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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Arata shook her head as she handed her soda to Tinko "I don't drink caffeinated beverages." She stated.

Tinko popped the top off both cans before downing them both.

"As for your question," Arata said "I have never lost my memory. Although my husband has claimed to be well versed in the field."
"I hope you're right." William said as he took the drink from Markus. He slowly opens it, expecting it to explode like his last can. Fizz... "Yesss... it didn't explode this time." He takes his mask off and drinks the soda. "Thanks for the drink." He told Markus before turning to Arata. " But how is your husband well versed on getting memory loss? Does he usually get shot or smacked in the head a lot?"
"Your welcome man." He said. He took another one form the table. He opened it and it went off in his face. "ELINORE!" He yelled. " Damn it." He walked down and grabbed a change of shirt and a towel to wipe his face off. After he finished he walked back up and grabbed a soda. He secretly shook the can. He was going to give it to Elinore. After he finished he walked over to Elinore. "Hey wanna soda, It was one I was holding so it shouldn't go off in your face."
Tinko finished the cans and gave a sigh of content.

"No friend," he said as he let his arms dangle at his sides "I know about memory loss because I have the unique ability to cut out parts of my memory."

Arata nodded in confirmation.
"Oh... that's totally different from my case." William sighs in disappointment. "Well if you're able to cut out parts of your memory, then can you regain them back? If so, is it possible to use this ability on other people's minds?"
"Aw but that's no fun." Aires pouted. "Fine. Kaze why are you wearing that blindfold?"

He remained silent for a long while until he finally decided to get up and leave without saying a word. "Huh? Kaze wait up I-"

"NO!" He yelled as he pushed Aires to the ground. He then flew away.
Elinore smirked as another one of her cans exploded. Markus returned with another can and offered it to her. She took the can and only popped it open enough to release the seal. The drink hissed and flooded over without exploding, "You almost got me, but you can't trick someone with their own habits." she cooed as she sipped the soda off the top of the can.
"Listen buddy," Tinko said "getting a memory back is usually easy for people who put enough effort into it."

He yawned again and nearly fell asleep on his feet.

Arata slapped him on the back of the head.

"Oh!" Tinko said, his eyes flying open before remembering what he was doing "right... It's going to be harder for you simply because you're susceptible. But I can try to help."

Arata gave a nod of approval.
Markus shook his head. "RRRRIIIIGGGGHHHHTTTT." He grabbed another can and shook it up, he didn't hide it this time. "But sometimes the master has to be shown that their is someone who can't be messed around with." He pointed the can at Elinore. "So, I have one question. do you feel lucky, huh, well do yah, punk?"
"You wouldn't dare." Elinore said as she stared the can down. "I have a human shield!" she announced as she hid behind William. She peaked over William's shoulder to watch the can. She'd come too far to fall in battle now!
"I'll appreciate it if you can help me with my memory problem." William asked while gritting his teeth. Apparently he didn't enjoy being called susceptible by someone who sleeps a lot. The word just annoyed him somehow. He then noticed Markus pointing his can at Elinore. Pulling out his pistol, he shoots the can, which exploded everywhere. "Oops... sorry. Just shot it out of reflex..."
"Thanks. But wouldn't you like to know who booby trapped that can of soda? Who drenched you in that sticky soda." He grabbed another can, and another. "I'll give you a hint, she's a faunus lover, and she's hiding right behind you... Would you like to get her back?" He held out a can of cola.
Aires fell backwards and ended up looking towards the sky. "So asking didn't work apparently . . . Ouch, he didn't have to push me, I am still recovering . . ." She looked up at Ben and then sighed, "I give."
Elinore laid her chin on William's shoulder and smiled "Thank you~" she cooed to William. Then Markus began his plot for revenge. "Now now William, we can work things out. You don't need to do that" she said nervously.
"Well, it's a bit more complicated than that." Tinko stated as he rubbed the back of his head nervously "The subconscious is usually very defensive of information that may cause harm to its host. If your mind doesn't want you to remember, then this has to be treated like a hostage situation. And since you're Susceptible, it could actually get lethal for those of us out here."

Arata sighed as she watched the soda duel apatheticly like always "Is there really a necessary point to this?"
"I really want to use it on her, but I can't. Something is telling me not to do it." William said as he took the can from Markus and points it at him. Then he directs his attention to Tinko. "Despite the dangers of doing it, I still want you to help me with my ordeal. I don't care if you have to strap me to a angry Ursa just to do it. I just want my memory back."
"Oh, I see how it is.... Then face my spinning soda can of death." He took a couple of the soda bottles, the 1 gallon jugs, and shook it up. He then threw it on the floor. It became a rocket and shot everywhere. "Haha. Now I am the victor!" He yells as he jumps off the building. Him being a monkey faunus helps him get a grip on one of the window ceils a couple of floors down.
"I can see and understand that perfectly fine bud," Tinko said "But that's not the problem, we'll have to disconnect you from your natural senses, send you into your own subconscious, and you'll have to pry it from your own mind."

Arata stared at where Markus had jumped "I'm serious, is this necessary in any way?"
"I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get my memory back. So please tell me how this works- what the dust?!" Soda from Markus's S.S.C.O.D splashed onto William's face. It quickly dissolved when electricity skidded throughout his body. "Permission to open fire at Markus, Elinore?" He asked as he points his pistol at the faunus below him.
"Permission not granted." Elinore sighed before licking the sweet drink off the back of her hand, "but we should probably clean that suit off, and take a shower or something." Elinore sighed.
Markus smiled. He got Elinore with some soda, and had some fun at the same time. He dropped to the ground, it was only a 30 foot drop right down. He looked back up at them. "See you guys in class tomorrow!" He yelled. He made his way back to the housing he had before he was dropped take classes. Ozpin wasn't that much of a hard ass.

He flicked on the T.V that was in the room, another new report."Oh great... It even details my raid..." He saw scarlets face, and was instantly pissed off, to the point where he would go out and try and find her.
Tinko sighed in relief when he realized their wasn't going to be shoot out on the roof.

"Okay, the quickest way to do it is to either get you into a lucid dream, or to get a hold of an isolation tank. Both options should lead you to a confrontation with your subconscious, but let me warn you... what most people don't understand is that the subconscious acts as a separate being that will not hesitate to defend itself in any way possible."

Tinko glanced at Arata before continuing "If you're able to overcome your mind's own defenses without triggering.... IT... you should be able to gain access to your collection of memories."

"But be warned, whatever it is your mind is keeping from you may actually be negative to remember. Something bad enough to make the subconscious go on lockdown, it may be.... shocking."
"I will, but not until I get instructions from our friend here." William said as he watched Markus leave. He sighs as he puts his pistol away again and puts on his mask. Luckily the inside of the mask didn't get any soda on it, otherwise it would have mess with its functions. "So get me into a lucid dream or a isolation tank in order to get my memory back. Okay. How do we do the dream option if there's no isolation tank in the academy?"
Aires quickly gets up and runs off into the sky. "I'll see you later Ben." Aires then saw Will and Lulu and some others. Aires then hurls herself into the group pulling her wings in and yelling, "Look out below!" When she then slams into Will with extreme force.
"That takes a bit more mental duress," Tinko said with a sigh "you just need to go to sleep. And then you have to realize you're asleep while you're asleep. You see?"

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