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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"No idea. The only person who was with him when he lost his memory was Nat, but she hasn't told me anything what caused it. Which means she might have caused it herself." Alex replied. The pair were passing by the 1st year dorms when they heard gunshots coming from Benjamin's room. "Really, what now?!" The faunus professor goes inside the building before breaking down Benjamin's door. "What's going on in here?!"

A.D was in the air and had his SMG out of his body. There was holes in the walls, each containing a bullet. Seems like the A.I wanted to see if Benjamin's armor was bulletproof. "Hey Creator. What seems to be the problem?"
She recognized his voice, "Will it's you! Oh thank goodness! I'm so happy to see you!" She turned to hug him and realized she was hugging air. "What the? Will?" Aires began waving her arms around, she could feel him but couldn't see him, "Cool . . . Will it's me! Thanks for not shooting me. Haha!" She felt as though she was touching his mask.
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(Sorry. Wasn't getting notifications)

"Dunno. Found it in some shop in town." The student said before the falcon decided to fire at the armor. the obvious result was that it attracted Alex's attention. "Dammit. Now I need a new door. And before you say anything, the gunfire was from AD. Testing out some new armor and he has the best capabilities to do so." Benjamin explained, probably to no avail.
"Normally I would do something about this, but I don't have time. I know about Elinore's situation with the White Fang and I'm bringing her back. Come with me if you want. The more the merrier." Alex said before heading back to the air docks. He makes it there and starts the engine of the Bullhead he was in. The small airship lifts off and heads to the Industrial District of the city.

"Yeah, no problem. But lower your voice. You're not invisible like me." William said as he pulls Aires' hands off his mask.
"Man, people just can't keep their mouths shut. Let's go AD." Benjamin says as he grabs his armor. "I see this rescue getting out of hand." And with that, Benjamin was running to catch up to Alex at the air docks. The faunus had to leap to the bullhead to make it in time. "Jeez, you could have waited for me." Ben groaned as he walked towards the cockpit.
Aires hushed herself and whispered, "True, but I do have two advantages." Which may or may not help me in this situation. "Do you have a plan?" She felt him take her hands off of his mask.
"Well sorry kid, but I'm in a rush. I don't have time to wait." Alex said before he nearly crashed into another flying airship. "Going up!" The Bullhead flys up in time to avoid collision. This continues on for minutes until they land a good distance away from their destination. "My car!" A civilian yelled out after the airship landed on top of a random vehicle. "Not my fault you parked it there." The professor muttered before heading to the factory on foot.

"Did you enjoy the ride, buddies? I'm amazed none of you died in that death trap." A.D teased as he flew out of the airship and perches on Alex's shoulder.

"If killing everyone is a plan, then yes. I do have a plan." William replied. "Though finding Elinore and her friend is top priority. So start opening doors with those feathers of yours. I'll be on the lookout for any guards."
The student emerges from the bullhead in a crouch and moves in that position for a little bit. "Shush AD, we don't know what kind of surveillance this place has." Benjamin says as he adjusts the straps on his armor. "What's the plan Alex?"
Michael stooped out side the white fang compound dropping his pack. It had been a run and "catching" a ship down was interesting but he had made good time. He pulled out a set of white fang armor and helmet and started to chage. He kept his Gladius and his lower armor remanned unchanged for the most part but he had put on the sash, Michael still had his light carbon fiber armor on but his hands were here and his fanged mouth was in full view. He had put on a pair of onyx Brass Knuckles and his claw tiled fingers were more obvious.

Walking up to the guard at the gate and waved to him with one hand and punched him on the crest of the chest hard enough to feel his calor bone smashed to dust and his spine split under the force, his limp body smashing into a cargo container with a sicking thud. He progressed in this mannor starting his search.
"Gotcha" She whispered as she plucked a feather and charged it up into a blade. She unlocked multiple doors most leading to a dead end and then she found a door with a mysterious lock on it. Inserting her feather she unlocks half of it. "What the?" The other half was for members of the White Fang only. A scanner was placed in front of the door. I wonder if I place my hand on this if it will recognize me as part of the Talonz sect and what if it does what will Will think about me. . .but then again what if it doesn't . . . "Oh dust here goes nothing." Placing her hand on the scanner the door opens and the scanner reads: WINGS MEMBER OF: TALONZ. WELCOME. "It worked. Hey Will, we're in." She waved to the air. "I would love it if I could see this kid, oh well."
"Normally I would just burst in there and beat the living hell out of them. But there's something strange going on here." Alex said as he observes the patrols outside the factory. He noticed the gate guard get taken out by a disguised Michael. Taking the opportunity to enter unnoticed, he leads the group through the unguarded gate. "Search and rescue. That's the plan. Now spread out and avoid detection if possible."

"Roger that. I'm moving in." William said before entering the strange room with caution.
"My specialty." Benjamin replies to the professor before taking off down a hallway. The faunus' eyes flickered side to side as he scanned the halls and passageways for guards or security. His faunus night vision came in handy, allowing him to see increased distances into the darkness. His tail flicked about and scratched his head. "What is going on here?" he muttered softly and continued to move.
Aires hears Will enter the room. She takes the time to speedily change into her WF gear from Talonz. She ties her hair up tight and high, it streams along her back side ending at her rear: sleek and black. The last thing she puts on herself is her face mask. It appeared to melt to her skin like a tattoo. The swirls went around her eyes and ended in two daggers on the sides of her mouth. Her boots were fully reloaded and her leather gloves extended to her elbows. "Let's do this." She heard footsteps and saw a Faunus heading straight toward her. She cocked her boots and turned liftinf her leg in the air, only to stop and notice that it was Ben. She must have looked so different to him. "Ben that you?"
William sighs in disappointment when he entered a room full of metal crates. "Wrong room, Aires. No sign of Eli-" He immediately goes silent when he realized that Aries wasn't with him anymore. Instead, at the door was some masked female wearing the same uniform like the guards outside. When did she... whatever. I gotta kill this guard before she alerts anyone about the door. He takes out a knife and creeps up to the disguised Aires to stab her.
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Aires put her leg down and hears William tell her that it was the wrong room. "Wrong room? What are you taking about, they had this specific door locked with a special lock. They wouldn't just do that because they-" when she turns around she sees Will coming at her. "No Will it's me Aires!" She tried to tell him but couldn't stop him in time and she couldn't shield herself either. Blood began to pool at her side a she falls to her knees, "Will aha dust. Look at my eyes it's me. . ."
"Oh dear... I messed up." William muttered as he let goes of the impaled knife. He didn't even notice his invisibility was gone since he was too busy looking inside the crates for medical supplies. "Why is there only weapons in these damn crates?! Are they trying to arm an entire army for war?!" Opening crate after crate, each one contained weapons like swords, spears, rifles, shields, etc. One crate even had a chainsaw in it. "Where's a medical kit when you need one?"
Aires fell to her side. "Listen to me. Just get out of here and find Elinore. Understand? I'll be fine." Aires said looking up at him. Part of her was scared but she didn't allow herself to show that part. "There are more important things at stake. So go Will. And please try to remember something!" She waved her arm trying to shew him away.
"Well," Tinman said from the doorway "it would appear that I'm too late."

His eyes darted from William to the fallen from of Aires.

One arm was covered by his other half's bathrobe, the other held a med kit that dangled at his side.

"I do believe you may need this." Tinman stated before entering.

He dropped the med kit at Aires's side and stared at Will before stepping to the side.

He must analyze the situation.
"M'lady! Intrudors!" One of the guards shouted as he bursted into Scarlet's office. "Put the base under high alert. Lock the doors to the weapons vault. Kill the prisoners and the intruders. No one is getting out. Sirens went off throughout the base accompanied by red flashing lights. The door behind William, Tinman and Aires closed itself and locked again. Guards took their positions staggered through the hallways. Getting around now would require a lot of stealth; or a lot of firepower.

A guard walked into Elinore and Tavril's room. The two were sitting in the corner of the room. Elinore had stolen a nail file from a girl at Beacon and was using it to saw through the chain that kept Tavril tied to a wall like a dog tied to a post."Trying to break that traitor out you filthy human? Ah, it doesn't matter. You're both dead now anyways." the guard said as he walked over to Elinore and picked her up. He pushed her against the wall and put a knife up to her neck, "you broke off the collar too. That just makes my job easier." before Elinore could flare up her semblance, he had the tip of the knife in her neck. He was going to slit her throat slowly, to draw out the pain, but Tavril knocked him out before he could. Elinore put her hand over her bleeding neck and smiled. Her wound was only critical, not fatal, and Tavril had finally moved. It looked like she broke the chain just enough for him to get out. "We gotta move. Don't be seen." Tavril said as he ran out of the room. Elinore followed, leaving a faint blood trail behind.
Michael matched then pace of the white fang around him. Moving about the halls when the guard next to him stopped he looked expectantly at Michael before reaceving a steel shod boot to the face. Most of the white fang in the halls didn't questions his movements. Those that did were rather shouted out or when the situation allowed silenced. Soon enough he found what looked to be a security door. And a busted lock. The others had been this way. The door was still closing and Michael had time enough to jump into the door to stop its progress. Blood running down his hands a companyed by the odd snap of a bone. " mind getting a move on louts I would like to think I have all day but I don't.
The lights flashed in an alarm. Ben half expected a voice repeating "Intruder Alert" but none was present. "Dammit." The Faunus cursed as he shot off the cover to a vent. "I don't think I'm small enough to do this effectively." He muttered as he squeezed through and crawled forward. All around him, he heard alerts and saw the flashing lights, save one pathway. This led him towards the dark corridor and into another section of the compound. "Where am I?"

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"So much for stealth..." William said as he grabs a chainsaw from one of the crates. "Bathrobe guy, grab the injured and get ready to run. Aires, I'm sorry for hurting you, but we're leaving now." Pushing the door open with their mysterious savior, he noticed the armed guards heading towards them. He starts up the chainsaw, which roars to life with electricity coming out of it. Awesome. "Whoever you are, thanks for the assistance. Are you here to save Elinore too?" He asked before slicing a guard's sword in half when they tried to attack him.
Markus took note of the alarms. "Noes our chance. Come on you apes...." He was talking to some students." You want to save your own!" Half of them stormed out into the open. Drawing some of the attention from the scone half that would enter through the drainage system. A couple of the other security guards that worked with Markus lead the charge meant to be a distraction. Markus lead the other group.

Outside some explosions could be heard. Sharpshooters were in the tree line, taking out targets and gunners. Markus and that half made there into the whole base. " find your objectives, and take them out, grab the prisoners, and anything that you find valuable.… if you can try and take prisoners… we will interrogate them." He said as he made his way to the prison. He found where elinore and trivel was. "Wanna get out?" He asked cocky.

Tag me if I have to see it
Angel was one of the people in Markus' team, going into the base first, leading the other students in. As she entered and turned a corner, a White Fang member came at her, a gun in hand. With her bo staff, she split it in half and began attacking the enemy, effectively kicking away the gun from his grasp. She looked at him and an evil grin appeared on her face. She then began attacking the White Fang member without any mercy, her inner demon taking control over herself. She heard him plea for mercy, but it fell on deaf ears as she continued to batter and bruise him. 'Someone come and stop me..' She thought to herself, her subconscious the only thing she had control over.
Tavril stopped when he saw Markus and pushed Elinore behind him, "Nah, we want to stay here and enjoy the tea party." he growled back. He had a lot of anger built up. "now how about you get off your high horse and help us get to the weapon vault."

"Your arm is in a sling Tav, you're in no position to fight. Just accept his help and lets get out of here..." Elinore said quietly, still holding the gash on her neck, "our weapons are in the vault. I'm not leaving without my axe." she said with a nod, "so let's get going."

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