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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Elinore had already used the cannon function of her axe to burst down a few more doors. She looked back at Ben and Aires who seemed to be struggling, "this will take a little while. You're going to have to carry her because she WILL pass out." Elinore said as she put her axe down and knelt beside them. She held out her hand which engulfed itself in flames and put it up against Aires side "This should close it. And hurt. A lot." After a few moment she stopped and picked her axe back up again, "now let's move!" she said before running towards the exit again, lading the others out.

Scarlet looked at the hole in her ship and smirked "Well. Look at this. If only I had some sort of power that allowed me to, I don't know, do this." she took control of a sheet of metal from the roof and pulled it towards the ship side "Okay, we're clear for take off." she called out before the ship flew away.
As Elinore said Aires did pass out from the pain the fire caused her. "Ahh! Ben . . . Please don't let me go . . ." Her body fell limp against him her breathing shallow and almost non existent.
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"Let's keep moving." Benjamin says after Aires passes out, throwing her over his shoulder in a fireman's carry. "Well, at least its cauterized." The faunus followed Elinore towards the exit in a run, trying not to bounce the unconcious bird faunus on his back.
"Hey. Hand her off to me" a blur of movent Michael moved to take Aries from Ben. "I'm out of weapons and I'm stronger let me get her. Good to see you Luna.
"They look like they need help Tin Tin." Tinko said right before the ceiling beneath him gave way from a certain explosion

Tinko tumbled out of the ceiling and rolled down a pile of semi buried WF members.

Doesn't matter, keep up the pace.

Tinko scrambled to catch up to the students.

"Hey, hey guys" he yelled out happily "You will never guess where I've been!"

He slowed down to a brisk march "There was a generator, an old western shoot out, sideways maze and kidnapping!"
Outside of the factory, the Vale P.D and Markus's group were putting captured W.F members in prisoner transport trucks. They would be sent to prison and be interrogated for information. The injured were to be sent to the hospital for recovery. "What a huge mess. This unauthorized operation didn't get us any closer to capturing Scarlett, which makes it a failure. Ozpin is probably going to kill that idiot for going against orders." Alex muttered as he watched a unconscious Markus and other injured students get transported into a airship to be sent back to Beacon Academy. They have better medical care there. "Hey guys, what were you doing for the past hour? I barely saw any of you." He asked the group of students rushing out of the factory. But before they could answer, medics pushed the group into the airship to deal with their injuries. The airship ascends and begins flying to the academy.
Markus began to glow dark green. His aura was healing him. After a couple of minutes, he sat up. "Scarlett!" He basically yells. He realized that he was shot down. He looked around. He was on his airship. "Where are we?... Do we have Scarlett?" He was still glowing. He saw alex. "I need to see elinore, and I need to get to the bridge of my ship.... I might know where Scarlett is!"

@KillerWilly @noalaniwolf
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"My Lady. It appears your daughter is possessing control of her semblance." A Faunus said kneeling in front of Sora. Standing, she dismisses the guard and looks at Kaze.

"Where was your sister just know?" He didn't know how to respond.

"Mother I do not know, please-" He kneels almost kissing the ground, "please do not kill me the way you did my father."

"You're father? Kill? Oh Kaze you think I killed him? I was completely joking, I simply put him into a coma. He's alive. And he's essential for getting my little girl back to me and under my control." Kaze looked at her in amazement but quickly bowed his head.

"But mother, Aires has been hurt, badly. Will you even need to see her, is she really of any use to you."

"Hush you fool. I will get her and I will use her power alongside mine and your father's. If she dies well so sad, we'll have to keep cultivating those eyes of yours, just in case." Kaze's eyes were still hidden beneath his hair but the blood that trickled down them suggested something sinister and disturbing wad going on.

Aires had lost all grip on reality, she had lost too much blood; there was still a bullet inside of her and her oxygen intake was low, deadly low. Since she passed out on Ben she hasn't moved at all.
Benjamin was on the section of the airship that held the wounded. He had been pulled in there because of the blood on his side. Teh faunus tried to tell them it wasn't his blood and that it was Aires' but they refused to listen. So, they removed his shirt and armor, taking a note that his back was heavily scarred. Which in turn brought a ton of questions by the nosy medical staff. "I am not injured. Please leave me alone." he demanded before hearing Markus yelling about Scarlet. The student got up and began to walk over to the other monkey faunus.

"Hey, no need to yell." he told Markus as he made his way through the medical wing to him.
Markus was sitting up from the bed that they had him laid on. He had a tourniquet and an Iv attached to his arm. He ripped those off of his arm. His shirt was ripped open, they might of tried to revive him. "Look, it's important." He said to the student. "I might know where Scarlet is going, but I need to know one thing. What were you doing with scarlet?" Markus went with Scarlet everywhere. There were things that he knew about her that no one knew.

He got up from the bed, and began to go to the door. "I need to get to the bridge RIGHT NOW!" He said as he walked out the door.
"Whoa, hold up. What was I doing? With Scarlet? I have never seen her. I was searching for Elinore and Tavril. And then I was saving Aires." Benjamin stated before grabbing Markus on the shoulder to stop the older faunus. "You must've been hit on the head pretty hard." He then flipped over him in an attempt to temporarily block his path. "How about you explain to me why you think I was with her?"
"She's lost too much blood . . ." The medic was busy digging the bullet out of her side. The machine that she was hooked up to was showing a failing heartbeat. "Someone come help me save this girl! Someone who isn't incompetent!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. This isn't real . . . Is that me? What happened to me, why do I look evil? What happened to the care free happy Aires with beautiful blue eyes and a sweet smile? NO! oh that's right my boyfriend was killed right in front of me . . . Huh? I'm fading, I'm see through what's happening . . . Where am I? What's going on? "She's not gonna make it . . ." The medic says his gloves filled with blood . . .
"Oh dust, Aires!" Benjamin yelled remembering about his friend once the medic was yelling. He dashed towards where he laid her down earlier. He could tell the situation was worsening by the second. "What's going on? Why is she bleeding again? We cauterized the wound!" He yelled angrily to the medic. These guys are idiots...
"She had a bullet lodged in her side we had to take it out or else her antibodies were going to eat her from the inside out trying to attack it." The medic said wiping his brow. "She's a Faunus, she wired differently than a human. I'm not equipped to handle this much. At this rate she will die."
"You are not a doctor are you? Have you dug the bullet out?" The Faunus asked. His whole Faunus differences thing bugged Ben a little, but he ignored it. "You should have made sure it stopped bleeding before removal. As you can tell, she is running low in that particular area." Ben spat, baring his fangs and angrily flicking his tail. "Well, answer me before she bleeds out!"
"I've done everything I can. Do not question my authenticity. There are many wounded. We concluded she was hit in the same area twice. The bullets out, but she'll go into cardiac arrest soon. What kind of a Faunus is she? She has what seem to be air bags along her side, she's probably some sort of flying creature. One has been punctured, look kid I'm sorry. I gotta close the wound and then that's all that I can do for her. She's just gotta wake up."
How are you on payroll? Ben thought to himself. He really wanted to know as he found the medic's lack of knowledge of his surrounding astonishing. But he refrained, instead saying: "You have others to attend to. I'll sew her up." If the doctor refused, he would just show him some of the scars and improvise a story. At least I have luck on my side. Hopefully a little can rub off onto Aires right now, he hoped silently and looked to his friend.
"Whatever do what you want." The medic left frustrated with Ben and himself. Well what do you expect me to do? Huh? What do you mean, you want me to join you? But your dead Loki . . . And I've moved on. Sure I miss you dearly but I can't go with you . . . Believe me, I want to . . . life gets hard sometimes but I know I can get through. . . I'm sorry. "Ben?" Aires said barely audible.
Ben thought he was hallucinating when he heard Aires' voice. "What?" he asked as he grabbed a needle and sutures out of a drawer. His body was glowing a leaf green color, his aura glowing dimly. "Alright, this may hurt a little. But it will stop the bleeding." He wasn't sure if Aires could hear him, but it made him feel a little better. Just think, no more difficult than sewing up the others with regular thread, he thought as he pressed the needle into her flesh as a starting point.
Aires smiled very very lightly. She couldn't feel too much of anything. It felt as though she was swimming or floating. She tried looking for his face and once she found it, the strangest thing came out of her mouth, "Ben . . . Kiss Me." Her temperature was rising but she was beyond feeling. Her heart began racing. Aires? What am I thinking? Just what I said I want him to kiss me . . .
"Um, what? I don't think that should be our first priority." The faunus said, finishing up the second stitching. "You are kinda dying right now, and I am sewing you up. I still have two more two go..." This can't be good, he thought as the gauze filled with more blood. He quickly replaced it with a fresh pad and started the third stitch. This blood loss must be getting to her head. What kind of bullet was this? The wound is huge. Of course, that could be due to the poor job the medic was doing at keeping her from bleeding. Why would she want me to kiss her? I'm still in the process of saving her. Focus Ben. Save her first, then ask questions. The thoughts raced through Ben's mind as he pulled the needle out again. "Alright. Three down. One more to go."
"Promise to kiss me later?" It was like she was in acid. "Ow, Ben my side hurts a little." She kept wanting him to stay. "I'm scared . . ."
"Yeah. Sure. I promise." Ben said. His aura was darkening around him and Aires became surrounded in a faint, light colored aura. "It's gonna hurt for a while. The medic tore it up searching for the bullet." He was halfway done with the fourth stitch and hurrying through. "Almost done Aires. You will probably want to get these redone once you recover a little."

(You have any ideas on how karma should negatively effect him since he is using positive karma to save Aires?)
Aires could feel her strength returning. It was faint but color flushed her face and her pulsed even out a bit. She could breathe and finally see clearly. "Ben? Ouch! Oh right. . . Wait Where's Lulu and Tav and everybody else?"

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