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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Elinore slowly walked out of the ship and to her room. From her bed she grabbed a pillow and started to walk to the roof. The pillow was so soft...so incredibly soft... She sat down on the roof, her usual hiding spot, and just sat for a while. Her expression distant. She was in a state of shock. But who wouldn't be after a week of being held prisoner by a terrorist organization and being on the brink of death. She squeezed the pillow in her arms. So soft. So so soft....
Benjamin exited the airship after finding his shirt and armor. "Well, there was probably a billion ways that could have gone better." he muttered as he walked towards his room. Once there he tossed the blood stained shirt towards the desk and flopped onto the bed. He didn't even bother to remove his weapons and decided to crash, his feet hanging off the side of the bed.
The Next Day...

"Last night didn't you say we'll be back at Beacon in one hour? Are we lost, A.D?" William asked the metal hawk perched on top of his shoulder.

"Well that's what you get for trusting my GPS. It's not the most reliable program to use." A.D retorted as he flew up to get a better look of the area. The pair were in the middle of the forest with the academy nowhere in sight. "I got good and bad news. Bad news is that we're lost. Good news is that I detect no Grimm in a one mile radius."

William sighs in disappointment. He just had to trust that A.I with directions. "Well is there any man-made structures nearby? I've been fighting Grimm all night long and I want to sleep."

"Just sleep on the ground you wimp. Nothing is going to- wait. Is that a cabin I see?" A.D said when he noticed a cabin nearby. The pair approach the building. "Looks abandoned..."

"Which means I can go in and sleep on a real bed. Yippee for me." William muttered as he lift a board off the front door. Entering into a living room with old blood stains everywhere, he moves to the hallway. He enters a bedroom full of stuffed bunnies. "What the... whatever. I'm too tired to care." He jumps on top of the bed and goes to sleep.


Alex wakes up and leaves his room to eat breakfast. He wasn't in a rush since his job as a professor was suspended. Getting a cup of coffee and a piece of toast, he goes to his usual spot in the dining hall to eat his small meal.
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In the early:

Markus was with his team in the hanger bay. "Alright my brothers and sister, what we are going to do is against orders, we don't have the permission to go after her, and we won't have support... If you wish to leave now then no one will think anything of it." No one left. "good then we are in agreement... Take off." He ordered to the pilot. The jet took off, and it was easy to notice because it was very loud.

Markus was sitting next to his second in command. "We have no other objective other then to capture one individual, Scarlet." He looked out one of the windows. It was dark out, this was a night op, which gave them a small chance of a surprise. They were also gaining altitude. So much that they would have to wear air masks. "This is a stealth mission, we have to be in and out as fast as we can. Make sure your using a silenced weapon, or blade we don't need them to be alerted after one shot." They began to place silencers on their weapons, and if they couldn't then they changed their weapons into melee, or a blade if they could. "So here are orders, Johnson your out behind the tree line sniping, giving us an entrance and cover when we leave." The sniper put a silencer on her rifle. "There is a better vantage point from the top of this tree... It is higher up." He points to a tree. "Tronson, your covering her, they might have scouts, or patrols going through the woods.… we land here." He points to a spot about two miles away. "It's far enough away to be covered by darkness. We will have to hike it, so time on the hike is 30 minutes... While covered by Johnson, we will be placing dust charges on the door to cover our escape as a last resort, if you can hide them well, then do it." They reached the height they needed, 45,000 feet. One of the crewmen that was covering the door made a bear claw and gave the signal to put on masks. "Mask up!" Markus commanded.

It was time to put this operation into action.They converged on the door. They were given the red light. In a flash it changed to green, the 6 man team followed Markus out the back.

Freefall, they were making their way down to the ground. Wizzing by. They were 40,000, then 35,000. When they reached 250 feet off the ground, they pulled their shoots. They had to pull their shoots as close to the ground as they could. After all of them landed they first checked to see if anyone was around. Not a single movement. They were in the clear." Time to move!" He whispered into his comm.

They didn't come into contact with any patrols which was weird, but that didn't mean that they were out their.

They reached the tree, and Johnson being a rabbit Faunus hopped from branch to branch till she reached to top. "In position." She whispers. "Tronson find cover. The rest move out to the edge of the tree line, were gonna wait till we get the go ahead from Johnson." After some well places snipes, and a few guards knocked out from tranquilizer darts, the team moved in.

They places the dust charges in very good hiding spots, so good they wouldn't notice them if the saw them. They even had a few left over so. "We might need those for later save them." Markus and his team began to sweep from room to room, moving as quiet as they possible could, once they cleared a room the placed a dust charge in a hiding spot of certain rooms.

They continued to sweep rooms. Markus wouldn't stop until he had Scarlet in his grasp. It was also night their might be the possibility that she is asleep.

@ noalaniwolf

Tag me if I have to see it
Elinore sat down at an empty table holding a buffet of food across two trays. It would be her fist decent meal in days. No more of that slop for her. She picked up a bagel and took a bite. Wonderful~ She scarfed down the rest of the food around her. With her mouth full of bread, she turned to look at Alex. With him and William and Aires back, for the first time in months things started to feel normal again. "Hey," she called over to him before swallowing the bit of food, "where's William?"

Scarlet sat down on the bed of her secret location and sighed. She let down her hair and started to unbutton her shirt, "the project was a failure. Those Beacon students came in a ruined it all again" she cooed.

"You worry too much." a husky man with a thick accent said from the other side of the bed, "at least one followed you back here, yes?"

"Well I don't see why one wouldn't. I didn't exactly leave without dropping a trail of bread crumbs." she chuckled. The man smiled and took a small box from his pocket "Then I have brought you a gift. Will you do the honors?" he said as he opened up the small box and held it out to her. "Oh darling," she gasped, "you shouldn't have!" She pressed the button inside the small box simply labeled; Freckles.
"Ready to breach this room?" One of the faunus infiltrators asked their teammate, who nods their head to say yes. The pair enters the room, only to find several W.F members playing cards next to a huge covered object. They take out the guards with silent shots and approach the object. "What do think is under those sheets? Should we call in the Captain?" A infiltrator asked their teammate. "Yeah... call him in. Whatever this is might be worth destroying." The teammate replied back as they pull the tarp off the huge object. What they found was a mech with advanced weapons and the mark of the W.F on its arm. As they were reporting to Markus about the mech, they hear it turn on by itself.

"Thank you for activating the RT-636 Freckles Mark I." The mech turns to the unknown lifeforms in front of it. "Scanning... unconfirmed identities. Enemy soldiers detected. Firing main cannons." Aiming at the infiltrators with the purpose to eliminate them, it fire rockets at them. BOOM!


"William? I have no idea where that idiot is right now." Alex replied after drinking the last of his coffee. "Probably causing more trouble with A.D, since that A.I is with him. He said something about helping William get back to Beacon before he left me last night."
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Aires was in her room when she woke up. "What the?" She looked at herself in her shattered mirror. " I'm alive . . ." kiss me "Dust that really did happen didn't it . . . I really food say that to him." She felt hungry and made her way to the dining hall.
Ben woke up several hours later by falling out of his bed. "Ow, what the hell?!" the student yelled before checking his surroundings. "Oh, that's right. I'm in the temp room." he realized and heard his stomach growl. I guess I haven't eaten in a while, the faunus realized, staring at his stomach. He then headed for the dining hall for breakfast.

Hayden had been up all night training in the forest. He groggily made his way to the dining area with Trivial on his back and constantly rubbbing his eyes. Once he got his food, he sat down and ate in silence for the most part. Up until he saw the combat professor that went missing for a little while. "Hello Professor." Hayden greeted Alex. "Good to see you are back."
Yawning Aires took her food and realized her side felt better. It still hurt but it was better. She smiled slightly when she thought back to when she was being taken care of. Her face turned red slightly and she shook her head taking her food outside. "I can't believe how stupid I was. . ." Aires then looked up to the sky. "I wonder where my White Fang clothes went. . . What happened?" She ate get fruit. "Alex . . . He's the one that took me off the ship. Then how did I get to my room? Thank you, Alex." She smiled gently, she knew that she was hard on him in the past but she really did adore her teacher.
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Tinko trudged through the halls in an even more zombie like state than usual, wearing a black bathrobe.

"Tired, need sleep~" he whined

It was one night, you shall survive.

"Somebody, break a vase over my head like in the shows."

Tinko heard Tinman sigh as he stumbled into the lunchroom blindly.

Wait a minute, if you're tired then why did you come to the lunch-

Tinman watched in horror as Tinko unconsciously slid onto a random table, spilling several students' food in the process and began snoozing as Tinman face-palmed.

Benjamin entered the hall and grabbed a tray, filling it with fruit and meats for the most part. Taking a look about the room, he found the table that his friends were seated at and began to walk over, a huge grin on his face. "Hey guys, what's new?" the faunus said, laughing at his own joke.
Re-entering the dining hall Aires stretches her body, "I wonder if they have those juices I like-" Aires froze as she caught sought of Ben. Her face flushed and she looked at the ground. What's happening to me? I just wanted juice. Gah! Aires continues walking to get a juice and smiles at Ben and her other peers.
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"Well...he's not coming back for the next week..." Elinore sighed. So much for explaining his history to him. She was kind of looking forward to it. And then padding his helmet more. Because he suffered way too much brain trauma. She sighed and continued to eat while Ben and Aires sat down. "Nothin much." she mumbled with her mouth full. "Any of you seen Tavril? He's gone off somewhere."

Tavril knelt down in front of Annabell's grave. "I saved her. She got a bit damaged, but I saved her." he said softly to the gravestone. "You don't have to worry, I'll protect your sister. No matter how stupid she gets..." he sighed. He heard a noise from the cabin and slowly turned around. He picked up his weapon and silently stalked towards the house. Who would rob a beat down cabin coated in blood? Idiot.
Sitting down Aires takes a sip and wipes her mouth, "I've been out so no I haven't seen him, but now that you mention it I haven't seen Angel either." Aires unconsciously touches get side and rubs it. "You think Will will ever remember anything?" She asks almost absent minded finishing her juice. She sees a strawberry on Ben's tray and takes it. "Yum." She smiles.
"Nothing much been happening, but refrain from calling me Professor anymore. I can't teach for a while due to some problems in the school budget." Alex said to the new arrivals at the table. "For William's memory problem, I'm not sure since... really dude?" He sighs when Tinko slid onto the table. "This isn't your damn bed, so wake up." He smacks Tinko with a banana that he took from Benjamin's tray.

William wakes up to the sound of metal being hit against metal. Which actually turns out to be A.D pecking his mask again. "Do you want me to kill you!" He exclaimed as he tried to punch the A.I's mechanical body off of him. "Missed me! But I only woke you up since someone is approaching the cabin." A.D said as he flew away from William and landed on a big stuffed bunny. "Oh... probably the owner of the house. Which means it's time to get the hell out of here." William said as he activates the invisibility glyphs enchanted on his jacket. He turns invisible before leaving the bedroom. Before leaving through the backdoor of the cabin (or a window if 'Operation: Leave through the Backdoor' isn't possible), he stops in front of another door in the hallway. "Why did you stop? Something wrong?" A.D asked as he perches on William's invisible shoulder. William doesn't immediately respond as he silently enters the new bedroom. "It feels like I've done a retrieval job here in the past..."
"Were you successful?" Sora asked as the human approached her.

"Yes, my lady, the device has been implanted inside Aires Phoenix." Sora smiled.

"Excellent. You've done well. Your family have been released and you are free to go, but tell anyone and you will all die." The human nodded and left.

"Honey! We've been here for so long. Can we return to Beacon now?" The human said nothing.

"Honey what have you done." Kaze then entered the cell.

"The medic will no longer be able to work at Beacon. Now I suggest you all leave." Aires . . . that was risky, you could have died, but now you're friends better watch out. Mom's got complete control over you.

Aires looks at Alex and asks, "Wait, Alex isn't there anything you can do for Will's memory? Whoa, ugh what the?" Aires holds her head as it throbs.
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The slap brought Tinko back into reality, which he immediately took as a threat.

"WE'RE UNDER ATTACK," Tinko shouted as he stood on the table and drew his Revo-blades "FIRE INDISCRIMINATELY!!!"

Damnitt man, what the hell do you think you're doing!?!?

Tinko heard Tinman shout before Tinman pulled the chord. Tinko immediately went limp, released his grip on his weapons, and swayed backwards before landing flat on the floor.

"Ow," Tinman muttered as he rubbed the back of his head and tried to rise to his feet "little imbecile couldn't find something softer to land on."
Aires rubbed her head. The ruckus Tinko was making didn't help either. She noticed him go limp and then fall. Something changed. Standing she extends her hand towards him and offers him help up. "Here, take my hand." She smiles, "Also care to tell me who you are? At least tell us what's going on inside that head of yours." She laughed slightly.
"Can't you guys get your own food?" Ben asked as he watched some of the fruit disappear. He then witnessed Tinko go psycho and stand on the table blades drawn. "Man, can't we just eat in peace for once?" Apparently the faunus was full of questions today...

Hayden was confused by the entire event that had transpired during breakfast. First, Alex can't teach due to budget cuts. Then the guy who fell asleep at the table. Third, when the guy was hit by a banana and went slightly ballistic, then just collapsing. "Am I, hallucinating?" he wondered aloud, a look of extreme confusion on his face.
Tinman sighed as he stood, removing his bathrobe and folding it over his arm properly.

"I am Tinko Masseman of course!" Tinman stated "And I perceive no reason to see it as anything other than such."
She sees Hayden and then looks back at Ben. She smiles and then yawns, "Alright Tinko, looks like you're good." She stretched slowly walking away from the group. "I need some air. Sorry I took your food, Ben."
Tinman nodded in self congratulation.

He then noticed Tinko's Revo-blades laying on the ground and quickly holstered them in Tinko's bathrobe before rushing down the hallway.

He casted several glances over his shoulder before sighing

He'd have to make his time count.
"Hey Aires, wait up." Ben said as he got up and ran towards her. "You feeling okay?" he asked with a small grin on his face. Well, she is alive and walking. Definitely could be a lot worse, the faunus pondered with a cheery expression on his face.
Stepping outside once more she takes a breath of fresh air. "I think I'm okay." She told Ben turning to smile at him. "What about you? You seemed a little irritated back there." She came closer to him, "Something on your mind?" She looked at him, "You can tell me ya know."
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Having just finished his climb Micheal was walking to the mess. Out side the door he saw Aires then Ben trailing her. "Howdy" reaching for the ten gallon hat that was not there, in stwpead Turing it into an aqweired wave. And quicking his pace to get some food.

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