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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Quick reply: Haven't seen her. You sure she's at Beacon? Maybe we should work together to track her down...


Benjamin muttered what he was tapping onto the scroll. He hadn't seen Elinore in awhile and he had a few questions about Natalya.

(What have I missed? I can tell its a new day)
Tinko stared at the partially ruined section of the library, the Academy Staff were barring all use of the library until it could be rebuilt. They've also been waiting for the arsonist or arsonists responsible for the destruction to be found.

Tinko himself stood outside staring at the smoldering wreckage.

The asset is currently in good hands, we must replenish our energy and wait for an ample opportunity.

"Opportunity?" Tinko asked with a trademark yawn"An opportunity for what?"

To save her from an over oppressive situation, like she did for us. This place is crawling with lethal opportunity, and we'll benefit from the first one we are able to. It is the only way to ensure that we owe nothing to her.

Tinko put a hand to his mouth and thought "Can't we just say thanks?" He questioned "Or maybe give her some money or something."

Fool! A measly form of gratitude such as that will never count as full repayment, not even paying her will suffice! She saved our life, therefore, we must save hers! But just to be safe, you must limit as many inconveniences for her as possible.

Tinko yawned, Tinman's violent dedication did nothing to heighten his motivation.

"Fine," Tinko sighed "what did we have to do again?"

To the lunch room with you. A full, healthy meal will do wonders for your combat readiness.

Tinko yawned again before making his way to the lunch room. He heard the echo of fingers on a keyboard as Tinman did technical things in his mind.

Tinko hardly heard any of the early morning chatter as he waited in line for his lunch. He made his way to an empty table at one edge of the room before digging into his meal with the grace of a furious toddler.
Aires headed to get some food. She didn't notice how tired she was. "I can barely stay awake . . .Thank you for the meal." She smiled taking her food to a corner table. Nexus disappeared again, Luna is acting strange, I still haven't seen Will but Alex and Natalya are back. Angel hasn't woken up yet, Where's Ben? I haven't seen Tavril, either. . . She yawned slightly and then mumbled, "Sora Phoenix . . . I wonder . . . Nah. . . " She looked up and saw someone familiar, "Tinko! Over here!" She waved at him smiling watching him devour his food.
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Tinko heard his name and let his sleepy eyes dart up. He spotted the wing lady across the lunch room waving at him. He waved back and prepared to stand-

Where do you think you're going?

Tinko blinked at Tinman's random appearance within his head " I was gonna see if wing lady could show me where the minotaurs are."

Denied, focus on regaining a statistically significant increase in power from the nutrients held in the food laid before you. Besides, she is still considered a threat to the asset due to her involvement in the decimation of the library and the subsequent kidnapping of our charge.

Tinko tried to interpret Tinman's large vocabulary, and when he got the gist of it, he sighed and sat back down before he continued mauling his seemingly bare lunch tray.
Aires cocked her head to one side raising and eyebrow. Okay, I'll just come over to you. She grabbed her food and began walking over to Tinko. It looked as though he was struggling with something. But what. She smiled and looked at him, "Um, hey can I sit here? With you?" She felt nervous, could it have been that she was so out of touch with talking to boys. She lightly turned pink and coughed a little to clear the air. "Uh Tinko?" She said, "You alright?"
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Quick, unanticipated conversation has been approved for usage.

Hearing that, Tinko's head shot up from his tray and his eyes bored holes into the wing lady with intensity of a thousand toddlers preparing to ravage a toy store.

"Tell me where the Minotaurs reside Miss wing lady, pretty please?" He asked through heavy breathing and giggles.

Couldn't you have chosen ANYTHING ELSE!?!?!
"Miss wing lady? Wha . . . I . . ." She sighs and then smiles at him, "The Minotaurs, huh, why Tinko, don't you know that they're locked up somewhere only Ozpin knows." Aires giggled taking a sip of her water. "You're a goof ball, aren't you, though I know you're always tired Oh and you know you can call me Aires. We're friends after all." She beamed at him, tucking her hair behind her ear.
Tinko heard a clattering inside his head as the words sank in.

Only Ozpin knows...

Give me control quickly! Rage is on his way and if he gets to the core before I can-

Only Ozpin knows....

Tinko frowned as he heard the sounds of a door being kicked in, followed by a series of incoherent shouts and screams...

Oh for the love of-

Only Ozpin knows...

The sound of a glass chalice fracturing violently was the last thing Tinko heard from the commotion in his head.

He put a hand to his head and stood up...

"Okay Wing lady!" Tinko said as he shot out of his seat "I'll go ask Mr. Ozpin then!"

He then marched towards the cafeteria doors before spinning out of them, singing numerically all the way.
Aires smiles, "Well he's never boring." She got up and began to walk towards the nurses office. "Excuse me I-"One of the nurses rushed her out of the room. "Okay then nevermind" She says walking outside, "I wonder how Loki is doing today." She spreads her wings and heads to their Lake. Once their she dives into the water and sees the grave she made for him. Smiling she swims upward towards the shore. "I'm glad he's doing well." She laughed slightly while wringing the water out of her hair. "Huh?" Turning her head she saw a figure, "Eph? Is that you? Ephemeral!" She ran to the snake and embraced its head in her arms. "It's so good to see you boy! How you been?" He bowed his head and looked towards the lake. "I know. I miss him too." Turning his attention back to her she sighed, "Don't worry I haven't found someone new. And even if I did, Loki will always be your Daddy in a weird sense." Ephemeral nudges her and then disappeared. "Good bye my friend."
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In the Dean's office, located in top level of Beacon Tower, there is a meeting going on between four staff members. Professor Ozpin is sitting down on his chair and Glynda Goodwitch is standing next to him, both staring at Alex and Natalya Regit with cold eyes. Apparently they knew about Natalya's use of excessive use of force against a student, which almost destroyed the library at the same time. "Ms. Regit, you're fired." Goodwitch said with a stern voice. "Wait! You can't fire me for defending myself against a student! He started it!" Natalya retorted in self-defense, hoping to not lose her job as a librarian. As Goodwitch and Natalya begin to argue about the last night's events, Ozpin waves Alex to come to him to speak privately with him. Now there was two different conversations going on in the office.

Walking past groups of students in uniform, William noticed that they were all looking at him. Perhaps it was because he wasn't wearing a uniform during a school day, or maybe they thought he was a advanced AK-130 patrolling the school grounds. Whatever the reason, he doesn't enjoy being stared at by curious eyes. Feels like all of them might attack him at any given moment. "You like what you see? Then how about electric shock in the face? I bet you'll feel better with thousands of volts of electricity going through your face." He threatened the students while looking back at his observers. Electricity was skidding off his armor now, which made some of the students back off and leave. But others accepted the challenge and they approach William with their weapons. "Right... Beacon Academy teaches students how to fight against the Grimm. Well dust... I hope this doesn't take too long." Knowing he'll be hunted down if he retreats now, William smashes his fists together to cause more electricity to come out of him. Prepared for battle, he charges at the students with intentions to break their legs.

In the open sky above Beacon Academy, a flock of small Nevermores are flying by the facility. They are just enjoying the fresh air, each one glad that they aren't being shot at by that damn c- "CAW CAW, FOOLS! I HAVE RETURNED TO BEACON ACADEMY! NOW GET THE DUST OUT OF MY TERRITORY, YOU FIENDS!" Bullets suddenly bombard the flock, taking down half of them instantly. The Nevermores were confused, since the attack didn't come from the ground today. Did their nemesis learn how to fly?! Slice! A metal hawk flies by the avian Grimm with sharp wings wide open, cutting down their numbers again. The remaining Grimm retreat, each fearing for their lives. "Ha ha! You weaklings can't handle me in a fight, even if your lives depended on it! I am awe- OW! What's going on?!" The metal hawk yelled out before losing control of his body and falling down onto the roof of a random building. Apparently someone or something hacked his robotic body and he can't move anymore. But who could've done it? "Welcome back home, A.D. Long time no see."
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Apparently the rumor of students getting their weapons stolen when they were alone had spread because Elinore had been wandering around the place for half an hour without seeing a single student who was alone. Nothing could have prepared her for what she was about to see though. But honestly, by now this should have been normal to her. She didn't know why this stuff kept catching her by surprise. A student ran up to her and grabbed Elinore by the shoulders "Your boyfriend's gone nuts!" he shouted before passing out. She leaned down to pick up the unconscious student's weapon and walking in direction the student had come from to find, of course, electrified William trying to break legs. "Hey! William!" Elinore shouted over to him, "you done wasting time? We've got work to do."
Slowly bending a student's leg, William noticed someone calling out to him about work. Apparently it was Elinore, who had a new weapon with her. "Yeah, I just finished up here. Just give me a few seconds." He said before letting go of the leg in his hands. He wasn't sure how he was going to deal with the rest of his opponents until everyone heard a teacher telling them to stop fighting. He took this opportunity to escape from everyone else without them noticing. "Sorry for being late. I had important business to attend to." He told Elinore after grabbing her hand and pulling her into a nearby building. Entering a empty classroom, he locks the door behind them. "Now that we're alone, mind explaining what I have to do to help you out? I can't work without knowing what to do."
Teri looked out the window. "Og they're back..." She mutered before climbing othe vehicle that they were going to steal and proceeded to wanr around.
Elinore sat on top of one of the desks and put the weapon down beside her, "Scarlet Luminous, leader o the Remanent sector of the White Fang, normally based in the northernmost areas. Remanent recently started a new project down here. I don't know much about it because I'm more like an asset. All I know is that they want weapons. Specifically that box that you've been trapped in. About a week ago...I think....I can't tell time very well in that dark room, a friend and I were kidnapped. I guess I'm an easy target. I'm attached to too many people. I can't let them die. And I've got easy access to Beacon. I was told if I could get that box, they'd let everyone live, me, Tavril, even this little girl. If I fail, they'll kill both of them and leave me to rot. So either the three of us have to escape, or I get that box before Scarlet does."
"If we want quick results, then we should go after Nat's Hellsing and bring it your captor. But I doubt she'll give it to us without a fight." William said as he walked up to the front of the classroom. He began reading the huge map on the wall, which had notes on different locations across Vytal. "Escape will take longer, but maybe more successful if we do it right. All we need is a plan to get that collar off you so they can't track you anymore and a place for the three of you to hide until we take care of Scarlett. Permanently. Now then..." He turns around and leans against the map behind him. "You want to fight or run away to fight another day? Whichever plan you pick, I'll follow it till the end."
"Will?!" Aires gasps as she sees the two of them together. "Lulu you found Will!" She smiled and ran up to hug her long lost friend. "I can't believe it's you! Will! Oh welcome back!" She then looks at Elinore, "Wait, what are you two talking about?" She looks up at Will and lets him go. "Oh did I interrupt a lovers spat?" She giggled slightly, "I've missed both of you so much!" She beamed but then sensed this sort of tension, "What's going on you two?"
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Tinko looked at the students who were dragging him down the hall, he didn't know who they were. He knew that he was doing something before they grabbed him, but the feeling of the floor sliding under his head had lulled him into a partial sleep state.

Good, this still works properly... you have to be more cautious you imputent fool. That train of thought almost let Rage out, even an idiot such as yourself should understand the implications. I won't try to stop you're idiotic fascination with Minotaurs since my sources say that it may actually be helpful to the current situation.

Just... stay...calm...

Tinko was dropped by his captors, who then walked off while looking back at him awkwardly.

Tinko blinked at their vanishing forms a couple times before getting up and stumbling the other direction.

"Tin Tin?" Tinko asked "Did you hijack me again?"

Unimportant, oh look... we've arrived...

Tinko had hardly noticed the big door he had nearly missed.

This is Ozpin's office, behind it lies the asset and the Dean... along with several others of unimportance.

Tinko nearly did a spin at the news. He could see the Minotaurs, FEEL the Minotaurs, TASTE the Mino-

Get on with it, I don't have all day

Tinko pouted before lightly knocking on the door
Elinore looked up and smiled at the faunus who had come in to join them. The old team was all back together...mostly. They needed a fourth again. "I want to run, and fight only if we need to. And protect that box. If that box falls into Scarlet's hands, who knows what doom she'll bring upon." she said with a shake of her head, "but if I'm running, Tavril has to make it out too."
Walking the halls after he decided that class was still boring Michael, had removed his pipe and was going to light it when he bumped into a pair of wings. Sharp wings. A deep gash in his finger and his pipe barely still in his hand Michael processes to finish lighting his pipe the dropping the match still on fire to rest on his boot
Benjamin was walking around the campus, searching for Natalya or Elinore. Bit were proving to be elusive to him. "What the dust Elinore. I'm trying to help, but you aren't helping me out." He groans as he walks past a small group of students that were taking wounded to the infirmary. "What happened?" He asked, pulling one of the students over.

"That psychopath Will." The kid started and was cut off by a palm being pressed to his face.

"Are you sure it was Will?" The Faunus asked and was answered with a slow nod.

"He's the only one with glowing armor and electricity." The student said, muffled by the large palm over his mouth.

"Okay then. Can you tell me which way they went?" He asks and the student pointed off into the distance with Ben immediately running in the direction of the trio of students.

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"Run? Where is Tavril? Scarlet?!" Aires was a little dizzy from all the new information. "Lulu . . ." Her eyes flickered for a moment them back to normal, "Well I'm in, whatever this is. I'm in till the end." Aires looks at her friends and smiles reassuringly, "We got this." Aires wasn't to sure about what was going on but she knew she had to help and that she was stronger now.
William was silent for a few moments after two unknown students came into the classroom they were in. He was utterly confused on how they entered the locked room without making a sound. Plus the faunus girl knew him, which made him even more distressed. After determining that he shouldn't make his brain work too hard on the matter, he turns his attention to Elinore. "Then we should start with getting that collar off of your neck. Once we find a way to unlock it, we can move on to rescuing Tavril." He walks up to Elinore to inspect the collar attached to her neck. Noticing that it was too dangerous to be trifled with, he asked if anyone in the room knew how to remove the device without alerting its security system. The last thing he needed was a alarm going off or the device exploding in his face.

The conversation between Goodwitch and Natalya was getting heated, since they were now getting ready to fight each other in the Dean's office. Ozpin and Alex watches the female staff members get their weapons out before they hear a knock on the door. "Just when things were getting interesting." Ozpin muttered to himself before telling his assistant to open the door. Goodwitch points her wand away from Natalya and moves it toward the door. With a quick flick from the wand, the door suddenly opens and everyone sees a student wearing a bathrobe. "Come in, Tinko. Have a seat next to Ms. Regit and tell me why your here. Is there something wrong?" Ozpin asked Tinko calmly, somehow knowing his name just by looking at him.

A.D was flying around the school in search of... nothing. Apparently his metal feline/A.I buddy, E.L, decided to welcome him back to Beacon with a temporary body shut-down and left before he regained control again. Not knowing where to she went, he decided to go exploring around the area. His time with his co-creator's lackeys for the last few weeks were fun, but he had to leave for unknown reasons. The A.I then picks something up on his radar. "What the... he's back."
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"Thank you, now the wing-lady told me everything sir!" Tinko said as he haphazardly made his way to the seat "And now I would inquire upon something of up most importance, it simply cannot wait."

Tinko sat down and leaned forward.

"Mr. Ozpin, where exactly are the Minotaurs?"

Tinko could hear Tinman groaning in disgust within his mind.
Taking a sip of coffee, Ozpin puts his mug on his desk before staring into Tinko's eyes with a serious look on his face. "The Minotaurs used to be located in Professor Port's classroom, but were moved to a secret location after Port began putting them in holes. We're not sure why he did that, but because of his cruel actions, no one will see these creatures ever again."

Everyone in the office was silent and weren't sure if Ozpin was joking or not. But they decided not to question him since he said all of that as if it was the truth. "Wait... didn't I meet you before? " Natalya asked the strange student next to her, which broke the awkward silence.
Aires smiled lightly rubbing the back of her head. "Haha sorry, locked does are my specialty, I really didn't mean to interrupt" She said lifting a feather blade, "Anyway, if my memory serves me well, didn't Ben have a collar on his neck once? Or am I wrong?" She looks up at Will. "Huh? What's the matter Will?"
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