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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Me trying to kill you is second nature? I think me trying to kill everyone is more believable to say." William said as he looks back at Markus. Then glancing back at the couple, he recognized Tinko. "Didn't I nearly shoot you in the face before?" He asked Tinko.
"Yep," Tinko replied, "I'll probably never be able to trust you again. But I know it's not your fault, You're just Susceptible."

Arata just sighed, still keeping her tone of apathy "You'd be surprised how many times he gets weapons pointed at him."
Markus was still laughing. He couldn't control it. "You know..." He had a harder time breathing. "If you think about it... all of us, at one point or another has, or will have a gun shoved in our face."
"That's why I wear a armored suit and mask at all times. Keeps me safe from all sorts of bullets and blades." William stated while standing up to show off Archdeath. "It probably saved me from getting serious injuries and death. Well... I think it did. Can't really remember much of my past right now."
"Yep," Tinko stated before lounging back "I don't think me and Mayu-Chan could go a month without trying to kill each other, Right?"

Arata nodded apatheticly " It is a relaxing experience."
Elinore returned to the roof with a bundle of sodas in her arms. She kicked open the door with a loud "Yoosshh! Drinks!" though when she saw that Tinko and Arata had arrived on the roof she stopped and sighed, "I'll go get more." she mumbled as she put the ones in her arms down and headed back to the stairwell.
Markus took this chance to go with her. "hey wait up!" He said as he ran to catch up to her. "So what I said during the mission where I saved you was a little interesting." He said, it was a little awkward.
about time to unpack. Micheal had only taken a few things with him on his sabbatical he had been sent to study the world and learn more about the place he had been deposited. now his pack and duffle bag were full with books mementos and other things he had collocated a few things from his teacher... Zale who had been assigned to him by oz. during there time together they had fought monsters toured the dust mines and saw historic sites and en posed the academy's influence when necessary. in the time they were together Micheal had advanced a full year and was technically now in his second year of training at beacon. pulling out the shield that he had made while away, and the heavy armor his treachery had got for him.
Elinore tilted her head in confusion to Markus' remark "What do you mean? You said something about breaking me out...or something." her memory of the whole thing was really blurry. It could be because at the time her neck was bleeding out after almost being slashed by the people who had been keeping her captive for a week. Or something like that.
Professor Ozpin was walking around the school. He did it from time to time, it was a way for him to focus on everything. He was walking from one building to another. After that he walked from the admin building around campus. He walked into one of the buildings and heard some clangs coming from the basement. He walked around until he noticed a door, he knocked on the strange door.

"I said goodbye, and that I was sorry to you." He followed her.
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"Well there's not really anything for you to be sorry about," Elinore said with a smirk, "but if you wanna make it up to me" Elinore started as they approached her room "you carry half the load this time. And you should probably avoid drinking any of the ones I carry. I shake them up. A lot." she said as she leaned down over her bed to pick up a few more cans she'd stashed in the crevice between her bed and the wall.
Markus actually smiled for once. "Yeah, sure. I'm only going to be having one. I... We got class tomorrow." He said. He had class even thought he was a security official at the school.
bang bang bang. "what in the sam hell" Micheal moved up to the door to his room and opened it and there stood ozpin in all his coffee cup and scarf. "good to see you oz. how have you been, has been some time."
"That it has." He said as he took a sip of his coffee. "Would you care to take a walk?" He asked gesturing to the door leading up to the ground level of the school.
"Yes he was. He was a good teacher, and an even better friend." He said as he walked outside. His cane went clang clang clang on the pavement. "So, how have you been?"

"So what are your thoughts on william being back?"
"He is trouble, will is" micheal pulled out his pipe and stuck it in his mouth with out lighting it. And continued. "I suppose I have been well"
Elinore tossed a couple sodas back to Markus and picked up a couple more herself, "They're just soda. Well I guess if your the kind who has a hard time sleeping with caffeine in your system then you probably shouldn't have too many." she said with a shrug. "I'm ecstatic that William is back though. I've been trying to hunt Natalya down for the past month to find him, and then he just...shows up. Well, he can't remember anything, but we can work through that. Let's head back." she said as she shook a can and headed for the door again.
"Yes he is... But he is still a hard worker, a great fighter." He said. "So you were on many adventures. Tell me about them."

"Yeah, I told him about he almost killed me, and how I turned to help this school... And about the white fang." markus said as he followed her out. "Listen I wanted to talk to you about something... I know you and william were a thing.... I wanted you to know that I saved you, and he wasn't around... What do you think he was doing?" 
Constellion was sitting at his desk, like he always would. He had his white gloves on, no need to get his precious skin cells, and DNA all over. There was a knock on the door. "Come in." He said in his low and scratchy voice. The big and burly man walked in. "I see you made it away, what about the other, did she?"
"Still are a thing....probably.....you know I should ask him about that later. Hopefully this time he won't put me in a coma," Elinore laughed. The last time there'd been grey area on the subject William didn't react very well. This time should probably go better though. "I dunno where he was. I was pretty sure he was there...at least at the beginning. Maybe he thought I died or something so he stopped." she said with a shrug.
"I'm just hoping that he won't try and kill me, when were on a mission!" Markus said. "So... What classes do you have tomorrow?"
"We could just ask him if anything is wrong." Ben replied to Aires in a hushed voice. "There is no need to make any haste decisions." The monkey faunus then sat in a crouch with his tail flicking in the air.
Grabbing the cans Elinore brought up before she left to get more, William sits down on the edge of the roof. He hands Tinko and Arata a can each. "Have one of you ever lose your memory before?" He asked as he opened his can of soda. SPLOSH! Dark liquid exploded out of the can and drenched William in its sugary goodness. "Don't open the cans. They've been booby trapped..."
"He should be fine...maybe. I'm pretty sure...unless someone starts giving orders, then anything could happen...unless he's resistant this time? Ah, who knows." Elinore tried to reason. It really wasn't working though. They arrived back on the roof and Elinore kicked open the door again "YOOSSHHHH. I have more soda. No one new this time? No? Good." she said firmly as she placed the rest of the cans in a pile "Alright. Roof relaxation time." she said as she sat down. William was covered in soda. She broke out into a grin, which slowly evolved into a fit of laughter.
Markus followed her in. He looked at William who was covered with soda. "Looks like he had one of your sodas." He whispered to Elinore. He walked over to William. "Here, try this one. I give my word it isn't booby trapped." He held out a soda.

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