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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Ahh." He says with a quiet nod before stopping for a moment to think. "Well im gonna bail before i have to clean this up."
"Ah!" Karmella said in realisation "Well a lady of my stature has no place cleaning up the refuse of romance."

She looked back and nodded towards Maxwell, who slid the Revo-blade into his coat and one else down with a slow sigh.

"See you later whoever you are, Darling." Karmella said as she slid one leg over Maxwell's shoulder and soon sat around his neck "Maxwell, Away!"

Maxwell stood with a groan before turning and running down the hall with Karmella riding atop his shoulders.
Marcus sighed, what a poor man. He looked around the destroyed room and smirked. He then ran off at full speed to the roof.
"Really? We talked about dancing before?" William asked as they made their way to the roof. He noticed a faunus student listening to music and suddenly had the urge to kill them. Which was weird, since he didn't know who the student was at all. "Hello, have we met before?" He asked the student as he approaches him with Elinore.
"Well there was a school dance that...exploded before we got a chance to actually dance." Elinore explained as they got into the roof. Markus was sitting up there already. "William, this is....also Markus. I've gotta start giving them nicknames." she sighed. "Lemme grab a couple sodas from my room, we can all just hangout here a bit." she said before heading back to the stairwell.
Markus looked at william a little weird. "Nice to meet you." He said hesitantly. "I'm Markus.. SSoooo, you don't remember a single thing about me?" He asked. If he didn't then this might be a way to start new with this guy.

Constellion was sitting at his desk, like he always would. He had his white gloves on, no need to get his precious skin cells, and DNA all over. There was a knock on the door. "Come in." He said in his low and scratchy voice. The big and burly man walked in. "I see you made it away, what about the other, did she?"

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"Yep, I have no memory of you. But I do have a strange urge to strangle you to death." William replied. "Can you explain why I want to kill you? Did we have a huge fight or argument last time we met? "
"Just a little." He was lying right through his teeth. William almost killed Markus. "I was bad then I turned good, and I have been helping beacon and the students here try and find white fang members and question them." He scratched his chin, which was still a little bit covered in dirt.
Kaze sat down, "I guess I could introduce myself to you, now that I'm officially a student here. The name's Kaze, Kaze Phoenix. You have the scent of my sister so I followed it. Which in turn led me to you." He held out his hand "Nice to meet you. I only ask a direct question because I sense she has a certain fondness towards you." He turns his head in Ben's direction. "So I'm wondering if you have a certain attraction towards her."
"Bad as in I was once a member of the white fang, I came close to killing you, and almost everyone in this school, and almost destroyed it as well.... But I turned away from that. I gave a lot of information, I am becoming an hunter, and I even saved Elinore from certain death." He said as he looked around for Elinore. "Speaking of her, where did she go?"
"I guess you could say that the feeling is mutual. I am Benjamin Grey." the faunus said as he shook Kaze's hand. "So you just joined Beacon? Any reasons or just cause?" he asked after sitting back down again.
"Elinore went to get some drinks for us." William said as he looked up at the sky. "But back to the previous subject, did you feel like you were the bad guy during your time in the White Fang? Or did you think you were doing the right thing? Were you fighting for them because of their ideology, for your own reasons, or for money?"
"I have a mission. I can do anything Aires can even though I'm blind and I need to prove that." He said determined when he heard a pair of wings. "Speak of the devil."

Aires appears flying and dives towards Ben. "I found you!" She said giggling and smacks into him. "I'm so sorry I feel asleep on your bed. I swear I didn't mean to." She pecks his cheek clearly oblivious of Kaze.

Kaze then clears his throat. "Um . . . Yeah hi."
"It's fine. I personally prefer the ground. Guess it's what I am used to." he replied with a grin. "Glad you are awake. Your head better?" Ben asked as his face became a little concerned.
"I was fighting for the white fang because one day when I was a young faunus. These humans broke into our house. They ravaged our home, beat my father to a bloody pulp, and took my mother in for marrying a faunus. She was human... At first when the white fang was peaceful I was just doing the rallies, and everthing else. Then I changed with it and became a very angry and very bad person... I thought I was doing the right thing, but looking back I wasn't." He said. "I wear a mask to hide myself from myself because I am ashamed of eveything I had done." He pulled his mask out. The mask.
"Uh yeah actually it's gone." She smiled slowly getting off of him. "Haha hi Kaze. Huh? Why are still wearing the blindfold?"

Kaze crouched away, "Don't touch me."
William was silent for a few moments before he starts laughing. "You're going to wear a mask because of your past? Wow, how dramatic." He keeps on laughing and nearly falls off the roof. "That was a close one." He said as regains his composure. "Sorry about that, I have no idea where that laughter came from."
Aires then whispered into Ben's ear, "Hold him down for me? He's too strong for me but somethings off, he never use to wear the blindfold." She looks at him and takes his hand, "Please?"

Kaze looked over at them, "Hey what are you two talking about?" He asks nearing them.
Tinko sat on the windowsill of Arata's room, sleeping of course. He tipped dangerously in his snooze. Just before he fell Arata reached out and grabbed hold of him. Tinko woke up to the sight of the ground as Arata pulled him back inside where he flopped onto the floor.

Arata had changed into her uniform and stared down at him with her usual apathy.

Tinko blinked a couple times before saying "Hey Mayu, you know I can see up your skirt right?"

"Unimportant," she replied "are you not going to show me the school? Will you not fulfill a try husband's duty?"

Tinko chuckled, "You said dooty... fine" he yawned and stood " we can walk around while I point and talk about stuff."

Tinko walked to the door with Arata trailing behind.

He began showing her around in a way only Tinko could.

"So this place is uhhh, where I go to sleep. And it's also where everyone else eats for some reason."

"I fought some Grimm over here, not very important, but That spot over there was where I fell asleep afterwards!"

"This is where an angry guy almost killed me for some reason, but a nice lady saved me!"

The Asset you fool!

"And this is the roof!" Tinko stated as he threw open the door and stepped out into the wind with Arata trailing behind "Where a lot of students come to have emotional confrontations, well besides the forest."

Arata kept the same emotionless face through it all, somehow able to get useful information from Tinko's partial tour.
Markus kind of laughs at it too, but not as hard. "Yeah thinking about it, it does seem a bit weird. To the white fang I am dead, thrown into the ocean. So I am like a ghost, back from the dead. Haunting them... It's ironic because I was sent here to kill you, a long time ago, but you almost killed me." He was still laughing hysterically.
"So that's why I have a urge to kill-" William pulls out his pistol when the roof access door suddenly opened. He points his firearm at the newcomers. "Hands where I can see- damn, I did it again. Dust." He muttered as he puts the pistol back into his jacket. "So... are you two here to have a emotional confrontation with each other? Because Markus and I weren't doing that... I think."
"No." Arata replied as she glanced at Tinko "I'm still new, so my husband offered to show me around."

"I'm a gentleman!" Tinko said with pride as he stuck a thumb towards himself
"No we weren't... Somethings are just second nature, like you trying to kill me... Wait what did you say? I have been here for a while now and I have never had a emotional confrontation up on this roof." He said packing away the mask that he had used for so long. "A gentleman maybe." He whispered.

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