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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Bloody imbeciles," Tinman muttered as he watched William rush out "all of them."

Calm down Tin Tin. Everything's going A-Okay so far!

"Silence," Tinman snarled before letting his bathrobe fall from his arm, revealing the overcharged Revo-blade in his hand "just be glad your pal is Susceptible and not Afflicted."

Tinko Pouted as Tinman walked past Aires and folded out the cylinder of the Revo-blade.

Inside were several switches. Tinman fiddled with the settings before tossing the weapon into a crate of ammunition.

He walked back to the bathrobe and folded it over his arm again before picking up the med kit again and walking back to Aires.

"Hmm, Not dead yet..." he said as he stood over her "I'll give you props for persistency."

Sighing, Tinman stooped down and examined her wound.

"Hmm, positioning suggests he missed the lung and may have glanced aside a piece of the small intestine." Tinman stated casually "Well, now we just have to hope it missed the stomach or else the acids inside will burn their way out."

Is there anything you can do to help her Doctor Tin?!?

Silence you fool. We have to extract the blade, I need to concentrate.

Tinman put a hand to his forehead before sighing.

"The things I put up with..."
Aires looked at Tinko but he was different somehow. "Why are you helping me?" She asked through gritted teeth. "I'm not important. Just leave me."
Tinman rolled his eyes "Oh don't be such a bloody drama queen, bad enough I had to get myself in the middle of this stupid rescue mission to test your friend's mental state." He grabbed hold of the handle of the knife "Now think about something happy, this'll hurt immensely"

With that, he slid the knife out as quickly as possible before reaching into the med kit for some salient and some cloth.
Aires chuckled a bit when she heard him call her a drama queen. "I haven't been called that in years." She was feeling sleepy and then she felt a fire in her side. She winced and then shivered. "I'm tired. Gah, Ow . . . I'm sorry you got mixed up in this mess." She said pulling off her mask. "You seem different, by the way then before when I spoke to you in the cafeteria, why is that?"
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"Less talking, more steady breaths." Tinman stated as he spread some salient over the wound "Anything that causes excess saliva to form can consequently lead to the cut in the intestine to expand."

He waited exactly five seconds, which he counted on one hand, before pressing the cloth to the wound and going for the bandages.
"No no just stand there not like I'm getting crushed hear or anything... Will a hand maybe." Michaels had was not so well attached and he was starting to lose his grip.
Aires was trying to stay awake but her eyelids were so heavy. How much blood have I lost it couldn't have been that much, could it. When was the last time I ate something? An I thirsty? Why am I so tired we're on a freaking mission. Well kinda it's just a rescue not a mission. Before she knew her eyes had closed all on their own, her thoughts kept racing. Everything feels muffled, what is he saying, is he talking to me . . . steady breaths huh steady-
Yep she's passing out.

"You've gotta be kidding me," he sighed before wrapping the bandage around the wound and muttering "have to stop with the bloody babysitting gigs"

Once it was secure, Tinman picked up Aires and hauled her over to the door.

He stepped past Michael and dragged her out behind him.

And of course there's a melee in the hall.

Tinman sighed, being Tinko's head was at the very least more comfortable.
"It's still closing? Hold on, I'll be right with you." William said as he kicked the unarmed guard to his comrades. He begins pulling the door open, which gave Michael some breathing room to let go. "Okay, you can let go now. Sorry for ditching you like-" Before he could finish his sentence, a guard jumps on his back and starts punching his head.
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Letting go of the door Michael moved "Not now children" with his good hand Michael drew his Gladius and stabbed the guard thought the face he pulled the blade out then dropped to both knees and drew on his semblance his hands coming back and his bones snaping into place. He gave the door a push breaking the gears locking the door at about half way closed. He then moved to Aires cleaning his blade he then slit his wrist virticaly and pressed it to Aires side his blood mixing with hers the wood closing. That's all help with the fight. (Tinko)
Aires opened her eyes slowly and saw Michael. She felt the pain slowly going away but her sight was hazy. What was on Will's knife? She unconsciously clutched Tinko's chest. Her world darkened.
If only Tinman had a flask with him.

"Okay you dreadful little imbecile," Tinman whispered as he stared up at the ceiling "I'm done for now."


"Oh boy!" Tinko chanted as he stumbled to keep himself from falling "Let's have some good time's with weapons!!!"

He then noticed he was still holding the Wing-Lady.

Curses, he can't shoot and hold onto her at once.

Blast, Effort's rearing it's responsible head again.

It wasn't fair, Tinko wanted to kill things too!

He grabbed the wing lady's shoulders and began shaking her furiously.


Crippling headache inbound.

You could just put her down, I didn't waste my time keeping her from bleeding to death just so you could dislocate her optical nerve with your childish pouting.

But...the shooting....

Tinko heard the sound of a palm connecting with a face.

Sometimes I think Rage is better company...

Tinko slowly tried removing the wing lady from his shirt, but found that she'd unconsciously put him in a vice-like grip before passing out.

Frowning, Tinko tried pushing her off.

He could feel his dress shirt tearing.

"Oh god Tin Tin!" Tinko cried in terror "She ain't letting go!!!"

Tinko was now frantically trying to get her off as the firefight continued around them.

Just pull her fingers open you nimwit!

Tinko tried, but her hands were as solid as a statue's!

"Tin Tin!" Tinko cried for salvation

Calm down! You're making a scene!!!

"What if I can't get her off," Tinko was hyperventilating "they'll have to perform surgery... DEAR GOD TIN TIN THEIR GONNA CUT OF MY NIPS!!!"

The sound of Tinman sighing echoed in Tinko's ears before he entered full-on panic mode.

Aires sensed a bomb coming near them. "Tinko look out!" She released him from her grasp and flipped over him her eyes switching colors to neon violet and with a blink the bomb explodes before nearing then. "Thank you for helping me." She said the sweat beading on her forehead. She wasn't well but she tried holding it together
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Tinko looked down at himself,


He slipped on his bathrobe and whipped out two Revo-blades.

And then, singing numerically, he dived into the firefight in a flash of dust and bullets.
"Now that's the Tinko I know." She felt dizzy and cried out "Will!" She began to run in some direction. When all of a sudden, BAM! Aires looked up and saw her, she looked familiar and then she remembered, "Scarlet . . ." An evil nasty smile appeared on her face. "It's the faunus girl that sides with humans." Aires could feel that someone's blood was mixed with hers and she wasn't responding well to it. Scarlet slowly inched closer and whispered in her ear, "I will end your friends. Unless I get what I want." Aires pulsed and she controlled her semblance. No I can't make a person explode that would be horrible. She then feels Scarlet grab her by her hair and with enough force she slams her against a glass door.
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"Thanks for the assist. Now let's see how bloody this hallway can get in one minute." The chainsaw still roaring, William charges toward the enemy. Blood goes everywhere after metal meets flesh, slicing the faunus guards into bloody pieces. He doesn't stop slicing everything in his sight, even when the enemy were surrendering or retreating. "Hostile eliminated..." He said coldly after finishing off another guard. Even though he lost his memory, taking the lives of others felt so natural for him to do. Maybe this was what Natalya meant when he asked her about his past life. You were made to kill. He hears someone call his name, but ignores it when more guards attacked him. "Engaging new hostiles..."
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"Scarlet!" Aires yelled, "I'm not with them! I'm on your side! I could care less about those Beacon morons." Aires knew she had to lie. She had to be convincing.
"Funny thing about tainted blood. Never know how someone will react to it." Michael stood following his new charge, some one had to keep an eye on her. And he would work nicely as support. Pulling theonyx Brass Knuckles out of his uniform he slowly moved up to scarlet. Same trick as the guard.
The Scarlet attacking Aires suddenly dropped the girl. She stood still for a moment before the light left her eyes and she...folded up into a small box marked with an emblem. A stolen weapon Scarlet had reprogrammed.

Scarlet left out of her office with three faunuses following on either side of her. It seemed none of them could take care of the situation. She carried a bloody cleaver in her hand that she was cleaning with a bloody cloth- or more, smearing the blood around on the knife. She grinned when she saw the group of students running around slicing and dicing everything up. Using her semblance, she forced the chainsaw Will was holding up into the ceiling. "This couldn't be a rescue party could it? Oh how cute. Too bad you're too late." she mused "They're dead." she added with a cold hiss. "The girl was abnormally fun to torture to death. You should have heard her, crying out in pain~ wishing her dear sweet friends would save her. Ha! It was hilarious."
"Damn . . ." Aires makes a break for it. She can hear the real Scarlet bit heads in the direction of Elinore's scent. "A lie or not I gotta see for myself." She spreads her feathers and activates their communication feature. Elinore, Tav, please tell me you're not really dead. She placed her tattoo like mask on and continued her search, this time silently killing anyone that for in her way.
Dropping the out fit Michael drew back moving closer to will. "Wish I had my sword right about now." He drew his flask out of one of his pockets andmtookna swig.
William was surprised when his temporary weapon flew up to the ceiling. But he kept his cool when Scarlett approaches the group. "So you killed her... that's unfortunate. Now I won't get to know who I was during my time in Beacon." He picks up a sword from a fallen guard and gives it to Michael. "Here, use this. I'm sure you can finish this fight by yourselves. Goodbye." He gives a nod to everyone there before disappearing into thin air. His employer was dead, so he didn't need to finish this fight. Not his problem anymore.

Alex was beating up White Fang members when reinforcements arrived and began attacking the enemy with brute force. "I don't remember calling for reinforcements... A.D? Did you call them here?" He asked while pulling the injured out of the fight, both friend and foe. "Nope, but I think they aren't suppose to be here." A.D replied. "But look at that girl over there! She's beating that poor fool senseless, probably going to kill him." Alex sighs as he walks over to Angel and pulls her away from the injured faunus. "Stop hurting him. He's asking for mercy and as a future Huntress, you must learn how to control yourself when harming others. No one else needs to die today."
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One down. Scarlet smiled when a little metal shard she'd taken from her prisoners began to make a little noise "Sorry, they're gone." she cooed back into the feather. Sure it was all a lie, but there was nothing to stop them from believing it.

Elinore led the group into the weapons vault, sticking to her plan of hiding over fighting. It looked like the room was empty...and bloody. Someone had already been through it, "Okay everyone, we're looking for a pair of blady-glovey-things and LunarRedemption." she said with a nod, "now let's get to it!" the three of them had literally hundreds of crates to search. This would take a while. Not to mention Elinore was losing blood. This would be interesting

The faunus cupped a hand to his ear as he heard some clanging and rustling coming from a corridor some ways down, the echoes soft even for his ears. Curiosity killed the something or another, Benjamin thinks jokingly before creeping down the hall and listening to the voices. They were soft and muffled, hard to make out the words. He caught a couple, something about blade gloves. That can't be good, Benjamin concludes before creeping into the room and springing on the first person in sight, which happened to be Elinore. "Whoops." Was all the student could say after springing up and offering his hand to help Elinore up.

(Check out Ben's new look and armor on my character sheet :P )

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