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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Aires pushes the doors to the gym open, yelling halfway across the room, "Sorry we're late Ale-What the? Nat!?" Aires realized she was still holding Ben's hand and she quickly let go looking from Nat to Alex. "What is this?!"
"Dead? No. She was close, but we made it out. Barely. How do you not know she lives- you lost your memory again, didn't you?" Yavril sighed as he face palmed himself. "Hello, my name is Tavril. I am a childhood 'friend' of Elinore's. This is her family's house. Her family was slaughtered by an ursa a while back. So I'd appreciate it if you put everything back where you found it and respect the place. Don't go messing with the gravestones in the front yard. Don't kill rabbits with puce ribbons. Got it? Also, you should be back at Beacon. You're a student there, you have classes to take."
Tinman coughed "Mr. Alex seems to have had his position temporarily removed." He stated "And the Mistress, what with having a generally better standing within the Administration, seems to have been trusted with his position until further notice."
"Trusted?! Dust no!" Aires makes her way towards Nat. "I don't trust you, what makes you think any of us can trust you? You tried to kill us and caused so many problems, not to mention Will's memory has to do something with you." Aires looks at Tinko, "Why are you defending her? She destroyed the freakin' library!" Turning to Alex, "Alex! Don't just sit there do something . . . Gah whatever." Aires looked back at Nat and glared. "I'm watching you. I don't care what Ozpin thinks, you're bad news."
"The library was destroyed because of students who were trying to rob her." Tinman stated "She demonstrated plausible response in such hostile conditions and even saved my life in the process."

Tinman massaged his neck "I'm not saying that Mr. Alex is untrustworthy, but I trust the Mistress to keep his position nice and proper while he smoothes things over with the Administration."
"She kidnapped William and stuffed him in her bottomless pit of a weapon and blocked his memories." Elinore stepped up to say, "you weren't here to see it though Tinko so I don't blame you for trying to defend her." she said with a shake of her head, "You have your rights to your own judgement of her, but I wouldn't trust her farther than I can throw her." she said with a cold glare towards Natalya.
"The first time I met William he pointed a gun at me" Tinman stated "and every other student I've met is unbelievably Susceptible."

"I'm not quite sure any of you can be trusted in full honesty." Tinman said with a sigh
"Yeah, he does that," Elinore said with a soft smile, "he almost sot me in the head one time." she chuckled. "but he's better when he has his memories. He used to be a mercenary before he came to Beacon. Shooting was practically all he knew how to do. But he's risked his life to save me countless times, and when he does have his memories, he's incredibly nice." she said with a fond smile. "I'm sorry you didn't get to know him back then."
"I'm not quite sure any of you can be trusted in full honesty." Tinko said. That hit Aires hard. She was a mrmber of the White Fang. Her semblance could destroy things with a blink of her eyes, and no one, not even herself understood why her wings were her weapon when everyone else's weapons weren't apart of their bodies. She glared at Tinko. "Whatever . . . I doubt someone that sleeps all the time is qualified to become a Hunter." She looked at the ground after that, "I'm sorry I didn't mean that . . . I was out of line."
Tinman just rolled his eyes.

Awe, that sounds so adorable!

Tinman froze, then coughed again. How in the hell did you do that?

Oh, that was a riot! So I was wondering around up here when I came across a familiar looking laptop!

Get your filthy subconscious mitts off of my possessions.

Well I would, but the red thing told me to use it.

Tinman felt his heart freeze over. Red man?

Yeah! The red thing that's all chained up in here!

Listen to me fool, you can mess around with the laptop all you want. BUT DO NOT CONVERSE WITH RAGE.

Well, okay... if that's what you want Tin Tin.

Tinman sighed before putting a hand to his face and massaging his eyelids.
"I'm sorry Tinko." She said passing by him to take her seat next to Luna. She looked at Ben and patted the seat next to her. "Do you wanna sit with us?" She smiled.
"No wonder why there's blood stains everywhere. So the family were slaughtered by the Ursa in here... how tragic." William muttered as he placed the stolen jewels back in the bedroom. "I would love to head back to Beacon, 'Tavril', but I don't know how to get there by myself. Can you show me the way there, please?"

Natalya smirks when Aires and Elinore were accusing her of crimes she did commit. "No need to call me untrustworthy, mostly when I'm your professor now." She said with a innocent smile. "But we do need to start class and you three were wasting my time... okay! Why don't you three duel each other in a 1 vs. 1 vs. 1 match? Actually, just get in there and start fighting." White glyphs suddenly appeared around Elinore, Aires, and Tinko and lifts them off their seats to the center of the arena. A huge screen appears from the ceiling and shows the combatants aura strengths. "The match starts in 3, 2, 1, FIGHT!"
Markus jumped off."Come on we got a a target we have to go after..." He said as he ran out the door. "I think this might be her room." He didn't bear wait for breaching charge. He just kicked the door open. But they weren't there. "God damnit!" He started to curse. "Twice she gets away... No, I'm not going to leave until I get her... You all go home. I'm staying here." He begins to look for a secret passage." There is no way she could get away so fast unless they have a secret passage."

Tag me if I have to see it
"What?!?" Tinman said in shock as he began floating into the arena "But we don't have in prerequisites set up or-"

He was cut off by the floor, which made a loud sound as he impacted "Surely there should be a voting scenario put in place Miss-"

And then the timer.

Tinman sighed "Oh forget, Tinko... time to work some more."

Tinko got to his feet unsteadily "Awe man, the red guy was about to tell me some fun things!"

Less talkie, more shooting.

"Fine." Tinko pouted as he drew his Revo-blades "But this better be fun Tin Tin!"

Stop speaking out loud!
Micheal pulled his hair back and sheathed his blade. So the girl who had threatened Elinore and burnt down the library... With his help. Was a teacher. Strange he should talk to oz some time. But for now he should at least make him self known. Micheal stood from the stands and gracfuly drew and raised his sword. "Perhaps it would be best if there were 4 of us no?" Mr.ford shouted at Nat or whatever he name is and reached to fire if she didn't seam to get the message.
Aires was lifted into the arena and flung wings out. "Are you insane!? Wait don't answer that . . . But we can't-" suddenly Aires saw Tinko taking out his weapon. "Are we really gonna fight?" But if I strain myself I could start bleeding again. Forget that . . . Just fight it's not like it's to the death. And Alex is here he'll moderate it, right? We'll be okay. Just don't attack to harm. Aires' head throbbed once more, she wobbled in the air a bit and then cocked her boots. She fired her weapon at the ground purposefully missing Tinko. Looking at her peers she saw Michael. Oh no . . . now Michael wants in on this? "At this rate Nat's gonna make this a dog eat dog match . . . This is ridicu-agh!" Her mind went blank and Aires heard a voice inside her head. Alright Sweetheart, now fight and blow stuff up. It felt as though her mind would shatter, her semblance seemed to activate on it's own but she fought against it, no way was she going to blow things up especially Lulu or Tinko.
"Why not? The more the merrier. " Natalya said before transporting Michael and even Benjamin to the center of the arena. Both student's aura strengths appear on the screen above.
"Ben get Aries will you I'll handle elinore" Michael Leander as gracfuly as he could and swept off to go stand between Elinore and tinko
With Aires being in the air she could see Ben and Michael in the arena now as well. "NATALYA!" She rolled her eyes, "What are we even supposed to be learning?" I can't attack, I'll just have to dodge.
"Now, uhhhh." Tinko said as he tried to keep himself standing "I was raised with the idea-"

He fell asleep on his feet for several seconds.

"Ah!" he said as he snapped awake "Oh... yeah um... somebody just take the first shot so we can get this over with and I can sleep."
"Alright. Guess this is gonna be a hands on class today..." Ben muttered while he was in the air. Once he landed, the Faunus pulled up his aura reading onto his scroll. "Let's go."

Hayden walked into the class late to find nearly everyone else was in an arena of glyphs. "Uh, could someone tell me what is going on?" The student asked with Trivial in its sheathed form. He took a look on the screen and saw the aura reading of the students and quickly got the message. "Oh boy. Actual combat training."
"The lesson of this match is to... umm... teach you to not underestimate anybody in a fight. Like dear Michael over there. I underestimated his skills and nearly got my ribs broken by him." Natalya announced to everyone in the gym.

"You just made that up on the spot, didn't you?" Alex asked while watching the students having a stand off. He noticed Hayden arrive and waves him over to sit next to him. "Where were you since the beginning of class? You're late."
Freckles saw the intruders leave and chases after them. Breaking through several walls, the mech appears in front of Markus's retreating teammates. "3... 2... 1... 0. Long live the White Fang." The mech blows up, destroying the whole building with everything in it.

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