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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Aires smiled and pushed Kaze in front of Ozpin. "Sir, my vast knowledge of dust can be useful to this academy, plus though I am blind, I am better in touch with my aura than any other student here. Being a Hunter means being strong and fighting for good." Kaze looked back at Aires.
"That sounds nice, but it doesn't explain why you really want to join my academy." Ozpin said while staring at Kaze. "So I'm going to ask you again. What's your name and why do 'you' want to become a Hunter at my academy."
Kaze became nervous. He couldn't see Ozpin, but could feel his authority. "Tell him." Aires said.

"My name is Kaze Phoenix and I want to become a Hunter to protect the innocent and the weak, and where better to become one than Beacon. So with all due respect sir, I'm not leaving." He stood his ground and Aires nodded in approval. She felt somehow connected top her brother for the first time. People do change. She thought to herself.
Arata stood from the chair just as Tinko rolled over to get more comfortable in his sleep, she glanced at the students at Ozpin's desk and inwardly sighed.

She then proceeded to walk over Tinko, full on stepping on his stomach before standing behind the students to patiently wait her turn as Tinko clutched his stomach and writhed in pain.
Elinore never turned to look back at William, but she smiled, "We met on the initiation day. You were teamed up with a bear faunus I thought was an Ursa. So I tried to kill him. You're little cyborg deal interested me to be honest. From there, we just hung out a lot. You joined me up here on the rooftop and we would hang out, ya know? Until that day the bear brothers invited us over to lunch.." she sighed. Elinore continued on with the story, taking him all the way to the point where he put her in a comma on accident. She turned to look at William and tilted her head, "do you want me to continue?"
"I see... then sign this form if you really want to become a Hunter." Ozpin said as he places the application form on his desk. He then turns his attention to Arata. "Are you finished writing down your form?"

"I honestly don't know if you should continue, since nothing is really ticking in my brain at all. It just sounds like gibberish to me." William confessed while looking at sky. "I mean, did I really do all of that? It just sounds like my past self was a crazy bastard with a lot of issues." Without moving his face away from the sky, he slides a bit closer to Elinore. "Though I do want to believe in what you just told me about myself. It's a hell lot better then being Mr. Idon'tknowwhoamatall."
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Benjamin walked back to his room and took a place at the desk. He changed into his uniform for the rest of his classes, even if he despised the colors of the coat and pants. He knew everyone else was roaming during this free time, but he felt that he had been out a lot recently and was enjoying the fact he had a room.
"Yes sir," Arata stated before handing him his form "is there anything else you'll need?"

Tinko struggled to get to his feet, he could feel the love emanating through the pain. He... was... so loved.

My Lord, I missed her so much.
Kaze gives the forms to Aires and she begins to fill them out. After a while she finally finishes. "Here." She says handing the paperwork to her brother. Kaze places the forms on Ozpin's desk. "I am blind after all." He smirked slightly.

Aires excused herself and made her way down through the halls of Beacon. Passing to go to her room she walks by Ben's room and can't help her urge. She knocks on his door.
Ozpin reads the forms silently before looking at his new students. "Kaze Phoenix and Arata Mayumi, welcome to Beacon Academy. You will begin your classes tomorrow." He said before Goodwitch gave them their new scrolls. "These scrolls will be a important device for you two to carry around during your time in Beacon. Though I will have someone modify your scroll to meet your needs, Kaze." Ozpin then tells them what their room numbers are and that their uniforms will be ready for them when they arrive there. "You two can leave now, but please take Tinko with you. I don't need him sleeping on my floor again." He then turns his attention to Marcus. "Now what is your name and why do you want to become a Hunter at my academy?"
Arata nodded before turning towards Tinko.

"Everything's fine and dandy now right?" Tinko asked " I can go sleep now right?!?"

"Aren't you going to make sure I get to my room safely?" She gave him an unimpressed looks"You're such a horrible husband."

"Well," Tinko said as he rubbed the back of his head and yawned "technically we aren't married yet. It's sort of like a pre-order thing, we're scheduled to get married when we're both old enough."

Arata shook her head in minimalistic dissatisfaction, she then stooped down and grabbed Tinko's legs.

"Uh, Mayu? I don't think that's how you give a hug to-."

Tinko was caught off guard when Arata suddenly stood, still gripping his legs in a vice like grip. His face connected with the floor, as she was still considerably short.

Arata turned back to Ozpin, "I apologize for my husband's behaviour, he's still yet to be introduced to proper manners."

She then walked toward the door, Tinko slung over her shoulder with his head dragging on the floor.

"Hold on-Ow!- I can walk perfectly-OW- THAT TILE HAD A-" his head banged against the door on their way out Tinko grabbed for it "WAIT! NOT THE WHOLE WAY BACK!HELP, I'M BEING LOLI-NAPPED! LOLI-NAPPED!!!!"

His cries faded down the hall.
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"Huh? Um, hello?" Ben asked, a little alarmed at the knock on his door. Calm down Ben. You aren't doing anything illegal. Just chill, he reminded himself. "Come on in, door's unlocked."
Aires opened the door slightly, "It's just me." She said coming into his room. "Mind if I hang out with you?" She asked already plopping herself onto his bed and basically passing out. "Wow . . . My bed isn't nearly this comfortable . . ." Aires said slowly falling asleep on his bed.

Kaze was standing in the middle of his room. "I made it. I finally made it into Beacon. YES!"
"My name is Marcus and there is only one reason i want to enter this academy. I want to get stronger so i can take revenge the the people who made my life what it has become. I cant move forward with my life till i know their dead." He said in a tone with no hesitation but his voice choked ever so slightly. Many people always assumed that he didnt care for those back then when he watched one of his comrades bleed out without a word but even then he cared but he knew it was to late already, even with treatment.
"You want to become a Hunter to get revenge on those who affected your life? Don't you know a Hunter's main job is to keep the peace and fight against the Grimm, not to become murderers themselves?" Ozpin asked Marcus with a calm voice.
Elinore sighed and shook her head, "So it's not going to work this time..." she said softly. She smiled weakly at William and looked back down at the ground. "I'm sorry William, I don't know what I'm supposed to do. But if you ever think of something that might work, I'll always be here." she said before kneeling in front of William and prying off his mask, "I promised you one of these the other days," she said before kissing him softly. Elinore almost immediatly stood up in a deep blush "Uh..sorry! I'm still like a complete stranger to you in your head!" she squeaked before holding out his mask for him while looking away from him "here. Sorry."
William takes his mask back from Elinore, but doesn't put it back on yet. He was still in shock from the kiss he received. "No need to be sorry. That felt... nice." He said before standing up. "I'll take you up on that offer of yours, Elinore. If I ever find a way to regain my memory, you'll be the first one to know about it." He kisses her forehead before putting on his mask to hide his blushing face. "So... do you know where the dorms are? I have no idea where it is and I need your help finding it, if you aren't busy right now."
"Those men gathered over 100 kids not older then 10 and trained us to kill and took away our lives, i dont even know if i have a family beyond the day i found myself there 10 years old. All i knew is that the end of my time there i was the only one left alive. And all of this just to destroy this place." He says with a bitter laugh. "I dont know whats so special about it but anyone who can do that children is worst then a grimm. All i know is currently with my strength im not strong enough to do anything and if i die the process will just start all over. Maybe after my comrades have peace in their graves i can protect and serve but until then i have no reason for this life. What do i have to do to get the power i need?"
Elinore nodded and began to walk towards roof access door, "I can take you to your room...but be careful. Try to open the door from a distance or something. You're kind of known for having an ice dust trap rigged to your door." she said with a nod as she led the way. She refused to look up from the ground the whole way. She took him to the hallway and pointed at one of the doors "it's that one. William. I don't know how well you can trust me, but don't trust Natalya." she said coldly, "there was a reason you left her to go work with Alex and then enroll in Beacon. And whatever reason that was was probably erased from your memories as well, but it still exists." she looked up at William and put her hand on his shoulder, "you need to be careful around her. The last time you had your memories was when she kidnapped you."
"If you want power, then I suggest signing this form right here." Ozpin said as he slides the application form to Marcus. "I don't know if this is the right decision or not, but I cannot turn away a student who wants to learn with a purpose in life. But once you've accomplished that purpose of yours, you must keep your word on becoming a true Hunter. Do you have any rejections to what I have said just now?"

"Yeah, I'll try being careful around Natalya. Though I already have a strange grudge against her, since she might be the cause of my memory loss this time." William said as he puts his hand on top of Elinore's hand. "But don't worry about me too much, okay? I am totally capable of watching over myself." Pulling Elinore's hand away from his shoulder, he approaches his room door. "Though why would I place a trap in my own-" A explosion occurred after William opened the door to his room. When the smoke finally disappeared, he was entirely covered in ice.
"Thank you." He said with a small bow his eyes showing gratitude as he signed the paper. 'Finally i have made the first step on his path,' He thought to himself. "I accept your terms after i have found my purpose again i will serve as a hunter and pay back my debt." He said straightening. "What class would i go to at this point?" He said questionly.
"No need to go anywhere yet, since you just enrolled today. Just head to your room and get used to your surroundings." Ozpin said as Goodwitch handed Marcus his new scroll. "This scroll will be a important device for you to carry around during your time in Beacon." Ozpin then tells him what their room number was and that their uniform will be ready for them when they arrive there. "Marcus Sensin, welcome to Beacon Academy. I hope you will enjoy you time here in my academy."
Elinore looked at William and couldn't help from cracking up "What did I just say? What did I say?" she asked between laughs. She walked up to William and placed the blade of her axe on the ice. She brushed her hand against the handle and it burst into flames, melting the ice around William. "How am I supposed to believe that you can handle yourself if you still fall for your own traps?" she asked with a smirk.
"Yes sir." He said in a military fashion that was only mission the salute and left the room. He pocketed the scroll and headed towards his room. 'Does this place keep to per room like that place.' He couldnt help but wonder to himself as he reached his room.
Tinko continued calling for help as Arata dragged him through the halls toward certain doom.

Arata sighed, being the one to hold the family together was a taxing job, but she was willing to do it in order to teach her husband the proper ways.

"Well pardon me!"

Arata looked up to find a tall girl in a red dress blocking her path.

"Yes I heard that such a reputable young lady had entered this fine establishment!" red dress said "But to think she knew the young Masseman Heir!"

Arata blinked as a large kid that dwarfed the four of them trudged up behind the red dress girl.

"I just enrolled," Arata stated "How did you know that I was here so quickly."

The red dress girl twirled her walking stick "Can I be a little honest?" she asked with a fake pout "I may have been spying on the little mechanic, I mean we upper class persons must look out for each other correct?"

Arata was positive that she'd never seen or heard of this girl before in her life, so her only reply was hefting Tinko over her shoulder and saying "Pardon me, I don't have the time right now."

The red dress girl giggled as Arata stepped by, the large kid wordlessly moved to the side as well.

"The name's Karmella darling!" the red dress girl called out as Arata walked off "We should talk over tea sometime!"

And so Karmella watched Arata stalk off... with a sack of flour slung over her shoulder.

"Oh you must teach me how to do that sometime Mr. Masseman." Karmella said as she turned to her partner "Maxwell, be a dear and let our new friend down."

Maxwell rolled his eyes before turning around, clinging to his back like a monkey was Tinko.

"Dodging tutors for years Ms. Valentino." Tinko said, stumbling a bit as he dropped to the floor in a semi-daze "Although Mayu won't fall for that for long."

"Oh quite right," Karmella tapped her fingers to her chin as she took in Tinko's sleepy appearance "Would you perhaps enjoy some tea?"

Tinko shook himself awake "Uh," he glanced back the way Arata went "I mean sure, why not? It's comfy there right?"

"A place f relaxation fit for nobles like us!"

"Okay, then-um- I'm good with that." Tinko said

Karmella clapped her hands together and began walking "This way my friends!"

Tinko shrugged and began his stumbling walk as Maxwell unfolded his arms and followed.

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