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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Ow... are we being attacked by Nevermores right now? Should I start shooting? But what was that, buddy? Something about sleeping? " William asked as he tries to get Aires off him, but suddenly becomes unconscious from the aerial attack. He lays on the ground and begins snoring.
"Perfect," Tinko clapped "thank you wing lady!"

Arata crouched down to check Will's breathing "He's out like a light."

"Now we just need to wait at this point."
Aires quickly rubs her head and opens her eyes. "You're welcome bit what did I do? Ahh! Will!" She gets off. "Will I'm so sorry I - Will?" She looked at Tinko "What's going on?"
"Should we....carry him to his bed or something?" Elinore asked as she sat next to where William was before he was knocked unconscious. "or...do we just let him lay here?" she didn't want him to just be on the roof. But he did say he was used to sleeping on the floor a while ago. "Can I at least try to clean off his armor?"
"Just trying to get the metal guy's memories back through tense mental struggle." Tinko said with a sigh.

Arata glared at Tinko "We didn't even restrain him. What if he lets IT happen while he's in there?"

Tinko frowned "Mayu-Chan's right," He turned to Elinore "We have to get him somewhere secure."
William wakes up and stands up. Apparently he wasn't on the roof anymore, but was in front of a deserted building surrounded by gravestones. "I can't believe that worked... wait a minute. Where's Archdeath?" He asked himself when he noticed the armored suit not on him anymore. He was now wearing cargo pants, a white shirt, and his jacket. Which means... "Still have my pistol and semblance at least." He muttered as electricity skids throughout his body. Looking at the gravestones, each didn't have a name on it. Just numbers imprinted at where the name of the deceased was suppose to be. "What does this mean?" Suddenly he heard the building's door suddenly open by itself. "Oh thats not creepy at all..." He approaches the entrance with his pistol in hand, ready to shoot anything that might come out of it. After a moment of waiting, he enters the building.
"Well let's take him to his-" Elinore stopped when she remembered that William's room wwas always booby-trapped, "he can stay in my room for now" she suggested instead
Tinko stretched his arms, "Okay, let's get this done quickly, just in case he lets out Rage."

He grabbed Will's legs and hoisted them up.

"Mayu-Chan, can you get his arms pretty please?"

Arata wordlessly walked over and wrapped her arms under Will's.

"Okay, 3...2...1" The pair hoisted him up.

"Okay chainsaw lady, lead the way." Tinko said
"Well actually I'm an axe lady" Elinore said as she helped lift William, "I uh....stole that chainsaw when I was being held captive." she said with a nervous laugh. She led the group to her room and set him down on her bed "You guys are welcome to stay a bit if you'd like" she said as she sat down at the edge of the bed.
Aires followed the group to Elinore's room when she saw Tavril Out of the corner of her eye. "I'll catch up." She said fading from the group to him.
"What we need, is to get some chains, lots of chains." Tinko stated "I'll go look for some, Mayu-Chan... you know what to do if Rage gets out."

Arata nodded before Tinko grinned and ran out.

Arata stared at Will unflinching before putting her hands in her pockets and leaning against a wall.
"WHY THE DUST WON'T YOU DIE?!" William exclaimed as he kept stabbing a strange looking Ursa with a metal fork he found on the ground. The Grimm(?) didn't seem to notice the utensil in its eye as it kept trying to get William off its back. It kept bashing itself into the walls, hoping for its prey to lose his grip. William begins smashing the fork deeper into the Ursa's eye, while using his free hand to keep his grip. The creature finally dies as it turns into ashes.

"That guy wasn't kidding about my mind having defenses..." He muttered to himself as he walks into the elevator in front of him. Ever since he entered the building, he needed to defeat AK-130s, Spider Droids, students from Beacon, the police, and Grimm just to make it to the elevator at the end of the hallway he was in.

"Now up or down?" There were two buttons on the panel, which could take him anywhere in his mind. Pushing the top button, the elevator doors close and he felt it go up. Then began the dreaded elevator music.

BUM, BUM, BUM, BUM, BUM, BUM. DA, DA, DA, DA, DA, DA. BUM, BUM, BUM- "I hate my mind..."
When the elevator finally arrived at its destination, William walks out of it with earplugs in his ears. Seems like his jacket had a pair of them in one of its pockets. "Now where am I?" He takes off his earplugs before inspecting the room he was in. The room was entirely made out of T.V screens connected to each other throughout the floor and walls. They were playing a different video on each screen. "Are these my memories?" He watches several of them and was happy with each one. The scenes he saw were from his time in Beacon Academy. "Okay, this is going to be easier the I thought it would be." He checked other T.V screens and slowly regained his own memory back.

After looking at the all of the screens, he noticed Archdeath standing in the elevator. "Where the hell were you when I was killing those things down there?" He asked the armored suit as he approaches the elevator. Archdeath simply waves goodbye when the elevator doors close by themselves. The T.Vs now had his mask on their screens. "It's not time for you to leave yet, William Reaper. There are still memories you need to watch before you leave your own mind." It said coldly before each screen played dark scenes from his past. "Dust..."


William wakes up to find himself in Elinore's room. A place 'he' hasn't been in for a while. He noticed Elinore and Arata were in the room with him and decided to greet them both. "Hello ladies. I think my memories are back."
Losing track of Tavril Aires lifted herself into the sky and kept going. "Why do I feel so lost?" You're not lost lovely. Mommy's here to help guide you. A horrid pain surged throughout her mind. "Ahh!" She screamed holding her head while trying to stay in the sky. Aires. Listen to your mother. I need you to kill, sweetheart. Kill. Or stop flying. "NO!!!" She screamed so loud it could've shattered human ears and then her mind causes her to black out. She begins to fall from the stratosphere. Aires . . . Fly, if you don't fly, you'll die, AIRES!
During the night Markus had a dream. He dreamed that he had caught Scarlet. That he was somehow able to get close to her. He saw what looked like himself in a mask, getting close enough to tranquilize her.

The next morning he awoke and saw the mask, sitting on his bed side table. He picked it. "I think I might be able to get close to her." He put on some black clothes, and his mask. He walked to the armory, and grabbed a sword and a shield. He put the sword on his back, with the shield covering it.

After he was done he went back to his house. "I will get you." He said to himself. He put on the mask, with some sun glasses to cover his eyes. He also had a voice modifier that could help disguise his voice, into a lower tone. "The ghost is coming for you." He said with his lower toned voice.

He left his house before sending Elinore a message saying. "I got to take care of some business. I won't be in contact for a couple of days." @noalaniwolf After he pressed send, he took his scroll and put it in a hole in one of the trees of forever fall. He walked, and walked until he found an checkpoint.
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Elinore had taken a wet piece of cloth and had started to clean off bits and pieces of the syrupy mess coating Archdeath. She looked up from polishing the mask when William woke up, "William! You're back!" she said with a happy and tired smile, "you were out for....some time," she yawned, "but I'm glad you got your memories back. You had me worried that you forgot them forever."
Karmella enjoyed a relaxing stretch as she embraced the bright sun. She laid back in a lawn chair that she had set up near a large fountain outside.

Maxwell stood nearby with his arms crossed as Karmella went on about her family's various plantations in Herst.

Suddenly the pair heard a loud scream, followed by shape momentarily blocking the Sun from Karmella.

Maxwell glanced in the direction of the screen while Karmella leaned out of her chair and pouted about how someone had the gall to interrupt her lounging.

Maxwell tapped Karmella on the shoulder, when she looked at him he pointed to a figure tumbling out of the sky.

"Oh my," Karmella said as she stood with her cane "I do believe the dear is in need of assistance."

Maxwell nodded as he traced the trajectory of the falling student.

"Well, go catch her." Karmella said as she stretched "I'll take my time getting there."

Maxwell nodded before turning and launching himself In the direction of the falling student with the sudden speed of a freight train.

When he found himself in position, he leaped towards her as she neared the ground. He wrapped his arms around her while minding the wings. He spun in air and landed on his back, using his own body as a safety blanket.

"Wonderful!" Karmella said as she clapped

Maxwell turned to see her right behind him. With a confused look, Maxwell glanced between her and where he saw her last.

Karmella walked by his side while Maxwell stood with the girl in his arms.

"Now then," Karmella said as she grabbed the rod of her cane and began poking at the student "wakey wakey!"

Arata let out a breath of relief at Will's recovery.

"Hopefully, there won't be any lasting effects on your mind" she stated "But for now... Congratulations."
Aires slowly woke up to a red figure and an intimidating figure. "What in the . . ." Her wings retracted inside her back as she asked, "Am I dead?"

Kaze knocked on Elinore's door. "Excuse me, but have any of you seem Aires?" They might not want to talk to me but at least they may know where she went. . . He slowly opened the door, "Remember Me?"
"Ah!" Karmella raised her hands in cheer "You're awake, Marvelous!"

Maxwell scanned her for injuries while Karmella calmed herself "No deary, you aren't quite dead."
Elinore looked at the blindfolded man who walked through the door. She stared at him for a couple seconds before shrugging, "Don't remember you at all~ Am I supposed to?" she asked as she returned to cleaning the mask, "Aires left to go talk to Tavril who probably is trying his best to avoid anyone. He doesn't like people." she chuckled.
Kaze turned his gaze in the direction of where Elinore was speaking. "Understood." He half expected Elinore's response and then turned his gaze to the scent of William. "We met once before. If you don't remember, well that's to be understood." He did to Will.

Aires could finally see correctly. She tried standing up but felt dizzy. "So that's what it's like to fall. . . Ugh what happened. I was pretty sure I was gonna die."
"Well first you disrupted my lounging here what with that little stunt." Karmella said as she began walking around Maxwell and the girl repeatedly tapping her cane against the ground

"Then I had Maxwell here go catch you, say hello Maxwell!"

Maxwell gave a grunt of acknowledgement before gesturing to the girl's legs.

Karmella seemed to get it "Oh yes, Are you able to walk darling?"
"I think I remember you. Your name is Kaze, if I'm correct." William said when he looked at the blind student. "Though what do you mean by lasting effects, my dear? Is it contagious to my mind?" He asked Arata.
Arata shook her head "My husband failed to mention that there's only a fifteen percent chance of coming back intact when doing this." She stated as she observed him "Accessing the subconscious usually comes with the risk of brain damage, MPD, accumulation of neural diseases, a chance for your subconscious to take control of the body instead, and many other increasingly horrible outcomes."
"15 percent chance!?!" Elinore snapped. Well, Aires knocked him out to start the process and she couldn't exactly stop that, but she'd never allow him to do anything like this if she'd known there was only a fifteen percent chance. Though it seemed like everything was okay....even though William was talking really weirdly.

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