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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"I have an A.I that's a freaking bird? Plus, how can he possibly fire back at me?" William asked Benjamin, his finger itching to pull the trigger. But after listening to Elinore talk, he pulls his wrist away from Ben's grasp. "Fine. I'll 'chill' out for now. But don't expect me to follow your orders all the time. You're still strangers to me."

A.D flies down and perches on Elinore's shoulder. He let goes of the collar to drop it into her hand.
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Lucky for Angel, she was wearing her casual clothes as she was dragged out of the infirmary without notice. "Aires? Where are we going? Is something the matter?" She asked her, obviously worried at Aires' demeanor.
They finally reached their destination, and was met with a group of people consisting of both human and faunus. Most of them were new faces, haven't meeting them prior to her dilemma. She smiled a small smile and looked to each one of them. "Hello. I'm Angelica Diaval, but you can call me Angel." She told them, bowing slightly.
"We're saving Tavril. You remember Elinore right? And Ben? This however is Will be on guard with him around. That is AD and . . . Huh that's weird I thought I heard Michael . . .Hmm ok then." She looks at Luna, "What's the plan? Oh and Ben what did you mean about me being oblivious, huh?" She tugged on him playfully.
Aires bowed apologetically hiding behind Ben, "Gah sorry sorry!" She pleaded towards Michael. "I haven't seen you in forever."
"Whoa whoa whoa. Back up. We're saving Tavril?" Angel asked, both shocked and worried. She looked back to the others and smiled. "Hello again." She repeated and bowed once more then turned to look at Aires. "What happened to Tav? Is he ok? Where is he? Is he safe?" She bombarded Aires with questions one after the other.
Aires began to tremble. She was still behind Ben and now she was clutching him. She looked at the ground, "I don't know . . ." I'm not sure what my brother wanted with Tavril, but he's not the one that had him. So what's going on. . .
"Dunno. All we know is he is in trouble. Elinore knows more I would assume. And they will all be dead in four days if we don't stop whoever. Sounds like fun. I'm sure my recent discovery of my semblance could help a tad." He said to himself more than to the others. He hadn't had much practice with it, but someone pointed out to him that he was personally incredibly lucky. One of the teachers. Was it the history teacher that moved insanely fast or one of the older student who was famous for one thing or another? He couldn't remember, but it wasn't important. "Should I get Hayden? He seems to be a problem solver." He directed towards the rest of the group.
Imbecile! Here, give me the body for a second.

As the accusations flew between the adults, Tinman removed the hideous bathrobe his other half so sternly insisted upon wearing. He slung the robe over one arm before bowing to Natalya.

"Mistress, I would like you to know that I am forever indebted to you." Tinman spoke with an accent "I will personally see to your every wish and desire till the debt has been repaid."

He stood and continued ranting "No matter what Grimm attack the academy, no matter how many students work with the White Fang in order to steal from you, no matter which male staff and students let their eyes roam over you when they know you aren't looking, I want you to know this..."

Tinko whipped his bathrobe back on "I will be so, soooooo happy to help you with any of it." Tinko cheered "So don't hesitate to ask!"
Natalya was astonished by Tinko's speech. She didn't really expect any sort of reward from protecting Tinko yesterday night at the library. All she did was protect him from a fire blast that was originally directed at her. But who says she can't use this 'debt' to her advantage in the future? "See, I told you it was a misunderstanding." She told Goodwitch, while giving her a sly smile. Before Goodwitch could say anything, Ozpin raises his hand up to silence her. "Yes, we are sorry for misunderstanding the situation, Natalya. So please, accept my offer to become a new teacher at Beacon Academy. With your expert skills with glyphs, you could teach all sorts of students while earning a higher salary." Natalya was astonished once more, since the teaching offer wasn't really expected at all. Her wildest imaginations would have never even thought of that. "I'll accept your offer!"

"Great, more people I don't know." William complained after Angel introduced herself to the group. He seriously hated having no memories of anyone in the academy, since it's making him more paranoid whenever he sees a new face. Each person he meets could possibly be a real friend or his enemy trying to deceive him. "Sure, go get this 'Hayden' friend of yours. If he can positively contribute to the mission, then why not. The more the merrier." He said sarcastically. "Is there something bothering you buddy? You seem really on edge." A.D asked his former partner. "Oh shut up, you stupid A.I. I got nothing to say to you." William said as he picks up his pistol. He begins fiddling with the firearm while trying to think of a plan to deal with Elinore's current situation.
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"It's time to put everything into action." An evil smirk spread across Sora's face. "Oh Kaze?" She sang, "Be dear and come to mommy please." Kaze slowly frosted from the shadows towards his mother. His hair swayed in front of his face, you couldn't see his eyes at all. "That's a good boy!" She patted his head as he trembled against her touch. "Look look, you're sister thinks she can or run her destiny, her fate, silly, little, beautiful girl. She doesn't even understand the extant of her powers. She'd be a nuance if she became a Huntress. With her gifts she'd become better than GG." Kaze coughed and stopped as soon as he started; looking over at Sora, he got on his knees and pleaded forgiveness. " Silly boy, you've done nothing wrong . . . Yet. Who's GG? Why my son that is the name of the pesky huntress at Beacon, Glynda Goodwitch." She pulls Kaze up on his feet, "Can you believe we use to be friends? Haha, ah yes but that was a long, long, long time ago." Her laughter went away and her tension revived. 'Your sister. . . Her wings are her weapon, the feathers are blades and they act as a communication device. She can fly and use dust on her feathers or these boots given to her. When her eyes change colors, she can explode anything with just a blink of her eyes, that is her semblance. They turn neon violet, what happens if they turn ice blue? How fascinating. She flies at top speed and has a big heart. Let's see if we can't change that. Those idiots she calls friends would probably get in the way, but she'd protect them. Kaze her friends tell me more."

"Well, " Kaze bows, "There's Elinore, she's human, entitled to fire semblance usage and carries around a Canon for a weapon, she's a spirited fighter; then we have William, a merc, trained and somewhat adopted by Alex, a teacher at Beacon and Natalya Regit, he constantly loses his memory and is more of a solo leader. Up next is-" Sora stops him, "Natalya Regit, what is she doing there, that two timer, either way continue." Kaze nodded,

"Loki was recently killed, he was Aires's current boyfriend, Nexus is the one that seduced Aires back into the White Fang. He is Loki's cousin. There's Benjamin a monkey faunus doesn't seem to be a threat, a bout named Tinko, he is unknown, a girl named Angel she and Elinore hold a bond with Aires, a tight one and then there's Michael unknown, and Tavril the faunus that I failed to capture . . ." Sora pet his head once more reassuring him that he did well,

"Now I have big plans for your sister, horribly big nasty plans for my baby girl." Insane laughter escapes her mouth.

"Will!" Aires runs up to him, "Don't you remember you gave these to me!" She points to get boots, "Well not you exactly Alex did but they were made from Arc Death!" She smiled up at him, "I know we're a ton a mauve new faces, but-" She turns to face the group, "I swear I will lay down my life for any of yours, no exceptions." Aires was scary, no that wasn't the right word, she was . . . Determined.
"You sure seem happy about another Will. Maybe I'll just get an opinion." He replied. "Hey AD, wanna help me out with something? Wait, who am I kidding, you would help me." Benjamin stated before opening one of the class windows. "I guess I could have opened the already broken one..." He mutters leaning out and checking the height.
"What is it Ben? Are we going to blow something up?" A.D asked as he flew up to the faunus student and perches on their shoulder. "Or are you determining if you have the ability to fly at this height? Because last time I checked, monkeys can't fly."

William silently stares at Aires and her boots. He wasn't sure what to say in this sort of situation, but decided to say something nice for once. He has been quite hostile with everyone he meets. "I don't remember giving you boots made from my armor, since I'm wearing it right now. Also, don't make empty promises that you can't keep in the future. Someone might actually take you seriously." He said before putting his pistol back into his jacket. Well that wasn't nice at all...

Natalya and Alex left the office, letting Tinko finish his conversation with Ozpin without any distractions. The couple leaned against the door and were silent for a few minutes. "Why did he give me a job as a professor in Beacon? Doesn't he know who I am?" Natalya asked, breaking the silence. "Ozpin knows who you are and what you've done in the past. He simply wants to determine whether or not you're here for a different purpose. Which I'm also curious about. Why are-" Alex said before he was interrupted by a student. Apparently a student attacked their fellow classmates and Alex is needed to question anyone involved in the fight. "Bye bye, Alex. Have fun with your duties!" Natalya teased as she waves the professor goodbye. She remains in front of the door for unknown reasons.
Tinko waved goodbye to the two teachers before returning his attention to Ozpin.

"Mr. Ozpin, the actions of one meenie teacher shouldn't restrict the students from properly studying such dangerous Grimm!" Tinko stated "What if, dust forbid, one of them is able to stumble upon a Minotaur!"

Dear Lord, what nonsense are you telling him!?!
"Well, if such a event occurs, they'll need to retreat immediately after making contact with it. But meeting a Minotaur is rare, since they are a dying breed of Grimm." Ozpin said as Goodwitch gives him a report about a recent fight and cases where students are losing their weapons to a unknown thief. The Dean reads the report before looking at Tinko. "I'm sorry to end our meeting early, but something important has come up. We'll need to finish our discussion another day."
"Not yet AD. And I may not be able to fly, but I have a couple tricks." The Faunus says as he aims towards one of the buildings and fires a blade into one of its peaks. "But, it would be appreciated if you came along to scan something and maybe you can blow something up after that." Ben had no idea what, but the AI's assistance would make his life a little bit easier. Grabbing his new armor was no problem, but he had no idea how durable the lightweight pieces were. AD could scan it or just fire into it and maybe test it's explosive capabilities. "So you in or out?"
Aires looks at Will coldly, "You know, you almost killed me once." Her stare keeps and then she smiles, "but I never blamed you once. You were there when Loki died and kept me from ending myself." She sighed, "What I'm trying to say is, I'm glad to have you back even if you don't know who I am, and I hope others take me seriously, my life may be small and insignificant, but I wouldn't hesitate in protecting any of you." She then smacks Will's shoulder and laughs, "Alright, Lulu, Where's Tavril as of right now, do you know?"
Tinko pouted, but bowed and wandered out of the Dean's office.

Where exactly did YOU learn about Minotaurs!?! Their existence has been ignored by mass media and the like for a while.

"Sometimes Rage chats with me as well," Tinko muttered "just because you have a fancy laptop doesn't mean you're entitled to all the juicy stuff."

He heard Tinman grumble a bit.

Unimportant, just make sure the asset is good and happy... NO MATTER WHAT.

Tinko turned to Natalya and shrugged before waving, "Anything at all, no questions asked!"

He then began backing away, waving his arms and making ghost noises for dramatic effect.
"Blow something up or... I'm in. Let's go do whatever you want me to do." A.D replied as he flew off to the peak Benjamin shot at. "I'm in the mood to see something get destroyed."

Natalya raises an eyebrow as she watched Tinko leave. "He's indebted to me? Huh... how funny." She muttered to herself before imprinting a small yellow glyph on the office door. It immediately disappears as Natalya leaves the building herself. She needed to get ready to teach her new class tomorrow.
((Look who didn't get a single notification in the past two days -_- ; ))

Elinore took a deep breath. This two, maybe three man mission just gained so many new people. "Alright, is this everyone? I'm not going to explain this two more times. You're all aware of the White Fang, yes? I hope so. Scarlet, of the northern wing, Tavril's mother, has moved down here and is amassing an army. I've been 'hired' to steal weapons from Beacon students to bring back to her. Tavril was also captured, but because his mother doesn't trust him to not betray her, he's chained up in a room. Her main goal is Natalya's weapon. We can't let her have it. We also can't let her catch wind of this plan to escape. We're going to run and try to not kill anyone because that's how I roll. Also we're trying to not get anyone else killed." she sighed, tired of explaining this. "Got it? Also, this is William," she said as she gestured to the armored student, "he has serious amnesia problems and doesn't remember any of you. Don't be offended if he doesn't trust any of you. I'd do the same in his position." She put the collar around her neck again but didn't clip it closed. "Alright, I'm taking one question from each of you. We'll talk strategy tomorrow because I really have to work on catching Will up on everything."

Scarlet looked at the scroll she had taken from her favorite prisoner. That worthless piece of - Markus? As in the one who used to be in the White Fang before he was kicked out? Oh, this was good. "No, I'm afraid I was busy with other affairs.-Elinore" she messaged back.

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Benjamin. Nodded to Elinore before retracting the blade and shooting across the greens. Once he landed he repeated the process until he reached the building housing his current room. Once there, he climbed down to his room and opened the window to climb in.
He messaged back. " you should have! Even professor ozpin was there... And my band got to play a little. It was pretty awesome... So what were you on the Goliath mission?" He made up a fake mission.

Tag me if I have to see it

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