later!" He said before noticing the bike next to him. Making a huge grin behind his mask, he gets on the bike before driving away from the burning building.
"Wait, what did you do in his....rocket launcher...of course a rocket launcher..." Elinore sighed. Her semblance flared to an inferno that would at least incinerate anything that would hit her, but it wouldn't shield her from the explosion. Her semblance as well drained quite a bit of her energy. It didn't take long for Elinore to pass out in the rubble.
Aires hard the commotion from the city all the way from where she say at Beacon. "What's going on?" She could see smoke in the sky. "To be honest with you Karmella I don't know why I was falling. All I remember is a great pain in my head and then it went dark." Then what sounded like a rocket launcher reached her faunus human ears. "I don't like the looks of that."
Karmella nodded before waving her hand haphazardly "Oh forget about that silly stuff, it's probably unimportant-"

Maxwell slammed his hand on the table and gestured towards the slowly growing trail of smoke.

Karmella waved it off again "Now tell me dear, what I'd really like to know is how you know the Masseman heir." She said


The Sky rover landed near the burning wreckage as William disappeared in the distance.

The doors slid open, and Arata walked out before motioning for Martin to follow. The robotic driver looked around at the flames in awe.


He turned back to his Mistress, who was kneeling down next to a body surrounded in a ring of debris.

"Martin, help me get her in the Rover." Arata said.

Martin hurried over and helped her get the girl into the Rover.

Arata shook Elinore "Come on, wake up now." She said as Martin took off

"The boy?" Martin asked

"He'll probably cause more explosions later on. Stay in safe airspace for now."

Martin nodded before pulling back as Arata tried waking up Elinore.
Aires became very uneasy sensing her friends were causing this. "He saved me. Though when I first met him he thought I was a teacher. He's a good person but for some reason I feel something is off." Her feathers began to hurt. Something was wrong.
"And his fiance?" Karmella asked "What can you tell me about Miss Mayumi?"

Maxwell stood from his chair and held a hand over his eyes to get a better look at the city.
Karmella pouted before leaning back and sipping more tea.

"Are you enjoying your drink darling?" Karmella asked as she regained her smile

Maxwell was desperately trying to draw attention to the destruction going on at the city.
"I am. It's delicious. Thank you!" She smiled sipping quietly when she heard wings.

"AIRES!" Kaze landed tucking his wings in. "Aires, there you are! You're friends! They need you!" He aid holding Karmella in his arms.

"Um Kaze . . . I'm over here." He then smells Karmella, "Oh forgive me miss." The blindfolded faunus let go and then reached out for Aires. "Elinore and Will they're in trouble. . . Real trouble!"
"You here that Maxwell?" Karmella asked "They might need help!"

Maxwell just raised his arms towards the smoking city with a groan.

"Well we're not going to miss out at all."

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