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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Moving his blade from right to left Michael swept the blade away. "Repose" Michael reloaded a flak round into his sword and ready to fire.
"Elinore or Luna? Hmm... Elinore sounds more familiar for some strange reason." William muttered to himself as he watched Elinore leave the roof. Noticing that it was turning dark, he decides to head to the dining hall to get something to eat before retiring for the day. "Now then... where the heck is the dining hall? Master & Nat forgot to give me a map to get around the academy..." Jumping off the roof and surviving the fall due to Archdeath absorbing the impact with the ground, he begins his lonely journey to find dinner in the darkness.

Alex leaves Beacon Tower with a new scroll before receiving a new message from Ozpin. Reading the message, he frowns since the tired professor has to stop a 4(?)-way fight between students and a librarian. "Despite returning from a tiring trip, I still have to stop fights from escalating. Ah, it's great to back." He immediately heads toward the library with Bluntfire in hand.

Natalya pulls a submachine gun out of the ammo box and loads it with fire dust infused bullets. "Try dodging this!" She charges out of her new cover toward Michael while spraying lots of bullets at him. Halfway to her target, she drops the now empty firearm and jumps up to land on a floating white glyph. She summons another defensive white glyph in front of her just in case Michael counterattacks.
Hayden then saw, what he thought to be, the cause. "Why me?" He asked as a wild spray of smg fire was sent towards a student. "What the dust is going on here?!" He demanded as he switched Trivial to its broadsword form with satisfying grinding gears and clicking mechanisms (of course). When the shift was complete, the teen slammed the blade into the ground, resulting in an audible clang and a gash that the blade now rested in. "Who are you?" He asked the two fighters.

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"Why yes. I've definitely found what I was looking for. But it's in a box owned by a girl named Natalya. If you do want to help me, I'd appreciate it if you got it for me, my dearest friend Benjamin. -Elinore." Scarlet tapped away with a sly grin. How good it was to be in charge, she could fool anyone she wanted into doing her bidding. It was lovely. The door to her study opened and the little mouse came running in with her new toy.

Elinore got down on her knees and held the spear in front of her to offer to Scarlet. The faunus slowly walked up to her and picked up the spear to examine it. She looked back towards Elinore and raised her hand, causing the girl to flinch. She put it back down and gave a satisfying grin, "you've done well tonight, Even if it was not in record time. Return to your sleeping quarters. You both live another night." Scarlet said before turning her back to the girl.

Elinore quickly left the room, beaming brightly. Another day safe. On her way to her room, a small child ran up and hugged her. Elinore smiled and patted the fox faunus' head. "I'm sorry I took so long to get back Lilibelle. But sometimes my missions take a little while. Why don't you get some rest." she said softly. The girl promptly ran off again. It was like having her sister back, and as long as she did well, Lilibelle would live too. If that was even her name. Elinore didn't care though. She'd accept the lies for now.

Elinore entered her room quietly, Tavril also slept there and she didn't want to wake him. If he was even asleep that was. She couldn't really tell anymore. He didn't really move ever sense they were kidnapped. Perhaps it had something to do with beging chained to the corner of the room. Whatever the reason, Tavril always sat in the corner of the room with his head down. He hadn't said a word. Or moved really. Other than to eat when Elinore forced him to. He didn't even flinch when they broke his arm, or when she made a makeshift sling for it either. She sat down in front of Tavril and smiled, "I did good today. We're safe again" she said quietly. She got no response. But she was used to it. "I promise I won't let them hurt you anymore." she said before moving over to her bed and laying down. "I promise I'll protect you. Just like you've always done for me."
Drawing his cape of never more feathers in front of him Michael soaked up the bullets most bouncing harmlessly off his composite armor, Michael was smoldering now. Dropping the cape he revealed his now flying Gladius Michael and stuck his sword into a couple of books to keep it at hand, although the were now burning one of the blades had been impregnated with fire dust and the other with lighting. The Gladius went flying off twords a student who had just entered disapating the the white dust sheald she was fond of "fool me once" he now brought to bare the flak round from his sword.
"Well my name is Natalya, your friendly librarian. That there is Micheal, the sword-wielding-" Natalya flew off her glyph after feeling the impact of the flak round hit her stomach. She crashes into a bookshelf and screams out in pain. "OWW! THAT REALLY HURTS!" Her glyph-infused clothing might have saved her from a life-threatening wound, but that doesn't mean she can't feel the impact of the bullet hitting her all the time. Grunting in pain, she gets off the destroyed bookshelf and summons a huge red glyph underneath Michael. BOOM! Fire spews out of it and possibly engulfs the student in flames.
"Blah-blah-blah... Dearest friend? What the?" Benjamin read. "Guess I'll go along with her game..." He stated before replying.


Quick Reply: Okay. Where can I find this Natalya?


Hayden ducked the incoming Gladius. "Well, what a great way to make an introduction." He replied and made his way over to Natalya. "Need any help?" He asked, deciding to help her instead of the person who just sent a sword towards his head.

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"I heard word that she left the Underworld business to work at Beacon. She couldn't have made herself an easier target, that fool. Have fun- Elinore." Scarlet typed back with a grin. Oh how easy this was going to be.
Quick reply: And why can't you do it?


The faunus' suspicions were growing. The replies seemed rather dark. He didn't know Elinore the best, but he felt he knew she wasn't that dark. "This is really odd." He murmured as he pressed send and leapt off the spire. "Maybe I could ask her about helping with my semblance..." He continued, somewhat forgetting about the odd messages. Sometimes it was nice to have a short attention span.
With not enough time to get free of the glyph Michael covered his face and jumped free of the fire. Landing thought a book shelf that then fell on him he pushed himself back through the next shelf and recovered. Hair singed but braided as it was the damage was minimal his cape was fucked burnt to ash... It had taken him quite some time to make it and he would miss it. Maybe a new one was in order, his skin was burnt where his armor didn't directly cover it and where it did it was still far to toasty nfor his liking. But his flesh was already healing nicely, he didn't look fprword to cutting bits of clothing out of the skin thought it always seamed to do that. His sword was fine and he dropped the flak cartridge on the ground with a dull clange and reached back for his other rounds he was missing 2 his armor pearcing and his lighting dust 2 of his favored rounds, he grabbed the black dust round and readied him self. Tearing away what reamaned of his side and taking his pipe from the Brest pocket and sloping it into one of the zipper pockets on his pants. And stood.
Aires hears all the commotion. They're going to destroy the entire library at this rate. Those fools. Aires flies up and spots her. "Natalya!" She yells her name once flipping over Aires shoots a hole into the roof of the library and then dives for the "friendly" librarian. Scooping Nat into her arms she soars out of the chaos and into the night sky. "I've got questions for you."
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"Help would be nice." Natalya said before falling down onto one knee. The powerful glyph she rashly summoned had weakened her aura greatly. Plus the pain from the flak round makes it harder for her to move around. She'll probably pass out if she summons another powerful glyph soon. But desperate times call for desperate measures. "Now I need you to- Whoa!" Without warning, she was lifted off the ground and was now outside. "And I got answers for you. But only if you fly us somewhere that's not here. The air quality here isn't really great to talk in." Looking down below her, she noticed smoke coming out of the new hole in the roof. Apparently the fire from the glyph is beginning to burn down the inside of the library. Oops...

Alex arrives outside of the library, but only to be greeted by students and staff alike running out of the building. Someone started a fire at the library it seems. "Is there anyone still inside?" He asked one of the librarians in front of him. After hearing that people were still fighting in there, Alex entered the burning library to get them out of there.
Why did it have to be you specifically? Couldn't they find a better placeholder for me?

Tinko was instantly ignorant to the world as he focused on the voice.

"Tinman?" He asked as the fight raged through the library "Is that you?"

What do you think you're doing!?! You were nearly burned alive back there!

"Oh it is you!" Tinko nearly burst out crying "I haven't heard from you in so long, I was worried."

They're destroying everything!!!! And what are you talking about!?! I was only gone for an hour!

"An hour without friends is like a lifetime of regret." Tinko replied over dramatically

Tinman growled within Tinko's subconscious before resorting to a last resort.

Tinko stood there amidst the battle with the same half asleep expression as always.

And then he suddenly went rigid.

Tinko awoke in a black expanse, with only the figure of his doppelganger sticking out against the background.

His Doppelganger
dressed classy, and held a sleek laptop in his hand as he stared Tinko down from behind his round glasses.

"Woah," Tinko said "it's been a while since you brought me here."

"Shut up," Tinman barked before fixing his glasses and checking something on his laptop "you have a debt left unpaid."

Tinko cocked his head in confusion.

Tinman rolled his eyes "I suppose you didn't notice the burning near death experience several minutes ago?"

Tinko stared blankly, Tinman cursed the idiotic look on his face.

"And the Young woman who saved your life? Any recollection whatsoever?"

"Hmmmmmm, nope!" Tinko smiled

"Your ignorance left us with a debt to repay!" Tinman roared before growling once more "And I will NOT stand for anything less than a FULL repayment!"

Tinman glanced at his laptop and scowled, "Curses," he muttered "our new charge has just been abducted by some wretched harpy!"

"This place has harpies!?!" Tinko gasped "My dream of riding off into the sunset on a Minotaur gets closer with every day."

Tinman sensed that he was losing Tinko, and quickly slapped him with his free hand.

Tinko looked at him with pure betrayal.

"Get over there and assist our charge!" Tinman hissed "I shall offer assistance when necessary."

Tinko pouted right before he was suddenly dragged back into reality.

As the fight escalated , Tinko turned to look at the hole in the ceiling of the library.

Ignoring the burning shelves around him, Tinko scaled the wall skillfully before smashing his head through a window and scurrying through the pieces.

Climbing along the side of the outer library, Tinko spotted a figure in the sky.

Follow the charge and the harlot.

"Still have no idea what you're saying, buddy!" Tinko said before scurrying along the building in pursuit.

Do not converse with me out loud, you know I'm just a mental apparition.

"No idea!" Tinko repeated

"Took you long enough" Michael had peeked around the bookshelf just in time to see Aires grabbed the girl he was fighting. That will have to do for now. Michael stood in stiff legs and pulled out his ice dust round from its clamps and threw it into the fire... Well I thought it wo... With the sound of a muffled explosion and grating sifting ice the round detonated not all of the fire was put out but it was a step in the right direction. Well I'd better get out of hear before one of the teachers finds me or Lucifer forbid...
"Fine where do you want me to take you?" Aires asked pulsing her wings taking them higher into the air. She looked back to see the blaze, it was beautiful in a way.
"That roof over there looks fine. There's no holes or smoke coming out of it." Natalya replied while pointing at the roof of a random building.
Natalya stretches her body a bit before sitting down on the roof. "Well that was a nice little trip... but now to answer your first question. A woman named Sora Phoenix is in charge of the Phoenix Sector of the White Fang." She said yawning. "I'm sure her husband used to be in charge, but something happened to him. That's all I know on that subject so far. Anymore questions before I pass out?"

The fire now contained, Alex couldn't find anyone in the damaged sections of the library. With the academy's janitors coming in to repair the building, the professor heads back to his room to sleep. He was too tired to do anything else.
It had been sometime since Michael had been back the his room in the basement of one of the dorms. It had taken some time to get to his room with his body in the state that it was in... During the time that Michael had been absent from school he was training with one of the teaches form the school he had seen the world and fought across it over it and under it. His close were worn and now burnt his cape was ash and the magnets he used ad clasps. He had a chest full of feathers and would get started on making a new one this one a bit longer and thicker. But for now he had a long night ahead of him, of cutting what remained of his armor off and out of his skin. From there he would have to remake the armor and pick out a suit to go with it. His boots were a bit burnt bet heals together well, new laces and a buff ought to do it. Michael sat down on the concrete resting on the wall he pulled out his Gladius and set to bloody work.
Aires narrowed her eyes, "Do you know if I'm naturally evil. Why do my eyes change color? Please tell me! Tell me why do I explodes things with a blink of my eyes?" She held Natalya by the collar of her shirt ready for her to collapse.
"You blow things up by blinking and change eye color? That's new, I never heard of such a semblance before." Natalya replied before noticing that her body was being lifted up. "Hey! No need to play rough! I don't know if you were a evil baby from birth!" She was trying to pry Aires hands open with her own strength, but failed. It was rather because she was too tired or Aires was stronger than her. "Though there is no such thing as pure evil. Even the Grimm might not be naturally evil at birth." Natalya said weakly, her vision beginning to darken. She's now at her limit. "I told you everything I know. Now mind letting me go back to my room to sleep?"
"No, I don't need your assistance." Natalya retorted as she managed to free herself from Aires. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm leaving." She walks toward the roof access door to go back to her room, but only to fall off the building. "Right... bad vision." Not being able to summon a glyph in time, she hits the ground. Which was somehow soft and making grunting noises. Strange... "Nat, where did you... never mind. I don't care anymore." Alex said before carrying Natalya back to his room to sleep.
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The next day Elinore skipped her half of breakfast. She fed Tavril as normal sense he refused to move, but this time before she was about to leave him, he grabbed her wrist and apologized for not being able to stop them from hurting her. She told him there was nothing to worry about, someone was going to help them. Though they were running low on time. Hopefully William would be able to help them.

She arrived at the school early and started to head to the roof, only to find the school....partly burnt down to the ground. Well then. A lot happened.

"You still haven't helped me get that box from Natalya, Benjamin. You said you'd be there to help me. Don't let me down. -Elinore" Scarlet tapped away to Benjamin from Elinore's scroll. Her patience was wearing thin. That girl better have returned with that weapon. And soon.
A pool of blood and flesh lay in a corner of Michael's room, his blood was a strange thing with out contact with his body it would not coagulate and the bits of flesh and cloth laying in the puddle were coated his the thick coagulated blood. It would have to be. Washed down the drain in the corner of the room. He had washed in the little shower in the side of the room were the drain was he usealy drew the screen but don't have the will for it after he had cleaned his short sword and sharpened it. Then for the rest of the night he had set to preparing his kit his cape lay half finished on the single bed and he had just finished reloading his ammo. His armor was a bit lighter than the other day he only wore the chest plate grieves and gauntlets his belts had been remade out of beowolf leather and his dull brass trim had been sanded. His hair was freshly braided and tucked down the back of his armor as he pulled on a sharp new midnight bluemsute with brass fittings and a crimson tie. He stepped out of his room headed up the stairs and started for class

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