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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"I have nothing to say in my defense." William stated after being freed from his frozen prison. If he didn't have Archdeath on when it happened, he probably would be freezing right now. "Look, I wasn't prepared for that trap. But now I know that I should enter my room with caution." He slowly enters his room, which was dark due to the window being covered by a curtain. Turning on his mask's night vision, he sees a cat on top of his bed. Though the cat was made out of metal and it had a SMG attached to its back. "Meow." Bullets rapidly hit William as the cat began firing at him, having no intention on stopping its current deed. "Elinore... why is there a cat shooting at me? Is this even possible at all?" William asked as the bullets simply ricochet off his armor.
"EL~ Stop thaattt." Elinore sighed and she stood behind William, using him as a shield, "it's just William....but stop anyways." she yelled over to the cat, "William, this is EL. You made her right after you put me in a comma because you thought you killed me. She's pretty irrational. Also she's in a robot cat suit because I wouldn't stop bugging you and Alex about it."
"Greetings Elinore, I haven't seen you since 3 weeks, 5 days, 12 hours and 1 minute ago. Though I feel insulted for being called 'pretty irrational' by you." E.L said as the A.I stopped firing at William. She walks over to the couple before climbing on top of William's head to lay down there. "Why would I... oh my gosh, I created this A.I because I thought I killed you before?! What the hell is wrong with me!" William said before grabbing E.L and inspecting her body. The A.I's mechanical cat body was no doubt made by Alex's own hands. "Please let go of me. I do not like being lifted." E.L stated before scratching William's mask with her metal claws. "Elinore... does the academy have any metal crushers? I need to throw out some scrap metal right now." He asked as he left his room to find a garbage can nearby.
Arata was caught off guard when suddenly another student stepped out of a room with a metal bird. She bumped into him and lost her grip of Tinko who fell to the floor. Arata immediately spun around to stop him before he could escape when she realized it wasn't Tinko.

It was a sack of flour.

Arata cursed silently before reaching into her pocket for her baton.
"What? No!" Elinore said as she snatched EL away from William, "she's semi-mine and no one's allowed to hurt her! Except fr me if she even tries to scratch me." she said as she shot a glare towards the cat. "well to be fare, if I killed someone as amazing as me I'd be upset too." Elinore snicked back. "people do weird things when they're upset, like make AIs...or put ribbons on the necks of every rabbit they can get their hands on..." she said, adding the last part quietly.
Before William could say anything, he noticed the girl he bumped into grabbing something in her pocket. "If you don't want to die early, I suggest you pick up that sack and walk away." He warned as electricity skidded across his body. "I'm not in the mood for a fight."
"Don't care, it's not mine." Arata stated before kicking the bag half-heartedly "And now I have to go beat my husband to within an inch of his life for this."

She began walking back the way she came while pulling out her baton.

She turned around briefly "It was a pleasure to meet you." she stated before continuing on her way.


"Woah, this place is dark" commented Tinko as the three of them entered a large storage room "What is all this stuff."

"Odds and ends that are used as replacements when equipment breaks down, or as I like to call them Furniture!" Karmella stated

Maxwell just trudged over to a large box and sat on it before looking down at his hands.

"Hm, I could probably sleep peacefully here!" Tinko said as he gave Karmella a thumbs up
"Yeah, same here." William said as he watched Arata walk away from them. After she disappeared from his sight, he turns to Elinore. "Wanna save that husband of hers from death, Elinore? I bet we can get money or a favor out of him for saving his arse." He asked her, before walking the same way Arata took.
Elinore put the mechanical cat down and followed beside William, "Uh....I think I'll hold off giving you that whole compasion- don't let anyone else die speech for now. Just don't go shooting anyone who doesn't need to be shot" she said with a smirk and she playfully bumped into William.
Marcus had gotten bored of just waiting his room he got up and decided to explore. He walked around the hallways not having a real perpouse beyond exploring the massive school.
Markus had returned to beacon empty handed, and to a very angry, and distempered ozpin. He had no choice, he had to sit in ozpin's office. 'Here we go again... yep, shouldn't of risked my team....all the resources.... did he say something about cats, I don't know..." He kept on thinking as ozpin just laid right into him. Then the topic came to the surface. "Until you have found some patience, and some decent human, or Faunus manners, your going to be taking classes again..." Markus's eyes shot right open. "But sir... I have so many..." He was cut right off. "I don't care... you have cost this school to many resources, time, and people.... I hate doing this, but it has to be done." He said as he took a sip from his coffee. "You start tomorrow." Markus was so angry, he didn't want anymore of the conversation. He slammed the door open, then walked out. He didn't even close the door.

Outside he found some refuge on the rooftop. Their was a boom box. He turned it on and sat on the edge of the building. "Stupid Ozpin... Stupid Scarlet.. Stupid school... Maybe I should just go back to the white fang, they might accept me back... Maybe." He shook his head. "No, two raids. they wanted me dead before that..." He saw his ship. "They even grounded
My ship." He wasn't happy.
"Upset?" A single message was sent from Elinore's scroll to Markus'

Elinore stopped when she saw another student aimlessly wondering the halls "Yosh!~" she called over to the student, "you doing anything? We could maybe use some help breaking up a fight!" she called over to him with a wave of her arm. "You new here? I've never seen you before."
Marcus was suddenly interrupted from his thoughts by a girl calling him over. She asked if he was doing anything and he raised a eye brow. "No im not doing anything." He stopped when he heard about a fight, that was something he could get into. "Yeah im new, what fight are you talking about?"
"Fine, I'll only shock them with my semblance or hurt them with my fists. No shooting people in the face this time." William replied before patting Elinore's head. His hand seemed to have move by itself when he did that, almost as if it was a common action for him to do whenever Elinore was close to him. But before he could think more about it, he noticed Elinore call out to random student. "A fight between a young married couple in the academy. We're currently following one of them to the fight. Come along if you want to." He told Marcus, but while still keeping his eye on Arata, who was further down the hallway they were in.
Elinore shrugged her shoulders, "something about a girl angry at her husband or...something. We're just checking it out. Gunna make sure no one gets too hurt. Name's Elinore by the way, and that's William" she said as she pointed towards the armored student beside her, "he's a little...trigger happy." she said with a laugh. "Just try not to electrocute them, okay William? Your track record isn't the best."
Markus's scroll lit up... It was Elinore. He opened the message. "How could you tell, was it the yelling... Or me sitting on the edge." He replied back. "What happen to your scroll, I thought Scarlet had it?" He replied back. @noalaniwolf
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"Married? I thought it was younger students here." He said curious as he went with them. "My name is marcus." He said to both of them nodding at their introductions. "My track record is clean for now, ill probably stop them if need be." He said in a tone that suggested he was trigger happy too.
"Roger that, Elinore. Only electrocute when it's necessary." William said unconsciously, still keeping his eye on Arata.
Arata retraced her steps back to the last spot she was positive she had Tinko, which was only right before she had met the two other students. Sighing, she followed the hall until it forked off. Bending low, she found a clump of black fur lying near the wall of the other path. It felt exactly like the fabric of her fiancé's new bathrobe.

She began making her way down the other hall.


"And then she ups and nearly cracks my head open on the floor." Tinko said as he and his two new friends enjoyed some tea together in the storage room. He wasn't even sure where Ms. Valentino got it, but it was sweet

"Oh that was a marvelous one Mr. Masseman." Karmella said after a sip "Now tell us more about the more extensive machines your company helped create."
Elinore looked between William and Markus and sighed. "Yeah, sure, just...don't kill anyone William." she sighed again. The woman they were following stopped to pick up something before continuing on, "looks like we're getting close."
With Aires asleep on his bed, Ben got bored after some time had passed. I need fresh air, he thought before deciding to climb to the roof. Maybe I should let her know. Meh, nevermind. She should know where I'll be. If she needs me, she'll come get me, the Faunus rationalized before actually climbing through. "Guess I forgot to close it back up from when Alex busted in." But I did have a new door. Guess they must've just left it open when they fixed it. My room does get hot. Oh well. Nothing is missing so why worry, the thoughts raced through Ben's head as he climbed up to the roof and began to walk on his hands to "his" spire.
"-and there were at least 28 models destroyed along with the train, you should've seen my dad's face when he found out that even his precious X20-Gravedigger had been destroyed as well-" Tinko was interrupted by the door, which slammed open.

Tinko and his new friends visibly flinched before turning towards the door and, specifically, the figure standing near the door.

"Aw poop," Tinko said as Arata glared at him with her usual stoic face "look Mayu I can explain-"

"Fight me." Arata cut him off

Tinko blinked as Maxwell and Karmella glanced at each other.

"Don't just stand there," Arata said as she flared the electricity in her baton "Raise your armaments and prepare yourself."

Tinko sighed "Do I have to?"

"Absolutely." Arata stated "Let me remind you why we love each other through the barest expressions of physical violence."

Maxwell moved to intervene, but Karmella held him back "Oh Maxwell darling don't ruin it." she said before clapping her hands together "they're having a moment!"

Tinko walked up to Arata "Mayu, I really care about you... I don't wanna hurt you." he pleaded

"Just think bad thoughts," she said as she twirled her baton "you'll do what's natural."

Tinko looked down and nodded before going silent for a bit, then slung a fist that connected with the side of Arata's face.

Arata backed up a bit as she clutched her cheek, then looked up to see Tinko cleaving a Revo-Blade towards her. She blocked it with her baton, and the two ended up pressing their weapons against the other's in a fight to gain leverage.

Maxwell grew a concerned look and turned to Karmella, who was clapping at the spectacle and cheering them on politely. Maxwell's expression turned annoyed, and he crossed his arms before watching with a defeated sigh.

Arata cartwheeled out of the room to avoid another slash from the Revo-Blade and leaped as Tinko swung it through the space she previously occupied.

Whipping several more Revo-Blades from his bathrobe, he promptly launched them toward Arata in a barrage.

Arata landed, glanced up to see the blades flying towards her, and darted to the side as they buried themselves in the wall.

Once the Revo-Blades were done, she spun to see Tinko raise one from the depths of his bathrobe before firing it in the direction she was headed.

She slid to a stop and backflipped onto the embedded Revo-blade to elude it.

Tinko fired at her as Arata traversed the embedded Revo-blades to dodge.

She stopped when she heard the click of the Weapon go empty, then looked up at Tinko expectantly as he pouted and slid out the cylinder of his Revo-blade.

At that point she pulled out a second baton which quickly contorted into a Silenced pistol. Tinko pressed several buttons which caused the embedded Revo-blades to light up just as Arata jumped into a twirl.

The embedded Revo-blades automatically fired, launching themselves out of the wall. Arata contracted her baton and fixed it to the barrel of her pistol.

The Revo-blades clattered to the floor as Arata fired the baton at Tinko.

It smashed against his forehead and bounced into the air as he stumbled back.

She dropped to the floor and darted to him before snatching the baton and spinning. The baton careened into the side of his head before bursting with electricity.

Tinko grit his teeth as the volts spasmed throughout his face, but raised his free hand to grasp the baton and pull.

He cracked his head against Arata's, leading them both to stumble back.

"Do you see?" Arata asked as she massaged her head "I love you."

Tinko replied in kind "I betcha I love you more Mayu-chan."

"Prove it."

And so they went at each other in a flurry of bullets and metal on metal collisions with the occasional grunt of pain.
Marcus could do nothing but raise a eye brow at the spectacle before him. He actually forgot for a bit he was supposed to be helping stop this fight just by the the sheer strangeness of it.

About halfway threw he remembered that he was asked here to stop the fight and took his spear from his back. While maxwell was convinced to not intervene akio went for the barest of orders he was first given, stop the fight.

He walked over till he was only a dozen steps away and and said. "You know while i know its rude to intervene in a lovers quarrel especially on the first day but i was asked to stop this fight so ill give you 10 secs till i join in." His voice was almost dial tone emotionless and he twisted the back 3 links of his spear till he heard satisfying clicks.
Arata and Tinko backed away while panting, after a few seconds of panting they both turned to acknowledge the new kid.

"Mr. Masseman, do you know this kid?" She asked Tinko

"Not at" he winced " all, Mayu-Chan. Although he was there when you enrolled... I think."

Arata just stared at him for a couple seconds while Tinko fretted over his memory.

"Okay," Arata stated "go fish."

Tinko blinked, scratched his head, and set one of his Revo-blades to Overcharge.

The two separated as Tinko darted towards the new kid as Arata ran along the wall before opening fire on him.

Tinko felt the bullets whizz over his head before he spun and swung the blades towards him.

Maxwell facepalmed at the idiocy of it all, he turned to see that Karmella had actually gotten hold of another cup of tea. She cheered them on as Maxwell cringed.
Elinore...stayed back. Apparently what she thought was some type of fight out of anger was a display of love. She...wasn't sure if she wanted to intervene anymore. She wondered if it was common, and in the back of her mind she kind of wished William had that kind of mindset. That was she wouldn't feel as bad every time he had a gun pointed at her head.

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