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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"I had to get something. I thought it might be useful in a combat class." Hayden replied, holding up some magazines to smg ammunition. "I would've been on empty." The student reasons as he takes a seat next to Alex.
Before freckles smashed through the wall Markus was able to find the secret passage. Almost all of his team was all through when freckles smashed through. The last member closed the door so they wouldn't get hit by the blast. "Damnit, now we're get payback for Brian!" Markus lead his three man team towards the end.

Tag me if I have to see it
Markus and his team made it to the end if the road. "Let's catch this... He was cut off. "Don't." One of the team members said. "Alright" Markus said. He changed the ammo from a regular ammo to tranquilizer.

They burst in. He saw them and began to fire at them, he had an lmg so he had a lot of ammo. "I want her alive... If you can get the man alive as well then do so." Markus kept on firing.

Tag me if I have to see it
"Until someone actually attacks one another." Natalya replied. Though she was getting a bit bored with no one fighting each other. She needed to make things interesting. Pushing buttons on her scroll, several holes appear on the ground. 50 Beowolfs climb out of the holes and attack the combatants. "New challenge! Whoever kills the most Grimm wins the match!"
"What the dust?" Ben yelled when Nat summoned the Beowulfs. The monkey Faunus tried to anchor himself into the wall to get a vantage point, but the blades wouldn't penetrate the glyphs. "Oh dear..." He muttered as he ducked a couple strikes from the Grimm and sent a blade through the monsters chest.
Tinko shrugged as Several Beowolves launched themselves at him.

"Whatever you like asset woman." he said before leaning to the side and rolling out of the way as several Beowolves cleave into his previous position.

He opened fire on their position, killing several.

One grabbed the corpses of two of its comrades and rushed him, using the two as shields.

Tinko fired several rounds before leaping back to avoid being flattened as the Beowolf swung one into the ground. Another one climbed over it's partner and leaped off before diving towards Tinko, who had to switch directions and roll forward to avoid it before launching a blade toward the shielded Beowolf.

The blade sank into one of the Beowolf's corpse-shields as the other spun around. Tinko grabbed hold of the blade handle as the Beowolf moved, riding it as he pointed the blade back towards the other wolf which was swinging its claws toward him.

The round pierced the Beowolf's chest and sent it stumbling back while the Shield-Beowolf flung Tinko and the body away.

Tinko maneuvered the body in air while using the Revo-blade as a handle.

It landed a while's away and Tinko tore the blade out and stumbled back as the Shield Wolf charged toward him.

Two more were flanking around as Tinko fired at the Shield Wolf to try and slow it down.

One stormed from the side and Tinko had to stretch the other Revo-Blade under his arm to fire at the Beowolf, but found the weapon empty.

The Beowolf leaped with a claw raised and Tinko slid backwards to avoid being cleaved before the body the Shield Wolf had been using crashed into him.

Tinko rolled on the ground and quickly threw himself backwards as Shield Wolf dug it's claws into Tinko's previous position before swinging the other arm at him.

Tinko raised the empty Revo-Blade and Shield Wolf's claw was impaled upon it. Tinko smiled in self confidence before Shield Wolf closed its grip around the blade and pulled Tinko off the ground and began swinging him.

Tinko had to focus on not losing his breakfast while also using his other arm to gun down several approaching Beowolves as Shield- Wolf spun him.

Finally Tinko lost his grip on the Revo-Blade and ended up sailing across the battle spinning his arms frantically as Shield Wolf charged through its comrades to follow.

Tinko crashed into another Beowolf like a speeding bullet, killing the Grimm with excessive force.

He began loading an Overcharge while he struggled to get up. Glancing up Tinko saw Shield Wolf dig its claws into another Beowolf's corpse and bring it up in a defensive position as it charged.

Looking down at the slowly growing Overcharge, Tinko pulled out another Revo-blade and fired at Shield Wolf.

Shield Wolf, obviously soaked up the rounds with its shield, and continued running.

Tinko fired until the Revo-Blade was empty, then he threw it towards Shield Wolf.

Shield Wolf paused and stood firm as its corpse shield took the blade with ease, but Tinko immediately followed the throw with the Overcharge.

Once the blade entered the Corpse shield, Shield Wolf looked past the corpse to see that it was to late to dodge the blast.

Tinko looked away as Shield Wolf took the Overcharge full on and went flying back before lying in a charred heap.

Tinko did a sloppy victory dance before being brought back to reality by several more Beowolves charging him.

He quickly whipped out two more Revo-Blades before stumbling into battle.
"Ben look out!" Aires grabbed him and thrusted him into the air away from five Grimm that rushed to ambush him. When one caught hold of her heel. "Whoa!" She yelled being pulled into the fight.

"Kaze, go back to Beacon. Now." Sora ordered as Kaze stood from his bowing position. He nodded and flung out his wings. "In the mean time lets play with Aires's mind."

"Ouch! Get off!" Aires yelled fighting with some Beowolfs. Her mind then shatters completely and she falls on the floor almost lifeless. She tries to move and then her mind takes over without her call.
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Marcus Had finally arrived, beacon. His target and possibly his salvation, he walked to it his face all but emotionless. Well technically this was just one of their training grounds but it was a start. His spear strapped to his back he walked forward till he saw someone in the distance. He stopped and waited for him/her to approach.
Kaze was nearing Beacon Academy when he saw someone own below landing the bird faunus could sense it was a male. He tucked his wings in and his blindfold was tighter around his than ever. "And your name would be?"
"Marcus my name is marcus, and who are you?" He said curious himself, was she a administrator or a student. Or maybe even spy for any organization with a bone to pick with beacon.
Arata walked along the walkway to Beacon with the motions of an android. She looked down for a few seconds before spotting two figures up ahead. She walked over to the boys slowly before holding up a picture of a black haired boy in a bathrobe.

"Have you seen this boy?" She asked apatheticly as she looked up at them
Kaze took this to his advantage. "I'm a student here. I'm looking for another person like me. Have you seen a girl with wings around here? Oh yeah hi my name is Kaze." He extended his hand towards Marcus. "Nice to meet you. Don't worry, I can see maybe not the way you see but I do see. Nice to meet you." Suddenly a girl walked up to them. Kaze smiled and said, "Well it sounds like a sheet of paper. But I'm sure, sorry, I can't see paper."
"No i have just arrived here." He said just a bit gruffly. "It is good to meet you as well." He looks at her eyes once but after hearing her explanation he doesent comment. "What direction is beacon, i seek to enroll." he said. He looked at the newly arrived girl and said. "No i have not seen anyone of that description."
"Um well I'm pretty sure Beacon is right in front of you." He said pointing to the tall structure. "I'm gonna enroll too if you wanna follow. Hey you . . . uh girl. . . I'm pretty sure my sister might know the person you're looking for. No doubt." Kaze said confidently.
He nodded, to be honest it had been a bit obvious. "Just dont take to long or youll end up following me." He set with a shrug, in about 30 secs he wold set off with or without them.
Kaze chuckled. "Follow me." He headed towards Beacon and once there heard a ruckus coming from the gym. He slowly and carefully made his way there careful not to be seen. He could smell Aires. "She's here and I'm pretty sure your friend is here also woman."
Arata nodded at herself for being called a woman, she was still technically a child. Years of being trained in vocabulary and manners have made her come off as older to many of her family's associates.

The first thing she noticed inside inside the gym was the battle taking place between Grimm and students along with the crowd that viewed it.

"Can you spot your sister in here?" Arata asked the boy blandly
"I can smell her. She's the one with wings." Kaze said as he heard her laughter but something was different. Her laughter was evil.

"Catch me if you can losers. . . " She said spreading her wings and flying above her peers shooting her dust bullets and her friends. Her eyes were hidden but something was off. "Bring it."
"Quite the sister you got there." He said watching her. "Though i dont think its all her own actions." He said thinking to himself.
Damn . . . Aires come on control yourself or else you're going to destroy your friends. "Yeah . . . Living in her shadow has been pretty tough."

"TINKO!" Aires yelled firing up her weapon. "Hah. Get ready." She fired her wing blades when he mind snapped back. "She fell to the ground and retracted her wings. "Looking around she saw her blades everywhere and was confused. The Grimm were almost all gone and her friends were fighting them and each other. What happened. Huh? She looked towards the entrance of the door and saw someone very familiar and a two people she didn't really know. Then she was smacked by a grimm and into a wall. "Ack . . . that's what I get for not looking . . . "

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